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Merry Christmas wonderful patrons! How boring of me not to have prepared a Christmas-themed story. Maybe next year! I was a bit too busy with ongoing commissions this month, sorry. It's the same reason why Perfect Body has had some delays - I promise I'll have two instalments of our premium voted-on story next month.

I hope you are all doing very well, and enjoying the content I'm producing. A big shout out to those who have helped me with my content by commenting on stories they like, the structures they prefer, as well as those wonderful souls who have commissioned stories as well. 

I still have a mini-story and one final TG story to post this month, but the plans for January are as follows (keep in mind some of these tier selections may change):

Public Access:

  • The Life Aquatic, Parts 3 & 4
  • Royal Duties (a fantasy princess TG story - delayed from last month, but will be early next month!)

Subrcriber Tier Patrons:

  • New Music in the Neighborhood, Parts 5, 6 & 7 (extra part due to me being away on the usual Thursday/Friday posting slot this week)
  • Alien Space Babe, Part 3 & 4
  • Four new mini-stories (one for each week)
  • Brood Planet, Part 2
  • Another TF story tier prompt
  • Possession (a 6k TG possession story)

Premium Tier Patrons:

  • Fatima's Faith (a continuation of Fatima Hamdan, the TG RC'd Lesbian!)
  • Perfect Body, Parts 2 & 3 (as voted by Premium patrons each instalment)
  • Hexed-Up Bimbos (TG Bimbo story - another delay from this month, but coming early next month!)
  • Valkyrie (a Christian knight to beautiful buxom Valkyrie story)
  • Lumin's Therapy (another victim of Lumin's Syndrome tries to take the disease head on and influence the changes)
  • Becoming the Billionaire's Wife (a TG MILF Preg story)
  • Oath to an Orc (a fantasy TFTG story)
  • A TG bimbo story

As always, I will try to get all of this content to you guys. I write approximately 5,000-6,000 words a day, but even with that prodigious amount I can't always keep up! But I think most of this content will certainly be ready this coming month.

In the meantime, Happy Holidays and a delightful New Year's! Thank you for all your support, the patronage you have given me has really helped me out these last six months, and I hope I continue to earn your goodwill and patronage going forwards.



Thank you for sharing your prodigious talent (and output!) with us 🎄📝