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Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

First Part

Previous Part

Part 4: The Contact

“I can’t believe I have to wear this,” Chriss whined in her sexy soprano. She ran her hands over her pregnant form. Her bump was more pronounced now; four months . . . and counting. That fact wasn’t helped by the skin-tight red dress she was now sporting which pulled tight over her swollen belly. Her breasts heaved, her gorgeous, slightly freckled cleavage open to plain view in the low cut. The dress opened to display her long and luxurious legs, for all to see and appreciate.

“God, this curse sucks,” she said. She breathed deeply, and Derek enjoyed the swell of her generous chest as she did so.

“Speaking of,” he said.

“Derek, please don’t make me suck your long, hard cock.”

It took every ounce of will not to be turned on by that statement, especially since Chris’s  – now officially Christina’s – voice always sounded so sensual.

“No,” Derek said, “I meant more in the terms of these.” He placed his hands over the thin fabric that was barely managing to constrain her buxom chest. These days he hesitated less and less to grope his former friend’s body in such a manner. After all, he figured, Juliana had made sure that he and Chriss would spend the rest of their lives as perfect mates, and the curse could possibly be irreversible now that he’d knocked up his best friend.

He cupped her magnificent breasts. “You look like you’re full to bursting.”

It was true; when she had first transformed into his perfect mate, Chriss’ muscles had shifted into a very, very full chest, but her breasts were even bigger now that she was pregnant. She wasn’t producing any milk just yet, but she claimed she could feel it coming around the corner. Her breasts radiated internal warmth, and had nearly grown a full cup size since she had first change. They were sore, and he knew it gave Chriss no end of grief, but like in all things that she was cursed to experience, it only served to turn him on, especially when she moaned in response to the painful pressure, as she did now.

“Mmmhh! I’m just so f-full!”

She bit her bottom lip before continuing. “Why do they have to be so big? Can’t they just make milk already so I can feel some damned fucking relief!?”

Derek eyed her. He wondered if he waited long enough if she would beg him to soothe her. While she wasn’t producing, they had both found that him sucking on her big, perfect nipples brought her a lot of relief. And pleasure. He decided to not be an ass and wait for her to beg. Another time, he thought.

“So?” he said, “would you like me to help?”

She fixed him with her gorgeous green eyes. The internal struggle going on behind those eyes was obvious. His friend had always been stubborn, and that hadn’t changed now that she was a ginger bombshell in a body-hugging low-cut dress and red high heels.

“Just be quick about it, dude,” she said, and he could almost hear Chriss’ old voice behind that sweet, sensual soprano. He didn’t need to be asked twice. He lifted her dress straps down over arms, so that her perfect top half was naked before him. Her large pendulous breasts were pert and perfect, her nipples large and dark now that she was in her second trimester. To think the fertile body before him had once been a tall athletic guy who had a rating system for women he saw on the street. Derek knew his buddy well enough to know his current form, even pregnant, would have been an easy eleven out of ten.

He leaned forward, wrapping an arm around the small of her back, and placed his lips over her left nipple. Christina moaned as began to suckle, and straight away her relief was evident. When she did start lactating, he felt he was going to enjoy it even more.

His dick was getting hard, and both of them knew what would happen now. By the time he was finished Christina was already under the sway of the curse, and he with her. She pulled his face up to hers and began kissing deeply, letting his tongue probe her mouth. She drew closer and pressed her huge breasts against him as they continued to make out. Chriss had often complained, when not under the influence of the curse, that she was so much shorter than she had been as a guy. This despite the fact that she was still fairly tall for a woman. But Derek was turned on by how she was a full head shorter than him, especially since he had grown in height just as she had lost hers. And it also meant that at this moment he could feel the taut surface of her pregnant waist rubbing against his crotch in their embrace. Part of him couldn’t help but love watching her slowly grow big with their child. There was something deeply intoxicating about being a man, and having your woman be pregnant. It was a primal feeling, as if he had claimed her as his mate, and here was the proof.

“Ohhh Derek,” Chriss spoke sensually, “you can’t know how much it turns me on when you suck on my big, soft tits. How much it turns me on to know I’ll be feeding our baby. Maybe even feeding you.”

She lowered herself carefully down to her knees and began unzipping his pants to free his throbbing member, which still surprised him with its enormity four months on from when Juliana had used her magic to make it the monster it was now. He could swear that his balls had been affected too; just as Christina had been cursed to always go wet between her thighs at the drop of a hat, so too did he always produce enough semen to pump deep inside of her during their many, many daily couplings. It was no wonder she’d gotten knocked up so quickly. His balls strained, desiring release as she began to tease his penis head with her dainty fingers.

