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Here we are, with three changes as voted on by the polls last month! See the next poll for the changes you want next as Chase's story moves towards its climax!

Chase Argyle has little to complain about. He’s pretty good looking, reasonably fit, makes solid money working as a banking manager, and has a highly intelligent girlfriend in Jennifer Hayes. But the world is not enough for Chase, who likes to secretly indulge in other women on the side. But when he decides to inject himself with a chemical his scientist girlfriend has developed, one that promises the ‘perfect body’, he quickly finds his body changing in ways he could not have imagined, and always in response to arousal at the sight of the women around him.

Perfect Body, Part 4: Jiggly Bits

God, this was also so FUCKING humiliating. Gabbie, that bitch, had gone out of her way to select only the most feminine clothing. There was no way I was going to wear a goddamned skirt, especially a pink one, or damn panties and bras. I still had my own pair of underwear at least. God, if I lost my fucking dick . . .

I pushed that thought away, rummaged through the bag before my commotion alerted the neighbours and got me called up as some weird pervert.

“C’mon, there has to be something I can wear here.”

I heard a giggle from the other side of the door.

“Fuck you Gabbie!” I called, only for her to giggle more. Goodman it, my voice was sounding less and less manly, though not like a woman’s. Yet.

After some further rummaging I found some clothes that were . . . acceptable. A pair of pants were not my ideal, but they were the closest thing to a pair of shorts in there, and it was only temporary. They were a bit more . . . form fitting that I was used to, but they were black in colour, and with a loose enough shit it would at least disguise how much it hugged my damn ass. God knows there was no way to hide these huge hips.

“Seriously big. Jesus Christ. I feel like I’m twice as wide here.”

I ran my fingers down either side of my hips, trying not to be a little turned on by my own developments. As terrifying as they were, I could at least appreciate how fucking crazy Gabbie’s lower half was . . . now that I had it. The yoga pants emphasised their wide, child-bearing qualities, making me regret my choice.

Too damn late. I had to get moving before anyway. I put on a simple woman’s top, the loosest one I could find. It was plain white in colour, and dipped lower than I’d like, presumably to show off some cleavage or whatever, but I suppose it just looked like a gym top. The important thing was that it covered my ass. Fortunately, my feet were still pretty manly, so I could wear my shoes. Unfortunately, Gabbie still had them. The only thing that fit were damn women’s sandals. Oh well, at least I could just look a little casual maybe?

I checked my phone as I began to move. I took the bag with me, though I couldn’t entirely say why. No way was I wearing a fucking bra anytime, now matter how weirdly stiff these stupid nipples got. But maybe I had to be prepared. Casey’s message was first.

Hey there, feeling hot and heavy right now. Did you want to have a little fun on the side while that boring girlfriend of yours is busy?

I ignored her message for now. It took a lot of effort not to imagine her lying on the bed, her gorgeous blonde hair splayed out, her legs spread, those damn perfect legs . . .

The energy rose, and I jolted, nearly falling down the stairs as I exited the apartment.

“N-no! Not thinking about that! Not getting fucking turned on by that damned s-serum! Not getting women’s legs, goddamn it!”

I was Chase fucking Argyle. I was not becoming a woman. I was going to figure this out. I checked my other message, the one from Erika.

Chase, gotta talk about something. You free? It’s important. Really important.

I rolled my eyes. Erika was a fucking smokeshow. I’d always liked black chicks, especially how big their tits were, and Erika’s tits were mega-huge, the kind I wished Jen actually had instead of her flat little peas. But she’d been wanting to have ‘the relationship talk’ a few times lately, not knowing she was a mistress. It wasn’t my fault, she just wasn’t clocking on to the fact that I didn’t want a long-time thing with her. She was just too . . . sweet. Bubbly. Perky. It rubbed me the wrong way when we weren’t fucking. I’d told her the arrangement a number of times, but lately I was getting the feeling that she wanted more than just Netflixing and chilling. I texted back.

Sorry hotstuff, can’t talk just now. Going through a personal emergency. Maybe tomorrow?

The message read as Seen by her, but she didn’t respond. I shrugged. I had bigger things to deal with, particularly these damned wide hips! It was difficult to walk with them, or at least damn odd. My car was parked around the corner of the busy city block, but it was still humiliating to find that with my new pelvic configuration, they sort of shifted from side to side, sashaying just like Gabbie had said without me even meaning to do it.

“I feel like I’m putting on a goddamn show,” I mumbled.

