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The first story of the new year! Happy New Year everyone!

A Story Prompt Tier for TG Sorcerer

Two couples are enjoying a lovely double date at a Chinese restaurant, but when one of them is increasingly rude and racist to one of the waitresses, and her friends are permissive or passive to her behaviour, they each find karmic justice in the fortune cookies they are given.

Fortune Cookies, Part 1

The two couples always enjoyed their double dates, and this one was no different. Amanda, as usual, had planned it all. She was a slight woman in her early thirties with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a deeply opinionated woman who had almost zero filter. Her husband Arthur, on the other hand, was quite passive, and preferred to let his wife's outspoken comments go unchallenged. This was despite Arthur's tall, 6'4 height, manly red beard, and broad shoulders.

Their friends James and Jane were much less oppositional. They were both brunettes, James with a shorter yet still masculine build, and Jane with a very slender, almost waifish appearance. James was a very casual, go-with-the-crowd type, whereas Jane was much more timid. As a shy woman, she sometimes disliked Amanda's more controversial or opinionated outbursts, but held her tongue due to her anxiety. The four had been friends since the days of college, and often claimed they were 'as close as family.'

"Isn't this place just lovely?" Arthur said, looking around at the gold and jade dragon-themed interior.

Amanda flourished her hands. "It is darling, but I swear some of these Asian restaurants are the worst for service! We've been waiting forever!"

James grinned awkwardly while Jane wrung her hands beneath the table.

"Not exactly PC of you, Amanda," James said with a smirk.

"Oh, it's just how I am, you know that," she said with a laugh. Right Arthur?"

Arthur frowned, but with a bossy glance from his wife decided against confrontation. "Maybe just not so loud, dear," he said.

She ignored his words, instead turned towards the waitress who was coming their way.

"Sorry for the delay," she said with only a slight accent. "Would you like to order?"

Amanda scoffed. "Sorry, can you say that again? You've got a really strong accent."

She didn't, and the rest of them knew it. The woman looked a little shocked, but did as she asked, repeating the order. Amanda gave a smug smirk as she did so, even as Arthur wordlessly begged for her to not act in such a way, using a beleaguered expression.

"Okay, that was a little easier to understand, I guess. I'll start with this martini, did you get that? You can understand my English?”

The woman frowned again, but nodded. “Yes, I understand your English.”

“Good! Because no offence, but you speak if a little odd.”

“Amanda!” James laughed, as if she were simply being a little daring. “You’re being too much!”

Jane bit her lip, clearly wishing to express outrage. She gave a sympathetic look to the Chinese waitress, but otherwise said nothing.

“Oh please, we’re customers,” Amanda said. “And the customers are always right, aren’t they?”

“Please don’t mind her,” Arthur said, “it’s just my wife’s way of enjoying herself. She likes to . . . well, she likes to tease.”

“Sure,” the waitress said, her accent giving the ‘s’ a slight elongation, enough that Amanda snorted a little. She took the rest of everyone’s drink orders and left the table as politely as one could after such an intolerant barrage.

Lin was the waitress’s name, and she was having an overly-busy Friday night that was frankly already putting her stress levels on high. But this rude, intolerant, racist woman was sending her over the edge. She wanted to use her grandmother’s magic recipe to teach her a lesson, her and that laughing hyena of a man - not her husband, the other fool - who was chortling at her bigoted remarks as if they were just off-colour jokes. Instead, she reminded herself in her native tongue that she only used the fortune cookie futures for good reason, and there were sadly far too many racists and bigots and xenophobic morons in this world to deal with every night. Otherwise, the family restaurant wouldn’t make enough money. Still, it rankled her. She took a moment to control her breathing, and head back to the table with their drinks. When she arrived, the two couples were laughing about old times.

“Oh, she was such a bitch, wasn’t she?” James cried. “An absolute she-dog of a woman!”

“Dear, manners,” Jane reminded him, but he shrugged his shy wife off.

“That she was,” Amanda said. “Oh, finally! I was worried you’d forgotten us!”

She took her drink from Lin, as did the others, each of whom thanked her. Arthur gave a silent ‘try to ignore her’ to Lin, which only made the waitress angrier, as if she were the one who had to put up with it all.

