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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

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Part 6: Serellis

It was an . . . interesting interaction to say the least. The hotel clerk was clearly struggling to not look down Chad’s top, at the double lines of cleavage that marked her three green breasts.

“Oh, uh, okay, yeah. We’ve got one extra room. It’s a single bed.”

“That’s fine!” Chad exclaimed, much to her own surprise. Her tail snaked behind her, twisted nervously. It had formed something strange at its end, like a little softer pincer. A ‘grabber’, as she had started thinking of it. A part of her even wanted to try using it like a monkey’s tail, but now was obviously not the time, not while she was an alien openly standing in a hotel lobby.

“I presume this is an AlienCon thing?” the clerk asked.

She nodded, her soft antennae twisting a little. She wished they would stop, particularly since they were telling her that the clerk was staring at her tits . . . and that Derek was getting a little aroused looking at her ass. She batted him with her tail subtly to get him to stop, then fixed him with her eyes. All three of them.

“I put a lot of work into the costume, but it takes so much time to get ready I figured it was best to do a day early.”

The clerk nodded, clearly shocked at the level of detail. “That’s crazy. It just looks so real! Almost makes me want to go, but it’s not really my deal.”

“Mine either,” she said, sighing, only to realise what an odd statement that was. “Uh, but I’m really passionate about costuming and cosplay and stuff, and I’m being paid to make an appearance.”

“I can see why!” he said, perhaps a little too confidently. Certainly, her antenna picked up more arousal from him as he looked at her full lips. “It just looks to realistic, like a real alien.”

“Thanks. Um, our room?”

“Oh, yeah. You’re on floor four. A deposit is required, though.”

Derek paid, but unfortunately for them, it required an electronic deposit instead of a cash one. They weighed up the risk, and ultimately paid. They needed a place to sleep, and Chad felt a strong need to take a damn bath. A shower wouldn’t be enough. All those changes had left her sweaty, and a small part of her felt a strong need to explore her new body . . . without the alien nerd checking her out constantly.

They were given cards to access the elevator, and stepped in.

“I didn’t think you’d be okay with a shared bed situation again,” Derek said.

She rolled her third eye but kept the other two level. It clearly amused the other man. “It’s not like we have a choice. Besides, what are you gonna do, sleep with an alien chick?”

She instantly regretted the stupid joke, because her antenna told her exactly what Derek thought of that proposition. He blushed, evidently picking up that she understood his perception.

“Damn those fucking antenna.”

“You damn them? Dude, how do you think I feel? I’m the one picking up what a serious boner you’ve got for this ridiculous alien bod! Not to mention when you check out my tits!”

He was doing it right then, probably because her nipples were visibly hard against her top. She grumbled, annoyed that his clear attraction was making her feel warm. Flushed with that same arousal. The goddamn alien tech was making her straight for dudes, evidently. Her father would have a fucking stroke if he saw her now.

“Sorry,” Derek finally said. “It’s just . . . you’re a real life alien girl.”

“Half alien,” she corrected.

“Half alien, then. It’s pretty amazing. I mean, you can’t tell me it’s all bad, right?”

She scoffed, and walked out of the elevator. But then, in a sudden fit of mischievousness as she sensed him staring at her swaying ass, she raised her tail quickly and made it grab his nose, squeezing it like an elephant’s trunk would. It caught Derek off guard, and he almost stumbled back. It caused her to chuckle in her soft female voice.

“I guess you’re right, it’s not all bad! Now if only I could get a damned triple cup bra for these three tits!”

She swiped the card, and entered their little hotel room. The place she was planning to stay until AlienCon the following day. She sauntered in, her green hips swaying. That warmth settled into her, that slight need.

“Shut the door!” she called.


“Shut the fucking door, dickhead!”

Derek slammed it as she swayed on her feet. Her vision lit up red, sending a horrible spike of dread down her spine.

