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Enjoy the final part of this story! Though if people want an epilogue, I'll put it as an option to the Deluxe Tier for next month soon!

Chase Argyle has little to complain about. He’s pretty good looking, reasonably fit, makes solid money working as a banking manager, and has a highly intelligent girlfriend in Jennifer Hayes. But the world is not enough for Chase, who likes to secretly indulge in other women on the side. But when he decides to inject himself with a chemical his scientist girlfriend has developed, one that promises the ‘perfect body’, he quickly finds his body changing in ways he could not have imagined, and always in response to arousal at the sight of the women around him.

Perfect Body, Part 7: Submissive

It was wrong. It was unfair. It was a fucking joke! But I had no choice. With the final mental change she’d inflicted on me, Jen had ensured that my damned brain was now submissive as all hell. Beneath the twin pressures of her and Juliet, who was just as aggressive as my former girlfriend, I was forced to wait.

No, it was worse than that. I was forced to prepare. My perfect female body was horny as hell, needing release, and because of their damned efforts I was now desperate not just for sex, but for a man to have sex with me. For a man to fuck me with his big cock and make me wail like his submissive little whore.

“You’re going to want to look good for my brother,” Jen had explained. “These clothes are nice, they show off those huge tits you wish I had, and that ass. But I think you could use some correction on your makeup, perhaps a little update so you don’t look upset.”

“After all,” Juliet had added, “you want to make a good impression, don’t you? Zis is crucial to snag your man.”

“A future husband, even,” Jen replied. “My baby brother may be a respected doctor, but he’s always been pretty hopeless in his love life. And since I wasn’t apparently good enough for you, I reckon in your new state he will be. Especially since in your new submissive state I doubt you’ll be cheating anytime soon. You’re going to be totally devoted, aren’t you, Celine?”

And I was. God, I could feel it. I really could. I wanted to die, but the dopamine rush through my brain instructed me to do anything but: it told me to actually smile at my fate. And so they worked together to prepare me. To adjust my tight white top and reveal even more of my enormous cleavage, and to make my hair as luscious as possible by going over it in the bathroom. They helped me put on ruby red lipstick, and eyeshadow, and though I wanted to weep, the act was simply impossible. They had made me too perfect.

“Please - you don’t have to do this!” I said as I saw the car turn up at the lab outside.

“It’s too late for that, Celine,” Jen said. “And you’re lucky this is all that’s happening. There’s failed test serums in there that will fuck you up. I never thought myself capable of something like this, but to know you’ve been cheating on me for literal years, laughing about me behind my back, just using me so you could have your perfect serum . . . well, this is just desserts, as far as I’m concerned. And my brother will be very, very happy. Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be man enough for you.”

I trembled on the spot. My nipples throbbed. I had met Ben several times. I hated that he was taller than me, richer than me. Now those very things were making me turned on, and that was before he’d even gotten out of the car.

“I - I’ll do anything,” I squeaked, but it was futile and I knew it.

“Oh, I’m sure you will. For him. I look forward to seeing you two start going regular. You’ll hit it right off. Ben likes his pretty women, and as much as I love him, he’s always wanted a stay at home wife, which turns a lot of women off. But not you, right? You love being submissive now.”

I bit my lip, trying not to nod in agreement. I did anyway. “I d-do. Oh God, oh fuck, he’s coming. It’s not too late, Jen!”

“I’d say it is. Besides, Juliet is watching from the second story right now. It would be a shame to disappoint her.”

The car door opened. It was a nice Mercedes, which alone made me a mix of jealous and impressed. Out stepped Benjamin, Jennifer’s half-brother. He was tall, with dark hair and captivatingly dark eyes, and a solid build that came from regular workouts. He was young, smart, and carried a confidence in his movements that I hated. Well, I wanted to hate. At that moment I could feel my pussy getting damp in his presence.

“Isn’t he just awesome?” Jen giggled. “As much as I hate you right now Chase, I’m glad someone in my family will come to put up with you. Hey Ben! How’s it going baby brother?”

“Half-brother!” he said with a laugh. “The better looking half!”

“Come here you!”

They embraced in a hug, all while I watched, unable to look away from him.

“It’s so good to see you, Jen. Is everything alright? You seemed upset over the phone.”

“Oh, it was just a relationship thing. Chase and I broke up. Well, I broke up with him.”

“About time, the man was a total pig.”

