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Second to last part! Be sure to vote on Chase's final fate! Part 7 Poll HERE! 

Chase Argyle has little to complain about. He’s pretty good looking, reasonably fit, makes solid money working as a banking manager, and has a highly intelligent girlfriend in Jennifer Hayes. But the world is not enough for Chase, who likes to secretly indulge in other women on the side. But when he decides to inject himself with a chemical his scientist girlfriend has developed, one that promises the ‘perfect body’, he quickly finds his body changing in ways he could not have imagined, and always in response to arousal at the sight of the women around him.

Perfect Body, Part 6: The Truth Comes Out

Juliet continued to glare at me, cogs turning in her brain as my girlfriend embraced me. Jen was all concern though, as I knew she would be.

“Oh, my poor Chase! I can’t believe this has happened. I’m such an idiot. You poor thing, you must have been changing all day!”

“I was,” I proclaimed in my newly accented voice, “I cannot explain it, but zere must have been zome kind of serum that I got from this lab without knowing. I thought I was going crazy. It’s ze only explanation, Jen! You’ve got to change me back!”

Jen helped me to my feet, the stumbling change having caused me to lose my balance. My big boobs wobbled heavily in my tank top, while my ass jiggled a bit in my tight shorts. I must have been a gorgeous sight: an utterly thicc latina with a sexy French accent.

“Juliet, we have to help him!” Jen cried, taking me under the arm. I didn’t actually need help walking, but I played up my grogginess to score a bit more sympathy. Things were actually going well, and if I could convince her that -

“Something’s off here,” Juliet said.

My blood ran instantly cold.

“What are you talking about?” I said. “Look at me! Ask me anything, Juliet! I’m Chase Argyle, not some latina slut zat I have been turned into.”

“Oh, I believe you’re Chase Argyle, zat’s for certain,” Juliet continued. She stepped forward, and thanks to my stupid girly emotions I found her surprisingly intimidating. She reached out a finger and poked me in the boob.

“Ow!” I said. “What zee fuck was zat for?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Where did zese came from, Chase?”

Jen paused. As did I. “What - what do you mean?”

“I mean why do you have zese big, ripe titties? They are one of zee largest pairs I have ever seen! What are they, F-cups? H-cups? Why do you have them?”

I felt myself turning red. That fucking bitch, I swear! “What are you talking about? I just told you! I grew them after cutting my arm on something and getting infected by goo!”

“I thought it was your hand?”

A trickle of sweat trailed down my temple. Jen was looking at me somewhat curiously through her glasses.

“Hand, arm, what’s zee difference?”

Juliet circled around me. She reached out and slapped me on the ass.

“And zis big behind, where did it come from, hmm?”

Zis is insane, Juliet! If you’re not going to fucking help me turn back, then get out of our way. Jen, can you help me?”

But Jen wasn’t listening either. She was looking at her friend, her searching eyes figuring something out. “Juliet, what do you mean by this? Explain yourself”

Juliet circled back again and placed her hands on her hips.

“Jen, I love you dearie, but you’ve been putting up with this asshole for far too long. C’mon, think girl! We both know how the serum works! It iz responsive to hormones reacting to arousal and desire. Look at him! What do you see?”

Jen removed herself slowly but surely from my arm. She stepped back, and I didn’t like the stare she gave me.

“Chase . . . what am I looking at here?”

“I don’t understand!” I claimed, but it was a weak lie.

Juliet raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? I never bought your act like my friend has, Chase. Show us the cut on your hand.”

I froze. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. “It healed over.”

“It didn’t. It wouldn’t. In test subjects the injection point for the serum causes swelling and rashes. But if it’s a cut, it should present as such. But if it were injected . . .”

“I didn’t fucking inject that shit!”

“A simple test would tell.”
Jen grit her teeth together, clenched her eyes shut. “For God’s sake Juliet, just fucking say it already! What are you accusing him of!”

