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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

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Part 5: Come in Threes . . .

Chad groaned as the changes began. Everything in his vision flashed green a second time, heralding powerful alterations to his body. He grabbed and gripped his skin, his fingers caressing his breasts in a way that seemed to make Derek look at him curiously.

“S-stop perving at my tits and find a place for us to s-stop!”

“I’m trying, I’m trying!”

Derek continued down the road even Chad arched his back.

“OOhhhhhhh f-fuck! It’s a big one! My tail! Aahhh, my g-goddamned tail!”

His voice was so female it was embarrassing, but even more shameful was the way his women’s shorts split a little as his hips widened yet further, and then snapped at the back as his tail thickened considerably. More and more mass poured into it as it widened at the bass, then across its entire length. Soon it had the proportional size of a full-grown arm, though it still tapered to a smooth green end. Derek kept looking over in astonishing as it extended out longer and longer, piling behind Chad before running out of space, and then creeping down next to his leg in the space in front of the passenger seat.

“Oh G-God! So big! It’s s-so f-fucking - NNGGHH!!!”

His nipples hardened, the changes not only discomforting but also deeply pleasurable. He could barely understand what was happening to him, because the pain in his forehead and between his breasts expanded, blooming. His tits followed, swelling out to press against the black B-cup bra containing them. Their fat spilled over the edges, leaving him to salivate in discomfort and bliss as they expanded.

“OOhhhh G-God! Stop! P-pullover!”

“I’ve got a space ahead! Just a moment!”

It was an empty country road alright, but on either side was fencing, and about three hundred yards away was finally a space for parking. Chad didn’t have time to wait though. He pulled at the cups of his bra, tearing them off and accidentally ripping his white shirt open in the struggle. Derek again looked, seeing the dark nipples of his roommate’s now-considerable bust.

“Holy shit, did they just get bigger!?”

“I s-said don’t - oohhh - look!”

“Sorry! But they have, right?”

“Obviously, you fucking idiot! And they’re still - ahhh - g-growing!”

They swelled again, going up to what had to be pert, round D-cups, easily twice the size of what they had been. They jiggled, wobbling heavily as Derek pulled to a parking spot. Chad moaned almost sensually as his body became even further female.

“N-no! Oh f-fuck no! Not that! Don’t take th-that! NNGGHHH!!”

But it was too late. Even as Chad placed his hands between his legs, he could feel his meagre penis pulling into his body, his balls reshifting and reforming as they plopped in also. His body writhed in unwanted orgasm as his new female alien pussy developed, already wet and sensitive, causing him to cry out in a clearly pleasurable wail.


Derek switched the car off after stopping, and Chad caught his look of astonishment. He felt utterly humiliated yet unable to stop himself from continuing to cry out as his body was hit by wave after wave of rapturous energy. His breasts pressed out further, and his ass expanded slightly, taking on more fat to become comfortable and rotund. His toes and fingers merged, leaving him with three fingers and a thumb, and only four toes as well. But the other big change was just above his now-shallow nose, and between his breasts.

“Oh my God, Chad. Your - your boobs! You’re growing another one!”

“N-noooo, I’m - ahhh! NNghh! - it can’t b-be!”

But she was. And as the final orgasm hit him, it surged forth, pushing his breasts out to the side as a new, third boob formed between them. Its expansion was rapid as it filled out to take on the same perfect teardrop shape as the others, easily a full D or DD-cup in size.

“MMHhmmHMmmm . . .”

He arched his back in that final moment of ecstasy, clenching his eye shut as his alien chest finished its formation. And then his eyes widened as it crashed down upon him.

All three eyes.

Derek gasped. Chad shook with horror. Something had changed. He could feel it. He barely managed to grab the rearview mirror and spin it his way with his new, alien hand. But he succeeded, and was confronted with the vision of an intensely gorgeous green alien space babe with a third eye just above her small nose, and three large breasts.

He screamed, just as his vision flashed briefly red, then green again.

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She screamed again.



It was over an hour later when Chad finally calmed down enough to get back into the van. She was fuming, outraged by her changes, and the worst part was that something had changed at the very end which meant she was no longer even capable of thinking about herself as male. It was like some alien switch had been flipped, and now her identity, whether she wanted it to be or not, was as an alien woman. She could still think of herself as a male, but it required constant effort, and it kept slipping back to female when she wasn’t paying attention.