She giggled. “Yeah, he was. I’m stupid for not seeing it earlier. But I feel much better now, and things look a lot brighter.”

“Well, I’m glad,” he said. “I just wish I got to sock him first for his rude comments at the dinner table last year. Ah well, I’m sure he’s far away now, causing trouble for someone else.”

Jen smirked, and I felt an absolute wave of embarrassment as I stood there in my new, incredibly voluptuous form, my breasts rising and falling heavily with each breath.

“Oh, I wouldn’t be too sure of that. He might be nearer than we think.” But before a slightly confused Ben could ask what she meant by that, she walked over and dragged right in front of him. “But that’s other business. I’m glad you’re over, because I wanted you to meet someone. This is Celine.”

Ben suddenly paused. Given it was evening, and I was standing out of the light, he hadn’t really paid much attention to me. He did so then however, and for a moment his jaw actually dropped. His eyes roamed over my form, and I could tell already that he wasn’t just smitten, he was positively gaga for me. It should have been enough to rouse me out of my damned submissive state, to break free and run the fuck out of there. But instead, I extended a hand.

“It iz lovely to meet you, monsieur,” I said in my lovely French accent.

It took him a moment to break out of his frozen state, by which point he took my hand - which I had offered palm up - and kissed it gently just as I had indicated for him to do. Just the touch of his lips upon my hand were enough to send unwanted but delightful shivers down my spine. He let go of my hand, and smiled in a handsome way.

“I’m Ben,” he said. “Jen’s little brother. I work as a doctor. What do you do? Are you a lab partner of Jen’s?”

Goddamnit, he could be a braggart about that doctor thing. Except while I was so aroused, it sounded like a total turn on.

“No, Celine is just a friend,” Jen said. “Right now she’s out of work, but she worked as a waitress for a while. In fact, she’s on the market right now. Single and free, aren’t you, Celine?”

I nodded. No amount of straining of my neck muscles could stop me. “Very available. I’m - I’m looking for someone zat is big and strong and handsome to take care of me. Jen said she had a brother with all zose criteria, and I can see that she was right.”

Ben’s eyebrows raised and he looked to Jen. “Where did find this astounding creature, sis?”

“Oh, I just put her together,” she said, giggling. “And packaged her just for you.” The truth of her statement was not lost on me. “In fact,” she followed up, “there’s been a complication at the lab, and I can’t take Celine home - she’s staying with me at the moment. I was wondering if it was okay if we catch up a little later, tomorrow maybe, and you and Celine here can see if you hit it off. Sorry to spring a surprise ambush date on you brother, but-”

“No!” he yelled, a little too quickly. “I mean, don’t feel bad. I’d love to take you out for dinner Celine, if you’re interested?”

His eyes wandered to my very full bust, down to my wide, fertile hips. I felt like a piece of very desirable meat. It was disgusting. Disgusting, and hot as all fuck. Jesus, this body was humiliating.

“I am very interested,” I replied, fluttering my eyelashes submissively. I felt submissive too. Like this man’s very presence commanded me. “Shall we go now?”

“If that’s alright by you, Jen?”

“Absolutely! You two go have fun! Oh, and Celine, if it’s alright I might be back very, very late tonight. This is a big complication in the lab. So you may have to stay late at Ben’s place. That all good?”

I bit my lip. It was a trap, and her smug face said it all. I wanted to scream at her, scream at Ben. Reveal the truth. But she and Juliet had commanded me to silence on that, and to be submissive and horny and loyal to the man they put me in the arms of. And thanks to the serum, I didn’t just have the perfect woman’s body, I had the perfect woman’s mind, at least for a totally dutiful future wife.

“That sounds more than good,” I replied sweetly, just managing to ball my fists. “You didn’t tell me zat your brother was so handsome!”

He laughed. “A good sign already! Shall we go?”

I took his hand in mine, trying to push down my arousal and find avenues of escape. He led me to the car and pulled over the door, helping me in like a total gentleman. As he closed the door I saw two things: Jen with a wide grin on her face, and further up inside the building, the shadowed outline of Juliet, waving me goodbye. I couldn’t see her expression, but I knew it would be smug.

As far as they were concerned, my fate was sealed.


Ben couldn’t keep his eyes off me as we ate dinner. It wasn’t the fanciest dinner - after all, my clothes were at my place, and I was in my sexy white top and tight shorts, not the fanciest of styles - but it was enjoyable all the same. All the changes had left me ravenous, and food was a momentary distraction from the embarrassing truth.