“And since in a few months I’ll need you to deal with my overflow when all that sweet milk comes in, let me return the favour and drain away your excess too.”

He knew she hated every sexy statement she was forced to say, but it couldn’t be helped. She was his perfect woman in moments like these. She placed her lips over his cock and began to work her mouth down his length, using her hands to stroke his thick shaft. In the first month his friend had always tried to talk during these moments, mumbling incoherently while she sucked him off, until finally he came inside her mouth and she was forced to stop trying and instead swallow. These days she went about her ‘duties’ without complaint, at least during the act, in order to get it over more quickly. He also suspected that part of her was really starting to enjoy it, judging from her low moans.

Once upon a time Chris had always told people he didn’t like or friends he was playfully stirring with to ‘go suck a dick.’ He could never have predicted that one day that’s what he would be doing every single day. How many blowjobs had Derek gotten from her already since the curse began? It was her way of waking him up these days, which meant it would have been a little over one hundred and twenty times at the very least, and that was only counting the mornings. Derek had had his dick sucked alone more times than he’d ever had sex in his life previous.

And while it made him feel a little bad, he never got tired of it.

He placed a hand over her gorgeous head of red hair, done up in a ponytail just for the act. He could hold in his pleasure no longer.

“Ohhh God, Christina!” he exclaimed, and with that he shot his load into his pregnant friend’s mouth, his seed continuing to pump out as his dick slowly softened. Chriss withdrew, licking his head clean of any issue and smiling wide as she savoured the taste, before swallowing it all.

The smile didn’t last long.

“Goddammit!” she exclaimed. “Like this morning wasn’t fucking enough! Why does your semen have to taste so good?”

That was news to Derek. Chris realised what she had said, and flushed a deep shade of red in embarrassment across her gorgeous features.

“That was the curse,” she explained feebly as she ducked away to wash out her mouth.

Maybe it was true. But Derek did notice that she didn’t specify whether it was simply the words the curse made her say, or if the curse really had made his seed delicious to her tastebuds. Perhaps it had been that way all along. After all, she had been having a lot more multiple orgasms during sex. He ruminated on that as he went to wash himself up. As enjoyable as their curse-mandated intercourse had become, it was going to make them late for their appointment. It was one they couldn’t miss.

After months of fruitless searching, of endless sex and Christina dressing up as a sexy slut even in public, one of their online forum threads had finally had a response that matched Juliana’s description. Finally, someone might know how to find her, so they could explain to the sorceress the real situation, and return Christina back to being Chris. And this mysterious individual wanted to meet in person.

It was their last, most desperate hope to return things to the way they were meant to be.


You could cut the tension in the air with a knife as they drove to their destination. Derek was the driver, of course. The curse didn’t let Christina take the wheel so long as her man was at her side. She had fought that for a long time too, but recently gave in, claiming that as she got more pregnant it would only be uncomfortable anyway. Which technically, Derek thought, was true. She still occasionally cursed him out, blaming him, as she did so then.

“Your fucking fault for wanting a hot slut that relies on you so much. God, to be just a little independent!”

Derek actually fought back on that this time. “Oh please, Chriss. It’s not like you didn’t go out with chicks who basically worshipped you all the time. You always had one night stands with hot ladies who were giggling morons, and loved it when they treated you like some fucking alpha male.”

“Whatever, dude. At least I pulled.”

“I’m pulling now.”

It was perhaps a little too close to home for his friend. She sat in the passenger seat, face turned towards the window, not speaking. Her petite right hand idly stroked her growing stomach. It was wild to think that in just five months he’d be a father. Even wilder to think that the one giving birth, the mother of their child, would be his male best friend who he’d grown up with.

“Next left,” she said, and he snapped from his senses, veering towards the parking lot of the seedy city suburb. Numerous flashing neon lights displayed a number of nightclubs, many of them a lot more adult than the one she’d been changed at.

“Christina, if we don’t find out what we want to find out-”

“We will,” she snapped, “we’re going to find out where Juliana has gone to, track her down, and do something – anything – to convince her to make me a dude again, before I have this baby.”

She gestured at her bulging stomach. Derek had to admit, it was probably pretty weird to have a belly that was slowly rounding out like that, even just as a woman. As a guy also dealing with tits, a pussy, and all the rest, it would be downright alien.

“And if we can’t find her?”