“This fucking sucks ass!” she cried. Her boobs wobbled in her new top as she gestured erratically. All three of them. They were heavy, and full, and round, and big. And they were hers. And goddamned Derek couldn’t stop staring at them.

“Fucking seriously, Derek?”

The other man - well, the only man remaining of their pair - blushed and looked up at Chad’s eyes. “S-sorry, dude. I’m honestly trying not to be creepy here. But - no offence - they’re really big! And there’s three of them! You’re like that chick from Total Recall, only she wasn’t nearly as busty as you.”

“I don’t even know what the hell that is,” Chad snapped. “All I know is I’ve got a bigger rack than fucking Kaley twice over, and that’s not even counting the third one! I’ve got double-cleavage, dude! What is that device turning me into!?”

Derek shrugged. “One of them, I guess? Probably a fusion of human and alien, actually. You’re still humanoid, and that doesn’t appear to be changing. The only major, major deviation in body type is the tail.”

Chad grimaced. She didn’t like to be reminded of the tail, especially since it kept reminding her. She was able to exert increasing control over it. Like the tail of a monkey, it had its own complexity, and she could move it almost like a fifth limb. But when she wasn’t paying attention seemed to mimic her mood, swaying back and forth in anger, curling at the end in frustration, drooping with sadness. The latter came on quickly, and she had silently cried while standing out in the field where Derek couldn’t see her shedding tears.

“It’s going to be hard to hide,” she said. “All of this is.”

“We could get you to wear a baggy coat or something?”

She rolled her eyes. All three of them. That was a weird sensation to get used to.

“I’ll fucking roast in New Mexico. I’m already overheated just standing out in the fucking sun here.”

“Yeah, you should probably join me in the van’s shade. You might get sunburnt.”

“I don’t even know if this stupid alien body can even get sunburnt.”

Still, she huffed and walked over to him. She could see that Derek was straining not to look at her chest, especially since her big, dark green nipples were pressed against the fabric even as they wobbled. The top was stretched to its limits, revealing two tracts of cleavage that were thoroughly enticing. It was downright humiliating for the formerly male athletics champion.

“We’ve got to turn me back,” she murmured, crossing her arms under her three boobs as she sat down, mindful of her swaying green tail.

“Have you got any more changes to go?”

She sighed. “I don’t know. I feel like it’s almost finished. Some kind of sense. I noticed a few other changes as well. My ears are pointier, and my nose is flatter. I’ve got, like, nostrils that are almost slits or whatever. Hips are wider too. Total hourglass.”

“Your hair is longer too. It goes down your shoulders now.”

She nodded. Her cute little antenna had also grown, though thankfully not much. Just long enough now that changing her hairstyle wouldn’t be enough to disguise them. She’d need a hat, and wasn’t sure how comfortable that would be. They kept bobbing slightly, folding towards Derek and ‘sniffing’ his scent. She didn’t want to say anything, but the other man ‘smelled’ quite nice. Unfortunately, she could also sense his arousal around her.

“Keep it in your fucking pants, dude.”


“Your dick is hard.”

“N-no it’s not.”

She sighed, turning all three eyes upon him with laser focus. She pointed at her antennae. “I can fucking tell, dude. I’ve got these things. I can see your, like, heat I guess. You’ve got a fucking rager of a boner.”

Derek blushed. “Look, you’re hot, okay?”

“I’m a freak.”

“Yeah, sure, but a hot freak. I don’t know what else to tell you. You just are. Call me a weirdo if you want, but you’re like a dream come true to a nerd who idolises alien life. Seriously, look at yourself.”

She groaned, kicked a rock. “Goddamnit, this is not what I want to be hearing now, nerd.”


“Whatever. Fine, this is not what I want to be hearing right now, Derek. I know I’m hot, okay? That’s what makes it even weirder. Fuck me, this is all wrong. I was meant to be a football captain. I’m meant to be ploughing Kaley fucking Wakefield.”

“And now you’re on the road with some loser.”