In fact, a few eyes were looking my way, and I realised then my stupid mistake: I didn’t have a hat anymore, or a hoodie! My thick lips and perfect brunette hair were on display. From behind, I probably looked like a woman, and from the front, some sort of tranvestite or whatever. Goddamn it, that serum was a mistake! I tried to strut forward normally, but it just wasn’t natural with these womanly hips, and so they shifted from side to side. I was at least glad I didn’t have a big ass.


That’s it!

I brought out my phone, following a train of thoughts. My friend Hayden had a girlfriend with a huge ass, but it wasn’t that amazing ass that concerned me. No, it was him. The man worked in pharmaceuticals, and knew a lot about the experimentation side of the business! I can’t believe I’d never thought of it before! It was the perfect cover and explanation. I’d just have to get him to either help find something to alleviate my symptoms, or work to help me push past them or something. And even if he couldn’t help defeat this stupid injection, I could use his help getting back into Jen’s workplace and utilising a cure. I had a lot of money stored away, and while his job wasn’t bad, he had complained about money problems in the past. Perhaps . . . perhaps he could recognise stuff in Jen’s lab that could work as a counteragent . . .

The more I thought of it, the more it seemed a desperate, fragmented plan. There were gaps, assumptions that might not all fit together. But it was the best plan I had.

“Fuck it, I’ll head there, and get this figured out.”

I rounded the corner to head to my car, and nearly bowled into a man.

“Very sorry miss!” he said, “I didn’t see you there!”

“I’m a fucking man!” I said, and my voice cracked up a little in the most embarrassing way.

“Oh, uh, sorry. I just thought - I mean you looked -”

“Looks can be deceiving, dude.”

He gave a look of embarrassment before walking away, but it left my cheeks flaming. I was meant to be an alpha male, and now guys were mistaking me as some kind of chick! I sighed, headed to my vehicle. And then, lucky for me, I saw a pretty sight.

It was a woman, red haired and in her thirties. Not the kind I usually went for, I liked them in their twenties. But she was a fucking smokeshow, and all thanks to her walk. She had that enticing feminine manner to her, letting her hips sway wide with every step, and placing each foot in front of the other to emphasise that face. She had her back straight, shoulders too, emphasising her small but noticeably chest. She dropped a bag, and bent over in an incredibly feminine manner, almost mincing like, to pick it up. When she rose she flicked her head so that her hair flowed over her back again. It could have been a scene from a Hollywood film.

“That was hot,” I mumbled.

But then the energy rose.

“Oh fuck! No, oh f-fuck!”

Several passerbys heard my outcry, and looked my way. The woman noticed me too, and in her confusion she placed her hand over her chest in a demure display of feminine concern, turning me on all the more.

“N-no! S-stop d-doing that! NNghh!”

“Are you alright, ma’am?”

“I’m not a ma’am!” I cried to the person who had called to me. “Just - just l-leave me alone!”

I barged onwards, ignoring the red-haired woman, whose lips were pouting in confusion. Even that look seemed to inflame me. My cock went hard, my arousal peaking, and then something seemed to shift against my will. My arms slimmed, my legs too, both of them becoming more feminine and fitting the clothing I was wearing. Any remaining hairs I had trailed off of my body, and my manhood shrunk a little, deflating down to a below-average size. I pushed away, tears in my eyes, heading further down the block and away from the small concerned crowd. I was becoming more womanly by the second, though at least my face was still male. Still male, that was, except for the softening of skin I felt, the little addition of fat around the edges, the slightly painful restructuring of my jaw to give a more feminine jawline.

“G-Goddamnit. No. Fuck this. Fuck this all. I didn’t want - the hell?”

That’s when I noticed it. My changes weren’t just purely physical, but mental as well. I was walking like a woman. Like a real woman. I wasn’t just swaying my hips a little accidentally now, I was swaying them hypnotically, perfectly, gorgeously. I swayed my arms in a feminine repose, no longer with the great masculine swings but in more graceful motions. Some of my hair caught in the wind over my face, and instead of hurriedly adjusting it, I instead took up the automatic instinct to shake my head in the manner of a pinup model, letting it fall over my shoulders.

I reached my car and got in. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror, my heart beating a thousand times a minute, and took in my latest changes.

“Still look a bit like a dude. Just a feminine dude. Or a manly butch lesbo or something.”

I groaned, annoyed at the more gentle curves and lines of my face. Even my eyes looked a bit wider. I pouted, doing a couple of poses in the reflection, like an Instagram model. Then I stopped.

“The actual FUCK am I doing? I am not acting like a woman!”

