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Thanks to those of you that voted for the changes to our deserving protagonist! See the following poll post for the next changes to come!

Chase Argyle has little to complain about. He’s pretty good looking, reasonably fit, makes solid money working as a banking manager, and has a highly intelligent girlfriend in Jennifer Hayes. But the world is not enough for Chase, who likes to secretly indulge in other women on the side. But when he decides to inject himself with a chemical his scientist girlfriend has developed, one that promises the ‘perfect body’, he quickly finds his body changing in ways he could not have imagined, and always in response to arousal at the sight of the women around him.

Perfect Body, Part 3: Hips Don’t Lie

It happened all at once. The server was cute, but what I couldn’t help but notice most of all was her short stature and small build. I couldn’t stand how modern trends celebrated ‘tough’ women who were into fitness. I preferred them slim and curvy in all the right places. The only areas of the body a good woman should be ‘big’ in was the boobs, the ass, the hips, and the libido as far as I was concerned, and if one was down for a family, then she should learn to put up with a big belly too. But muscles? No way. A woman should have a small frame and a shorter stature so she knew who the one who wore the pants in the relationship was, and it wasn’t her.

Unfortunately, just looking at this lady’s 5’5 stature and little shoulders and waist made my gut clench. She wasn’t the hottest chick around, but by God she had the right starting kit, if only some of her body parts were more developed. But she was the perfect height for taller guys like me, even if the damned serum was meant to be making me a little taller.

Instead it did the latter.

“Nnghhhh . . .”

Several other patrons stared my way as I felt my shoulders pull into my body, and my waist contract. It was like I was being compressed by some fucking hand of God, and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried to avoid panicking, but I was surrounded by people, and if I put my face up too much they would see the ridiculous lips on my face.

I tried to stand and remove myself from the situation, but that overwhelming pressure returned, planting me back in my seat. A horrible clicking began in my vertebrae, and with a dread horror I realised that the exact traits I had admired in that server were now being applied to me.

“Sir? Are you okay? Can I get you your order, or . . ?”

She let the question trail off as she looked over me, concern appearing on her features. Her nametag listed her as Cass. I had little doubt she could hear the clicking of my spine, and was surprised by my swollen lips.

“It’s - nnghh - okay,” I managed. “It’s just a - ahh - medical condition. I don’t n-need anything.”

“Are you sure, sir? That didn’t sound right - I can grab someone to help y-”

“I said go away!” I shouted, my voice cracking a little.

Her eyes widened, and it took a moment for her to collect herself, during which I actually felt my spine somehow reduce in size and length, a change that caused no small amount of agony.

“O-Okay,” she stammered. She walked away, gesturing to the other staff that I was clearly not to be disturbed and was probably a fucking nutter. But I didn’t give a shit, I was far more concerned with whatever terrifying weirdness was currently happening to my damned body. My shoulders compressed a second time, and I nearly retched as my waist pulled in, just like a woman’s. Just like the server’s. I now had Cass’ smaller frame, or at least something approaching it. I struggled to stand a second time, holding my hat down and with my arm around my waist. I coughed, breathing heavily but able to move, and quickly left without paying.

“N-need to get out of here. They can afford one l-lost coffee. F-fuck!”

I pushed my way past the crowd on the street, keeping my head down as much as possible. Someone shouted at me, but I ignored them: the terrible pain in my spine and the constant, terrible clicking of its reduction terrified me. The fucking serum was supposed to make me taller, not make me some bloody midget! Instead, just because I’d appreciate the server Cass’ short height and slight build, I was now suffering the misfortune of both. I didn’t deserve it! I was meant to be an alpha male!

“NNggghh!!” I groaned, stopped against a streetlamp for a moment as several persons on the boardwalk looked at me.

“Fuck off!” I called, and one mother looked to be full of rage as she cupped her young daughter’s ears. But I was already moving. I didn’t have time to care about staring shitheels like the woman, not while my body was altering in all the wrong ways. My spine contracted, and my limbs with it. I nearly fell over as my legs clicked, dropping in height just slightly, though thankfully not too much. My arms lost muscle mass, and so did my stomach and chest. I was becoming thinner by the second, but where was the mass going?

