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Hello everyone! As this was a fairly popular second choice in the poll on future TG stories I conducted a while back, and I had a commission request follow it, I've decided to make this my next sexy ongoing TG story. Hope you enjoy the first of bi-weekly parts! Don't forget also to vote in the poll regarding the possibility of a new Deluxe Tier for my Patreon.

Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

Next Part 

Part 1: The Mistake

The club scene had been a boon for Chris and a bust for Derek. It was a night of Friday partying that had now turned to an early Saturday morning walk away from the club to the subway. The two young men had gone out on the town to play wingman for one another, but as usual, things went Chris’s way, who had scored three numbers from hot girls and a long makeout session and backroom sex from a fourth. Derek on the other hand had much less success, having talked with a single cute girl on the dance floor who unfortunately had moved onto better things.

It was understandable, really. Chris was not a titan of a man, but he was generally attractive, with a strong jawline and tousled dark hair that a lot of girls were into. He was easily 6’2 in height, which women definitely found enticing, and he possessed an easy charm around the presence of the opposite sex. He was fit, fairly athletic, though not a gym nut or anything. And yet even that worked in his favour: a lot of women were turned off by ‘gym bro’ types, and so preferred his easy banter, but also his competitive spirit, his clear attraction to them, and his handyman knowledge that made him quite useful. Which was not to say that he was a perfect gentleman: he dated occasionally, but generally preferred to ‘sample’ women, a pattern that turned some off him. He tended to flee when a woman wanted to go serious, and made quite dismissive comments about women he viewed as unattractive. Still, for all these flaws he was not a bad person, just a young twenty four year old man who had the whole world to conquer, and had yet to gain a desire to settle down from a life of many sexual partners.

Derek, on the other hand, was quite different. He was a short 5’6, average height . . . for a woman. Which for many women on the night scene was not tall enough. Most women in general, actually. He liked working out at the gym, but his frame was naturally slighter even with the muscle he was gaining. His brown hair and brown eyes were not unattractive, but quite plain, and his continual attempts to grow a professional goatee simply fell flat. On the whole, he was not having the most luck dating, despite having much more passion than Chris. He was a big geek, loving comic books and superheroes, but always went out of his way to show interest in others’ hobbies. And, of course, unlike his friend, he wanted someone to settle down with. Whereas Chris couldn’t imagine starting a family until well into his thirties, Derek was one of those guys who even in his early twenties knew he wanted to be a father. He just had to find the right woman who he could love, and she love him back, and who would want to make a child with him.

Unfortunately, tonight had not been the night to set that dream in motion.

“You’ll be fine,” Chris said as they left the club, both of them a little tipsy as they entered the streets. “Plenty of fish in the sea, dude. Plenty of fish in the sea. Besides, you reek of desperation. No offence, but when you interact with a woman, it’s like they can smell you want something long term. You’re practically scaring them into my arms, not that I’m complaining, ha!”

Derek sighed. “You’re probably right. Still, I thought that Jessica was nice.”’

“Was she the hot bitch with the red hair?”

“Well, I wouldn’t describe her as a bitch . . .”

“You know what I mean. Bit of a smokeshow, even if her ass was too flat.”

“Well, I didn’t say that, but she looked beautiful. She was laughing with me for a bit. And then, I guess, she saw you.”

Chris chuckled. “Sorry about that. No, seriously. I didn’t realise you were coming onto her.”

“You did say you were going to be playing wingman.”

“I did! I was setting you up with that brunette cutie.”

“She was batting eyes at you the whole time!”

The taller man chuckled. “Well, can you blame her?”

“C’mon dude.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. But you gotta leave off the redheads. I know you love ‘em, but don’t get it all caught up in your head. Just . . . learn how to fuck some girls, Derek. And then go from there.”