There was no time to text or call Hayden. I needed to just drop by his place, have the conversation, figure something out, and go from there. My phone buzzed again. Erika. I ignored it. When I was back to being a 6’1 male I was meant to be, I’d fuck those perfect titties so perfectly that she’d cum just from that alone. That’d make it up to her, and me.

I pushed down the little bubble of energy.

“Not thinking on that. Gotta get to Hayden’s.”

I turned the keys, trying to ignore that my hands looked more slender than usual, and took off.


I knocked on Hayden’s door. I was pretty sure he’d be at home: he’d made a comment about being on some sort of break from work soon, and maybe that would give me time to explain myself. I certainly needed to: not one or two but three assholes had catcalled me as I walked to his house down the street. I fumed as I thought of their comments:

“Hey pretty lady, nice hips! I love to watch them sway!”

“Nice yoga pants, wish you could fill them a little more!”

“Come see me for a good time, babe!”

It pissed me off. It should be me making comments like that, though I was usually more subtle, and a little drunker. But in the middle of the day, and just in response to my ridiculous dainty, sensual walk I was forced to do? Did women really have to put up with that shit constantly? Jen had often complained to me that this was the case, even for a stick figure like hers, but I assumed she was just exaggerating. Now, I wasn’t so sure.

“Not like it’s not a compliment anyway,” I said to myself as I knocked again. “It just fucking sucks for me because I’m meant to be a dude.”

There was the sound of footsteps, and the door opened. My face fell as I saw it was Gemma, Hayden’s girlfriend. She was a bit of a plain Jane, just a little hotter than Jen if I was being honest on account of her cute freckles and button nose, but otherwise the only major thing she had going for her was her perfect ass. And it was damn perfect. Almost a shame it wasn’t facing me.

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Uh, hi. I’m . . . Chase,” I said.

“Chase?” she said, looking at me. “Uh, okay. Sorry, I know another Chase. What can I do for you?”

“I was hoping to talk to Hayden. I’m . . . a business partner of his. It’s about a work issue, one that’s a bit unexpected.”

She raised an eyebrow. “He hasn’t mentioned a Chase from work before to me.”

“I’m kind of new. I think I made a mistake with the classification of some pills, and it’s got me really nervous.”

I wasn’t even meaning to, but I put one hand on my hip, and another on my lips, like a naive young woman who looked both sexy and clueless. It shamed me, but it was a happy accident, since it seemed to win her over.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Come on in. I’ll try and help you sort it out.”

“Thank you so much!”

Gemma smiled, turned. I tried to look away: she was wearing some tight-fitting yoga pants as well, only she filled them out perfectly, her beautiful rear melons bouncing perfectly with each step in a way that drew the eye. She talked as she went, and I followed her in.

“Sorry about the suspicion, it’s just that my boyfriend has a friend called Chase. He sort of looks a bit like a male you - you’ve never met him?”

“I’ve never heard of him,” I lied.

“Good. He’s a fucking asshole. Real womaniser type. Thankfully my Hayden barely talks to him anymore, because I put my foot down after he kept staring at my ass all the time and making weird comments.”

“To be fair, it is a great ass,” I said without thinking.

She turned, letting it bounce in profile, making me almost salivate with arousal. She gave a funny look, then giggled. “It is, isn’t it? Much nicer to hear that from a fellow gal, though, right?”

I tried to ignore the bubble of energy, that rush of arousal. I had to fucking get rid of her so I could talk to Hayden already.

“Is Hayden here?” I asked as she moved to the living room.

“Oh, no. He’s on a conference thing. Work gave him a break so he could go to a seminar on the future of gene therapy or pill development or whatever. But I can get you his number and the hotel he’s booked at if that doesn’t work - it’s an emergency, right?”

“The worst emergency,” I said, utterly deflated. It wouldn’t work. He’d never listen to me long enough over the phone. I didn’t even properly sound like me anymore.

“No problem. I get it, you know. I had a big screw up at my work place a couple of years back, and had to ask for help in a similar way. It’s scary, but don’t worry, Hayden’s a good guy. He’ll help you out. I’ll just get his number down for you. He’s hopeless with work emails so don’t even try.”

She leaned over the table and started writing, and I was treated to a delicious sight that was my personal monkey’s paw. Gemma’s huge, perfect ass was pointed right at me, swaying back and forth as she wrote, jiggling a little with her movements. It was heart-shaped, peach-shaped, whatever other name there was for that wonderful rear that stuck out proudly, giving the sexiest woman the perfect set of curves to serve as counterpoints to their tits.

