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Sorry for the delay on this one. I plan to have another instalment of the story this month. Instead of one big part each month, I figure two smaller parts lets you vote on more changes. See following poll post for changes you want!

Chase Argyle has little to complain about. He’s pretty good looking, reasonably fit, makes solid money working as a banking manager, and has a highly intelligent girlfriend in Jennifer Hayes. But the world is not enough for Chase, who likes to secretly indulge in other women on the side. But when he decides to inject himself with a chemical his scientist girlfriend has developed, one that promises the ‘perfect body’, he quickly finds his body changing in ways he could not have imagined, and always in response to arousal at the sight of the women around him.

Part 1 

Perfect Body, Part 2: The First Change

I stood, trying to ignore that strange heat, and extending my hand to the positively radiant brunette before me. She couldn’t be older than twenty five, and that was a good age, because her skin was smooth and her professional dress sense was dazzling. A good pencil skirt on a woman, particularly with a well-fitted business top, makes her look absolutely fuckable. I know everyone likes to be all feminist and all that jazz, but the truth is a woman who wears the right office getup is as much of a knock out as a lady in a bikini.

And this woman was a knockout. She didn’t have nice big tits or anything as far as I could tell, but she had a face like a model’s, cute button nose and captivating eyes and all that. The best parts about her, I thought, were her silky hair and her full lips. The hair fell down over her shoulders in gentle curves, and it had a shine in it you only saw in those ridiculous shampoo commercials. A far cry from Jen’s too-frizzy hair. And her lips were way better than Jen’s thin things too. They were wonderfully full, with a slightly heavier bottom lip that gave her the lips of a Hollywood movie star. Seriously, they looked like nice lips for sucking dick all right. Real classic DSL’s. The kind I’d love on my dick. It made my stomach churn with that heat just thinking about it, but I ignored that as I shook her hand.

“Hello, I’m Chase Argyle, the local manager at this branch.”

“Deborah. Deborah Hastings,” the woman said in a fairly nice voice. Not as smooth as it could have been given her body, but ah well, not everyone could be perfect, except me soon.

“Have a seat Deborah. Can I call you Deb?”

“Um, sure.”

“How can we help you? I’m told you want a reduction in the interest rate on your mortgage?”

“Yes, ours - my husband and I - is unusually high given the rates that other banks offer. We think we are owed a reduction of an entire percent, to be perfectly honest.”

Damn, she had a husband. And she didn’t seem the cheating kind, alas. No response to my little flirt over the name. I had a sixth sense for these things. Still, just because we were talking shop didn’t mean I couldn’t window shop. Ha.

“Well, Deb, I’m sure you understand times are hard, and so we might not be able to help you . . . officially. But you’ve come to the right manager. Between you and me, I think we can get your interest rate down by potentially more than that, particularly if you sign up to our free premium care service. It gives you ‘points’ on our banking app that are considered signs of a loyal customer.”

“Interesting,” she said, “tell me more.”

We continued talking, me slipping into ‘professional banker mode.’ Hell, I could probably tackle this discussion and interest rate reduction in my sleep. The truth was, she was being screwed over, and it was company policy to apply the fix I was working on. But if I made myself sound like the saviour going against company policy to help the little guy - or gal, in this case - out, then it helped give me the feedback and reputation I needed to go higher.

So we talked and I joked, and I admired those perfect full lips of hers, imagining them locked in a soft seal around my cock, sucking away. It was a fun game to play, particularly since I now could get hard under the table without a care. She brushed her hair aside once or twice, and that too made me internally giddy. If only Jen had hair like that.

It was perfect.

Just as I made that thought I felt that heat come over me again, even more powerfully than before. I grabbed the table a little too forcefully and grunted.


Deborah gasped. “Are you okay? Should I call for help?”

The sensations were intense, but not painful. I could feel my scalp itching awfully, and it took every effort not to scratch at it. My lips felt strange too, sort of numb, but also like they were being filled, or something. I could barely explain it, particularly with that strange flush coming over my body.

“N-no! It’s alright! Let’s j-just finish your reduction, shall we?”

She gave me a look that was unsure, but I managed to pull myself up and put through the final request in typing. Yet still my scalp itched and my hair felt like it was pushing out of my head.

“This w-will be coming through in a week,” I said, trying to keep my voice level and only partially succeeding. “If that doesn’t happen, just come on back in and say Mr Argyle talked with you, and it should be pushed through. But I d-doubt it will come to . . . that - ahhh!”

I pressed my lips together. It was so hard to avoid touching them. Deb’s eyes lit up in alarm.

“Are you sure you’re okay? No offence, but it looks like you’re having an allergic reaction or something - your lips!”

