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Enjoy this latest part! Sorry I didn't get to some of the changes, these will be covered in the next, so no poll this time. Still, if you want some interactivity, feel free to comment or message me regarding the first upcoming Q&A. Thanks to those who have contacted me already!

Chase Argyle has little to complain about. He’s pretty good looking, reasonably fit, makes solid money working as a banking manager, and has a highly intelligent girlfriend in Jennifer Hayes. But the world is not enough for Chase, who likes to secretly indulge in other women on the side. But when he decides to inject himself with a chemical his scientist girlfriend has developed, one that promises the ‘perfect body’, he quickly finds his body changing in ways he could not have imagined, and always in response to arousal at the sight of the women around him.

Perfect Body, Part 5: Crossing the Threshold

I was in fucking hot water. I had big, round, perfect tits. Perfect tits for the perfect body. A goddamn woman’s body. They were heavy, almost threatening to pull me forward, and I had to adjust my stance to compensate, which only had the effect of thrusting them out even further. They were so large that they took up a small portion of my vision so long as I looked straight ahead.

“Fuck! Goddamnit! Fuck you!” I screamed at the air. It only had the effect of making my new knockers wobble heavily. They were certainly identical in size to Erika’s, though obviously white in colour, but I could only imagine how much hotter the rest of me was compared to her now.

“Oh my God, oh my God,” Erika gasped. She looked like a damn goldfish, opening and closing her lips with a blank expression of shock. “You just grew boobs. Chase, what’s happening to you?”

“What’s happening to me?” I exclaimed. “What’s happening to me!?” I burst into a mad laughter. “Can’t you tell? I’m getting the perfect fucking body!”

I laughed again, tears forming in my eyes. With every change, my system was getting more flushed with female hormones, and I was already feeling emotionally supercharged. Just another thing to hate about this horrid change.

“Is there - oh God Chase, is there anything I can do?”

I pushed past her, my new big round tits bouncing with each step. Goddamnit, I needed a big bra now.

“You can help me by getting out of my way Erika. I’ve got bigger fish to fry than your stupid pregnancy problem!”

She stood there, still the goldfish, still confused, as I got in my car. I fumed with frustration as my big boobs squished against the steering wheel. I was not loving how weirdly sensitive these huge nipples were. I adjusted the seat a little, became annoyed again at how much shorter my legs were, and then put the seatbelt on.

“Fucking hell, this feels trash.”

The seatbelt weirdly divided my tits, running down the cleavage before pulling under my other boob. It wasn’t comfortable. Erika had complained about it before and I’d always thought it was whining. Now it was making me feverish with frustration.

“How did she ever put up with these things, let alone like them!”

Still, I managed to get the seatbelt halfway comfortable. I started the car, but blushed deeply when I realised Erika was still there, looking at me with that expression of fascination and surprise. I hit the accelerator. I needed to get home.


The traffic was a goddamn nightmare. It was like half the city was trying to get home. It was finishing time for many people, around 3pm, but whereas usually it would only be a mild inconvenience, now my heart was racing. I couldn’t stop looking down at myself, at these big heavy tits which sagged on my chest. I mean, they weren’t saggy, Erika’s big head-sized G-cups were incredibly pert and full, but any boobs that big were sure to meet gravity’s demands a little. They were already making my shoulders ache a little, and the desire to stop by and grab a bra was rising and rising.

“No. I’m not giving into this shit,” I muttered. “I’m Chase fucking Argyle. I’m not some bimbo looking slut. I’m going to get out of this. Just need to get home. Have a shower. Think. Catch Jen.”

Catch her without Juliet as well. Her coworker hated me. Maybe there was something in her glasses that made her have x-ray vision right to my soul or something, because she’d always considered me a creep. Well, I’d show her. As fucked up as this situation was, it would only be a blip. Perhaps even an embarrassing little story before I got my real perfect body. The light went green, and I turned down the road, not liking how my upper arms sometimes rubbed against the ‘spill’ of my big breasts.

“Way too big. I mean, they look fucking perfect, I won’t deny. But way too big.”

Another red light. Fucking goddamnit. I sighed and looked down at my full chest, and shrugged.

“Might as well enjoy it, I guess.”

I lifted a hand up and began to grope and caress my round right orb. I bit my lip. Jesus, no wonder Erika could come just from giving a titty job. These things were sensitive!

“Mmhmm . . . holy crap . . . ahhh. Ngh!”

They were nothing compared to my wide, fat nipples. They pushed against the fabric, ‘turning on the high beams’ as Erika once told me. They throbbed with arousal, and while I was waiting for the red light, I couldn’t help but pinch and squeeze them. It gave delirious tingles of pleasure that jolted me, making my chest warm. My cock sprang up, reminding me that it had shrunk, but still making me heavily aroused.

