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When Duncan and Ian played that strange fantasy board game that they recovered from a garage sale, they never expected it would transport them into a new realm & give them new bodies. Duncan was fortunate; he was turned into a muscled knight, with the knowledge of how to wield a longsword and shield. A fighter. Ian was less fortunate; he was shocked to find himself stuck in the body of a gorgeous short-haired woman with olive skin, wide hips, and impressive bust, and the knowledge of how to deceive and seduce. A rogue.

The two were desperate to return to their world and bodies, especially Ian, but they could find no way. They travelled together, encountering enemies and creatures of fantastical variety, and Ian slowly became used to being a woman, and dealing with womanly issues, though the stares from other men became a nuisance to her, particularly from Duncan.

One day, the two of them were ambushed by a group of bandits who grabbed Ian and took him away, leaving Duncan wounded. The injured fighter vowed to save his friend – if they couldn’t go back to their former lives, he promised to always keep her safe. It took months to track down the bandits, then the traders they sold his friend to, then the ship that transported him, and finally his destination; to the court of a powerful Sultan, where he managed to find out that a woman named Iala – the Sultan’s expectant wife – might be able to help him. Horrified with what they might be doing to Ian, Duncan fought to the centre of the court, making his way to the very heart of the palace to each this woman.

Instead, upon barging into the ladies’ room, Duncan was shocked to find ‘Iala’ was, in fact, Ian. She was scantily dressed in a trailing underwear garment, metallic brassiere, and gold adornments upon her forehead, in her ears, and her wrists and feet. Even more shocking, his former friend was now heavily pregnant – six months along at least - and seemingly content as she devoured a juicy apple and rubbed her swollen stomach. After embracing Duncan, she pushed back against his urgings to rescue her.

“Do you think I’m here by accident? I’m a rogue, remember? I managed to persuade and deceive and trick my way here, and seduce the Sultan into marrying me!”

Duncan was horrified, but Iala only continued. “What? Don’t give me that look. They give me home, food, and clean clothes. I get to be a queen, and live in luxury for the rest of my days. I figure if I’m stuck as a woman in this fantasy world, I might as well be at the top of the food chain. And he really is a nice Sultan, I rather like him. No extra wives or concubines or anything. And as you can see, he’s pretty good at pleasing me in other ways too, even if I didn’t expect to get pregnant so quickly.”

Duncan was at a lost at what to do. His friend hadn’t actually needed his help, and his adventuring had been for nought. Iala sat, stroking her belly idly, and apologised for all the effort he’d gone to, saying she’d tried to have him found, but he was ‘off the map’ the whole time. Despondent, and feeling useless, Duncan turned to leave, but it was then that Iala stopped him, and told him about a wonderful offer she could put to the Sultan.

This story does have a happy ending: Duncan became a knight in service to the Sultan, and eventually the leader of his Royal Guard. He maintained his close friendship with Iala, who used her rogue skills to find a beautiful noble girl to become Duncan’s betrothed, playing wing-woman to her friend to secure the pairing. In the end, Duncan came to enjoy his new life in this fantasy world, just as Iala had. A good thing for them too, as the Sultan’s lust for Iala was matched only by hers for him, and Duncan found he was soon training an entire platoon of knights to guard the lives of the many children his formerly-male friend found herself birthing into the world. And much to both of the friends’ excitement as they reached their forties (not that this stopped the still-gorgeous, still-pixie-haired Iala from getting pregnant yet again), they noticed that some of their respective children were beginning to develop feelings for one another. A real-life fantasy indeed.


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