She turned, looked at him. Through her antennae she sensed the slight sorrow emanating from him. Against her usual character, she felt a sudden sympathy, not just for herself but for him as well. She reached out, and placed her hand on his shoulder. A brief little flutter of excitement skipped in her heart - a heart that was beating on the wrong side of her chest, now - but she pushed it down.

“Look, you’re not a loser, okay? I was wrong. And I’m not making fun of you, dude. It’s just . . . God, this is fucking weird. I’m thankful for all you’re doing. But having a guy look at me, with my freak tits and tail and hips and pussy, and having an erection . . . it’s doing stuff to my mind, man. I can’t handle it.”

Derek smirked. “You’re not thinking I’m hot in return though, right?”

“Fuck no.”

“Good. So it’s not all bad news then, right?”

To his own surprise, Chad laughed gently. She still wasn’t used to her new, feminine voice with its sultry low quality, or all her new body parts. But she could at least take consolation in Derek’s words.

Only a little consolation though. She lingered a little too long on his smile, on his lips and piercing eyes. They had a quality that made her shiver a little.

“Let’s get on the fucking road,” she said. “And there better be some custom bra I can wear.”

“Not too embarrassed about wearing one anymore?”

She got up into the passenger seat and began adjusting her tail carefully. “Of course I’m bloody embarrassed. But I also don’t want these huge tits bouncing painfully. No wonder Hotstuff Hannah got a reduction. Sad day for all the guys on the football team.”

Derek laughed as he got back in his driver’s seat.

“Okay, let’s go. To infinity and beyond.”

“Yeah, yeah, I get that reference. Just shut the fuck up and drive, loser.”


“It was an affectionate loser, okay?”

“Fine, but say it one more time and I’ll find some boob jokes.”

“Ughhh, this fucking sucks!”


The drive was long, particularly along the back roads to avoid the roaming eyes of the men in black. Chad rested, falling asleep after they had a shared lunch on the road from their supplies. She’d shifted to a skirt, daring Derek to say anything, which he fortunately didn’t. It felt oddly freeing, but moreover it had a kind of material that was easy to cut a hole in the backside and slide her long tail through.

“Yeah, yeah, I know I look ridiculous,” she muttered as she did so. “Keep your eyes on the road and your dick in your pants.”

“I really hate those antennae,” Derek mused.

“How do you think I feel? I have to put up with feeling your feelings.”

It was true too. She really could sense Derek’s feelings. It wasn’t quite like movie telepathy, but by ‘reading’ his heat, his hormones, even his scent particulates, she was able to broadly understand the shape of his focus, and it was routinely on her ass, her hips, her tits, and her face.

“You’re doing it again.”

“Sorry. It’s just, try to take this the right way, but you have a really lovely face now.”

Another role of all three of her eyes. “Nerds are turned on by the weirdest fucking shit.”

“Yeah, you’re not wrong there. Have a look at twi’leks from Star Wars sometime.”

“Dude, even I know Star Wars. The new movies sucked.”

“Finally, a pop culture opinion we share.”

The two continued to talk, even as she had to continually adjust her breasts, holding them when they went over old, patched up, or dirt roads, lest they wobble too much. To Chad’s surprise, it was actually fairly nice conversation to break up the monotony of small ghost towns, farmland, and increasingly arid landscapes. She ducked back occasionally to grab drinks from the cooler, and to fetch their lunches. They moved from talk of science fiction and Derek’s passion for it, to Chad’s own history as a footballer and why she was passionate about the game, to even the topic of love life.

“You’re telling me you’re a virgin!?” Chad exclaimed.

“No. I’ve slept with girls before. Not often, but a few.”

“Like, three.”

“Four, I think.”

“Pfft, fucking rookie numbers.”

“Yeah, well, I’m a busy student. And I’ve never had a long-term relationship. Just short stints. I guess I’ve never been lucky that way.”

Chad threw some chips at him, causing Derek to give her the side eye. She rolled her third eye while keeping the other two locked on him.

“Boo hoo. Woe is you, dude. I’m turning into a fucking alien chick here.”

“Yeah, but you’ve had loads of success. You went out with Kaley Wakefield for ages!”

Chad exhaled. “Yeah, and she was a piece of work. I thought she was nicer. I don’t know, I guess I’m an asshole too or whatever. Old man certainly was happy to encourage that. But she . . . well, the second I showed my changes to her, she ratted me out and kicked me out. Absolute bitch.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah, sucks ass, alright.”