“We are quite busy tonight,” Lin explained patiently, “but rest assured when you are ready to order your meals the chef will be quick to dispense them.”

“Much easier to understand you now that you’re enunciating properly,” Amanda commented as she looked over the meal. Once again, James chuckled, but Arthur whispered admonishment in her ear

“Stop mothering me, Arthur! And I can see your judgement, Jane. If you can’t grow a pair of balls to say what you want to say then don’t give me the look.”

James raised an eyebrow. “Amanda, that’s a bit much.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry Janey. It’s just these servers, so lousy that it’s ruining this wonderful night!”

She said that deliberately, even as she gave her order to Lin, as did the others.

“Oh, don’t view me like I’m a spoiled little baby,” she spat at the waitress. “I’m not racist or anything. I worked in the service industry for years, so I know how it is.”

“With respect,” Lin said, “you are being quite rude. I will have to ask you to restrain your comments, particularly in regards to the accents of the workers here, myself included,”

There was a brief pause of tension, broken only by James’ awkward giggling. Amanda broke first, relenting . . . but only a little.

“Fine, fine, I’ll be good.”

Lin bowed, thanked her, and stepped away, hoping that was that.

But it wasn’t. Amanda continued to make small, picky comments all throughout the night, even calling her over to fruitless tasks such as continually replacing their ‘dirty’ glasses and explaining some ‘oriental thing’ on the dessert menu. What had started out as bigotry had become not just that but also a targeted, plausibly deniable campaign against Lin. Her partner, Arthur, continued to try to manage her, but she simply snapped back at him.

“You’re not my mother, Arthur!”

James backed her, chuckling under her breath. “That’ll teach a bitchy waitress!”

The only apology she got was from Jane, who passed her briefly, and simply murmured an apology.

“I’m s-so sorry. I wish I could s-stand up to my friends . . . b-but I can’t.”

It wasn’t enough, in Lin’s opinion, but it was something to consider for the final part of the night. Because Lin had made a decision to hand out her fortune cookies, the magical ones that didn’t just tell fortunes, but made new ones. They were an old arcane recipe of her grandmother’s, and she rarely used them but for those most deserving; most often to enrich another’s life, but occasionally to punish them. That was the case here.

And so it was that she passed out the coffees and teas and fortune cookies at the end of the night - the ones that looked like any other fortune cookie. The four were the last ones left in the restaurant, which made planning it easier - the arcane adjustments for their specific changes had been easy to render. If Lin had any doubt about what she was doing, it was erased the second she passed Amanda’s in front of her, and the wretched blonde woman smirked.

“You know these are an American invention, right? Just goes to show who runs the show, doesn’t it?”

It was a pointless jibe, particularly since Lin was an American citizen anyway. The group paid, and it was noticeably that only Jane gave a respectable tip - Arthur gave a very modest one, and James and Amanda not at all.

“Enjoy your fortunes,” Lin said with a smile, and walked away.

“Well I bet these are the same ‘your future will be full of hope’ ones that you find at any restaurant,” James said.

“Agreed. Or worse,” Amanda said.

Arthur placed a hand on her shoulder to get her to calm, but she shrugged him off. So he simply broke his alongside the rest, as did Jane. A pause followed, where each looked at a rather unexpected message, before proceeding to read theirs out.

“Oh, this is weird,” said James. “It says, ‘If you call others a bitch while acting like a loyal lapdog, perhaps your fortune should reflect your nature and comments.’ What the hell does that mean?”

Amanda fumed. “Mine says, ‘You act like a spoiled, bigoted, racist brat. If you must act in such an infantile manner, perhaps it is better to start over again, with a more diverse perspective.’ Did she write these?”

“I think she did,” said Arthur, feeling a little awkward. “Mine reads, You’ve picked a wife who you have to mind like your baby, yet you aren’t man enough to do what is right. Perhaps impending motherhood is your new fortune, until she and you learn what it takes.’

Jane looked at hers, confused.

“What does yours say, Jane?” Amanda said. “We’re going to nail that horrible foreigner to the wall with media coverage and court cases. What’s it say? Spit it out!”

Jane bit her lip, then read. “It says, ‘You want to do what is right, but your passivity means you lack the balls, as your friends say. Now you’ll have them, and you can teach your new family how to act right.’