Derek sighed as they rounded the corner. He and Chris had been friends since they were in pre-school. Their parents lived in the same neighborhood, and the two had interacted from a very young age, and always gotten on like a house on fire. They rode their bikes together, played pranks together, listened to their first metal album together, even scored their first dates together. But as they had gone to college and then graduated, it was clear that while they shared a deep love of gaming together, watching action movies together, and drinking down beers together, that Chris was the more dominant of the two friends. It wasn’t an equal partnership, which was mostly fine by Derek, who preferred not to take the lead. Chris was the one who chose where they went to hang out, Chris was the one who made the decision where their shared apartment would be back in college, and Chris was the one who was decisive and clear, while Derek’s decisions were often called into question. It manifested in moments like the one that had just passed, where Derek’s own perspective was occasionally invalidated. He took it in stride though: his friend was never malicious, just sort of a steamroller at times.

“Chris, c’mon man. You know I don’t really want to be the one-night stand sort of guy. I’m making good money now as a software developer, and you’re doing pretty well with store management, right? I know we’re pretty young still, but I’m already feeling like twenty four is too old to be going out to clubs and bars and trying to fuck women just for one night. I want to meet a nice girl - I won’t lie, I’d like a hot one - but one who’s really nice, and loves geeky stuff like I do, and wants to start a family.”

Chris sighed. In his tipsy state he threw his arm around his friend, putting him in a headlock and scruffing his hair a little painfully. It was a joke he often did, though never that forcefully, likely due to his tipsiness.

“Ahh, Derek! You stupid fool!” he declared. “You want it all do you? A nice red head with big tits who’s got the hots for you?”

“Yes, I do,” Derek said flatly, rolling his eyes at his friend’s drama. They headed down an alleyway that was a shortcut to the subway. Easier than grabbing a cab. “Can you let me out of this headlock now?”

“Not until you admit you’ve put your standards way too high, my friend. I mean, look at you buddy! You’ve got to start batting at your level! All this stuff about finding some horny redhead nympho who’ll start popping out kids-”

“I never said horny, or a nympho!”

“Yeah, but I know you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Fine, if it means you let me out of this damn headlock you’ve got me in, I’ll admit it. I’m a dude, I’d like a girl with a big chest. A nice big chest, and curves for days. And I’ve always liked red-headed girls. That doesn’t mean I want some sex slave or-”

“OOhhhh, so she’ll be all free and have choices and shit. Real feminist, bro. That’s why you’re not getting pussy! You’ve got to be dominant!”

He pulled Chris forward a little painfully, then made an ‘oops’ of apology. “Didn’t mean that. All I’m saying is you gotta learn how to fuck women properly. How to get that sweet pussy, dude. Like I do. If you can’t get that - and let’s face it, you’re struggling - you’re never, ever gonna get what you want. And that’s a damned fact.”

“Is that so?”

The two men paused, staring down the alley they were crossing through.

“Uh, who the fuck was that?” Chris said.

“Sounded like a woman.”

“Sounded like some hot bitch,” Chris added.

“And you sound like a misogynist and a bully,”  the voice continued. It was followed by slow high-heeled steps emerging from the shadows. Beneath the flickering lights above, her figure came into view. She was a woman with dark hair and a tall stature, with full lips, a thin yet elegant figure, and a set of dark eyes that seemed to bore into the souls of each of them. Both men recognised her, though neither truly knew her. She had been at the club a little earlier. She was one of the women that Derek had struck out with. He had also seen Chris strike out with her, to his surprise: he must have said something that offended her before, because she looked furious in that moment.

“Hey there, pretty lady,” Chris said, his voice a little slurred. “I remember you. Janice, right? Or Janet? Juliana! That’s it!”

She crossed her arms, arcing one eyebrow. “Oh, so you remember me? Do you remember also making an unwarranted comment about my tits?”

Hers were solidly impressive. Probably a full set of C-cups. Derek tried not to stare: she was in a nice cocktail dress after all. Chris waved her off.

“Oh, that. Yeah, that was a shitty pick up line that didn’t work. Ah well, you can’t win them all!”

“It was a misogynistic come-on, and I didn’t appreciate it. But whatever, some women do. Water under the bridge. It’s not the first terrible thing someone has said about me, Chris, so I was happy to leave you alone and walk away. But now I find you out here, dragging this poor man who was far more gentlemanly with me, even if he wasn’t my type, and not only physically abusing him but also mocking him for his lack of luck with women? Telling him to treat women like fucktoys? Forcing him to use the kind of degrading language towards women I heard you use? No, I won’t stand for this.”