They drove in silence for a couple of minutes, and Chad continued to eat chips. She sure was hungry, but then she always was after her changes. She just hoped these were the last ones left.

“So, you’ve mentioned your dad before.”

“Yeah, and?”

Derek shrugged, only briefly glancing over at her. She sensed intrigue in him. At least he wasn’t turned on anymore.

“And nothing. He’s a bit of an asshole. Always pushing me to do shit. You know how dads are. They want you to do the same shit that made them big men in school and campus.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, obviously. Shit just happens. And with my dad, it’s just a matter of going along with it, because what else am I gonna do? He was the damn track star, football king too! Of course he has to keep the pressure on. Keep pushing me to be the all star jock on campus.”

“What happens if you didn’t go along?”

Chad scoffed, her voice sounded a bit more petty now that it was female. “The usual. Some threat. Shouting, most of the time. Occasionally, the belt. Typical dad stuff. You know how it is.”

There was a tense pause. Her antennae shifted, sensing a sort of horror emanating from Derek. Shock, too.

“I . . . I really don’t, Chad. My dad never laid a finger on me.”

“Pfft, no wonder you turned out weak.”

“If this is your idea of strength, then I want no part of it.”

Chad folded her arms. “Forget it, dude. You don’t understand pressures like I had.”

“Oh, I certainly fucking do, Chad. I’ve been pressured to succeed in academia my whole life. My parents don’t understand my UFO hobby, and they often remind me that they wished I was studying to be a doctor, but they never hurt me. Not once. That’d be . . . that’d be wrong. Evil.”

“Dad’s not evil. He’s just a pusher. Wants to make sure I’m cool, and not a loser like the kids he used to punk on. It’s like highschool. You’re either the kid in the locker, or the kid outside it, laughing.”

Another pause. “What does that mean? Is that a thing that happened?”

That dread image rose again in her mind. The screaming. The crying. The sight when the locker door was finally open.

And the laughter.

The endless, fucking laughter.

I’m proud of you, son.

The bile rose from her stomach and she had to breathe in a steady rhythm to avoid throwing up.

“Just f-fucking leave it, man. You’re not my fucking psychologist.”

Derek looked over, and she sensed concern from him. Damned antennae. But he seemed to understand that need for privacy. Some doors had to stay shut. They had to.

I’m proud of you, son.

“Okay,” Derek said. “We’ll talk about something else . . . like how it feels to have tits.”

“Jesus, you don’t rest, do you?”

“C’mon, every guy is curious. Is it cool?”

“It’s heavy. And they wobble. A lot.”

“Well, they are big.”

“And green.”

“Now you’re just - what do the feminists say? Objectifying me?”

Derek laughed. “Fair enough! Is it cool?”

Chad squeezed them with her new, reduced hands. They were more slender, the fingers just slightly longer. She whimpered a little at the pleasure that came from groping her own three tits. Her middle breast seemed especially sensitive. She swivelled her independent third eye to Derek, who was watching with fascination as he slowed the car.

“Enjoying the sight?”

“Um, a little. Yeah. Just a little.”

“I can sense your erection, dude.”

“Oh, fuck. I forgot. But I maintain my question - is it kind of cool?”

Chad smirked. “Yeah, I can see why chicks want big tits, at least if they’re this sensitive usually. They feel pretty fucking cool. But only as a temporary thing. You spread this around, I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


“You mean that in a nice way, right?”

She laughed, hitting him on the arm with her tail without even thinking. They drove a little further, relaxing a bit more. She didn’t want to acknowledge it, but there was a flush of heat in her system when he looked at her the way he did. Something about his clear attraction to her was making her heart flutter a little (still on the wrong side, at that!). It made her feel . . . odd. Wrong. Kind of gay, if she was really confronting it. There was something about Derek that she was sensing and seeing, and not just through her third eye and antennae, that she hadn’t noticed before. A toughness that wasn’t obvious at first look. A compassion too. He cared more than he let on, and he cared deeply. And he put up with her insults and defensive posturing without resorting to cruelty back, but he didn’t fold over either. There was something . . . magnetic about that. Attractive, even.