They looked at their strange fortunes, each of them utterly confused, and also aghast that the waitress would dare do such a thing. But before any of them could call for her to come over, James suddenly groaned as his stomach made a strange, audibly lurch.

“Ohhhhhhhh . . . I f-feel weird!”

Amanda cried out as her own stomach did a somersault, followed by Arthur, and then finally by James. Each of them doubled over against the table, their bodies feeling as if they were on fire, spasming and adjusting, their muscles tensing and altering.

“What’s h-happening to usssssss!!!” Amanda cried, and to her astonishment her voice went up an octave, becoming stupidly high-pitched. Her limbs pressed in painfully, and her face darkened in tone.

“I don’t KNOOWWW!” boomed Jane, and the rest looked at her with shock: her voice suddenly sounded low and deep, like a man’s. Her jaw cracked, and to everyone’s astonishment, her figure began to widen at the shoulders, becoming muscled.

“The cookies - were they poisoned or - eeEEE!!”

The squeal came from Arthur, who’s voice cracked, becoming soft and feminine. He tried to stand but collapsed as his legs went numb, beginning to shrink away.

“Guys! Guys!” James said, his voice becoming raspy and inhuman. He was scratching all over his body as if in a fever. “S-something’s happening. I don’t woof it is! I mean, woof! WOOF WOOF!!!”

The group looked at him like he was a madman, but sure enough hair was pushing through his skin, and his face was pushing outwards. His eyes widened in fear, and Amanda screamed.


She tried to run away in fear, leaving her husband behind, but instead she tripped over. She looked down, and was horrified to see that her legs were shrinking, becoming smaller and weaker. All of her was becoming smaller and weaker in fact: from her head to her toes, she was seemingly shrinking down and down and down.

“Noooo! Nooooo!!! This can’t be - this can’t be wweaalll!”

She clutched her mouth, unbelieving that she had just spoken like a toddler. But others were seeing her changes, and even among their own could appreciate how dramatic hers was. She was altering from a woman in her early thirties down to one in her early twenties, shrinking down to a teenager who couldn’t be older than fifteen, and then more and more. She clutched herself, blinking back tears as her C-cup breasts shrank back into her chest and her hips became thin and prepubescent.

“Amanda! You’re becoming a kid again!”

“I know! I don’ wan’ it!” she cried, and again she was horrified at her strange vocabulary. But that was not the only change happening to her: her skin was becoming a yellow olive tone, much like that of the Asian staffers of that very restaurant. In fact, several of them were: Jane and Arthur were both becoming clearly Asian, their white status dissipating. Arthur hyperventilated as his eyes became almond shaped, and his figure continued to shrink. But unlike Amanda, he was not reducing in age, simply in stature.

“Oh God oh God oh God, I’m becoming a woman!” he cried. He had jumped the gun a little, his mind leaping to the most terrified possibility.

But he was right.

Even as she reduced in age, Amanda gasped at the sight of her henpecked husband becoming soft and lithe, his face thinning and taking on a cute oval shape, his hair becoming dark and flowing down his back. Even as her clothes fell away, disintegrating as if by magic as she reduced to the age of a five year old, she saw his own clothes become that of a loose blue dress with cups for breasts he did not possess.

“N-no! Don’t want t-tits!”

That was, until he grew them mere moments later. Healthy C-cups of a size his wife had just moments ago grew upon Arthur’s chest. He clutched them, shocked by their fullness, but even more by the feeling of his dick sucking back up into his body, and his waist cinching inwards, and his hips cracking outwards. He cried out, and his voice was high and reedy and feminine. But the worst change was yet to come, because a great pressure in his belly caused it to start distending outwards, and something began snaking out of his newly formed pussy.

“F-fuuuuck!” she cried. She. The new woman leaned against Jane for support, even as she was forced to sit back and spread her legs for reasons she could not understand. Jane caught her, surprised by her own strength, a strength that was only increasing as her form became muscular and manly. Shaved hairs began dotting her face, and her hair reduced, becoming a short and smart dark style befitting a man. Her dress remade itself into a smart casual button shirt and slacks. Her earrings disappeared. Her ring altered, becoming a match for Arthur’s, instead of James’, which had blinked out of existence.

“I’m - my boobs! And - between my legs! N-nooo!”

