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Josh’s eyes were glued to the cowgirl’s outrageous body as she emerged from the pool. The Transformation Wave had affected roughly 10 million people worldwide, but she was the first he’d seen in person. She was beautiful. Her long tail swished out around her, the thick tuft of fur at the end shaking water. Two large cow ears drooped behind a pair of strong bovine horns, and her brown skin was smooth and without blemish. And of course, there was her chest. Each immense breast larger than her own head in size.

“Hey there! I caught you looking!”

Josh’s cheeks went bright red as the cute cowgirl smiled at him. He rapidly stammered out an apology, but she just giggled. He couldn’t help but notice her enormous rack wobble in response. He could have sworn he could vaguely hear milk sloshing within. If she’d been turned into a cowgirl, did that mean she lactated? Somehow, that thought only turned him on all the more.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” she called. It was early morning; they were the only two there in the pool centre. “I stick out in a crowd. I’m still getting used to my new, uh, how shall I put it . . . centre of balance. Not to mention the tail!”

Josh put on his best smile in response. “They look good on you. You look good. And your laps were great!”

She bit her lip and approached him, and he was astounded at her height. She was easily 6’5, with a solid build; a perfect mix of muscle and fat – the latter deposited in all the right places. She had thick, strong thighs; the kind he would love to be crushed between. It was clear the Transformation Wave had left her a tall, powerful bovine woman, though even despite that, her enormous shelf of boobage that easily overflowed her huge bikini top was the most obvious thing about her.

“My name is Sabrina,” she said, standing over him. “I’m new here.”

“I’m, uh, I’m Josh. I’ve lived here my whole life. I could show you around if you like?”

She beamed. “I’d love that! We could get a bite to eat now if you like? This body likes its calories. I'm still getting used to how much it needs!"

Josh swallowed, struggling to contain his surprise and joy. His eyes lowered, captivated by Sabrina’s enormous breasts. God, what he wouldn’t do to be able to bury his face in them. They were level with his face, and so close as she was, they were almost touching him already.

“Sure,” he said, his eyes still on her magnificently prodigious chest. “I could use a drink.”

Sabrina gave him a wink that left him weak at the knees, and she held up one of her immense boobs. “Well Josh, I’m sure I could help with that, if you treat this cowgirl well on our date.”

Josh’s jawdropped. "Um, was that a joke?"

She walked past him, her tail brushing against his hard cock quite deliberately as her powerful hips swayed. She turned slightly, letting her huge bust wobbled immensely.

'Maybe. Maybe not. This new body gets pretty horny - and I'm not just talking about these things on my head. You show me a good tour, and maybe we can have a little fun too. Though with how huge these things are, maybe it'll be a whole lot of fun.'

Josh gulped. 'Holy shit. Yes, I'll totally give you a tour. You look - you look amazing.'

'I know. Pretty out of proportion, but I'm getting used to it.'

He chuckled, regained his courage, and extended his hand to take hers. 'I better make a good impression then,' he said.

They left the pool together, Josh determined to do his damnest to impress this woman. She had only recently been transformed, but it was clear she was just beginning to embrace her prodigiously ample body. He was determined to reap the rewards of that by giving her the best possible date.

And later that night, he knew he'd succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. The loud mooing as he came inside her was a good clue. He'd just have to get used to some very milky sheets from here on out, much to Sabrina's amused embarrassment.



More tall cowgirls please, I love them ;w;