I gasped a little, running my finger over my lips. They did indeed feel bigger. What the fuck? They felt swollen, and with the strange feeling in them, I could feel them still enlarging. Deb seemed to notice this as well, because her hand went to her mouth, covering her own full lips.

“Oh my God! They’re getting bigger right now! Are you allergic to something?”

“Not that I - nngh - know of!” I replied. God, this was humiliating. The heat was on, and I could feel my hair pushing out, or at least that’s what it felt like. I stood, thankfully my boner long gone, and gestured her to the door, a little rushed.

“I’m sorry to push you out, but I might have to take a break and get this - oohh - sorted out!”

“Of course! I’m so sorry, I hope it wasn’t my perfume! Best of luck - you should get an appointment with a doctor.”

“I w-will,” I replied. “Thanks again for coming to ussss, and b-best of luck with your loan!”

She went to leave, but then paused a brief moment, her jaw falling a little.

“Oh my God, your hair! It looks like it’s getting longer! I’ve never heard of such a thing! You should get to the hospital!”

I barely had time to process what she was saying as I gestured her out.

“I’ll definitely follow up, d-don’t worry!”

I shut the door, and immediately flung myself to my desk and sagged in my chair. I still had my curtains down, so no one could see me, which was a damn good thing too, because now I could feel she was right: my hair was getting longer! It was extending down past my ears, tricking out over my face and blocking my vision. My heart beat rapidly, and I felt a beat of sweat trickle down my brow. I turned my little personal vanity mirror to get a look at myself, and nearly threw myself back. My hair was longer and wavier, and my lips were starting to look like a woman’s!

“What the fuck, what the actual fuck is going on? What the - MMHPPHH!”

I was briefly speechless as my lips puffed out to a ridiculous extent, forcing me into the kind of pout you would see from the sex pot influences on Instagram. I couldn’t control them as they swelled, particularly my lower lip, which took on a fullness that appeared like . . . fuck. Oh no. No, no, no, no.

“This can’t happen,” I said, getting control of my lips back. They felt too large, like they’d been bitten by bees on both lips. Too big and full. “This is impossible! What the actual shit!?”

They were the same lips as the ones on Deborah Hasting’s face. Not similar, the same. Big and full and more pink than my own, and with that perfect quality for sucking dicks. Total Dick Sucking Lips. DSLs. Big pouters. Kissy lips. A makeout mouth. Whatever you wanted to call them, they were on my face and belonged to someone else.

I shivered as the rest of ‘my’ hair extended down. It was utterly alien! I could literally feel it spilling down my back. More than that, it was changing in quality, becoming less frizzy and more wavy, and incredibly silky in feel.

“This has to be a dream. What the fuck? Oh God, I look like I’m wearing a damn woman’s wig. And these lips don’t belong on any fucking man!”

It had to be the serum. It had to be. But why was it doing this? It was meant to give me the perfect body, that’s why I’d taken it!

I examined myself over. My hair was now over my shoulders, to the top of my shoulder blades. Not incredibly long, but certainly much longer than a man should ever have unless he was some weird beta male type. I waited for any further changes, but thankfully none came. I was still me, but with Deborah’s lips and her hair.

“What the hell do I do about this?”

I couldn’t just call Jen. I wasn’t stupid. She was a lovely, quite needy woman, but Juliet would rip me to shreds, and besides, the violation of her trust was probably enough that I’d be in real fucking hot water, legally speaking. And the idea of ending up in prison with long female hair and big DSL’s for lips . . .

“No way. That is not fucking happening.”

I brushed my hair out of my eyes. It was too damn long! I had to come up with a plan. Strategise. Perhaps the changes were only temporary? Maybe just a little road bump on the way to getting the perfect body Jen said the animals test subjects got. Virility and manliness and all that. I needed fresh air and time to think on how to approach this next. Maybe concoct some sort of story. What was clear was that I had to get out of the office, cover my head, and keep these lips out of sight. I couldn’t go home just yet: Jen would be there, as she had an off-shift today. And no way did I want Erika seeing me just yet, or Casey. I sighed, and hit the button to my secretary.

“Rachel, I’m feeling quite off today.”

“I heard. The last girl wondered if you were okay. Do you need a painkiller or something?”

“I think I just need to go grab lunch. I doubt I’ll be back today, but things are running smoothly.”

“Smooth enough. I’ll send you anything important by email. Get better, Chase.”

He could hear the disgust in her voice. Rachel didn’t like him very much. Secretaries were like that: they could suss out your true nature. She likely knew I was cheating, but knew I’d crush her career into the dirt if she passed that on to anyone else. It made me smile briefly, which only reminded me of my full lips, which in turn reminded me of my hair.

It was a good thing I had a hat in the office, because I was going to have to cover up.