It reminded me of how much I enjoyed women who were easily aroused. Casey was like that. She was such a horny woman, and she made sounds just like I was making.

“OOhhhhhh . . . ahhhh . . . hmmmm.”

The red light continued, but in that moment I wanted it to continue. I’d been mistreated by this freak mutation that had gone completely wrong, and now I was at least getting some enjoyment out of it. I tenderly rubbed my nipples, moaning again and again in my high, soprano voice.

“Ahhhh f-fuck yeah! Just like when Erika cums - Mmhmm!!”

I sounded like a total nympho. One of those hotties who I liked to fuck on the side. The sexy girls like Casey, and even Erika on occasion, who just needed it so bad. Even the thought of Jen was a bit of a turn on. After all, she had a crazy high libido and -

Suddenly that energy thrummed through my core.

“Oh fuck! No! I didn’t mean - shit!”

It flashed over me, and it was like my body went into overdrive. I wasn’t simply playing with my body anymore. I was needing to play with it.

“Fuck! Oh shit, I need - no! I didn’t want it, I was trying not to think - goddamnit!”

The light went green, and I beeped the horn for the lane beside me to make space. I needed to park. I needed to pull the car up and finish what I’d started. I couldn’t believe what  an idiot I’d been, but it was too late: I was more fucking aroused than I’d ever been in my entire fucking life. My nipples pulsed with an aching desire to be touched. My cock tingled, needing to be stroked. Even my huge ass too, the big counterweight to my boobs courtesy of Gemma, needed to be fondled.

I pulled into a park and barely avoided scratching another car.

“Thank God!” I exclaimed. I just needed a minute. I just needed to get to work. I began pushing my huge boobs together, forming the kind of cleavage that made me salivate. It was wonderful, and it was made even better by how they rubbed against one another, enhancing their pleasure. I groaned, lowering my other hand to grip my ass. My fingers sunk into the flesh, and it was wonderful. I wanted one of my girls to do that to me, but it was just me. My cock strained. My nipples distended further. I felt that energy in my boobs, my ass . . . between my legs.

“Need to c-cum! Need to f-fucking cum!”

I breathed heavily, so turned on it was unbelievable. My core parts were ready to change again. Fuck! I was creating the conditions to make my body exaggerate more and more. I needed an outlet. I needed something to focus on. If I got too aroused by my own body there was no telling what horrible feedback loop might result. I looked ahead by the crossing, where a hot MILF of a woman was waiting for the walkway light to go green. She had two kids with her, and while that was a bit of a turnoff, she herself was a pretty sexy latina in a professional suit. She had the bronzed skin of a hispanic, with wavy black hair that ended in slight curls.

“Yeah, her. Mmhmm. Real hot. Masturbate to her.”

Surely she had nothing that I didn’t already have? I didn’t have time to think anyway - hell, I could barely think at all. So instead I unbuckled my pants and gripped my little shaft, and pumped away.

“Yeah. Fucking hot bitch, aren’t you! Naughty mamacita! I’d love to f-fuck you with my - Nnghh!!”

It was all I needed. I came, and my seed spurted against the dashboard and on the steering wheel. Shockingly, it was mainly centred on my tits, not my dick. I leaned against the steering wheel, and without meaning to my tits pressed against the horn and made it blare. There was much less than there would ordinarily be. Still, I orgasmed, the great shuddering feeling of ecstasy blasting through me . . . along with that familiar energy.

I didn’t even say anything. Didn’t even protest. I was resigned to another change, as horrifying as it was. The light went green, and the hot latina headed off, but as I stared at her, still panting, my skin heated up.

“Wh-what n-now!?”

I got my answer pretty quickly. My skin bronzed over a little, darkening to become a gorgeous latina olive tone. It wasn’t dark, quite light olive in complexion, but it was no longer Caucasian. Other parts of me changed and altered. My feminine face developed a cute, slightly narrow nose. My eyelashes pushed out further. My eyes became green-tinged, and my hair shifted, growing longer again and now taking on dark curls just like the woman.

In moments, I was now for all intents and purposes a hot latina with the most curvaceous body imaginable.

My dick looked a little smaller once again.


I parked haphazardly outside my house and headed in. Jen was gone to work for a half-shift, which meant I had only a little time. If I reached her late, I could talk to her alone. I just needed to gather my thoughts.

“What’s a hot chica like you doing around here?”

I turned and saw one of the neighbours, a guy called Greg, staring at my ass. As I turned, his eyes went wide. My huge tits were practically bursting out of my white top, particularly out of the low cut where they’d formed some damn juicy cleavage. Thanks to that earlier mental change, even my act of turning to face him was one of perfect feminine repose. I placed a hand on my wide hip, shifting it to one side as I thrust out my chest. Christ, this body was humiliating now that I was automatically posing it.

