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Military Experiment, Part 2

It had been three years since the fateful military experiment gone wrong had altered Sasha’s lift in an irreversible and astonishing way. Impregnated with the DNA of every individual stationed and present at the enormous military base she worked at as a humble military aide, she struggled with the humiliation of becoming incredibly gravid for life, or at least until menopause came. Her expectant womb had only grown even more massive in the time following, taking on a heavy weight that thankfully her altered body was able to take, though even then her exaggerated waddle was something to behold, and she was often out of breath. Her breasts were even larger, perpetually full and seeping with milk, now a massive pair of FF-cups pressing obviously against her custom-tailored uniform. She had it on good authority that a number of men on base found her situation a turn-on.

Military experts estimate she will birth at least 184,000-200,000 children in the world by then. Already she had birthed 8,408 children into the world, a good number of them twins. It had been years since she had seen her toes, and she could barely remember what it was like to have core muscles. At least she was given a promotion; her immediate superior was so excited to receive triplet girls from her that he managed to finagle one, and given the disaster of her accident as well as her own personal coordination skill, she managed to make the role of Major, which she held with pride. She had even gotten to meet the President, though she found it a little weird how he kept touching her belly and smiling at the movements of her children within. When asked when she was going to deliver the General of the Army’s child or children, she could only reply, blushing and a little out of breath as half a dozen more children developed within: “I don’t get to pick them sir, all I do is keep ‘em coming.”

Despite her success, Sasha still works hard, and hasn’t had a single day off in the last three years, nor will she get one for the next twenty two. Her altered biology simply won’t permit it. Every day at 10:03, the time of the original accident, her waters break, and Sasha goes into an immensely speedy labor. For the next four-to-five hours, she groans and struggles and pushes, spreading her legs as child after child exits her body. Even as this occurs, her stomach rumbles as new babies speedily develop to replace those now gone. After this, she has time on her own. Then, each night, she is aided into bed and given tubes to attach to her heavy chest, to drain her excessive milk produce overnight to feed (at least in part) her young’s development. All this, for a woman who is only just now turning twenty. More than once she’s had counselling for dealing with her hefty condition.

It took some time for Sasha to accept the lifegiving life that was thrust upon her. The heaviness, the constant sticking out in the crowd, the endless kicks within her distended womb, the long hours of birthing, being out of breath and waddling everywhere; it’s a lot to take in. She still misses being able to run and swim, and dress up in nice dresses, and not have to worry about how she maneuvers through doorways. But while life remains hard, she’s managed her own side pleasures; there’s more than one acting soldier on the base who enjoys fucking her pregnant form, especially since it’s been discovered she can be impregnated further. Sasha doesn’t care; what’s one more baby? Or two, or a dozen, or even a few hundred or even a couple of thousand? Even the knowledge that her exploits get shared around no longer fazes her. After all, she’s more than once cut down a soldier’s pride in front of his buddies, reminding him that he only got her knocked up with one baby compared to the twins or triplets she got from his friends.

And, as is important to the military, she still cleans up nicely for a military parade. Though on her most recent occasion, it was a mistake to wear pants, no matter how formal the uniform code was. After all, when the ceremony went longer than expected, her body went into its exaggerated labor, another twenty or so babies quickly shifting and gworing to squeeze into the world from between her thighs. Still, the army won’t lack for recruitment in the two decades to come, and for that, Sasha remains a valuable asset to the military. A role that she has no choice but to provide for years to come.

She simply chooses to bear the responsibility, and find meaning in it. She's doing her part for her country.


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