“We have to. I’m not spending the rest of my life as a hot redhead getting knocked up with your babies, Derek. I know this is all fine and dandy for you getting an upgrade from the lame chicks you managed to occasionally date, with their flat-as-a-board chests and pancake asses. I mean, just look at these enormous wobbling jugs and this juicy ass. I bet you’re in heaven now that you can have sex with a hot babe whenever you want knowing she can’t resist you. But this is my life we’re talking about, dude!”

With every dramatic movement her boobs bounced in her lowcut dress top, drawing his gaze. She rolled her eyes. “Fucking men. And yes, I know I’m being ironic. I hope I wasn’t this bad at peeking at women’s tits.

“I think we both know you were worse.”

She grinned. “Yeah, maybe I was. But they never minded. I was a fucking master flirter. At least when I’m turned back you’ll know exactly how to please a lady, finally.”

“Oh, I please you, do I?”

She blushed red. “Shut up. Don’t make this even weirder. Let’s just meet this Ella person already. She said she’d meet us inside the strip club. She’ll know how to get me changed back.”

Derek stayed silent. He didn’t say what he was really thinking; that even if they could find Juliana by some stretch it wasn’t guaranteed she’d turn her back, or him. She didn’t seem to like Chris much, particularly his comments. Explaining them might not be something she was interested in hearing.

But he left those thoughts to himself. It was time to meet EllaDanceParty123. Well, her real-life self anyway.


They left the car and entered the strip club. It felt like the kind of location Chriss’ new body would thrive in. The pounding music and gyrating bodies clearly had her nervous, flashing back to that original time of change. A number of heads turned their way, or more accurately Christina’s way. Men’s eyes turned from even the performing ladies to take in her deep, alluring cleavage, and gorgeous face, while even some of the hired women looked on in envy at her voluptuous figure. Even pregnant she made a stunning figure in her tight revealing dress. Derek was starting to think she looked even more his ideal mate now that she was visibly with child. Chriss herself was blushing.

“They’re all staring at my tits,” she whispered in irritation.

Derek gave her a sympathetic smile. “Well, it is a strip club, Chrissy.”

Even he was struggling to look her in the eyes, when his own were drawn to her large bust the curse had made sure was on full display. They took a pair of seats in one of the corner booths, where a woman with South-East Asian heritage was performing a sensual dance for the many boys. Christina was one of the only women there, and they hoped that would tip this ‘Ella’ person off. One of the serving girls approached, giving a flirty smile to Derek, and asking for his order.

“Just an apple cider for me, and water for my girl here.”

“Good thing too,” she said, smiling at Chriss belly. “How far are you along?”

“Um, four months?”

“Congrats, honey. You two enjoy the show now, we take all types here.”

She walked off. “I think she thought we were swingers or something,” Derek mused.

“Whatever, her tits weren’t even that big.”

“Nothing on yours, babe.”

“Shut up. God, you suck sometimes.”

He chuckled, unable to help it, and soon the girl returned. After passing them their drinks, he asked for Ella. The girl smiled.

“Oh, you mean Ella the Bella? She’s on right now.”

It was at that point that a cheer let up from several men as the current dancer left, and a new one took the stage. Derek’s jaw dropped at the sight. It was a woman, white with long brunette hair and an impressive figure, and a very rounded belly and full bust from what had to be a pregnancy near full-term. She wore nothing but a thong and a tight bra with tassels.

“Alright, boys,” she said with a smile. “Time to have your belly dance. Remember to rub it for good luck.”

She began to dance, her hips sashaying side to side and giving the whole pub a show. A pool player lining up a shot slipped and nearly fell forward onto the table as he saw her sensual display. A man seated with his friends smirked appreciatively at the sight, and another set of regulars cheers and reached out to rub her shifting belly, clearly having come just for this occasion. One man even turned and gestured from Ella to Christina, giving Derek a congratulatory thumbs-up. He smiled back, feeling oddly prideful to have such a woman to call his own, even if that was his best friend trapped inside the body. But then he returned to his surprise and shock.

“Ella is a stripper?”

“A goddamned pregnant stripper,” Christina muttered. “We’ll have to catch her after the show.”


After the dance, Ella came and joined them, recognising them simply by their out-of-placeness, and the baby growing in Christina’s stomach. She slowly lowered herself down, grunting a little as she did so. She looked really far along. She didn’t have any stretch marks, and yet she was easily the most pregnant woman either of them had ever seen. She wore a robe covering her outfit, but her larger breasts were obvious even beneath it. Still, they weren’t a scratch on Christina’s own huge pair.