Juliet sighed. “I’m saying that your boyfriend here used you, Jen. He heard you were making a perfect body serum, and decided to break in and grab some for himself. He injected it in his arm, not realising zat he was being a stupid asshole zat injected himself with the female serum!”

There was a long protracted pause. “F-female serum?”

“The one meant to create a perfect female body,” Jen explained, her words slow and emotionless. “It’s still being tested. They had to be split by gender. But the arousal aspect was difficult to control, and could affect mental changes as well.”

Fuck. Fuck! This was why it had all gone so damn fucking wrong! Why I had head-sized tits and melons for ass cheeks and a set of hips that wouldn’t quit! Why I couldn’t even walk and talk without looking and sounding breathtakingly sexy.

“This iz all a mistake!” I exclaimed. “I don’t know what crazy conspiracy theory you’re talking about Juliet, but I did not want zis!”

I gestured to my ‘perfect’ body with all its olive-skinned curves. Even the gesture was womanly and attractive, and it made Juliet snort.

“Stop laughing! This iz a fucking emergency! This is a crazy accident! I swear it, Jen! I’d never fucking lie to you.”

There was a moment. Just a fraction of a moment where it looked like she would believe me. Where those captivating eyes of hers, quite striking on her otherwise plain features, were willing to believe me.

And then she moved faster than I’d ever seen her and ripped my jacket off. I instantly regretted the tank top. There was a collective gasp, and I realised that my own soprano voice was one of them.

There, on my upper arm, was a circular rash, with a small dot that signified an injection point. In all the insanity of my transformative day, I hadn’t even realised the tell-tale sign had been right there all along.

Merde,” I said, accidentally slipping into a French cuss I’d heard Juliet say.

“I knew it,” Juliet said.

“It - it was still an accident!”

“Fucking liar!” she retorted.

“Jen, you have to believe me! Zis is all just some kind of mistake!”

But Jen had gone pale. Silent. And somehow that was more terrifying to me than all the hard glares from Juliet in the world.

“You did this deliberately,” she said, her voice quiet, shaky. “You changed yourself. You used me.”

“No - look, maybe I was curious. I had a look out back. But c’mon, Jen, zis is madness. What can you do for me?”

She stepped back further, standing alongside Juliet. It made the light hair on my perfect olive arms rise up. My blood coursed faster through my chest, my heart thumping. A million thoughts raced through my head, but barely any could keep up with what was happening.

“Where is my hair?” Jen asked.


“My hair, Chase. Where the fuck is it?”

Juliet nodded, as if understanding. “And your face, honey,” she added.

“I don’t under-”

She spread her arms. “Where the fuck are my glasses? My stature? You said you always liked my lithe chest, so why have you got these big frickin’ head-sized hooters?”

Juliet snorted again. I could have killed that woman. I balled my fists, resisting the temptation to lash out.

“Jen, you’re talking nonsense” I said, fluttering my eyes in a sensual manner, another fucking mental change that humiliated me. “You two said yourselves, the changes were random, all a result of hormones or whatever!”

No, the changes were based on arousal, Chase,” she replied. She trembled in anger, a look I’d barely seen from her. “Which means that the body parts, even the mental changes you have so clearly taken on given that you can’t stop fucking posing with those hips and ass of yours, all of it is a result of what turns you on. And from where I’m at, apparently I don’t turn you on at all, because there is nothing of me on you! NONE!”

I recoiled at her shouting, my various parts jiggling prominently, as if mocking the situation I was in. My blood turned ice cold in my veins. I tried to grasp for anything I had ‘inherited’ from Jen, but there was nothing. Nothing.

Nothing but sheer panic.

“Jen, look. I’m a man, okay? I’m meant to be a man, I mean. Of course I’m going to be attracted to some big boobs and a nice ass. It doesn’t mean anything! It iz only a coincidence! You know I love you!”

“But nothing from me, Chase?”

I gulped. “You - I might have, uh . . .”