My stomach lurched, and I felt something new form there, or atleast finish forming. A new organ. I nearly threw up as I got off the busy plaza.

“That - that better not be a f-fucking uterus! Ughh!”

It certainly felt like one, because my internal organs went for a rollercoaster ride, pushing upwards, sloshing to the sides, and generally making way for something new.

I did throw up, right in an alleyway that I only just made it too. My spine cracked one final time, and when I stood, it was too a taller world.

“Fuck!” I stammered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

I was as short as the server. Little cute Cass, though at least she was only 5’5 or so. Not too short, I guess. There were shorter women. It had always been important to me that a woman be short enough to fit her head into the crook of your neck, while not being so short as to lack a set of fine long, shapely legs. At least I had ended up in that general ballpark of not being some tiny goblin woman.

“What the fuck am I thinking?” I spat. “I should be 6’1 at the very least! No, fuck that. I should be 6’3, like this damn serum was supposed to do.”

I wanted to slam my fists against the wall, push over something heavy and revel in the cathartic destruction. But I wasn’t even sure I could lift my kitchen table anymore. I felt weak. Way too weak, in fact. My shirt and pants were too big for me now, and hung off me oddly, and the lack of masculine muscle only further emphasised how ridiculous I looked.

“This is bullshit!”

I took a heavy breath, working to summon back my cool. The plan hadn’t changed. I needed to regroup somewhere where Jennifer wouldn’t find me, which meant I couldn’t go home just yet. No, I needed somewhere out of reach where even my regular girls wouldn’t send word, and I could, I don’t know, figure out what was going on with my body and come up with a story that satisfied Jen and passed Juliet’s Frenchy bullmerde radar. I calmed my breathing completely, got my phone out again. I had a heap of texts from Jen, which instantly sent a spike of anxiety through my shortened spine.

“Shit, why now?”

I opened them, and breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a series of reminders from her about upcoming stuff, like she always sent. I flicked through them just in case she said anything important.

Hey, just wanna thank you again for last night. Had a real great time. Probably shouldn’t do that in the lab again, lol. But it was nice to celebrate success. Will thank you again later.

Oh btw, thought I’d remind you that Ben is coming over tonight for dinner. He’s had a hard time of it lately. I know ur not his biggest fan but his girlfriend dumped him recently so we’re just being nice to him.

Hows your day going anyway? I’ll be heading into the office in a few hours but enjoying run of the place. Tell me what you want cooked tonight. XXX

I rolled my eyes. God, Jen could be way too clingy. And he’d forgotten her half-brother Ben was coming around. He was her ‘baby brother’ by four years, but was frustratingly two inches taller than me, and was a fancy doctor already. Like his sister, he was a real early age success story, and just being in his presence ticked me off. I didn’t hesitate to grin at the news he’d been dumped. Served him right for being such a fucking parade of success in front of me. I typed a quick response.

Sure babe, always up for ‘fun’. Glad day is well - no problem with Ben. Day is going okay but feel ill, just taking some fresh air time. Make up some good roast lamb to celebrate us, maybe? You make good lamb.

She did, but more than that, it would take time and effort, and she would have to pick up a lot of the ingredients. It would keep her distracted, and even if she couldn’t make it, she’d try for a substitute. I’d done well to wrap Jen around my finger. She was eager to please, to make up for her totally average body, and she had no idea that I knew that face, and was ready to abuse it. Hell, I was only doing what every other guy would have done.

With that matter settled, I put her phone on silent for now, and dialled the original call, waiting out the tone. Finally, the voice I was looking for answered:

“Hola, esta es Gabriella hablando.”

“Gabriella, it’s me, Chase. Chase Argyle.”

“Chase? Chase! I haven’t heard from you in too long. Are you still in town?”

I smiled. I loved that accent of hers. For a brief moment I felt that strange energy, but this time I was ready. I focused my mind on other things, such as how while it was a sexy Mexican accent, it wasn’t the sexiest accent in my mind. It didn’t even stack up against Juliet’s French, and I was doing a good job of not thinking on that either.

“I am. I’m sorry I haven’t kept in touch.”

“Do you have a cold? You sound a little raspy, and your voice is light.”

I winced, but continued. “No, I’m fine. Just a little exhausted from a long week. I was wondering if you were free for me to drop by, actually. As you say, it’s been too long, and I miss your apartment, and those wonderful hips of yours.”

She giggled over the phone. She had always appreciated my love of her hips, and that perfectly flat stomach of hers. They were her best features: the others were okay but nothing to write home about.

“Hmmm, are you going to stick around this time? You said you were going to deal with your girlfriend, and then we could be together. Then I heard nothing from you!”

“It was a whole think Gabriella. I didn’t want to drag you into it. Suffice to say I’m single again, and I can’t think of anyone but you. I - it’s taken some courage to work up this phone call, but I couldn’t ignore you any longer. I want to see you. Be with you.”

There was a silence on the other side of the phone, but her exhale was not one of disappointment, but rather anticipation. I knew I had her.

“You always know just what to say, Chase. Come on over. The place is free, and I’m here. I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Me either, Gabriella. Excuse me if I look a little off my game. Consider it nervousness.”

“Butterflies,” she teased.

I gave a forced chuckle and then said goodbye. I took one last look over myself, sighed, and left the alley. I still felt sick, and not just from the lingering taste of vomit in my mouth. I was having to pull all the best deceptions out of my pocket today, and I didn’t know if it would be enough. How would I even explain my changes to Gabriella?

But then, perhaps she was the best person to tell. Out of all my old flames and conquests, she didn’t know anyone else. It was still so easy to lie to her, but perhaps in this situation, it would be easy to tell the truth as well . . .


I knocked on the door, my heart beating like a jackhammer in my chest. It didn’t take long for me to hear Gabriella’s cute accent.

“Just a minute! Coming!”

The door opened, and there she was on the other side, wearing a casual pink t-shirt and a set of tight yoga pants that emphasised her perfectly wide, baby making hips. She had a beaming smile on her olive face, but it faltered as she saw me.


“Yeah, it’s me,” I said.

Dios mio, what happened to you? You look so different!”

“I know, I know. It’s a whole story.”

“Your lips are swollen!”

“Yeah, look, can I come in? I - I need to tell you something. I don’t know if you’ll believe me or not, but I need a place to stay for a couple of hours while I work something out.”

She was hesitant a moment, then nodded. “Of course. Come in. I’m guessing the flirting was just a way to get to me?”

“No, no, I meant every word I said, but I needed your help too. You know I still want to be with you.”

She was silent as she let me in. I thanked her again as I entered the familiar apartment. I noticed with irritation that the cupboard seemed a bit taller than they had previously. Stupid fucking height loss.

“Take a seat. Tell me what’s happened? You seriously look like you’ve lost height or something. Should I be worried about an infection or something?”

I chuckled. I wished it was just a simple infection. Instead, I told her the story. The actual truth, for once. Well, okay, I stretched the truth a little. In this version, Jennifer was ‘just a friend.’ Also, I had merely been given a tour of my friend’s success and accidentally pricked myself on a needle, but because I’d been too curious and stepped past a ‘go no further’ marker during the tour, that was the reason for my hesitance to return. It wasn’t the most believable or cleanest story, but she seemed to buy it.

“I - that does sound crazy, but your lips really do look like a woman’s.”

“That’s not all. This is my hair now.”

I took off my hat and shook out my long brunette hair. It was silky and soft, and when she asked, I let her feel it to confirm it was all natural.

“But that’s impossible. Even if you grew your hair out it wouldn’t take on this consistency. Not with all the treatment in the world!”

I gave her my most serious look. “And you can see I’m shorter now, and slimmer. Look at my goddamn shoulders, Gabriella! I’m fucking shrinking!”

She looked me over, even asked me to remove my suit jacket so she could see. She gasped as I showed her how much I had shrunk, and the loss of muscle mass.

Santa mierda! You aren’t lying! Do you think you are becoming a woman?”

I took a heavy breath. “I’ve got no goddamn idea, Gabbiel.”

“And you came to me.”

I flashed her my best charismatic smile. It probably looked weird with those damned full lips of mine now, though. “Of course, baby. When I was in trouble, you were the first person I thought about. I should have stayed in contact, but I thought after taking so long to get out of that bad relationship I was in, that you wouldn’t want me back.”

She smiled, curled up against me. “Of course I would, mi amor. You know I love you. I’ve missed you so badly. But what’s causing these changes? Why is the serum only doing one bit at a time?”

“It’s embarrassing as fuck, Gabriella. But whenever I see a part of a woman that’s, well, attractive, it changes me.”

“Bad move coming to me then, mi amor.”

She smiled devilishly, and I returned it weakly. I’d forgotten how much I used to shower her praise over her looks. In reality, she was like a seven out of ten at the very best, with a face that was a six. Her fucking gorgeous hips and stomach were the hot bits, everything else, well, let’s just say there was better meat on other racks. Still, I had to convince her that I thought she was entirely hot, just to keep the charade going.

“I know, I know. The biggest risk, but I had to come to you.”

“You might end up a Latina hottie.”

“Please God no, I like my Latinas on my arm, and with cute hips I can see wiggle.”

She chuckled. “This is so crazy! I’ll be sure to dress conservatively so as not to tempt you. But what are we going to do?”

I put my face in my hands. “I have no goddamn idea. I have to get clothes that fit me, at the least. And I need to put a plan together to convince Jen to change me back without getting me in trouble.”

‘But it was an accident, no?”

“Yeah, of course it was, honey. But it’s a big pharma company. They won’t see it that way.”

She gave me a peck on the cheek. “You stay here. There’s good food from the old country in the fridge. Stay as long as you need. I’ll get your new clothing.”

This was working better than expected. “You will?”

“Oh, yes! I have your size, you remember I was good at this. I’ll go and grab some things now so you don’t stick out, and you think of a plan, mi amor.”

“You’re the best Gabbie.”

“Because you love me?”

I winced so briefly it must have been imperceptible. She had always wanted the L-word to come out. “Of course, because I love you.”

She gave me another peck. “That’s all I needed to hear.”


It was two hours later when she returned. I’d put together a pretty convincing story that I’d recited in my head, explaining to Jen how I’d managed to accidentally stick myself with the serum. It placed the blame on Juliet quite effectively. I know they were good friends, but I remembered that Jen had complained twice that while her Frenchie friend was a very good researcher and lab partner, she very occasionally forgot to put vials back where they were meant to go. That was my out, and if it meant throwing Juliet under the bridge, so bet it.

“I can still win this,” I said. I cringed a little at my voice. It was still identifiably mine, but a little higher. Like my system was getting flooded with estrogen or something, which it probably damn well was.

The lock turned, and Gabriella entered, smiling with a bright grin. Maybe I’d been wrong about her looks, but she looked pretty in that moment. Or maybe I was just overjoyed to get some help. Harder to tell I had changed if I had new clothes that could be baggy.

Hola!” she declared, ducking into the laundry for a brief moment. “Your saviour is here, Chase! I brought you clothing!”

“Thank God. You’re the best, Gabbie. Seriously.”

“Because you love me.”

“I already told you that!” I said, laughing.

She gave me a strange smile, then handed me the bag. “Now I need to go get changed too. It was hell out there, a busy day for sure! Do you want me to wash your jacket? It looks all sweaty.”

“Sure, cheers,” I said, tossing her the jacket. “Can you do my shirt too?”

“Anything to get you shirtless, mi amor.”

“Uh huh, uh huh,” I said as she left the room. She had bought me two full bags, which was more than I expected her to get. My phone buzzed again, and I saw that while I was formulating my plan, I also had messages from my two other girls. Casey and Erika had both tried to contact me, probably both for a nice booty call. Damn, if that wasn’t what I needed right at that second, just to calm my nerves.

But at least I had new clothing. I opened the bags.

And stared.

And sifted through what she had brought.

And swore under my breath.

It was all women’s clothing. All of it. Some was even fucking pink! She’d bought me women’s tops and jackets, and some leggings, even a couple of skirts! There were even fucking panties and bras in there, some in various sizes. I recognised some as hers. She must have grabbed them from the laundry when I wasn’t looking!

“Gabriella, what the hell is this?”

Your punishment, mi amor.”

I turned, and saw a most unexpected sight. Gabriella was dressed in a tight white crop top and even tighter black panties, and nothing else. Her luxurious hips were on display, flared out wide and perfect, and her wonderfully smooth stomach with its olive tones was fully unveiled. She sauntered forward, exaggerating the swing of her hips in a way she knew had always driven me wild. It was an incredibly intoxicating sight, reminding me of just how wonderful those hips were to hold as I fucked her from behind, or as she straddled me, or even as I occasionally went down on her in exchange for some ‘special treatment’ later.

I felt the energy flow over my body. The signs of change.

“G-Gabriella! What the f-fuck are you doing?”

She smiled. “I’m getting the revenge I always wanted, mi amor.

Another shuddering change. I could feel a dreadful pressure on my hips, a shifting of my stomach. I groaned, gasping as I clutched the coffee table in front of me, on top of which sat the bags of women’s clothing.

“What are you – ughhh! - what the fuck are y-you talking about!? NNGHH!”

Another crack, another widening. They pushed against my previously loose trousers, getting wider and wider, popping outwards painfully, and yet somehow in a way that only turned me on. I couldn’t stop looking at her hips, and she emphasised them by placing her hands on her flanks and posing like a pinup model. It was so fucking hot that my dick immediately shot up in erection, which only accelerated the changes.

“I’m talking about how you left me on some sob story, Chase. And how you lied when you called just to get back at me. Made up that you loved me - just like you did before - all so I could help you get a free ride. I bet the story of why you’re changing is a lie too, mi amor.”

“No! I s-swear it’s the truth, Gabbie! Please, I’ll e-explain - ahhh - everything, just stop sh-showing off those hips! OOHhhhh!”

My trouser seams split against my legs, painfully compressed by my increasingly womanly hips. They were almost as wide as Gabbie’s now, and it terrified me to think of how hard they would be to hide.

“Oh, you like these hips, do you? That’s good. They don’t lie, not like you, Chase. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy how much they are always swaying and sashaying from side to side, like you always enjoyed. And enjoy having my stomach too. I’ve always been proud of it. Just remember to keep a good diet to maintain it.”

“F-fuck you!” I screamed, even as my hips burst through my trousers, fully splitting them and causing them to become useless.

“Good luck with that, looking like you do I wouldn’t be interested!” She moved forward, grabbed my arm with surprising strength, and pulled me to the door. “But don’t worry, I’ve made sure you’ve got plenty of clothing to wear to get used to your new form. I’m looking forward to seeing how you turn out, chica!”

She pushed me out the door, and I was too astonished to fight back. With one motion she threw the bags out as well, full of all the women’s clothes she had gotten for me.

“I’ve tried to account for the fact that you like big tits too,” she said with a smirk.

“At least g-give me my clothes back!” I yelled.

“Too late, I already shredded your jacket. Looks like these are your only choices now. Won’t be long before you get a nice little pussy to suit weak of a man you are, Chase. Goodbye.”

And with that she slammed the door shut and locked it, leaving me standing alone in the hallway of her apartment building, in my underwear, and nothing but women’s clothing to wear.

“FUCK!” I screamed.

My phone buzzed again. It was Jen.

Off to work now. Hope you feel better soon hun. Go home and rest if needed.

“Thank God,” I sighed. I checked the other two texts, from Casey and Erika. “Please be of some fucking help here.”

As I read their messages, I opened the first bag of clothes.

To Be Continued . . .

Don't forget to vote on the next poll in my next post!


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