$^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ FINAL ADJUSTMENTS $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ MATING PHEROMONES $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ REPRODUCTIVE CAPABILITY $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ FINAL PHASE

The world flashed green as her skin, and she doubled over, heading to the ground. To her surprise, Derek caught her, and his hands felt strong and wonderful on her figure as he righted her.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I - uughhh - I f-felt the change again. I think it’s - mmmh! - the last one! Ahhh! It’s c-coming!”

“Do you want me to get help?”

He turned to open the suitcase, or to leave, or something, but her tail whipped out automatically and circled around his arm like a tentacle.

“N-no!” she pleaded. “Please, just - nngh! - stay with m-me. Please, dude. I don’t care how p-pathetic it is. Need someone, at least. Uughh!”

Derek nodded, and helped her move to the hotel bed they were set to share. He helped her sit down, and she found herself extremely grateful for his presence. In fact, she realised with a shock that she didn’t just want him there with her, she wanted him there. Derek. Not Mark of Kaley or her Dad or any other family or friend. It was Derek’s comfort she needed above all. She held tight to his hand with her own three-fingered one, tensing as her tail grew out further. To a strange mix of disappointment and odd pride, her breasts pushed out yet further, straining the fabric of her shirt as all three lifted up, taking on an even larger mass. They were full and flushed and pert on her chest, but feeling fuller than ever.

“F-fuuuck!” she moaned, half-overcome with pleasure. “S-so damn b-big!”

They had to be triple-Ds, if not E’s by now, or bigger. They overwhelmed her shirt, pulling it so that her green midriff was exposed, and her double cleavage was utterly prominent.

“Dude, I can s-sense you looking at them!”


A few minor changes followed. Her ass became a bit more rounded, her tail grew another foot in length, her little ‘pincer’ at the end a bit stronger. Her ears withdrew pretty much entirely, and her hair reached to brush the base of her tail. Derek’s eyes went wide.


“Your hair! It’s got, like, a purple sheen to it, I think.”

Her hair was still dark, but she could see from the corner dress mirror that it indeed had a purple kind of sheen among the blackness.

“G-God, even that changed! I  - OHHHHHhhhhhhh!”

It hit her, stronger than she expected. Something shifted inside her, and it made her body strain in an unexpected series of orgasms. She clutched Derek’s arm, pressing her very full triple-chest against his side as she writhed and moaned in embarrassed ecstasy. She sensed his member harden, and more than anything she wanted to stroke it. To lick it. To have it inside her. He was her mate, after all, and that thought was overriding. The skin beneath her arms became a little slick, but it wasn’t with sweat. Something else was exuding from her, and it made Derek’s erection go fucking rock hard.

Finally, the feeling died down, though his dick didn’t. They both looked at it, and her third eye in particular locked onto it.

“Oh God,” he said.

She leapt back in alarm, quite literally. While she was technically weaker, Chad had gained an inhuman speed and agility, and actually backflipped over the bed before pressing against the wall. Her large breasts bounced, nearly popping out of her shirt. Her nipples throbbed, aching to be touched.

“What the fuck was that!?” she said. Her third eye zoned in on Derek’s crotch again, and to her astonishment, she could see through his clothing to the large member beneath. Holy fuck, she thought, it was large! Thick, too! This kid was packing!

“I got not clue!” Derek called. “It was like you hit me with something.”

“You were turned on, dude! Freak!”

“No, it wasn’t that, Chad! I swear! I mean, sort of. But it was like I inhaled something, and - goddamn, I’m so turned on right now.”

She covered her chest, used her tail to cover the parts her little hands couldn’t.

“Get out of here! Before . . . before something happens. I need a good bra for these fucking monsters, okay? I may be stuck as some alien bimbo, but I’m going to be a damned alpha male again. But I need a bra now, got it?”

Derek nodded, practically raced from the room. “I’m on it!”

“And make sure the cups are big! These tits are getting enormous!”