My phone buzzed. Loudly. I went to reach for it, but quick as lightning Jen grabbed it as well, trying to seize it from my hand. For a brief moment we struggled, but to my astonishment, Jen was stronger than me. Fuck, I liked my women weak compared to their strong men, and now it was backfiring on me.

“Give me that! Jen, what the fuck!?”

I tried to grab it from her, but my shorter stature wasn’t helping. She threw it to Juliet and blocked my way.

“Juliet, find what you can. I’m starting to think you were right about my boyfriend all along.”

“No! Wait! Stop! Zis is unfair!”

“It’s unlocked,” Juliet said. “Thanks for that, Chase.”

My heart raced. She was looking over my messages. My messages.

“Give it back, you bitch! Jen, don’t listen to zis French bitch!”

Juliet coughed laughing. “You sound just as French as zis bitch, ha! And here we have it. The smoking gun.”

She extended her arm, and I flinched as if I were about to be shot by an actual gun. A photo of Casey, her luscious legs in full frame, was in my message box. The accompanying text simply read: Hey sexy. Want to have fun with a real woman? This side piece is getting horny AF.

“I don’t know who that is.”

“Oh, fuck off!” Jen yelled, more vicious than I’d ever seen her.

Zere’s more,” Juliet continued. I watched, held back by Jen, as my entire laundry list of affairs and contact with other women was spilled out in front of me. My messages to Gabriella, my lies to Erika, my affairs with numerous women. All of it was revealed, bit by bit, in an orgy of humiliation. Emasculation.

Zat’s as much as I can find,” Juliet finally said. “As much as I can find,” she repeated meaningfully.

Jen was in tears. They fell down her cheeks, her anger mingling with clear internal agony. “H-how could you, Chase? I loved you!”

“I do love you, babe. It’s just - I’ve got a problem! It’s an addiction! We can work through zis!”

Another scoff from Juliet. “I do not believe zat for a hot second.”

“M-me either,” Jen said. “You used me. You fucking seduced me, and for what? To get a perfect body? You were already fucking handsome. How else did you get these women?”

“I thought maybe with the perfect body, you and I could -”

“No. More. Lies. You wanted to fucking bang supermodels with big head-sized tits and huge asses. Hot latinas with hourglass figures you go nuts for.” She wiped her eyes. Another phone buzzed, but this time it was hers. “I can’t fucking believe you Chase.”

The phone continued to buzz.

“You’ve got to change me back Jen, even if you cannot stand me!”

More buzzing. She sagged, grabbing it out. “It’s my brother. Juliet, don’t let him anywhere near the lab.”

“No risk of zat,” the woman said.

Jen walked away. I stood there, looking ridiculous in my sexy, perfect female body. My big boobs heaved upwards with every breath, full and heavy on my chest. I squirmed on the spot, feeling that small thrumming of energy in my core. I pushed it down. I wouldn’t change again. Not unless I was changing back. By instinct, I placed my hand on my hip and thrust my chest out a little.

“I zee you like women who do the posing, yes?” Juliet said, amused. “And my accent. You fucking perv.”

“Shut up,” I said weakly. But with my sweet, accented voice, it only sounded playful. I turned my attention to Jen, who was discussing something with her half-brother doctor on the phone.

“Oh, come here? There’s a situation . . .  no, I can’t quite explain it. No, it’s not an emergency. Well, it sort of is. Fuck, I know I sound like I’m crying. Okay, I am. Sure, Ben. No, that doesn’t mean - I don’t know if that’s a good idea . . .”

Then suddenly, her eyes turned on me. “Actually, maybe it is. Sure, come on over. I’ve just got a little something to take care of first. Who knows, if I make the right decision, you might even be pretty happy with it. Sure, seeya.”

She hung up the phone, wiped fresh tears away. She was grinning by that point, and it wasn’t a look that endeared me.

“Jen, look -”

“You like submissive girls, don’t you?”

I blanked for a moment. “What? What’s that got to do with anything?”

A wider grin, and Juliet seemed to cotton on, because she looked to Jennifer with something approaching awe.

