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A Story Prompt Tier for Spacebanana

Humanity is under threat of alien invasion, not that they know it yet. But this alien invasion is not interested in exterminating humanity, but simply turning its dominant species into enormous alien broodmothers to further their galaxial conquests. Unfortunately for 21-year old Allen and his family, that means big changes are ahead, and ones they might never be able to fully adjust to.

First Part

Second Part

Next Part 

Brood Planet, Part 3

Needless to say, Allen and his family, and the entire neighbourhood, all freaked. Already, they were horridly pregnant, with strange antennae growths from their heads, and large, bulbous insectoid ovipositors. All of them now looked feminine, and Allen’s sister was starting to almost look like some sort of bug bimbo: she had always craved attention and tried to show off her bust, but now she looked overladen with a pair of E-cups. They gave him strange feelings, and he did his best to ignore that. The world was bizarre enough already without him getting weirdly aroused by his own sister’s rack.

The next hour was spent in a mix of panic, confusion, crying, begging to the skies, and general grunting and groaning as they struggled to move their heavy bodies. Allen handled it better than most, and to his surprise so did his sister. Sarah had always been a drama queen, blowing up and playing the victim at the slightest provocation, but she was actually calming her parents, trying to get their dad in particular to calm down. Ethan seemed to be having a full blown panic attack, which wasn’t a great help given that as he shifted, his large alien behind wobbled about, threatening to knock the rest of them over. Allen kept a distance and tried to be more clinical as he examined his own changes. Indeed, he wasn’t wrong about before: the skin of his limbs had become harder, and there were spots where it was visibly segmenting, as if becoming exoskeletal, like an insect.

“A pregnant broodmother for an alien race,” he said to himself, even as some of their neighbours screamed and cried, begging for God to save them. “That’s what we’re all becoming. I - I can’t believe it.”

But it was true, and once again he shared a glance with his sister, who was continually having to adjust her top so that her new boobs didn’t spill out. It reminded him of his own pair: with his ass now so huge and his belly round and apparently full of alien eggs, he’d almost overlooked his new breasts. They were soft and full, a pair of D-cups, the kind he’d always hoped to get his hands on some day, not that he’d had the most impressive luck with his very ordinary job and study schedule. They jiggled and bounced softly on his chest, and like everything, they added to his overall weight. He slowly waddled around the corner to their garage, hiding in their to grab a feel. Instantly he felt a pleasurable surge as he kneaded them.

“Mmhmmm,” he moaned, rubbing his large nipples. It made his belly tense a little, and his cock hard.

“Enjoying the tits?” Sarah asked him.

He jolted, only failing to jump on the spot because of the complete lack of leg strength he had compared to his many mounds.

“Sarah! What the fuck? Warn me next time!”

She rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her widened hips. He noticed that they were wider than usual, but then again, so were his. With a dread epiphany he realised they would have to be. After all, they were the kind of hips made for passing large eggs through.

“It’s not my fault you came in here to fucking feel yourself up, you freak!”

“I’ve got boobs now, of course I’m going to feel them!”

“And I’ve got a giant bug ass, you weirdo! I’m not touching it, though!”

Tears ran down her eyes, and her hands fell to her round stomach, openly exposed much like his, no longer contained by her shirt. He felt, for the first time in a while, sorry for his sister.

“It’ll - we’ll find a way out of this, Sarah,” he said.

“Like hell we will! Those were fucking aliens we heard! I’m gonna lose my bikini bod and everything!”

It was enough to make him instantly lose any sympathy. “Wow, that’s your big concern? Your fucking online socials? The hell is wrong with you?”

“The hell is wrong with me!? It’s meant to be my birthday-”

“That was yesterday!”

“Whatever, you ruined that by being a dick! Dad agreed!”

“And Mom sided with me!”

“She always liked you more! She - she - she - NGNHH!!!”

There was a pulse, a ripple across her flesh, and suddenly it hardened. Allen’s eyes widened, but then the same occurred to him as well. His skin segmented, like the chitinous exterior of an insect. Judging from the cries of his parents, it was happening to them, and probably everyone else in the city. He groaned, doubled over as much as he could around his belly, which was one of the few areas free of the effects. The chitinous skin turned dark, black and brown in areas like that of an ant. Sarah cried out, but he managed to bottle it up. His antennae went wild, picking up a new signal.