“What are you looking at?” I said rather lamely.

He lowered his sunglasses, smiled at the gorgeous sight before him.

“A damn better sight than I ever seen before,” he said, beaming.

I rolled my eyes. Greg and I had shared many a beer before. We weren’t super close, but as two men in the neighbourhood who liked to ‘step out’ of the relationship, him cheating on his wife, we’d certainly had some fun drunken chats at the bar about hot women and our preferences. I remembered he said he liked hot, spicy latinas.

“Well, you can fuck right off,” I said. “I’ve got shit to do, Greg.”

I turned and walked to my house, leaving him confused. I could still feel his gaze on my ass, and to my continual annoyance, I literally couldn’t help but let it sway from side to side in a sexy manner, showing off my hourglass figure and my big rear melons. My tits even bounced, and I had little doubt he could see a bit of my ‘spillage’, even from behind.

“Great, I’m a fucking latina now, and a wet dream to my fucking neighbour,” I said once I got inside. I made my way to the bathroom to look myself over.

“Goddamn incredible. Hottest woman I ever saw if she didn’t have a dick, and was NOT FUCKING ME!!!”

I punched the mirror. It didn’t even break. My stupid womanly body was so weak I only hurt my hand, which only made the tears flow, which only made me sob, which only made my damn big boobs wobble with each cry.

“I d-don’t deserve this. I’m meant to have a perfect body - the kind that would get me supermodels! Not this g-goddamn hooker body!”

I tensed, shaking my fists in anger. My whole body shook, which of course set half of my body parts trembling. It took some minutes for me to calm down.

“Nothing remains of me. I can’t see a trace of Chase anywhere.” I giggled, in that new, cute way my voice had. “Trace of Chase. No trace of Chase, he has a new face!”

I laughed again, tears streaking down my eyes. It took another several minutes to calm again. By the time I did, I had managed to dry my face and pose in the mirror. I winced. Goddamn posing. Even with my bust straining against my top, and my curvaceous lower half greatly revealed by my filled-out yoga, I still couldn’t help but pose and move in a way that was utterly seductive. With the exception of my thankfully remaining dick, I was otherwise a woman more sexy than any I could have imagined, ever. And just like the walking advertisement to sex I now was, I moved in a way that emphasised all my new features.

It was goddamn infuriating. It needed solving. Jen would surely know how to fix it. She had to. Maybe if I just came clean . . .

No. I’d fooled her before. I could successfully fool her again, that was for certain. She was nice, but easy to trick. How else could I have had several mistresses at once? And if she found out . . .

“I’ll just say something went wrong, and I got turned into . . . this,” I said, looking at the sexy bombshell latina in the mirror. “But for now, I’ll grab a bite to eat and change.”

I was ravenous, a result of the repeated changes. I needed food to replenish what I’d lose in energy making these ridiculous tits. Making some sandwiches proved to be an exercise in ridiculous hilarity: my boobs bounced awkwardly with each motion of the knife as I chopped up the carrot and bits of chicken from the fridge, and despite the horror of what I was going through, I couldn’t help but laugh when I pulled out a head of lettuce and found it lacking compared to my own ‘heads of lettuce’ affixed to my chest. Humour, it was one way to deal with the horror.

I ate, and changed. Even Gabriella didn’t realise how ridiculous my body was going to get, because none of the shorts she got fit me. I had to go with a set of black yoga shorts. Annoying, but the other ones were stained by my cum from when I’d masturbated, and so I had to put them on. My bulge was obviously present, but though a tank top was at least comfortable and allowed my huge tits some ‘breathing room’, I naturally took one of my jackets to cover up. Men’s clothing may not be able to fit me anymore, but my big winter jacket could certainly hide me. Take that, Gabriella, you plain-faced bitch!

I was about to leave, steadying myself with a litany of lies, when the tingle happened again. That arousal. That need to release.

“No. Fuck no. Not now.”

It wasn’t an act of begging. It was a demand. There was no way on fucking earth I was going to get caught up in horniness and arousal and change again. I’d already lost my own damn race. That was too far. I ignored it to the best of my ability, got in my car, and left to Jen’s lab.

The ride was longer than any I had ever been on. Sure, it was only twenty minutes of driving, but it was twenty minutes of pure, aroused, agony. My body pleaded to be pleased, to be touched and caressed. To be groped and massaged and fucked. The last part was one I had to ignore even harder. I was the goddamn fucker, not the one that god fucked! I was Chase Argyle, and would look like him again. Every so often the temptation to reach a hand into my jacket and touch my boobs came over me, but I resisted it. My cock swelled, hard as diamond.

I ignored it.