“Oh, it’s got everything to do with everything, honey,” Jen continued. “I mean, after all, the serum should be fully set after nearly twenty four hours have passed, making it irreversible.”

My blood turned to ice, even more than before. That meant I had almost no time left!

“Jen, this is serious. Whatever you think of me -”

“And I know you like submissive, sexy women, don’t you Chase? Hot ladies who need a big, strong man - or even woman - to be in charge of them. To tell them what to do. You like it when they’re sooooo submissive that they practically beg for a dominant partner to make all the decisions. To fuck them every day. In fact, I remember that you looooved when I gave you blowjobs, particularly in the morning, because it made you feel like a big, tough man. Don’t you just get so fucking aroused by a horny hottie who knows who’s in charge? Who couldn’t not be submissive and needy to her partner even if she wanted to? Is that the kind of woman that you’d just love to have fuck you for the rest of your life, totally dependent on you with her hot, curvy, voluptuous body?”

I swallowed. Fuck, it did sound hot. It sounded hot as all fucking hell. I breathed heavier, my chest rising and falling like twin mountains. The tingling rose in my crotch, that deep arousal, that need to be fucked. To feel myself. The energy rose, and in that exact moment I realised what was about to happen next.

“No! No! FUCK NO!”

“Fuck yes, asshole,” Juliet said.

And then it was upon me. I orgasmed, crying out as I clutched my big tits, one hand wandering down between my thighs. The energy of the serum coursed through me one final time, and this time it clawed into my mind and rearranged the contents. I could feel my instincts, my compulsions, my basic sense of what felt right and natural shift. My confidence, my determination, my masculine sense of dominance were not just taken away, but utterly reversed. My decision-making eroded, my receptiveness towards others became super-charged. I bit my lip as one final burst of pleasure overcame me, and the changes were set in place.


“That’s one hell of a serum,” Juliet remarked.

“Yes, almost a total success,” Jen replied. “Too bad it’s wasted on this asshole of a boyfriend.”

“An ex-boyfriend.”


I recovered, still panting. “J-Jen, you’ve - you’ve . . .”

But the words died in my throat. To demand, to order, it felt all wrong. A deep nervousness rose in me just at the consideration of it. No, with this newest, final change, I had a submissive need to beg. To plead. Like a good girl.

“Jen, please can you undo this. We don’t have much time.”

She folded her arms over her flat chest. “Oh, you have all the time in the world. You wanted a sexy submissive horny slut, now you can be one, forever. You can even be a French-accented latina. From now on, you are never going to bring up your changes ever again, unless I or Juliet decide to talk about it. Got it?”

I nodded before I even realised I was doing so.

“And you’re going to be a good girl, and never ever cheat again, right?”

Another nod. What the fuck was happening to me? I could barely muster the will to fight it. It felt too right to be this weak. This supplicant.

“And last of all,” she said. “You’re going to follow the life path I give you, Celine. I think that’s a cute French name, right Juliet?”

Juliet laughed. “Perfect for her!”

“That’s your new name, Celine. Say it for me.”

“I - I won’t . . . Celine. My n-name is Celine.”

I blushed a deep red, even though my olive skin.

“And as for that life path, well, I’ve got the perfect idea for you. One that I think will allow me to really enjoy how much you’ve changed, now that I know exactly the kind of person you are.”

My heart beat heavily. A shiver ran down my spine. I looked down at my body, this perfect busty sexy latina body with its astonishing curves, and felt the last thrum of the serum died away. I knew at that moment that I had lost the chance to turn back. I gasped at the realisation. I was stuck as Celine for life now. In the body of the exact kind of woman I’d wanted to fuck with my own perfect body. I looked at my former girlfriend, who had gleeful vengeance in her eyes. She was such a kind, caring person, too sweet for words. But now, submissive as I was, I could see I’d taken advantage of that, and invited a wrath I never knew existed.

“What - what are you going to d-do with me?” I pleaded.

She then explained exactly what my fate was to be.

To Be Concluded???


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