She had no idea if such a bra even existed, but if AlienCon was on already, then there was surely the best bet, right? She sighed as he left, though she had to ‘turn off’ her third eye so she couldn’t keep zooming in on his figure through the walls.

“Fucking x-ray vision,” she marvelled. “I’m like a hot alien superhero or something. Jesus, Dad would try to kill me if he saw me. Not that he could catch me with this speed.” She looked over her changes, felt the renewed wobbling of her heavy three boobs. At least her alien body could support them, but they certainly were distracting. Distracting and aroused.

“Why is he so fucking hot?”

$^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ NAME CORRECTION $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ SERELLIS $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$

She stumbled one last time, pressed her three-fingered green hands against her temples. The mental change was quite invasive, and this time it changed something just as fundamental as her sexuality and form. It changed her identity. And yet, after everything, she couldn’t even bring herself to view it with hostility, hatred, outrage. Instead, she just blew air dramatically through her pursed lips.

“Great, my name is now Serellis.”

It was only temporarily, she assured herself. She’d be . . . that person again.


Serellis, formerly Chad but no longer even able to think of herself as ‘Chad,’ recovered from her changes by setting herself a much-needed warm bath. While Derek was out chasing some mythical alien-girl bra from the local UFO enthusiast’s store - a likely fruitless endeavour - she simply tried to relax in the wonderful warm water and inspect her body. And it was certainly a body to inspect. She was worried her long, smooth green tail would cause discomfort, but it was flexible and pliable enough to sit flat against the base of her buttocks, pressing between her cheeks and coming out of the water equidistant to her raised knees. She used it to idly stir the water, shifting the floating soap about with her little ‘grabber’ as a way of practicing.

“Going to be weird to lose you,” she said. “You’re the one part of this I actually don’t mind too much. Think about what I could do with you on the field. Interception!”

She made it splash in the water, and Serellis laughed.

“Though, I don’t mind these either.”

She raised her hands, slimmer than an ordinary humans on account of having no space for pinky fingers (or greeny fingers now, she supposed). Slowly, she planted them down on her prodigious bustline. Bustlines, plural.

“Mhmmm . . . aliens must like sex too, because these feel fucking good.”

She groped them slowly, feeling the soft yet pert flesh, admiring how they flattened slightly, pushing against one another now that she was on her back. She closed her eyes, and shut her third as well: the x-ray vision was only giving her a view of a Chad-type working out on the floor above, a sight that was slightly arousing but also serving to inflame her annoyance at what she’d lost.

“If I wasn’t a total freak and didn’t have one extra boob, I bet Kaley Wakefield would be fucking jealous of this bod.”

The thought made her laugh, and even that sounded rather sensual.

“Derek wouldn’t give a shit. He finds me hot, no matter what.”

She licked her full, darker green lips at that. Derek. The dorky, unexpectedly courageous guy who’d saved her life and carried her across the whole country, figuratively speaking, to try to help her change back. She knew the stupid changes were making her feel this strong . . . heat, for him. But there was a deeper connection as well, one she wasn’t even sure was coming from the changes, but instead their shared experiences. The conversations they’d had. The vulnerability she’d shown him that she’d never displayed to anyone else, and the seriousness and compassion with which he’d dealt with it. And, despite his clear attraction to her, his foremost care for her, the person that was Serellis, or Chad, or whatever, through all those scary moments. It was enough to make her realise something.

“You’re a good friend, Derek,” she said. It would be hard to admit up front to him, but she knew she would have to, when he returned rather comically empty-handed. She could no longer pretend this was just an alliance of convenience. They had shared things, and it made her want to share more as well.

Even as she had these thoughts, the image of Derek stirred in her head. It lit her body up in a way only her horny green body could.

“Mhmm . . . Derek. Fuck, I’m turned on again.”