“Christina? Derek?”

“That’s us,” Derek said, taking Christina’s hand. “You must be Ella?”

“That’s me.” Her voice was a sexy contralto, but still demure, and noticeably young. “So Juliana used her magic on you, did she? I have to say both of you look fine to me.” She grunted a little as she rubbed her form, before eating a little cheeze pizza before them. “Don’t mind me, little ones need the food. I’m eating for four here.”


“Uh-huh. We’ll talk about that later. I’ll still be stripping right up until labor. The customers even have a betting pool on if they’ll see my water break on stage. Now tell us your full story - Christina looks very fine.”

“I’m not fine,” Christnia spat. “Thanks to Derek’s idiocy and Juliana’s mistake, I’m anything but.”

“Is that so? I don’t see what you have to be so uptight about, especially compared to me. Wait, don’t tell me, she got you knocked up?”

Derek felt Chriss stiffen, her hand reaching for her twelve-weeks-along stomach. Ella hadn’t seem them enter, and the table obscured her belly.

“As a matter of fact, she did,” Christina declared. “She turned me into . . . into this!” She gestured to her curvaceous figure, and Ella laughed in response.

“Yes, my dear, you are the very image of hideousness.”

Another bristle. “I mean she turned me into,” Christina looked around with paranoia, before leaning in close to whisper, “into a woman.”

“So she didn’t just turn you into a slut? Your messages about Juliana kind of buried the lede on your own story.”

“Christina used to be my best friend,” Derek cut in, “my male best friend. Until he was making fun of me for not getting a hot girlfriend yet again after striking out, and put me in a drunken headlock as we exited a club. It was just a dumb joke, but I guess his words were easy to interpret as sexist. Juliana was leaving to the subway the same way we were, and was listening the whole time. Well, the second half of the conversation actually: she didn’t realise we were just friends fooling around, and punished him for being my bully and a misogynistic.”

“By turning me into a fucking wet dream,” Christina continued. “A sexy busty redhead slut with big tits and a super fertile body to give him loads of kids.

There was a silence in the air before the other woman gave into a raucous laugh.

“It’s not funny!” Christnia said, shooting to her feet. Her large chest wobbled in response, barely contained by the tight, low-cut fabric.

“Oh but it is, my dear, it is very funny indeed. But please sit, before you fall out of your top and make an even greater scene for the male libidos in this room than you already have. I don’t want you taking my business, after all.”

Christina did so, adjusted her top in the process.

“She must have had some sympathy for you then Derek, to give you everything you wanted.”

Derek nodded. “She called it a present. A gift. Since I looked like a victim just searching for the right kind of woman.”

Christina crossed her arms under her breasts. Derek knew she was doing everything in her power to not snap and blame him yet again for everything. She had a habit of doing that when she felt humiliated by her new submissive female status.

“Still, it’s not right,” Derek said, choosing his words carefully, “Christina is my best friend, he doesn’t deserve to spend the rest of his life as a woman. Juliana’s curse also means she acts as a perfect housekeeper, and probably even mother of my children. I don’t want her to have to keep having babies.”

“I would very much prefer to not even have this one!” Chriss announced.

Ella made another brief chuckle. “Oh, this is very interesting. I don’t know that her curses could be so complex when she changed me. But that was four whole years ago now, and I imagine she’s more practised at it. But trust me Christina, you got off lucky girl. Look at you, you have every girl’s dream body. Half the men in this bar are drooling just at the sight of you even though you’re visibly pregnant, and the other half are doing their best not to. You’ve drawn the transformation jackpot, even if you had been a handsome example before.”

“He was,” Derek said, “but now I got his best features.”

Christina shot him a pouting glare.

“Then I’d say this is an upgrade. You get to experience life from both sides and have a steady man for life to take care of all those little ones you’ll be growing. And trust me, you have nothing to complain – ooohhhh – on that front.”

As she moaned her heavy coat seemed to rumble.

“Are you okay?” Derek asked.

“F-fine . . . mhmmmh . . . if you don’t mind, perhaps we can continue this discussion elsewhere? My husband just messaged me anyway. He’s here to pick makeup. But I wanted to meet out where I work so you could see what has been done to me, and also because if this was a trick I didn’t want anyone to know where I live. And besides, I have to be here. I literally can’t not dance when the curse gets me. I’ll explain more on that soon. For now, let’s g-go.”

To Be Continued . . .


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