Chris was silent, confused. Derek was unsure what was happening as well. Chris still hadn’t let go of Derek’s head, so he tried to struggle out. His silent friend kept his arm over tight, obviously finding humour in the situation.

“Look lady, I think you’ve misread the situation. This here’s my friend. We just rib one another a bit. Look, see?”

He let go of Derek, who pushed away from a little and finally stood up. He shot his friend a glare, rolled his eyes in a ‘dude, what the hell are you doing right now?’ kind of way. Chris shrugged, gave back a ‘I have no idea, this is a crazy bitch!’ set of expressions.

“Tell her Derek, we go way back.”

“We, uh, we do.”

The woman named Juliana rolled her eyes. “Sure, very convincing. What, you’ll beat up this poor man if he doesn’t say what you want him to day?”

“No! I -”

She stepped forward, jabbed a finger at Chris’s chest. “I’ve seen your type before, Chris. Feels entitled to women because he’s good looking. Feels like he can boss and bully other boys around because he’s tall and strong. Can lie through his teeth because he’s never been called out on it. Well, this is the last young man you ever pick on and mock, especially for how he is with women. Because unfortunately for you, I overheard your conversation just now as you were coming to this alley. I heard you forcing poor Derek to talk about his dream woman, no doubt to make fun of him later.”

“You’re crazy, lady!”

Derek coughed a little. Damn, that chokehold had been hard. His friend could be a real idiot at times. Still, he had to correct the record. “Look, Juliana, whatever this is about I’m sorry, but it’s all right. Chris is not a bad person. He’s just . . . he’s just forceful sometimes, okay?”

Juliana chuckled. “Don’t worry Derek, you don’t have to defend him. I remember being in a relationship where I felt the need to defend an abuser, and it was never right. Chris won’t be a problem for you anymore, but he will be a boon. I’m going to punish you Chris. You made Derek here describe his perfect partner and mother of his children, so you can find out exactly what it’s like to make him truly happy in that way. And that can be your present as well, Derek. A punishment for the bully, a present for his victim. Nice and neat!”

Chris scoffed. “I’m sorry, are you crazy? What the fuck are you talking about!?”

But the brunette just grinned. She whispered something in a language neither of them knew, then twirled her finger in the air while continuing to speak. There were no flashy light effects, no booming voices. Just an eerie wind that seemed to blow a little supernaturally down the alley.

“There,” she said. “It’s done. Enjoy your new lives together. I know Derek will. Chris, you’ll just have to get used to being on the bottom, instead of on the top. Think of it as your lifelong atonement for your sins. Good luck to the both of you.”

And with that, she turned, waved, and retreated back into the darkness. Derek put up his hand, trying to wave her back.

“Wait! I’m serious! Chris may be a bit of an asshole but he’s really my friend!”

But in the darkness there was no one, and as he rounded the alley to the street on the other side - the only place someone could have gone - he only found other nightclub goers and drunks heading home.

The woman was nowhere to be found.

“Well, she was a fucking cuckoo clock,” Chris said, laughing. “I guess that’ll teach me not to put you in headlocks in public.”

“Y-yeah,” Derek said. “I guess.”

Chris punched him on the arm, light enough not to cause injury, but hard enough to make him wince.

“C’mon partner, let’s get home. My stomach is starting to feel all weird. I think I drank too much.”

Derek just rolled his eyes. “You think?”

“Let’s just g-get to the subway. I need to sit down.”


Chris moaned and groaned on the subway, causing several individuals to look in their direction. It was around 2am, and so the train was almost entirely empty, but for them a homeless man, a middle-aged business type, and a teenage girl who most definitely was past her parent’s curfew. She was giving them an odd look, grimacing at Chris like he was a drug user on a withdrawal. Which, to be fair, he probably looked like.

“Ohhhh f-fuck,” he grunted, “my goddamn stomach. It’s like something is f-fucking growing there, shifting bits around!”

Derek winced at his friend’s squirming about. He looked like he was seriously ill.

They were just a few stops away from getting off and heading to Derek’s place, but Chris was obviously starting to feel really weird. He was clutching his stomach, groaning occasionally, and his breathing was out of rhythm. More than once, Derek had suggested they get off the train and take a cab to the hospital, but Chris brushed it off.