Finally, after too long, I arrived at Jen’s workplace. I practically shot out of the car, not even caring to lock it. It was after 5pm, and while it was still a little bright outside, I knew that only Jen would remain there. Maybe Juliet as well, the damned French tramp, but I’d take the risk if I had to. My curves all jiggled as I ran, but I was beyond caring. Maybe a passerby would relish the look of my jugs wobbling even within my jacket, but soon I would be a man again.

I crashed through the door after using the key she’d given me. There would be a thick layer of security beyond this point, the one Jen was always kind enough to let me through. But if I was right about my girlfriend, she would often respond when I sent a message. I did so at that moment.

‘I’m out the front. Come see me. It’s a big emergency. HURRY!’

One great thing about Jen was how naively faithful she was. She would drop everything for me, and loved getting messages at work. So all I had to do was wait, stewing in my body’s unbearable horniness. I risked a quick frisky squeeze of my boob, and then another, and then another.

“Oohhhh . . . ahhhh . . . f-fuck that feels good.”

Those desires returned again. Those strong sensual desires. My dick throbbed, straining to escape my tight yoga shorts.

“F-fuck, can’t h-help myself.”

I began massaging myself fully, only to squeal embarrassingly high as the door opened and Jen hurried out. For the briefest moment I was grateful for her presence, but then her eyes went wide in confusion.

“Um, excuse me? Who are you? You’re not supposed to be in here.”

It was time to bite the bullet. Fuck, I was horny.

“Jen! It’s me, it’s Chase! I must have cut myself on something at your lab last night! My body’s been changing.”

She looked back, and to my despair, Juliet came through, her short dark curls bouncing, her grey eyes furrowed in confusion and irritation.

“Ma’am, I don’t know you are you, but you need to leave,” she said in that sexy French accent of hers. It only made me further aroused, and I moaned far more sensually than I wanted to.

“OOhhhhhh . . . fuck. You have to listen, Jen! It’s m-me!”

“Let’s get zis crazy person out of here,” Juliet remarked. “I’m calling ze police.”

“N-no! Don’t! I’m telling you, I’m Chase! When we were here last night, I got some weird serum on my hands. I washed it - ahhh - off, Jen! But I started ch-changing today. You’ve got to change me baaack! NGNH!!”

I fell backward, the energy thrumming within me. Jen looked shocked, her plain face confused, looking to Juliet for help. The other woman threw up her hands.

“I have no idea what is going on, Jen. This is impossible!”

But I could see in Jen’s eyes that she had doubts. “Wait, don’t call the police! Chase, is it really you?”

So. Fucking. Horny. I ripped open my jacket, felt my big, trembling boobs.

“Mmhmm - yes! It’s making me - it’s all wr-wrong!”

Merde, those are big tits.”

“They’re n-not mine!” I called, “I - oh fuck!”

The energy coursed through me, and it was too late. I had two concerned women right near me, and with my new horny state I literally couldn’t not be aroused by it. My dick tugged upwards, the feeling alien and wrong and uncomfortably pleasurable.

“No! Not my dick! Please not my cock! Fuck thiiiis!”

I tore down my yoga pants, to the shock of my girlfriend and her best friend, and both of them gasped at what they saw. I couldn’t see it, thanks to Erika’s chest upon me. No, I could only feel it. The small remnant that was my cock pulled up into my body, followed by my testicles. It was agonising and terrible, but even as it occurred I was hit by the most tremendous orgasm.

“I d-don’t want a damn pussyyyyyyyyy!!!!”

I arched my back as it hit me, and at that moment I felt my new womanhood flower into being. It parted, a tunnel opening up inside me, and something lurched in my stomach, as if a new organ was finishing developing there. As if I now had a fucking goddamn uterus. Juliet shrieked.

Zis is crazy!”

Her accent was goddamn marvellous. I coughed, and for a moment my voice was strained.

“I told you zis is real!” I cried, still panting. I clutched my throat. Jen was silent. Juliet was silent.

I had just sounded almost exactly like Juliet, albeit even sexier. I now had a perfect French accent.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me! Zere has to be a way to change back! Ooohhhh! OHHHHH!!!”

I was unprepared for the second orgasm. Or the third. Or even the little aftershocks that were the fourth. My vagina finished its formation, and any part of me that still had a trace of masculinity evaporated. I was left as a gorgeous latina bombshell with a hot French accent.

“Oh my God,” Jen said. “Chase. It is you.”

“You’ve got to fix me!” I pleaded.

She rushed to my side, hugged me, tears in her eyes. But I couldn’t help but notice that Juliet had a suspicious look on her face. Almost as if she was figuring something out.

The sweet and sexy French accent could only have come from Jennifer’s lab partner and best friend Juliet. She was not a bad looker herself, with dark black curls and mysterious grey eyes, and a stare that could wither you. She intimated me a little, to be honest, but that intimidation held a kind of sexual excitement.

To Be Continued . . .


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