She bit her full, dark green lip, realising what she’d just been thinking.

“I’m not fucking gay.”

“Uh, yeah Chad. You were with Kaley Wakefield. I’m pretty sure I know that.”

She looked over in shock, not realising she’d said it so loud.

“I - never mind. How are we going for arrival?”

“We’ll be there in just roughly four and a half hours. We can ready you to look like an alien cosplayer as well. Even find you a good bra, I bet.”

“Thank God.”

“We’ll have to find a hotel as well, though they might be pretty booked out. It might help if you pose as my girlfriend.”

She huffed, but didn’t find as much resistance to the thought as last time.

“Fine, what’s new. So long as we can get what information we need, and get to this UFO sight you found. Then find a way to turn me back before the government is probing my ass.”

Derek flustered, and her antennae swelled a little at their spherical ends. She punched him lightly on the arm.

“You fucking pervert! You’re thinking about my ass!”

“Dude, you brought it up! I can’t help that these aliens made you hot as!”

She sighed, leaning back in her chair and placing her tail in her lap.

“Just keep driving, and tell me when we get there.”

She closed her three eyes, and decided to try and drift off to sleep before yet another embarrassing public event occurred. And yet she still couldn’t shake those feelings, that sense of attraction she kept feeling to Derek. Like he wasn’t just someone helping her, or even becoming her friend (which she had to admit, he kind of was), but rather something deeper. Something primal to her new alien senses. It overcame the lingering dark thoughts about her father, smothering them completely. And instead of fighting these new sensations, she decided to let them pass over her as she turned to sleep, uncaring that she could sense Derek’s eyes upon her breasts, or her hips, or even her tail, which languidly swayed on her lap. It was wrong, she knew. All totally wrong, to find his attraction to her somewhat enticing. Her old man would hate it.

But that last part made it feel right, too.

She dreamed that she was in bed again, and him spooning against her. This time neither had any clothes, and she did not fight the sensual comfort it brought. Her rail snaked down between his legs, teasing his balls, stroking him to a full erection. And when he moved over her she presented her three beautiful breasts to him: two to squeeze, one to suckle, and she spread her thighs to give him access.

He was her mate, after all. It was the purpose of her new biology. She was his alien girl, meant to serve her virile partner.

She groaned as he plunged into her, and gasped at the feelings it produced.

It was only when he began to yell something that she woke from the dream, embarrassed, blushing purple, utterly confused and deeply horny.

“Wh-wha - what is it?”

“Um, you were making sounds. Big sounds. And calling my name. I thought it best to wake you.”

She clenched her three eyes shut, realising what she’d just done. Fuck, it was humiliating. She’d actually dreamed of letting this nerd fuck her alien body. And it had been a good dream. It made her shiver in disgust . . . and a little in delight. She couldn’t shake the horniness, especially since she now had three goddamn nipples that were tensing and untensing, aching to be touched . . .

“Just . . . don’t look at me. Don’t even ask.”

“I won’t. I also thought I should tell you we’re here. Welcome to El Paso.”

Chad sat up in her seat, and beheld the sight ahead. At some point, they’d got back on the highway again, and sure enough, the sun-scorched city was in sight. There was even a billboard for AlienCon prominently displayed, with tomorrow’s date and the three days following.

“We’re here,” she said, forgetting her incredibly arousal for a moment, and taking a moment to beam with a smile. She felt giddy. It was partly her new alien energy, but also genuine hope. Yes, she had three fucking tits and three fucking eyes. Yes, she now had a crazy hourglass figure, a tail that was four feet long, and a set of antennae to go with her green skin. Yes, she looked like a hot green alien woman, and was, terrifyingly, developing a woman’s appetite for men, it seemed.

But it was all about to come to an end. Just a few more days, and she could be back to normal.

“Let’s find a hotel,” she said. “And get me a damn three-cup bra. And a costume for this AlienCon or whatever. Then . . .”

“Roswell,” Derek finished.

“Fuck yeah.”

The two former rivals shared a fist bump, flashing each other smiles. Chad ignored the flash of excitement that came from that brief moment of touch.

She was still Chad Penwick, star athlete.

And she would be again.

To Be Continued . . .


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