She shifted in the water, used her tail to part the curtain to see through the open door. Then, using her third eye, she checked that no one was near to entering. There was no one, just a bickering couple next door. She lay back, imagining Derek again. Him, shirtless, with that cock straining at the sight of her.

“Ohhhhhh. Whew. Okay. Yeah, this is fucked up. Incredibly fucked up. But . . . ahhh.”

Her womanly passage moistened, her womb heating up with desire. Her breasts tingled, and her nipples distended, all three demanding tough.

“N-no. I am not fucking - oh, screw it! Better when he’s not here than . . .”

She began to grope and squeeze her three tits, shifting between them to cause the greatest pleasure. She was about to move a hand down to her vagina when without meaning to, she twisted her tail to attend to it instead. She gasped, shaking a little at the sensation. Her vulva was throbbing, her clit bulging and in need of attention, and her tail’s end was surprisingly gentle in meeting those needs. It meant she could focus all her hands’ range upon her chest.

“MMhmm . . . ngnhh . . . oooOOhhh! OH, f-fuck! FUCK!”

The image of Derek stirred in her mind. His spiky hair, his thin yet confident build, his intelligent smile. His lustful eyes. It brought her closer and closer to climax, and soon she was plunging her tail fully into her passage, probing it ever deeper, rubbing her sensitive walls as if she were actually being fucked by a cock. It was unlike anything she had ever felt, and soon she was almost insensible as she pressed all three breasts together.


And then it arrived. She quaked, splashing water everywhere. Her thrashing made her boobs tremble, pressing a little uncomfortably against one another as she pushed her arms together. It had the effect of producing two cavernous lines of cleavage, a sight she wanted Derek to see.

“OHHhhhh . . . f-fuck . . . ohhhhh . . .”

She withdrew her tail, plopping it out of her vagina, exhaling deeply. It had felt so wonderful.

But she needed more.


It was hours later, and another two masturbation sessions, when Derek finally returned holding several bags. He looked a little haggard, as if he’d been searching up and down the city for what Serellis had asked for. He adjusted his glasses as he came in, and seemed surprised to find Serellis lying on her back on the bed wearing one of the hotel bathrobes, her tail peeking out at the end. She felt that instant flush at his presence, but did her best to hide it. She could certainly sense his attraction too.

“Chad, how’s it going? Sorry I was gone so long.”

She sighed. “It’s Serellis now.”


“The alien tech changed me one final time. Everything’s finished, I think. But I literally can’t not think of myself as Serellis now.”

He cringed. “I’m so sorry, dude.”

“Yeah, I don’t feel much like a dude either. Not with three humungous tits on my chest and a fucking vagina between my legs.”

Derek looked dismayed for her, something which only added to her liking of him.

“I shouldn’t have been gone so long. I was just looking and looking. I’m sorry.”

“I said it’s okay. Look, I appreciate it dude. You’re . . . I should have said this before. I’m not good at this touchy feely shit, even now that I’m a girl. Look, I’m just thankful, okay? That you’re here, I mean. You’re - fuck, I’ll just come out and say it. You’re a cool friend. A good friend.”

Derek nodded. “Thanks. You’re a good friend too. When you’re not, you know, punching me, insulting me, and generally being a pain in the ass.”

She chuckled. “Don’t you talk to me about pains in asses! I’ve got a fucking tail here, and it’s longer than ever - don’t think I can’t pinch you with it from here.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

“I bet you would.”

They both clearly realised they were bordering on flirting, perhaps more than bordering, because the two suddenly clamped up, and she blushed a little purple.

“I managed to find something,” he said, ending the silence.

She rolled all three eyes. “Look dude, it’s no biggie. I didn’t expect you to find anything, so don’t worry about -”

But then she fell silent as he retrieved several bras from the bag, all made with three cups, and with large ones at that. They looked perfect for her. Serellis leapt from the bed and snatched one from his hands. “No fucking way! Seriously? How!?”