The cafe was nice, open, and gave me plenty of view down the street and across the shopping district, just in case someone I knew came by. After the heat, that awful flushed feeling, and the changes that came after, I felt pretty zapped of energy. And besides, I didn’t have many places to go: Jen had already messaged me that she was “having a great time just relaxing, clearing my head. Had a great time yesterday xx.” It made me want to puke. It made me mad that I couldn’t get back to my place.

So instead I was sitting at a discreet but busy-enough cafe, ordering a coffee as a pick-me-up, and a couple of bagels to fill my appetite, all while my mind whirred. I still wasn’t used to my full lips. They weren’t ridiculous, not like a porn star’s or anything, thank God. But on Deborah’s face that gave a kind of a raw sexuality that drove me wild, and they looked utterly misplaced upon me. The hair too, though at least that was piled, quite uncomfortably mind you, under my cap. That had taken some work: I’d even bought a couple of hair bands under the excuse that they were for ‘my daughter’ earlier, just to keep it under control a little, and make it easier to stuff under the cap. I’d done that last part in the public toilets: no way was I letting anyone see my hair do out in public!

“What the hell am I going to do,” I said as I took another bite of my bagel. I heard some boyish giggles, and I looked over to my left to see a group of young teenagers looking my way occasionally, laughing. They were making fake pouts, clearly imitating my lips.

“The fuck are you looking at?” I barked.

It jolted a few customers, but the boys went silent.

“That’s right, I mean you lot! You think I don’t notice what you’re doing? How about I come over there?”

The boys cleared off, looking extremely awkward. That at least made me feel good about myself . . . until the last one threw off a cheeky pout as he rounded the corner.

“Nice lips, loser!”

I rolled my eyes, even as I went red. I looked to the other customers, who were also no doubt noticing the weird discrepancy.

“Heh, kids these days, right?”

They gave awkward chuckles, but I could feel their gazes lingering on me. I returned to my coffee, trying to ignore the softness of these stupid new lips as I placed them on the lip of the mug.

“Stupid fucking serum. What the hell is it doing? Is this just growing pains or something? Why isn’t it giving me the perfect body?”

That slight heat returned to my core. I winced, closed my knuckles. No way was I changing again until I knew what was going on. I’d injected that vial for good reason. Sure, I pulled pretty good pussy, but I was now thirty years old, and it was the girls in their twenties with the perfect tits and asses that I wanted to score, and score plenty of. Hell, Erika was a hot chick to bang on the side, particularly with her huge tits, and God knows that Casey had the best set of legs around. I used to stay with a chick last year named Gabriella. She was okay everywhere but had a crazy set of hips and a sexy middriff that made up for the rest. Her apartment was a little home away from home for a while, a nice place to get away from it all. All these girls were hot in some ways, and while Jen was way too much of a plain Jane, she had a crazy sexy libido at least.

But if I had the perfect body, I could be fucking women who were the whole package. I could be tall, dark, and handsome, and back in my twenties again, with the strength and . . . stamina, to match. That was the plan. That was what the vial should have done! So what had gone wrong? Why did I have long wavy hair and a set of full lips, both of which belonged to another woman?

I realised my coffee had gone cold, but goddamnit, I needed another one. Whatever was happening, I would solve my problem here. I put my hand up idly to call over a server so I could order another drink to go, and at the same time flipped open my phone to my contacts. I made the guess that I could call Hayden. He wasn’t a bad friend, and we loved to shoot the shit over pretty women. He was discreet too, though he’d been more distant now that he was with Gemma, the girl who as far as I was concerned had nothing going on for her except a pretty amazing ass that was a perfect peachy round shape.

“Maybe I should call Erika?” I said to myself. “She doesn’t know about Jen, and she’s pretty sympathetic.”

But then Casey was also on my phone. She was always down to clown and wouldn’t judge. Hell, even Gabriella’s place might be free to stay at for a moment, get my thoughts together and work out how to hide these changes. And there was Hayden, though Gemma might be there. At least her ass would be a nice sight.

“Fuck it,” I said, making my decision. “At the very least, I can get some advice, chill for a bit, cut my hair, and then figure out how to disguise these lips while I come up with a good story for Jen. And one Juliet will swallow too, the damned Frenchwoman.”

I readied to dial the number I’d chosen, just as a server approached. I looked up, trying to make my lips a bit thinner, particularly as I saw the server was a woman. Quite an attractive one in fact. She was young, probably only around twenty years old, but her uniform fit her well, and she spoke with a nice voice.

“Hello sir, can I take your order?”

I looked her up and down, lingering on her body. But as I subtly took in the best bits, that heat returned to me. That strange flush. And then I could feel something happening again. Some new change coming over me, or at least the release of energy that signalled something similar to what happened with Deborah. I tensed a little, trying not to show panic.

The serum was coming into effect once more.

“Shit,” I said, as she waited for my order.


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