“Dude, I’m f-fine. Must’ve just ate something that was off b-before. Let’s j-just get home - nnghh . . .”

Derek was worried. His friend was looking pale. Not just pale either: he was shivering, and his flesh almost appeared to be rippling.

“What the hell is wrong with him?” asked the teen girl.

“Mind your own fucking b-business!” Chris shouted.

“Young man, you should get to a hospital,” the business woman said.

“Screw you, b-bitch!” he called.

Derek gave them a sympathetic expression, before turning to his friend. “Dude, you are way out of line! And they’re right! Something weird’s going on!”

“N-no!” Chris said, “we just need to get b-back to your place. It’s nearby! I h-have to get there. I can crash there. I c-can’t explain - Ohhhh!!”

“Dude, this is more than just a food sickness. Did that weird Juliana chick poison you or something?”

Chris gave him a funny look. “How could she? It’s not like - UGHHH!”

He doubled over again, clutching his stomach. The homeless man looked on, interested but not saying anything. The teenage girl shuffled back. The businesswoman was looking alarmed, but pretending to check her phone. All eyes were on Chris, and it was clear his friend was getting more agitated. He grunted several times, and then he did something very unexpected: he began to rub his nipples.

The teenager gasped. “Oh my God. He is totally on drugs right now.”

“He’s not!” Derek exclaimed, “he’s just . . . confused or something!”

Chris bit his lip. “I c-can’t help it, dude. I can’t stop touching them! Something is definitely weird. You were r-right! OOhhhh!”

And that’s when Derek saw it. Chris’ nipples were hard against his shirt. Hard and unnaturally swollen.

“The fuck? Chris, your -,” he lowered his voice “your nipples are getting bigger!”

“I f-fucking know man!” Chris said. “They’re f-feeling really w-weird, and I - ahhhh!”

“EW GROSS!” the teen girl said.

The businesswoman gasped, erupted to her feet.

The homeless man chuckled, half drunk.

And Derek just recoiled in disgust at seeing his friend with a very clear and obvious boner pressing against his trousers.

“Dude, the hell is up with you? You’ve got a fucking hard on!”

“I d-don’t know!” his friend cried. He lowered one hand to his pants, and began rubbing. “I can’t s-stop! I’m s-so fucking turned on right now!”

It was like something out of a bad dream, only this was real. Chris yelped, and it sounded like his voice had jumped up an octave, like he was suffering from a teen’s ball squeak.

“I’m getting out of here!” the businesswoman said. “This is sick!”

The train began to pull to a stop. Derek shot to his feet also, went to run to grab someone to help, but instead of Chris coming with him, his friend shot out a hand and pulled him back with his superior strength.

“Your d-dream girlfriend - tell me about her!”


Chris’ face was pained. “P-please! You have to tell me about her! Describe her!”

Derek looked around at the businesswoman, who was eager for the doors to open, then to the teen girl and the homeless man. All of them were weirded out by what was going on. His own heart raced, scared for his friend. He sounded delirious!

“Why do you need me to describe?” he hissed as quietly as he could. “Dude, there are people watching!”

But Chris looked desperate. He was holding his stomach, biting his lip, even as he was stroking his clearly erect penis in his pants. “P-please, I’m b-begging you! I don’t know why I n-need to know. I can’t - nnghh - explain it! You j-just have to tell me!”

Derek flustered, looking around with a sort of ‘this is crazy, right?’ expression to the horrified onlookers. “Fine, okay. Um. Like I said, I really like redheads. So, my perfect girlfriend would be a redhead.”

“Ahhhhh, y-yes!”

Derek was trying to cover his friend’s masturbation with his body, but it was impossible due to his writhing. It meant that everyone had a view of what came next. Derek gasped as Chris’ dark hair shifted, lightening and saturating in tone. Before their very eyes it turned a bright red, the kind of red that was just shy of unnatural: the red hair colour that was reserved for comic book heroes like Barbara Gordon, or villains like Poison Ivy. Chris grasped it, seeming almost soothed by its change.

“Dude, your hair just changed! What the hell!”

The teen girl was more crude. “The actual fucking fuck?”

