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Hello everyone, I'm taking a brief break from writing for a but over a week as I take a well-deserved little holiday. Thank you for your support, particularly those of you who have commissioned me, and those who have been with me from the start. I'm very glad there's an audience for these stories and people appreciate them.

The most recent such story is fresh off the presses: Party Girl.

While I won't be writing (well, I plan not to write, but I'm hopeless. I'll probably still do a lean 10-15k instead), don't worry, I still have content coming. The next two mini-stories are already written and should hopefully be scheduled to appear on the right days. The next chapter of Alien Space Babe will also be coming. And some already completed stories will be uploaded as well, including some Deluxe Tier content - the epilogue for His Perfect Body which that tier's partions voted for.

So if you leave a question, or make a comment, or send me a message or ask for a commission and I don't answer, I'm not being rude, I'm just taking a brief break. But don't worry, I'll be writing up a storm to make up for it when I get back!


For those unaware, you just have to message me to discuss commissions. I may not always be able to take them straight away. I take payment through Paypal only and the cost is 11 USD per 1000 words. Characters generally must be aged 20 or older and I may choose not to take some ideas.



You do commissions? How do I make one and how much does it cost?

Fox Face

Hey there Ben, I've just updated the parent post with information. Feel free to message me over Patreon if you wish.


Have a nice week off.


Enjoy your well earned break!


You’re a prolific writer. You’ve earned a break!