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When the Transformation Wave hit, Maggie was doing what she usually did on a workday: shuffling the plants about at the garden service store she worked at, and making sure each was fed. It was a fairly boring and ordinary job for the young twenty one year old. 

She just had no idea that was about to become a plant herself, of a sort. After all, she'd never had a particularly strong affinity for gardening or planting or taking care of vegetable patches or whatnot. It was simply a means to make money. But suddenly a great wall of light hit her, and within minutes her body was overcome with strange sensations, as if she were being pulled and stretched. Not only that, her very cells seems to alter, her essence shifting in such a way that she couldn't even begin to describe it. 

Maggie cried for help, but as two other employees of the large gardening store came running to see her, they stopped short in shock. 

"S-something's h-happening to m-meeee!" she cried, staring at her hands. Her fingers elongated, and her toes too. Her skin turned dark green, and its substance changed to soft, supple plant matter, right down to her core. She squirmed in shock as her body became fuller and curvier, and her breasts grew to resemble the bulbous growths of cacti, thankfully sans any spikes. They burst through her clothes, and as they expanded she shuddered in unexpected pleasure.

"Oh m-my God! I'm becoming some s-sort of plant!"

She was indeed, and this was further evidenced by the fact that her limbs became plant matter also, retainin their basic shape but seeming to be made of numerous intertwined vines. Her hair altered, thickening to become hanging tendrils of green, and numerous flowers bloomed within them. Small petals grew around her still existing nipples, and her ass and hips also become far more prominent, ripping apart her remaining uniform easily.


When the change was finished, Maggie was one of the several tens of millions of people worldwide whose bodies had been irrevocably altered. In the days that passed, the permanancy of her condition became clear to her, her friends, and her family, as well as the actual nature of her change. She had been left as an incredibly curvacous, pear-shaped plant-woman, almost like a fertility goddess. She had to get entirely new clothing, but as her new body depended on sunlight and water, she soon found herself feeling all wrong when wearing too much clothing. A simple bikini would be the best she could put up with, which was embarrassing at first, particularly around her family due to her overdeveloped new body parts. Still, she got used to it, and the fact that she now dug her root-like toes into the ground when sleeping upright, nourishing herself upon the land.

There were difficulties, of course. When she woke to discover herself all sticky after feeling odd pressures in her breasts, she was irritated to find that she now produced sap from her breasts. Thankfully, the sap was not only edible, but had a variety of health effects, allowing her to sell it. Still, it occasionally embarrasses her when she leaks the sticky substance at the wrong time. There are other embarrassments too, particularly her new 'period.' Instead of bleeding once per month, she instead bloats up like a pregnant woman across just five days, culminating in her having to push out numerous large seeds, vegetables, and fruit from her body. It's not painful, and in fact it's quite insanely pleasurable, a fact she certainly is a little humiliated by.

She also has had to get used to her new . . . urges. Like a forest nymph, she's found that her libido has skyrocketed since her change to a plant woman. Thankfully, she found Joel, a wonderful man who loves gardening and is absolutely taken with her. A good thing too, since she is utterly voracious for him, and he has no complaints about his girlfriend walking naked and spectacular through their garden, soaking the sun rays into her skin.

One thing is for sure: Maggie certainly feels a lot closer to the world of plants now.


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