“Greetings again, earthlings! One small tiny correction. As you grow, your exoskeleton will be important to allow you to hold yourselves up! Don’t worry, your limbs are now growing stronger to hold you up, but your womb and eggs sacs will be as stretchy as possible to accommodate all those eggs for when you really start producing for the Zaar!”

“When we really start producing!?” Sarah cried, unbelieving what she was hearing.

“This is just the beginning, I b-bet,” Allen stuttered. “UGGHH!!”

He bent over again, and true to the Zaar administrator’s voice, his limbs were indeed strengthening, becoming more powerful, capable of holding him up. He exhaled in relief, despite the fact that so much of his body was now covered in the plating of an insect. It was, at least, somewhat bendable, flexible, able to be shifted about. Unfortunately, Sarah didn’t have nearly the same pragmatic reaction. She took one look at herself, then at him, then back to her body.

And screamed.

It was a long, long scream.


It took several hours for them to come together and sit down to eat after the insanity of all that had occurred. The revelation that not only were aliens and galaxy-wide empires real, but now altering Earth to be a home for alien broodmares, was a lot to take in. But it was their bodily changes which were most horrifying and unbelievable. And, on another level beyond the discomfort and humiliation, just plain unwieldy. While their father was practically catatonic with shock at his increasingly female broodmother form, their mother had stepped up.

Heather had always been a practical woman, and that was something Allen had always appreciated about her. It was probably while they got along so well. She had instantly recognised that if their current ovipositor and belly sizes were ‘just the beginning’, then soon they would struggle to even fit through their own doorways. And so she had managed to distract them all by organising for all their necessities to go to the garage and on the porch, and for their family tents to be set up on the front yard. She even took a sledgehammer from the garage and went to town on the wooden side fencing that led to the backyard, so that they could easily reach that space as well. Ethan had freaked out, Sarah too, but Allen had backed his mom up, and managed to ignore his changes in favour of making sure they’d actually have food and drink and shelter available. Soon, other neighbours were following her directions, and Heather was becoming the unofficial leader of the suburban street. It was a distraction from their monstrosity, Allen supposed.

Moreover, it also meant that they had plenty of clothes and even bedsheets to cover themselves with. Sarah was very appreciative of that fact; she was most disgusted by her changes and wanted to cover up, particularly since she had the largest bust by far out of the family. Allen still found that part awkward, and also how his own mother was visibly pregnant and full-chested as well. Certainly, Ethan also was having difficulty looking at the two women in his family. It was made worse by the fact that they had to cut holes in their clothing to accommodate their swollen and new parts. Still, Allen did manage to wear a loose pair of plus-size shorts that were not so loose anymore, as well as a large top lent by an obese neighbour who was giving them out. The end result was that they all still looked like alien freaks, but some sense of propriety remained.

Some sense of propriety, that was, until the urge to eat came over them. Already the family unit had experienced hunger, but even as Allen continued to reminisce on that UFO sighting, he felt the pangs of hunger return to his belly, with a fury he had never fully known. His stomach growled loudly, cramping in slight pain as it made known its desperation for food.

“Nngnhh . . . God - I’m s-so fucking hungry.”

“M-me too!” Sarah cried.

“Me as well,” Ethan complained bitterly.

Heather tried to be stronger, but no one could mistake the growling sounds emanating from her swollen belly, least of all their family.

“If we continue to eat, we’re only going to further fuel the changes,” Allen muttered. He ran his arms over his form, wincing at the tenderness where his skin was still hardening. All of them now had black-brown coverings across their backs, shoulders, and on their limbs, though their forearms were not yet affected. Their hips were also segmented like an exoskeleton, but their breasts, bellies, ovipositors, and faces were still soft, and showed no signs of changing, much like the aliens calling themselves the ‘Zaar’ had indicated. It didn’t mean the family weren’t fearing further changes.

“I’m not changing any f-further. I’m not being some gross bug queen!” Sarah cried.

“How do you think we feel?” Allen said, gesturing to him and his Dad. “We’re not even meant to be ‘queens’ at all!”

“Well, those tits say otherwise!”

“Sarah!” Ethan snapped at his daughter. “Not the time!”

“Enough!” their mother snapped. “We’ll hold out as long as we can. But if we truly need to eat to survive, we’ll do it. I don’t like this, no one does, but I’m your mother - and Ethan, I’m your wife - it’s my job to keep this family going, and I’d rather you be alive and . . . changed, than starving away.”