The businesswoman was rapidly speaking to herself, tapping against the doors, as if summoning them to open. The homeless man was frantically reciting some mad prayer. But Chris wasn’t letting go.

“Need m-more! Tell me more!”

“Chris, your hair!”

“I DON’T CARE!” he screamed, frightening everyone. “I n-need it! I don’t know wh-why! Keep describing h-her!”

Derek felt utterly overwhelmed. How could his hair be turning red? And yet, he couldn’t help but continue. It wasn’t just the pressure from his friend, either. There was something else.

“Well, um, she’d also be quite slim. And tall, but not too tall. Like 5’8, I guess?”

“Yes, yes! NNGHHH!!”

And just like that, Chris shrank in his clothing, his spine clicking audibly as it reduced. He cried out, but it wasn’t just the loss of height that scared him and Derek alike, but the fact that his muscles audibly deflated as well, shrinking away.

“Oh G-God! No! My muscles! My d-damn muscles! Why!?”

“You made me say it!”

“I had to!” Chris cried. “Please, s-someone help me!”

He reached out to the others, but the businesswoman was already fleeing.

“No, no I can’t deal with this!” she cried. “Get him to a hospital, or a church!”

The teen girl was readying her camera to take a photo.

“Don’t you fucking d-dare!” Chris cried, and it was enough for her to reconsider. But then he grabbed Derek again, the train starting up once more.

“What’s next? She’s g-got red hair and she’s lithe, right? Wh-what else?”

The words flowed from Derek, who was now unable to stop them.

“I’m sorry Chris, but she’d have a big set of tits, just like we said before.”

Chris’ expression was one of horror, even as he continued to thumb and rub his feminine nipples. But his words were different. “How b-big?”

“Oh fuck. Dude, I’m so sorry!”

How b-big!?”

Derek bit his lip, but the words still came out. It was like they were being compelled to give some strange performance, and the other two passengers on the train were some macabre audience.

“He’s a boy!” the teenager yelled. “He’ll want them super big because he’s a pervert!”

“Like, almost head-sized big,” Derek admitted. “Like, triple-D or even big E-cups. Or bigger! Whatever the size in my mind is!”

“Oh G-God! No! OOHHhhhhhhh!!”

There was an eruption - two eruptions, really - from Chris’ chest as two large breasts surged forth quickly. He held them, clearly trying to push against the tide, but finding it impossible. “Too b-big!” he cried, as they rose from B-cups to C’s to D’s and then DD’s, and then beyond, until he had an enormous pair of jugs from his chest. His shirt strained to contain them, until finally three of the buttons pinged straight off, revealing a massive line of cleavage.

“F-fuck! I’ve got tits, dude! You’ve g-given me goddamn tits! They’re huge!”

He looked down at them in a panic.

“Oh my God, I told you! He’s a pervert!”

“Scram kid!” Derek called, but the teenager just snapped a photo before. The homeless man making the sign of the cross. He moved to get to the doors, but they shut before he could leave, and the train began moving.

“Holy shit I’ve got tits! They’re so f-fucking heavy, man! You need to stop, because I can’t! I n-need you to keep going!”

“I can’t stop going either!” Derek said. He tried to hold his mouth, but his hands refused to obey him, and he continued speaking. “My perfect girl would be a total ten. She’d have nice, wide hips, the perfect kind for making babies . . .”

“Dude, what the fu-UGGHH!!”

Two loud cracks, and Chris’ trousers burst at the seams.

“Oh God! I’ve got ladies' hips! Why is this t-turning me on even more!?”

He was still rubbing his cock, and by the looks of it, he wasn’t far off from orgasm. Derek couldn’t help but look at Chris’ new form and be astonished. He truly did have an increasingly womanly figure. His hips were wide and sensual, just as he’d imagined them to be.

“Oh. Em. Gee,” said the girl. “This is like magic or some shit!”

The homeless man was grunting, ranting something, hitting the doors faster and faster to indicate the importance of the next stop. It was stupid: it was a subway, not a bus. It was going to stop anyway! But then Derek could understand his panic.

“And - and - I’m sorry, Chris, I can’t stop! She’d have a tiny waist, and long, shapely legs. The kind that drives you wild. And her ass would be spectacular: like a b-big old peach!”