The truth that I couldn’t stop wanting this man to hurry up, take me back to his place, and fuck my brains out. My goddamn sexuality had been twisted and turned like a pretzel, and now this man who I once couldn’t stand seemed like a tall glass of water I really wanted to drink from.

“So, this is crazy right?” Ben said, chuckling. “I went to see my brilliant sister, and ended up with a hot date instead. If you don’t mind me saying.”

“I don’t,” I said. It was the awful truth. Compliments of my body lit me up like a goddamn neon Vegas display. “I actually like it.”

“Thank God, because I have to say, you’re the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life. You really are.”

I blushed. “You are quite handsome also. You have zis magnetism to you. I literally can’t ignore it.” That too was true, and about as far as I could go in terms of hinting at what was happening to me. He didn’t even notice.

“Well, I’m very glad we’re on this date. And I’m sorry for, uh, well, looking. It’s just hard to meet your eyes, you look so pretty!”

Pretty in this case obviously meant fucking stacked. I found myself wobbling my shoulders a little, setting my big boobs bouncing. He almost spat out his drink.

“Do you mean zese huge tits of mine, Ben?”

“Wow, okay. Yeah. I did. I guess I wasn’t subtle, right?”

I giggled. “It iz okay. I know I am, how you say, very ‘blessed in the chest.’ It’s a line I used, well, use often. But I like seeing you stare.”

“Well, if I’m being perfectly frank and you’re okay with it, your ass is crazy as well. And those hips! And I won’t lie, your accent is driving me crazy right now.”

I blushed again. At least my olive skin hid it a little. Fuck, I was just getting more and more aroused. Worse, we’d already exhausted all previous topics of conversation. I’d questioned him endlessly about his career as a doctor, his personal hobbies - basketball, gym, cooking the perfect steak - and I’d done my level best to bring up the most awkward topics: politics, previous relationships, Jen herself. But the way he spoke passionately about his belief in philanthropy, his amicable views to his former girlfriends, and the way he adored his sister, all of it appealed to my new sense of loyalty. It was infuriating. Philanthropy was a goddamned scam for weak-spined rubes. And once a relationship was over, it should either be forgotten or only kept amicable for some behind-the-scenes fucking later. But this awful man was all nice and feely and respectable.

It made me want to jump his bones, a terrifying prospect. There was no way in hell I was going to let a man fuck me, especially while I was a woman. I may be trapped, but there had to be a way for someone else to reverse it, right?

But that hope was rapidly dwindling as he called for the server.

“We’ll have the cheque please. Don’t worry Celine, it’s all on me. Like I said before, I’m a doctor. We make pretty good wages. Consider it a statement of confidence for how well I feel this date is going.”

“Is there any word from Jen?” I asked, hoping against hope she would save me from going home with this unbelievably sexy man.

He checked his smartwatch. “None. Must be working late. Are you sure you’re right to go home with me? I’ll obviously set you up in the spare room and get Jen to bring your stuff over if you’re asleep. But I don’t want to take advantage of a gorgeous woman like yourself. I can organise a hotel stay for you if you wish.”

I wished. I wished so bad I thought a vein would fucking burst. The only problem was, these new submissive instincts were a whole lot stronger than any weak-willed wish.

“No, I want to go home with you,” I said, taking his firm hand with my own slender one. My olive tone was beautiful against his lighter one, though he still seemed to have some Mediterranean heritage to him, unlike his half-sister. I’d always liked Mediterranean girls. Now, apparently, this stupid voluptuous Latina body had a thing for Mediterranean men.

“Are you sure? Again, I don’t want to impose.”

I rose a little, pressing my breasts together with my upper arms so that my cleavage became a dark and deep curve he was unable to look away from. Hell, several other tables of men looked my way with astonishment. My hips were visible, and I cocked them slightly to one side, as if showing off how damn fertile this body was. With a smile I couldn’t help put on, I spoke in a sultry tone.

“You don’t understand, I want to go home with you. Goddamn it, I actually need it.”

With a grin, he called for the water again.

“Can I pay and get out of here already?”

I swallowed. I was about to head home with this man. I was fucked. In more ways than one.