“Ohhhhhh . . .”

She looked back at me. “Everything alright?”

“S-sorry. Just feel faint.”

“Have a glass of water in the kitchen. Don’t be nervous, okay? Hayden will sort you out.”

No he fucking wouldn’t. It was too late. The stupid serum made it so that even when I didn’t want to get turned on, I became horny as hell at the sight of a perfect body part. I felt the warmth migrate to my ass, and by then I knew it was too damned late.

“F-f-fuck!” I whispered, moving to the kitchen before she could even tell me where it was. I’d been here before, after all. Hayden and I had talked about hot chicks while drinking beers here, long before Gemma came along, trying to make him all ‘nice’ and ‘gentlemanly.’ It made me despise her, despite how much she was helping me.

“Gotta get control. Keep control. I’m not getting a big damned ass.”

But even as I kept my voice low and muttering, I knew it was too late. I clutched the kitchen counter, thrusting out my backside and shaking my hips in response to the warm sensations. They were goddamn pleasurable, and the ecstasy of the growing pressure in my ass only made me give into it. I didn’t have the will to fight it, much asI needed to!

“C-can’t fight! Last change, this is the last damn change!”

Gemma was waiting for me to return, clearly, not wanting to intrude on my privacy. I gave a low, quiet moan, almost a squeak, as my rear began to expand. Once they began surging forth, there was no stopping them. My flat ass doubled, then tripled, then almost quadrupled in size, becoming large and soft and pert, while also becoming surprisingly fit. I could feel the extra weight there, and it made me bite my lip due to how strangely sensitive the region now was. My own goddamn ass had become an erogenous zone. The stupid serum was backfiring in the worst way possible!

“Are you okay?” Gemma asked, rounding the corner.

I stood up, trying to cover my ass, but unable to escape her eyesight in time.

“Whoa! Um, you didn’t look like that before? Are you having an allergic reaction?”

“YES!” I called, taking up the excuse. “I have to go, sorry!”

I ran from her presence, my large ass wobbling.

“Wait, you forgot the number!”

“I’ll get it another way!”

I slammed the door shut, probably too hurriedly, and ran to my car further up the street. The door opened, and Gemma looked out at me, but I could only give a wave of idiotic apology before continuing towards my car.

“Stupid overparked neighborhood!” I whined. My voice was even more feminine than before, and with the addition of my now expansive rear, my entire gait was even more womanly as well. Even rushing my steps, my hips went from side to side, my feet perfectly in front of each other. And with the swaying of those hips, my ass literally bounced as well, each check rising and falling. They strained the yoga pants, outlining against them perfectly. And now, with the much greater size of my rear, the shirt I was wearing didn’t cover them nearly so well. I still felt turned on, and the act of showing off my ass was something that was impossible to stop. A few joggers looked my way, and a male biker nearly crash as he looked appreciatively at my ass.

“Yeah, serves you right, dickhead!” I called.

Of course, then I crashed myself, straight into a pair of perfect dark cushions.

“Hey, watch where you’re going!” a woman’s voice cried, a very familiar woman’s voice. But it was too late. I bowled her over, and soon my face was pressed right up into the magnificent black tits of Erika, my unknowing affair partner. She looked at me with annoyance.

“Look where you’re going!”

“Holy shit, Erika!?!?”

She looked at me, confused. “Do I know you? Can I get up?”

I manoeuvred off her, trying to ignore the way her huge, perfectly round tits were outlined against her tight top. She looked gorgeous, perhaps more than usual simply for the fact that I wished I could caress and pleasure her like the man I was meant to be. Cum all over her alluring cleavage, something she’d only let me do once but I wished I had the power to do again. My cock strained, still turned on from before, and it took every ounce of my willpower not to give in to yet another change.

“What are you doing here Erika? Are you following my car?”

I gestured to my vehicle, and her eyes went wide.

“Wait, your car? Hang on . . . holy shit! Chase? What the fuck happened to you? Why are you dressed like a drag queen. Wait, you can’t be Chase, he’s like 6’1. Are you his sister or something?”

Anger boiled inside me. It was one thing for me to pretend to be someone else as a trick, another for me to be instantly mistaken. I was already sick of being seen as a woman, all thanks to damned Gabbie’s betrayal, the bitch.

“It’s me, Erika! Or did you forget that you let me cum all over those big black tits of yours after we watched that shitty Body of Souls series you wanted to watch together?”

She stopped, eyes bulging out of her head in confusion.

“That - what?”

“Why are you following me? Are you stalking me? Did Gabbie tell you about the fucking serum that’s turning me into this!?”