He shrugged. “I’m resourceful. Also AlienCon has loads of freaks, even by my standards. Will they fit?”

She pressed it against her chest, grinning despite herself. “Let me go find out! Scooch!”

She pushed him aside with her tail and went to the bathroom. It took some working, but to her ecstatic joy, it did indeed fit, and her boobs were only slightly too large for it. It made her look a little showy, with her bust nearly spilling out of the cups, but it nevertheless gave much needed support and comfort. She exited to show it off, wearing just her panties and bra.

“Perfect! Derek, look! It fucking fits, man!”

She instantly realised her mistake. His arousal jumped up five hundred percent just staring at her luscious green skin and wonderful lime curves. And she realised her mistake also, feeling every bit like she was displaying herself before him, a mate enticing her lover.

They were both silenced again.

And then suddenly she was upon him, and he upon her. They kissed, caressed, fondled. In moments, her bra was off, and her panties too, and they were climbing upon the bed. She feverishly worked to unbuckle his belt and remove his pants, and he took off his top, revealing a torso that was fitter than she expected, while still delightfully cute.

“Oh fuck, I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I need you so fucking bad. I want you in me!”

“I want that too!” he replied, kissing her. “I’ve wanted that ever since you had that sex dream!”

“Not a dream now, Derek! Get that monster inside me, I can’t bear not being filled by you, goddamnit!”

“You want me, huh?”

She groaned, aroused and embarrassed. “Don’t make it weird, okay? But yeah, I fucking want it. Need it.”

She slithered out her tail and grasped his hard cock, massaging it expertly. Instinctively. Derek groaned in surprise, then in arousal.

“F-fuck! That feels so good, Chad.”

“Serellis! Call me Serellis!”

“Serellis, then! I can’t hold out, you’re - ohhhhh - turning me on too much!”

“Then fuck me, dipshit! Hurry up before I fucking explode here!”

Her body burned for him, and her three nipples throbbed with need for his touch. She shoved him back on the bed so that he was on his back, and she positioned herself to be over him, ready to mount him. She may have become a horny half alien woman, but she was still a former alpha male. She was going to be the one in charge. He gripped her hips, and together they eased her down onto his cock, which sank into her depths. Her tail whipped with excitement, stroking his thigh before moving to lightly massage his balls.

“MMhm! You’re s-so big!”

“You’re so damn wet! And tight!”

They fucked like animals. She leaned down and kissed him deeply, and their tongues probed one another’s mouths. Probed - appropriate given her alien nature - and then withdrew as she continued to bounce up and down on him. She held his shoulders as she slid up and down, and then used her tail to pull one of his hands, then the other, up to play with her full, sensitive chest. It was ecstasy, it was perfection, to feel him feeling her. Something instinctive to her new brain told her that this was her role now: to be his mate. To mate with him, just as the alien tech had suggested from the beginning. She didn’t even want to fight it in this moment. She simply wanted him to cum inside her luscious green body.

Her antenna twisted, taking in his arousal, and that sensitivity increased her own. Soon they were both closed to the end, and she was pushing past the point of no return.

“I’m about to c-cum! I’m about to fucking cum, Derek!”

“Me too! Should we stop?”

“No! Don’t you dare! I fucking need this!”

She leaned down and kissed him, pressing all three of her heavy tits against his chest. And then she felt it: his dick throbbed, and unleashed gushes of his semen inside her. She trembled in orgasm, calling out in her sultry voice, and holding tight to him, as if needed to absorb every drop.

“OOohhhhhhhh . . . yessssss . . .”

Her tail writhed, turning slowly in satisfaction as the last of her orgasms overcame her. And then she flopped on top of him, relishing the way her huge three tits squashed against his torso.

They lay there for a long time, taking in what they had just done.

To Be Continued . . .



Always enjoy a good buddy tf adventure. derek getting alien beefcake-ized would be the cherry on top but looking forward to seeing the direction you take it (: