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Excuse the formatting errors - posting from mobile. Shorter one today due to a busy week.

Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

Part 4: Road Trip

Chad tried to shift, tried to move and get his roommate-turned-escape partner’s attention. But the strange alien infection or virus or whatever it was had him all seized up. He shuddered a little, and could just manage to raise his arm up in the darkness before his eyes. To his astonishment, the energy that flickered across his eyes concentrated for a moment, and then he was able to see the colours of his arm. See colour in the darkness.

But he couldn’t maintain his awe when other changes were beginning to happen simultaneously. He felt his skin ripple as it softened further. His ears shrunk a little further, feeling dainty to the point of being too small. His tailbone clicked as vertebrae added to it, expanding further until it was making him deeply uncomfortable, until finally it bent. Bent, as if it had its own vertebrae. It slipped between the upper cleft of his ass cheeks, which themselves rounded out slightly, taking on more padding and relieving this new burden. His antennae extended, and this change was a little more painful, but at the same time brought an increased sensitivity to the rest of his body. It was like he could ‘taste’ the sensations the rest of his body was experiencing. And something else too . . .

“Oh - oh f-fuck,” he managed to stammer in his husky female voice.

It was Derek. Chad’s antennae could sense the other man, his musk, his maleness, his heat. Though he was sleeping, he once again felt that draw to this other man. This strange instinct to regard him as a ‘mate’, even if he didn’t quite understand that designation. But suddenly his scent was intoxicating, and it made Chad want to draw nearer to him, just to ‘smell’ it with his antennae. Hell, even with his increasingly button-like nose!

But then he grunted in discomfort, one that he welcomed as a distraction. The bulge slightly below the centre of his forehead expanded. He could feel something complex developing back there, something sensitive. He tried to touch it, but his body spasmed again. His scalp itched as his hair extended yet further, now falling level, he imagined, to where his chin would be, though it was hard to tell while shaking on his back. Another tingle began, one that heightened the sensations of pleasure. He was caught between welcoming them and fearing them.

“Nnno! No! Derek, Derek wake - nghh - wake up!”

But the snoring man was completely asleep, and so Chad simply whimpered as his nipples extended, hardening in arousal, and his breasts rose. They nearly doubled in size, gaining weight and tissue and fat and swelling to what must have been full B-cups in size.

“Mmhmhmm . . . Ahhhhh.”

His skin rippled with energy, and thanks to his altered eyes, he could see that his entire form was becoming further green. He tried to ignore the shrinking dick, but it remained erect even as it reduced in size. Thankfully he didn’t orgasm, but as the changes relaxed, he trembled in pleasure. His vision flashed briefly green.


“What n-now . . .”

He tried to stay awake to figure out what was happening, and what the voice meant, but he was simply too tired. It had been a long fucking day.

He drifted back to sleep.


Chad woke with his body pressed against something warm and sweet-smelling and wonderful. His antennae twisted on their tentacle-like stalks, tapping against that something, sampling its comforting masculinity. Its compatibility to his own changing form. He nestled against it, hugged it warmth against him, and accepted the strong arms that embraced him in turn. He lay there in perfect company until he became awake enough to realise something was wrong. He opened his eyes and saw Derek's face almost touching his, the other man slowly waking too.


Chad threw himself back to his side of the bed. Derek sat up, alarmed, an erection c clearly evident in his boxers. Chad's antenna went wild at the sight of it, but he forced the information out of mind. His own nipples were hard with arousal.

"Did we just?"

"We're not talking about it," Chad said. "I knew we should have found a different room. Goddamnit."

Derek stared. "You've changed again. You look-"

"I know, I know, I'm growing tits and I've got longer hair. I think I'm growing a tail too."

"A tail?"

Chad groaned. "I'm having a fucking shower. Can you, I don't mnow, get some food ready or something? We've got a drive ahead of us."

Derem nodded, clearly trying not to stare. "Do you feel okay?"

"Of course I don't feel okay!" he shouted, causing his tits to wobble in his shirt. "I'm turning into an alien chick. God, I'm even fucking shorter again!"

"Sorry, I just meant . . . you're not injured, right? I want to make sure you're okay as you can be, at least."

His concern was oddly touching. Once more, his alien antennae buzzed, drawing him to this man.

"I'm . . . yeah. Fine as can be, I guess. Thanks. I'm going to have a shower and inspect the damage."

He walked away, his more widened hips swaying further than he'd like. His antenna buzzed, telling him something that embarrasses him.

"Don't look at my ass, you weirdo geek!"



The shower was strangely nice on Chad's more sensitive skin. He luxuriated in it longer than he should, taking the time to feel his strange tail development. It was thick, but capable of being tucked down and hidden in his pants, which he tested after getting out. It was weird, like having a new limb. It was having a new limb. It was semi-flexible, with new muscled that let him shift it, which would at least make it easier to hide for now. Like an arm or leg socket, he could rotate it in any direction, though it was quite short.

“A fucking tail above my ass, just great.”

He dressed in some oversized clothing that was now far too large. He was down to a height of 5’7, and got the feeling his reduction in height still had a little way to go, unfortunately.

“Fuck, all this shit is too big for me. I’ll have to get new clothing.”

He sauntered out of the bathroom to find Derek had prepared bacon and eggs. It smelled wonderful to his enhanced senses.

“Mmhm, thanks,” he said, as he tucked in to the food.

“No problem,” Derek said. “I’m sorry this is still happening to you.”

“Yeah, well . . . appreciated, I guess. Let’s just focus on getting to Roswell. What’s the plan, ner - Derek.”

Derek smirked a little. “Nice to know you’re learning.”

Chad chuckled.

“Okay, so we’ve got a long, long drive from Penn all the way to New Mexico. The good news is that if you keep changing, we’ve got the perfect cover. It’s a little extra drive, but in El Paso they’re having an annual Alien Conspiracy Convention. I’ve been there a couple of times, and it’s mostly just geeky science fiction fun. Movies, games, costumes, the works. But there’s also genuine alien conspiracy people and podcasters and the like. Lots of cosplay. It usually draws a pretty big crowd of a few thousand or so, mostly for novelty.”

Chad winced. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?”

“Because you’re probably not. But hear me out. You’re likely to keep changing, right?”

“Right,” he said a little morosely, looking down at his more vibrant green skin.

“So what better alibi for your appearance, and the fact that we’re visiting Roswell, than making it look like you’re dressing up as a green alien for cosplay? There’s even a bus and convoy that drives to Roswell after the convention to check out famous UFO sites. We could split off from there!”

Chad considered it. The thought of having to deliberately show off his repulsive changing body, his alien femaleness, was horrifying. His father would be utterly ashamed if he ever found out. God, not to mention people like Kaley and Mark. Especially Kaley. But what choice did he have?

“Fine, fine. I’ll go along with this stupid plan. So long as I don’t have to wear a skin tight outfit or anything.”

“Well, it would be pretty cool to see,” Derek said, smirking.

“Ha ha. Don’t push it, geek.”


“Derek, fine. But if we’re gonna do that, we need to get some clothes.”

The nerd nodded. “Yeah, and probably a bra for those puppies too.”

“No way, I am not wearing a bra. And don’t fucking call them ‘puppies’ again.”

“Or what, you’ll stash me in a locker?”

For just a moment, Chad thought Derek knew. About the high school incident. The one that he occasionally dreamed of. His heart stopped, for just a moment, as he remembered. But then he noticed Derek’s face, which had that same look of dry humour upon it. He didn’t know.

“Yeah,” he said, faking a chuckle, “I’ll do that.”


Derek was waiting in the car, boiling in the heat as he wore his thick jacket and hat. Derek was taking forever, and it was making the transforming man nervous. He spent the time hiding from anyone walking past, trying to act casual while also leaning away from them. A young mother loaded her car with shopping bags right next to him, and he nearly panicked at the thought that she might see him and scream.

Finally, Derek emerged, and much faster than expected. The dark-haired geek held several bags, and was running across the car park. He practically leapt into the car, throwing the clothes onto the backseat.

“Did you get some new clothes for me?”

“Yeah, even got some bras despite what you said. But we need to go. Like, now!”

“What? What’s happening?”

Derek was already turning the key. He pointed a finger out the window to the left, across Chad’s vision. The former jock’s eyes widened at the sight that greeted him: several black SUV were parked, and another was across the street, closer to their motel.

“Fuck! Is that -?”

“Oh yeah, I saw our white-haired friend again. I don’t know if they know who we are, or if they’re on our case, but we’re ditching our phones.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. We’re leaving them. I got us a couple of burners.”

Chad was amazed as Derek got the car started, and began pulling out. He didn’t like the idea of this man driving his Mustang, but driving exposed him too much, and both agreed that if he started to change again the risk of him crashing would be too damn high. And yet Derek operated the vehicle with respect, and got out of the lot.

“Wait, what about the car?”

Derek manoeuvred the car onto the main road and began driving.

“We’ll have to ditch it, get something cheap and easy.”

“But - it’s my Dad’s car! He’ll fucking kill me if I lose it! It was a gift from him.”

“Would you rather be caught and experimented on?”

Chad sighed. “This is the worst fucking time of my life, I swear.”

“Chin up, at least you’ve still got a dick.”

“Yeah, but for how long? This is a goddamn nightmare.”


They hit the road fast, though not enough to warrant too much attention. Their journey was delayed yet again, though not this time by a set of changes, at least. No, they had to ditch the car, quick, an act that pained Chad. Still, better than then end up on the operating table, and have the whole world know he had gone from an athletic beast of a man to a green-skinned alien woman. At least, one who was nearly a woman. Of course, there were worse fates to contend with. Like the very real possibility he’d be chucked in a cell to be studied, and no one would ever see him again.