A dreadful pressure built up, and she cupped between her legs. She could guess what was coming, but nothing prepared her for the alien sensation of a large cock descending from between her thighs and settling in a set of male briefs. With one final expansion of her figure, she was now a manly Chinese individual, male in every way, and a woman that she - or rather he - somehow recognised as his wife.

James was barking, crying out for attention. Human speech was beyond him now as his mouth increasingly took on a snout-like shape. He knew words, he knew English, but for the life of him he could not say it. His arms cracked, fingers shrinking away, legs rearranging so that he was a bizarre quadrupedal individual. He tried to yell out, to curse and run away, but nothing worked and it was all unfamiliar, so all he could do was inwardly panic as his body was covered in brown fur. Another woof, another bark.

He realised then what he was becoming, as surely as he recognised the strange tentacle snaking towards Amanda’s belly button, the one that grew out from between Arthur’s needy new pussy. His mind nearly broke at the revelation.

They were becoming a new family unit as a punishment, and he and Amanda were being punished most of all. But she was getting to stay human! All because of some bitch comment!


Amanda could barely see what was happening, but she managed to see a man that had to be James shrinking down into doghood. The dog whined, yelping as its manhood sucked up inside it, leaving it as a she dog - a bitch, just as James had referred Lin as. Amanda wept for him, but couldn’t keep her focus on him for long: a translucent tentacle of sorts latched onto her stomach. She cried out, tried to tug at it, but her limbs weakened as she became a mere toddler, then a baby. She lost all of her hair, and could only cry, particularly as her teeth withdrew. She was now a small, adorable Chinese newborn baby.

James barked, futilely trying to get attention, but the new female dog no longer held the attention of the terrified group of transformers. As if puppeteered by an invisible force, Arthur pulled himself up, his belly now ballooned out to that of a woman at full-term, and stepped forward to pick up Amanda. The little baby squalled. While she was effectively a newborn now, she still had Amanda’s adult mind, a mind that was railing against what she realised was coming. Arthur realised it too, but couldn’t stop herself from positioning what was now her baby between her legs. Her pussy was painfully dilated and incredibly moist, and with a horrified squeezing motion, she pushed the baby up into her body in an act of reverse-birth.


Jane could only hold ‘his’ ‘wife’ as she endured the painful act of childbirth backwards. Amanda was helpless, trying to writhe away but instead being swallowed up inside her husband’s vagina, body pressed inwards until finally she was floating in the great amniotic sack that was his womb. It was tight, her body compressed, and she could only kick and rolled slightly in agitation, demanding to be let out.

The new family took stock of their changes as the last of them completed. Arthur’s breasts filled in, now sore and aching and clearly full of colostrum and milk. James felt a set of dog instincts pervade her bitch mind, and a warmth in his new genitalia that informed her, rather awfully, that she was clearly in heat now. Jane, on the other hand, didn’t feel nearly as burdened, but was instead taller, stronger, and now feeling the effects of male testosterone flowing through her form. And most trapped of all was Amanda, stuck as a baby within her husband’s distended belly, their familial positions quite rearranged, especially now that Jane was apparently Arthur’s strong husband, and Arthur his pregnant wife.

“We - the fortune cookies,” Jane mumbled, still not used to her low, charismatic male voice.

“I’m pregnant,” Arthur muttered, feeling her heavy belly, unbelieving she was not only a woman now but pregnant with her own wife. “I can feel Amanda in there. Oh God. This isn’t right! This isn’t fair!”

James barked, whined, growled, trying to get attention. The new dog was unused to its limbs but instinct was carrying it. A leash materialised that led to Jane’s hand, and with a great sense of shame the former male realised that the man that should have been his submissive wife was now his human master.

They were on the verge of freaking out when suddenly a new figure entered the scene, moving gracefully and with a smirk upon her lips.

“You!” cried Arthur, “Yin the waitress! You did this!”

Inside her belly, Amanda writhed, squirming in fury and humiliation at her fate, and causing her former husband to wince at the flurry of movement. The new baby felt utterly cramped and without space, and utterly helpless.

“Yes, I did do it,” the waitress said. “Now let me tell you the conditions, and how you might still get free . . . in one year’s time.”

To Be Continued . . .


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