Chris’s eyes went wide. “Jesus fuck, Derek! N-no longer you struggled with women! You’ve g-got to stop before I t-turn into a damn walking w-wet dream! NNghh!!”

The changes were immediate, made more clear by how Chris pulled his shirt tight with his hands in response to the changes. His waist pinched in suddenly, leaving him with an incredible hourglass figure, and his legs changed within his trousers. Derek couldn’t see that change as well, but he could see the shoes fall off of Chris’ feet as they obviously became dainty and slender. The sight of his friend’s big tits and curvaceous shape was turning him on, despite the panic.

Behind them, the homeless man cried out.

“Satan’s curse! He has a satanic curse upon him! He is damned to be a fell woman!”

He stepped through the open doors after the train pulled to another stop, the last one before they had to leave.

“You are both cursed! Doomed! Doomed!”

The doors shut, and the train took off again, but the teen girl was still with them.

“Holy shit, is he going to have a pussy as well? What about his face! Describe his face with big kissy lip! I want to post this on my socials!”

“Don’t you f-fucking dare!” Chris cried, his voice cracking upwards yet again. But it was already too late. The girl had put the idea into Derek’s mind, and he was unable to stop thinking about the gorgeous face he wanted on his dream girl. The kind he’s always hoped he could find when he tried and failed to find a good date.

“She would have full lips,” he clarified. “Pouty, too. Like they were perfect for sucking cock.”

“What the fuck d-dude! Oh G-God! Keep going though!”

Sweat ran down Derek’s forehead. He wanted to save his friend. The woman’s curse was real! But he had to play this out: something was compelling him forward. The spell. It had to be.

“But more than that, she’d have the kind of face you just couldn’t say not to. She’d have emerald green eyes to match her red hair, which would be long and fall down to below her shoulder boulders. She’d have slightly thick but perfectly defined eyebrows, and her cheekbones would be high, though she’d also have cute cheeks with dimples too. Her chin would be rounded, giving her a perfect heart-shaped face. And she’d have a cute button nose to match the rest of her. She’d have the perfect face for making a ‘come fuck me’ expression.”

Chris shook his head. “No, no no no! If you can hear me Juliana! I’m sorry! I didn’t - Mmhhmpph!!”

He was temporarily unable to speak as his lips puffed up, as his face rearranged, as his hair flowed down his back to become slightly wavy, with cute curls at its ends. In moments, he looked like the hottest girl Derek had ever seen, the kind of girl he’d imagined having many times in his fantasies, but knew was totally out of his league in real life. Only this was real life, and now his friend was being forced to live out this fantasy.

“I’ve still got my cock! Don’t t-take it from me!” Chris cried, holding him with his now-dainty hands. Derek hadn’t even noticed they’d changed. But he quickly returned to groping and squeezing his big soft tits, the nipples of which were outlined heavily against the fabric of his shirt. And he was breathing as if his cock was about to blow.

“Take it away!” the girl yelled. “Make him a girl! I can’t believe this is happening!”

“Her pussy would have the same red-coloured hair above it as she had on her head. And it would be tight, tight enough to drive me wild when I fucked her. And it would be able to get wet at the drop of a hat.”

“F-fuck you dude! Oh God, why am I so f-fucking - AAAAAHHHH!!!”

Chris cried out in orgasm. His pants became soaked in his seed as it spurted from him, but then he clutched it, eyes almost bulging out of his head.

“I’m - growing - a - pussy!” he wheezed.

His voice cracked one final time.

“She’d have a voice that sounded like honey. Like she was always in the mood. A sexy soprano.”

“I d-don’t want to s-sound like that!”

But he did now. She did. And there were just some final cosmetic changes left to go . . .

The train stopped. But the changes weren't yet over.

To Be Continued . . .



This kind of your stories are my favourite. I'm interested how it will be different than His perfect woman. Maybe more focus on pregnancy (multiles/more than one pregnancy)? Anyway, I hope for lots of parts.

Nicholas Snider

Seems this will work out for all parties involved.

Fox Face

Lots of parts to come, and definite focus on pregnancy, and lots of fun compulsions for our new gal!