It was a morose fact they’d have to deal with. Every family and group on the block was dealing with it. It was made worse by the fact that they could hear some of those neighbours giving in to their hunger and devouring the contents of their refrigerators. Hell, the Hendersons were devouring entire sticks of butter, moaning as if they were fucking orgasming! It made Allen moan in turn. He needed food. His body needed food, and his antennae twitched, demanding he fuel further changes. His stomach had already gotten tighter over the last few hours as they set up their front yard tent and supplies, but now it felt taut as a drum, demanding further growth. His breasts were much the same, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sarah kneading hers occasionally, looking sweaty. They all sat on milk crates that Heather had organised, so their large, heavy abdomens could trail off the end. She had tried to get the men of the family to wear bras, but to no avail. Allen had no intention of letting his sister mock him for that, even among this chaos. But it did mean his nipples were constantly throbbing, distending outwards as if begging to grow. Begging to have the fuel to grow. They all sat in silence around a makeshift fire, as many others were, waiting for someone to break first.

It was Ethan that broke, naturally. Allen suspected it would be. He loved his father, but he could be a weak man at times, and it was clear that the changes were affecting his psyche most deeply. He stood awkwardly, clutching his pregnant mount, and shuffled to the fridge.

“Screw th-this! I need to eat!”

He opened the fridge, taking out several sticks of butter, a number of sausages, some pasta from two days ago, chicken wings in need of cooking, and so on and so forth. The dam burst, and the rest of them rose up to get food as well, Allen included.

“Don’t hog!” Sarah pleaded. “I’m f-fucking hungry too!”

“Women first!” Heather called. “Ethan, don’t be a pig!”

“Me too! I always get left out!” Allen pitched in. “I n-need to eat so f-fucking bad!”

“Language, Allen! You need to - oh, f-fuck! I’m desperate for f-food, it huuurts!”

Soon they were all dividing and devouring. Allen could only concentrate on his stomach, and placing everything edible he could inside it, and even some things that should have been cooked. His antennae seemed to throb, informing him that his new gut could take a lot more in, without concern even for cooking. He took that as permission to swallow several uncooked sausages, as well as grabbing cookie mix and downing that as well. It was like the entire family had become a group of ravenous pigs, devouring all they could until they could take no more. But even when Allen felt so full he could burst, his antenna still twitched, demanding him to consume even more.

“M-more! N-need more!”

He and Sarah consumed the remaining milk in the fridge, fought over the last can of tomato soup. Their struggle was a sad one: they were almost entirely overwhelmed by how much they had eaten that they moved limply, slowly.

In the end, Allen won, and the final morsel of food remaining to the entire family was his. He gulped it down, and immediately regretted it. He winced, clutching his belly and his new breasts as the pressure continued to peak. It grew and grew, making him even tighter across the taut surface of his skin, so that he genuinely feared he would split open. Sarah groaned as well, and while she clutched her belly, her greater focus was upon her breasts, which she massaged with a creepy kind of arousal, moaning in a way that he certainly did not appreciate.

“C-cut it out!” he called.

“I can’t help it!” she cried. “My f-fucking tits feel like they’re g-going to explode!”

“Same for my b-belly and f-fucking ass!”

Ethan and Heather were also squirming, trying to comfort one another - or at least Heather comfort Ethan - while they groaned and whimpered. The entire neighborhood echoed those same cries, and for a brief moment, Allen desperately hoped he would pass out. And then suddenly the pressure gave way.

“Oh G-God! It’s h-happening!” he cried. “I’m ch-changing again!”

“M-me too!” cried Sarah.

They reached out for each other, the two rival siblings still wanting some level of comfort and compassion from the other, but their hands could not quite join in time before their bodies began to expand.

“NGNGGHH!! OHhhhhhh s-so much! S-sooo muuuuuuch!”

With a cry, Allen held his belly. His hands separated further, no longer able to reach around his vast dome as more and more eggs developed in his belly. He could feel them, literally feel them growing inside him, causing his entire womb to expand to accommodate them. His breasts surged forth, becoming large and fat and heavy, and to his horror his nipples also fattened, and began to leak milk. He hissed, sucking in his breath as his boobs began to produce milk, and then he saw that his crying sister was far, far more productive than he. She cried out as they became the size of literal basketballs on her chest, compared to his mere large cantaloupes, and already streams of pale blue milk were streaming through her shirt and down her expanding belly.

“Damn it!” she cried. “They were already t-too damn - Nngh! - big!”