So they went to a second-hand car dealership and pawned it off at a low price in exchange for a large nondescript white van they could sleep in if necessary. The scepticism over the price they went for was quickly mollified by the use of Chad’s use of his father’s name and details. It wasn’t too difficult to play Derek off as him: the DMV always took shit photos. At least, they hoped it didn’t look too suspicious. The dealer was the third guy they’d gone too to get a sense of, and his antenna finally flagged him as a dishonest sort, just like they wanted.

“I guess these things are useful after all,” he said.

Still, the dealer was suspicious enough that he had to step out of the car wearing his full jacket and hat.

“Your girlfriend, she looks a bit weird. You’re not infected with something are you? Not a fugitive or whatever?”

Chad looked to Derek for leadership, and to his surprise, the geek stepped up.

“No, nothing like that! We’re on our way to AlienCon, down in El Paso. The big UFO seeker convention. This is my girlfriend’s costume, though it’s not finished yet. Show him, Ashley?”

“Ashley?” Chad said through gritted teeth. He shot the man a glare, but removed his cap and jacket anyway, revealing his alien form for the first time to someone else. It was almost impossible to look the car dealer in the eye, but thankfully the sleaze just laughed.

“Well, that is bloody impressive! No wonder you’re trying to ditch the Mustang if you’re heading that way. Lots of CIA types on the lookout for aliens, ha!”

“Exactly,” Derek said, playing into it. “We don’t want to be followed. G-men and the Men-in-Black and all that.”

“Well, if it gets me a nice deal then I’m happy to play into your delusions, hmm. It’s a good makeup job too, she actually looks pretty cute! You should ditch the men’s clothing though, doesn’t work with it.”

“I’m, uh, still working on the outfit,” Chad mumbled.

They were on the road not too long after, driving a much less impressive, but much less obvious vehicle.

“That was humiliating,” Chad said.

“Well, it worked, didn’t it?” Derek said. “Besides, it shows you can pass as a human woman in makeup for now.”

She folded her arms beneath her breasts. “Great, just great. Which also means all my fucking clothes feel uncomfortabe.”

Derek smiled, pointed out the clothes in the back of the van. “You’re welcome to try a selection. We’ve got a long, long drive ahead of us, and a lot of it is gonna be on empty streets to avoid detection.”

Chad looked back at the bags. He did feel uncomfortable, and his breasts were jostling every time they hit a pothole, causing his shoulders and chest some pain. He just hoped they weren’t going to get any bigger.

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll try some on. Don’t be a geek pervert and stare at me while I’m changing.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, babe,” Derek said, chuckling. For that he got a painful punch on the arm.

“I may be weaker, but I can still beat you up!”

He winced, rubbing the area that had been hit. “Okay, noted. Just don’t get jealous of me all the time.”

“Pfft, as if I’m jealous,” Chad said as he pulled himself out of the passenger seat and into the back to rifle through the clothing.

“Of course you are! You’re literally green with envy!”

He got another punch for that, though Chad couldn’t help but smile a little.

Just a little.


“Okay, I’m done. These bras are a damn pain to figure out, I can tell you that.”

Derek smiled as he rounded a corner gently. “I thought you would have had loads of experiences with bras.”

“Taking them off, dipshit, not putting them on.”

“Derek, not dipshit. We’ve talked about this.”

“Fine, yeah. Sorry. How do I look?”

Derek looked over as Chad got back in the passenger seat. He was wearing a white woman's shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a black bra clearly underneath. Due to the heat, he wore a set of women's shorts for his wide hips. His long hair was held back by a scrunchie, which he could see in the rear view mirror had the effect of emphasising his cute cheekbones and full dark green lips.

"You look . . ."

"Like a freak, I know."

"No," Derek said, "you actually look gorgeous."


"Sorry, it's just . . . you do!"

Chad wanted to be angry, and he was, just not as much as he felt he should have been. That warmth, that instinct driven by his antenna identified that heat in Derek, and it made his own body flush with heat.

"Well, good to know that on top of losing everything and becoming an embarrassment to my old man, I'm also turning into a hot alien chick."

Derek glanced at him from his peripherals. "What's up with your Dad, anyway? You've mentioned him a few times."

"None of your business, just keep driving this hunk of junk and - NGGH!"

The red flash.

The strange warnings.

The tint of green.

"Fuck me," he said, as his cock began to slide into his body, and his tail expand. "I'm changing again! I'm - Ngghh! - get us off the road! I n-need the car to stop."

Derek made a wild turn, dashing for down an old country road, even as Chad began to change even further. Chad gasped, feeling the centre of his forehead and the centre of his chest burn.

He was in for the next lot of surprises.

To Be Continued . . .


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