She shook her head, her mouth gaping, trying to fit all the pieces together.

“N-no. You can’t be Chase, though. It - it doesn’t -”

“You call me your ‘white teddy bear’ even when you know I don’t like it. You invited me around just two weeks ago because Daryl dumped you, and you spent half the fucking time crying on my shoulder, and then fucking my brains out in the kitchen! We ate goddamned peanut butter sandwiches because you were so sad you hadn’t bought groceries, which sucked because half the reason I love to visit you is your amazing rack, and the other half is that you make a goddamn delicious pasta.”

She stammered, trying to find the words. “It’s you Chase? It’s really you?”

I indicated to my form in a more feminine manner than I wanted to.

“In the goddamn female flesh now. Gabbie didn’t tell you about the serum?”

“Who’s Gabbie?”

I groaned, both annoyed and trying to ignore her chest. Now at just 5’5 I was almost perfectly level with her chest, and those massive G-cups stood out loud and proud and on display before me. The energy began to course through me again, pooling in my chest. I bit my lip, trying to ignore the damned pleasure of it.

“She’s nobody.”

“You had a serum? It’s turning you into a -”

“Yes!” I cried. “I’m fucking turning into a woman! I have to turn back, and you’re in my way, Erika! I don’t have time for whatever shit this is. How did you find me? Are you stalking me or something? If you want to hang out and fuck, then know I’ve got bigger problems right now!”

“I think I might be pregnant,” she said. “You - oh God, this is all so damn strange, honey - you might be the father.”

I stopped dead in my tracks. She continued speaking.

“I saw your car while I was in town. I was working up the courage to talk to you. I thought messaging you would help, so I could know when you were coming back. But then you got in your car and left, so I - I followed. But I couldn’t find a park near you, and - oh God, it really is you!”

“You’re fucking pregnant!?” I said, but by that point I knew I’d stayed too late. I felt an intense pressure in my chest. My much smaller dick went hard, and my nipples throbbed, pushing against my shirt.

“Are you okay? Chase, what’s happening?”

“NGNH!! Put your d-damn tits away! I change when I’m attracted to s-someone! You’re big f-fucking boobs are right there in front of me! Turn around - OHHHH!!!”

It was too late. I stumbled back, placing one hand on my huge soft ass and the other on my chest. I tried to stop them expanding, but I might as well have tried to fight a goddamned tornado. They pushed outwards, flesh pooling in and making me hungry, as if yearning for more food to fuel my changes. There must have been just enough, because they quickly rose, gaining weight and heft, jiggling in my top without a bra.

“Oh my God!” Erika said, staggering back. As she did, her heavy tits wobbled in a way that looked goddamned delicious, and just the sexy sight of it must have supercharged my changes, because suddenly they expanded yet further.

“T-too big! Happening t-too damn - uughh - fast! AAhhh! AAahh!! AAAHHH!!!”

I cried out, my voice becoming that of a woman’s completely, no longer possessing a hint of maleness. All concern over Erika’s potential pregnancy was lost as my body betrayed me in the most dramatic way yet. My new boobs surged outwards, going from little A’s to B’s and on to generous C’s rapidly. I took them in both hands, trying to hold against their expansion, but the feelings only intensified as they became wonderfully sensitive. I brushed a hard nipple and shivered in pleasure, cooing like a woman in a porno. They quickly became full D’s, then perfect Double-Ds, then onto E’s.

“Stop, dammit! Stop growing! I don’t want a huge rack! I’m meant to be a m-man not some busty b-bimbo!”

“Holy shit, they’re getting big!” Erika marvelled. “Almost like mine!”

“They will be the same as yours!” I groaned, as they rocketed up to their final cup size. “It’s how the f-fucking serum works!”

Finally they stopped, having reached a mammoth F-cup then ticked over to a full, heavy, perfect G-cup, a size I knew well from Erika’s full chest. They felt like huge boulders, pulling on my back and changing my centre of gravity yet further. My nipples were much larger, outlining heavily against my white top in arousal. The fabric was strained, no longer loose but very tight. My flat midriff, the one I’d gotten from Gabbie, was now revealed, the shirt pulled up by the expanse of my jiggling bosom.

Erika and I exchanged a shocked glance, wordless.

I now had a set of fucking huge tits that no one could ignore, and the rest of me was just as womanly.

“Oh God,” I groaned. “They’re huge! I can’t even see my fucking feet! I’ve got to undo this before it’s too late!”

Erika was frozen, still in shock.

To Be Continued . . .


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