The journey to Ben’s home was a nightmare. I was in the passenger seat, trying not to fidget too much, and constantly adjusting my luscious black hair and checking my makeup in the mirror. Anything to take my mind off of how warm my body was becoming, how much I was starting to get in heat. The unfamiliar sensation of my nipples stiffening was just one sign, the hot flush another. The biggest one was the continued moistening of my vagina, the womanhood I was never meant to have.

“Everything okay?” Ben asked. “We’re nearly there.”

“I’m fine,” I said. “I just feel quite warm.”

“Want me to turn on the air conditioner?”

“It’s not that kind of warmth,” I said. It was meant to be another hint to him that something was wrong, but instead my voice made it sound utterly demure and sexy. He looked over at me and grinned.

“Oh, well, I’ll drive us a little faster then.”


He had a damn tent in his pants, one he couldn’t hide, and I couldn’t even blame him for. And it was a big tent. Enough that I couldn’t stop myself from staring at it occasionally, even running a hand over my full, beating chest and imagining what it would look like fully unleashed. I licked my lips.

“So, you’re not from France then?” he asked.

I shook my head. “I’m from here. I got my accent from . . . family.”

I winced. I couldn’t even hint at its origins.

“You have family around here?”

“No. None. Not anymore. It’s just me. It’s why I’m looking for s-something to take care of me. Someone nice and handsome, like you.”

God, what was wrong with me? The words had come so easy. I wasn’t being mind-controlled, but it was just so easy to slip into being a damned saucy woman.

“Well, I hope I live up to expectations. You truly are a stunning woman. And given what you’ve just said, I’ll go further. You’re fucking hot, Celine.”

I lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh God, you say these things. It’s making me too turned on. I - I need to fuck you.”

He pulled into the drive of his place, one that was impressively large and modern. He removed his seatbelt, undid mind, then pulled me in for a kiss. I couldn’t resist, didn’t even want to, however shameful it was. His hand pawed at my breast, and I let him begin to grope their fullness. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. We felt each other. I felt his muscles.

“You’re so goddamn perfect,” he said, kissing me again.

“F-feel my tits again!” I cried.

He did so, and with my help we pulled my white top off, followed by my G-cup bra. My enormous breasts were freed, jiggling and wobbling spectacularly, causing his eyes to go wide with lust. He lowered himself and sucked on my left nipple, followed by my right. It was hell. It was goddamned heaven.

“OOhhhh s-stop.”


But I lost even that brief victory. “Stop holding back! Keep going! Suck on my big tits and make me moan! I want to be yours!”

He did exactly that, and soon I was drenching my underwear with my wetness. I pulled at his clothing, began unbuttoning his shirt in a feverish fashion.

“We should go inside!” he exclaimed as he reached around to squeeze my ass.

“It’s too late. Oh f-fuck, it’s too late. I can’t stop it. I need you now. Fuck me right here!”

He chuckled. “It’s a good thing this car has space.”

He reached and adjusted the seating of both our spots, lowering them so that the entire space of the car was ours. I laid back, helpless to this horny body, wanting more than anything to be made his completely. I began to pull my shorts and panties down, and he tugged them off my ankles. Then we worked on getting him naked as well, even as he took the time to kiss my nipples, caress my wide hips.

“You’re perfect,” he repeated, “you’re perfect. God, I want to fuck you.”

His pants came over, and soon his entire muscular figure was on display. I tried to look away, but I might as well have tried avoiding the sun itself. His cock was huge, bigger than mine had been, and it was pointed like a weapon directly at me, hard and throbbing.

“S-so big!” I squeaked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go slow.”

I nodded, pleading, biting my lip. The Chase part of me screamed, yelled, cried, but Celine’s submissiveness was too powerful. Too horny. I took hold of the shaft of his cock, and slowly spread my legs.

“You want this bad, don’t you?” he teased.

“So bad,” I moaned.

“God, you are perfect. I want to fuck your brains out, Celine.”

“Please, please, please just do it!”

I pulled him closer to my new entrance. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t look at it. I wanted to, but I couldn’t.

So I felt it instead.

I groaned loud and long as he slid his girth inside me. It was like nothing I had ever felt, or should have felt. It was like being split down the middle, only it brought immense pleasure. There was a brief pain as something broke in me, perhaps my hymen. Or perhaps it was just a mental break. I couldn’t go back after this, I knew it. I had a man’s dick inside me, and I was loving it.

“OOHhhhhhhhh that f-feels sooooo goooood!”