But still they expanded, and so did the rest of her body parts, Allen’s too. His insides churned, turning the fat and protein of his food to new body parts. His antennae grew out further, and his ass swelled, his ovipositor now becoming the size of a bean bag behind him, perhaps even a little larger. With a horrid grunt, he realised he needed to push. His hips cracked wider to allow this, and before he could realise what was happening he pushed, and something descending down from his belly, squeezing through his hips, and into his egg sac.

“Oh God! Oh f-fuck! I think I j-just pushed an egg!”

Sarah looked at him, wide-eyed. Her eyes looked darker than before, as if her pupils had grown. “What!? Did you just say - OHHHN!”

She spread her legs, and he could tell she was overwhelmed by the urge to push also. Allen looked to his parents, and saw that Heather was coaching Ethan through the process. He marvelled at his mother’s abdomen - it was full and round and still growing, and he realised then that she must have started pushing eggs down a while ago and just decided not to worry them. She gave him a knowing look.

“You just need to breathe everyone! Big breaths, lots of oxygen, and push! I’ve done it before with you two, and I’ve been laying eggs for a while now, so just breathe and focus on pushing!”

Her words managed to galvanise them all, and they did as she told them, even as more changes came over their bodies. Allen ignored the strange developments occurring under his eyes, or the way his hair was growing out longer and darker. He pushed away thoughts of his jutting breasts, and even how his skin was turning a pale green where it was not chitinous. The same was true of all of them.

But all that mattered was the act of pushing. He grunted, bore down, cried out in an increasingly feminine voice. He had little doubt that he now looked like a woman: after all, his face had rearranged, and his lips had plumped up, and his jaw softened, not to mention the long silky hair growth. Add onto that the pregnant belly and boobs, and the voice, he was practically a woman.

But that very fact was confirmed when he pushed again, and felt a strange, wet sensation of arousal between his legs. He gasped, trying to ignore it, but the sensation of pleasure was impossible to put away. His cock hardened, but a chitinous growth formed around it, taking his cock into his body. It began to pump automatically as he pushed and strained the eggs from his belly into his sac, but even as that occurred, his hard cock continued to pound into him. It was like he had an internal vagina or tunnel, and his dick - which seemed longer than usual - was sliding in and out of it like on some mechanism, causing him to moan in pleasure.

“T-too good! Too f-fucking good!”

His sister wailed, grasping her breasts and sending milk everywhere.

“Allen! I’ve g-got something inside me! Something hard!”

“It’s a c-cock! I’ve got a v-vagina in me t-too!”

“No! It can’t b-Mmhmmhm!!”

She was orgasming as well, and so was his mother and father, despite themselves. Heather was most in control, but their father was incoherent as he bucked his hips. Allen cringed, realising he was also bucking his hips, but the horniness and pleasure was too great. Soon he was on the edge of a mighty orgasm, and then it spilled inside him. He wobbled, his taut belly shuffling with eggs, his enormous egg sac flopping about. It was the most alien feeling in the world: he was both penetrator and penetrated at once, and his seed flooded into his own womb. The same, no doubt, was true of everyone else as well.

In the aftermath, they all sat panting, overwhelmed by what had just occurred, as well as the other changes. They now had pale green skin where their dark chitin did not grow, and their eyes were pools of black without irises. What’s more, small growths beneath looked like the formation of a second pair of eyes. Allen hadn’t noticed until Heather rubbed her own growths, but they’d all developed the beginnings of new limbs behind their legs. Almost like a second set of legs, in fact.

“What the fuck was that?” Sarah asked, her dark hair now pooling around her abdomen. Her tits were absolutely massive and bared to the world, having ripped through her top. Allen tried not to look at them. But they were . . . very big. He whimpered at the last little jolt of orgasm through his form, the last expellation of his semen into his body, and another stirring began in his womb.

“I th-think - oohhh! - I think we j-just impregnated ourselves. With even more eggs.”

Their jaws dropped.

Sarah and Ethan fainted.

To Be Continued . . .


doodle doodlyson

Really loving this so far. Can't wait to see where the characters all end up. I'm hoping the siblings keep getting closer and end up as concubines together. And maybe the moms initiative and leadership gets her "promoted" to the upper caste of aliens and she gets to take her husband as a concubine.

Fox Face

Glad you're enjoying it! I won't spoil where it's going, but it will definitely have different endings for the family members, that's for sure!