“I bet it does,” he said, obviously more confident. “Shift your hips back a little, I want to climb on you.”

I did as he asked. As he commanded. There was just enough room for him to fit over me, so that his face was right in my cleavage. Right where I wanted. And then he began thrust in full, and I couldn’t help but begin to moan and cry out like a woman in heat.

“Yessss, d-don’t stop! Faster! I need this! Oh God, it’s not fair, it’s n-not fair, I need this sooo bad! Fuck me, Ben! I want you! I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you!”

“Fuck,” he replied, thrusting faster and faster, parting my wet walls. He sucked on my big brown nipples, pressing his face into my pillowy chest. “It’s like we were meant for one another. You’re so goddamn tight, Celine. I want to go out with you after this. I want you to be my g-girlfriend. Is that so - ahh - soon to ask?”



“No, n-not too - uuuuhhh - soon! I want to be your girl, Ben! I want to be yours. You’re the one for me, I literally have to be yours. I’m fucking addicted to you already!”

He beamed, and I realised in that moment, amidst the pleasure of our lovemaking, that I was incapable of ever giving hints that would make him understand. All I could do was flirt around the edges of the truth, and in doing so just come across like actual flirting. I lay back, and as he rammed his huge cock into my depths again, the bliss was too much to ignore. I had to resign myself to it. This was what Jen and Juliet had made me. And Gabriella, and Erika, and Gemma. Hell, it was what I’d made myself. In the end, I had no one else to blame but me. I gave into it, and began to buck my hips in rhythm to his, milking his cock, aching to feel his release inside me. My ass wobbled, he gripped it occasionally, and my massive knocked jiggled enticingly.

I looked up at him, kissed Benjamin deeply. I could see our entire future together in that moment. There was no avoiding it. I was going to be his sexy, submissive girlfriend, addicted to being on his arm and doing everything for him at home and in the bedroom. I’d wear cute things for him, show off my amazing ass and tits, and one day in the not too distant future become his doting housewife as well. Jen would see me often, stuck in my sexy Latina body, and no doubt she and Juliet would tease me at the wedding as I became married to the handsome man I once couldn’t stand but was now compelled to be loyal to. I’d even get pregnant with all the babies he wanted, get knocked up by his hot seed. Perhaps he was even knocking me up right at that very moment. And no matter what, I’d fuck his brains out every day. I’d even suck his cock. The very thought of it turned me on all the more, brought greater pleasure to me. I’d let him do what he wanted to me, because I was now the kind of slutty sexy bitch I had wanted to attain on my arm.

Another thrust, another sliding of his cock all the way into me. He squeezed both breasts at once, and there was no fighting it anymore. The orgasm came over me in a powerful blast.

“Yes! Oh God, I’m cumming! Fuck, Ben, I’m c-cumming! I’m cumm-OOHHHH!!”

I trembled, and he came moments later, his dick pulsing within me, warm streams of his seed pouring into my pussy. My new vaginal muscles clamped down upon his dick, not letting any of his issue escape, and I pulled his face into my breasts so he could be suffocated within them.

Finally, after several further orgasms, the kind of which I’d never felt before, finished rolling through me, I was able to collapse back. Benjamin was still inside me, and we were naked in his car. Right in front of his house.

“That was amazing,” he said.

“Mmhmmm,” was all I could say.

“That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

“M-me too. I can’t b-believe it. But it was.”

He kissed me again, and I kissed back. How could I not? I was compelled to. Somewhere, I knew, Jen and Juliet were laughing at me, knowing the fate I had been reduced to. The next time I met them would be full of humiliation, with me no doubt on Ben’s arm. But for now, I simply lay breathing, my soft voice sounding sweet as I panted.

“Shall we go inside?”

“One more minute,” I said. “I just need to come to terms with all this.”

And I did mean all of it. The entire life I was doomed to experience as a horny housewife-to-be.

“You are amazing,” he said, kissing me on the cheek. “I want to do that all over again before tonight. We could share a bed?”

I nodded. “Yes. Yes please. I want that. I want to feel you.”

“And I want to feel you. Your body is so perfect.”

I gasped a little, that arousal still present. I had little doubt we’d do it a couple more times that night. His cock hardened a little, still within me.

“It is, isn’t it?” I said, admitting defeat. “I have the perfect body. And it’s all yours, Ben.”

The End


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