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Commissioned by Allornone

Beta Nu is not like other sororities: it’s a place for studious and motivated college girls to study and earn their place in the best professions. But when a strange magical event hits their sorority house, they quickly find themselves stuck as green goblins girls. And try as they might to keep their nerdy natures intact, they’re starting to feel very, very horny . . .

Goblin Sorority

When most people think of college sororities, they think of hot blonde cheerleader types, sexy pillow fights, outrageous parties, and bitchy behaviours. While this is the case for some sororities, it was not the case for Beta Nu, and the college girls who made up the sorority were very intent on making sure people knew it. Far from a place for the popular, well-connected girls to congregate, Beta Nu was a place of intense study and preparation, a haven for motivated female students who were determined to become top scientists, physicians, engineers, politicians, lawyers, and so on and so forth. Other sororities looked down on them, and fraternities dismissed them apart from the occasional cheap prank: the girls at Beta Nu had little interest in partying, or sex, or drugs and alcohol. It was their futures that concerned them.

But it was their future that would be wildly altered, one warm summer’s day when many of their sisterhood were eagerly studying . . .


Jun winced when she heard the sounds of the men outside their sorority house. She was a Chinese-American student with a severe face and long dark hair, with a lithe frame to match. She was studying to become a mathematician, and hated loud noises and disturbances. She was utterly severe in personality as well: she didn’t like bad habits and dirty behaviours, and would often yell when people broke what she perceived as good manners.

“Someone shut the window,” she commanded. “They’re preparing to prank us later, or something.”

“I think they’re starting a party,” April said, moving to close a couple of the windows and turn on the air conditioner. Whereas Jun was lithe, April was a larger girl with mousy brown hair and thick glasses. She was self-conscious about her weight, especially since her sister belonged to a more popular, party-filled sorority. She was studying for her chemistry degree, but she had a habit of being a bit of a follower for others, especially the bossy Jun.

“And that one too,” Jun commanded, pointing to a window that was still open.”

“I’ll get it,” Trish said, “so long as you stop bullying poor April.”

“I wasn’t bullying her.”

“Sure you weren’t.”

Trish was a committed activist studying political science and law. She was a rakish, tall girl - 6’2 in height, enough to loom over most men. Her hair was dyed blue and she had numerous colourful tattoos on her arms, along with several facial piercings. She considered herself asexual and aromantic - men or girls, neither interested her, and she was sure to let them know with all the fire in her personality. She shut the window, peeking out to see a number of the alpha male ‘bro’ types carrying kegs and equipment to their house: Kappa Kappa Theta.

“Just don’t be a doormat, April,” Trish added.

“Sorry, Trish.”

“Like that.”

“Oh, sorry Trish.”

“C’mon guys, let’s just chill a bit. We’re still all sisters.”

The last came from Lisa. She was the peacemaker of the group, the one who loved baking brownies and making food, and helping organise their fundraising events. She had dark skin and curly hair, but was not exactly attractive, with her pear-shape and straying eye. Still, she was confident in herself, and wanted a career as an aerospace engineer.

Jun turned to see Lisa, and sighed.

“Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry April.”

“No problem June.”

“It’s just I’m so sick of these ridiculous alpha male types, these dumb fraternities with their endless drinking and screaming and their dumb blonde bimbo sorority girls. It’s all so vapid and disgusting.”

“Not to mention how utterly obsessed with sex they are,” Trish added. “They still try to ask me out sometimes, make jokes about ‘climbing the Trish tree.’ Like I care about those heteronormative assholes. They’re all gonna grow up to be entitled suburban assholes with blonde bimbo wives spitting out kids.”

Jun huffed. “Exactly. I can’t stand it. A strong mind should not be affected by such animal behaviours.”

April nodded, despite blushing a little. In truth, she was chronically quite lusty in her thoughts, but had never maintained a figure that attracted others.

“Well, not like anyone is asking me out,” Lisa added. “Not that I’d want them. Better to find a man who likes me for me, stray eye and all.”

The others all nodded and verbalised their agreement.

Suddenly there was a loud rumble. The floor began to shake. The four of them, along with several other sorority sisters, including those on the lower floor, all ran to look outside. There was a piercing groan that seemed to emanate from the sky.

“What the hell is that?” Trish asked.

“Maybe a falling plane?” Jun replied, “but the mathematical trajectory is all off.”

“And it doesn’t match any aeroplane design I’ve studied,” Lisa added.

“It looks like something is colouring the air,” April said, drawing upon her chemistry expertise. “Some sort of aerosol?”

The sky above them was altering, turning a shade of green in a long streak that pierced the blue. It seemed to crackle and ripple, almost splitting the sky as if interdimensionally. Outside, a number of students shrieked, but the studious individuals of Beta Nu were simply fascinated, recording the event and taking notes.

And then, as quickly as it had come, it passed.

“Well, that was weird,” April said.

The others agreed. They each moved to their computers to figure out what had happened.


It was called a freak meteorological event, a series of space rocks falling as sparking debris. Lisa wasn’t certain, but had no other explanation. Apparently the event had localised right over their sorority house and everyone inside it, which happened to be the entire membership. There were even some rocks that were glowing green but now inert, removed by the experts. For a time it was exciting, but then the days had passed, and the interest in the strange event had faded. A week later, the four main achievers of the sorority were in the lounge area, while the rest of their sisters were around the sorority house. Outside the loud sounds of a beginning party were starting - delayed from the previous attempt - and they each tried to ignore it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, each of them felt a strange tingling over their bodies. April scratched her back, and Lisa rubbed her cheek, while Jun and Trish both clutched their abdomens.

“Um, does anybody else feel kinda . . . weird?” Trish asked.

“Y-yeah,” Jun said, sniffing. “And I c-can smell something weird t-too. Like . . . I can smell more.”

“Agh!” Lisa groaned, clutching her head. “I can hear way more! Everything is so loud!”

“Ohhhhh, my stomach!” groaned April. She was holding her large belly, trying to contain a strange pressure upon it.

The four of them gasped and groaned, and their cries were joined by the rest of their sorority sisters. The women in the sorority house were pulled from their studies by strange pressures and sensations, and the weirdest part was how strangely pleasurable it was.

“Wh-what is happening?” April begged.

“Do I look like I know?” snapped the angry Jun.

“Stop being mean Jun, you’re always - UGH!!!”

The last was Trish, who suddenly felt an alien pressure on her head and shoulders, as if she was being pulled down.

“Oh G-Go-oddd!” she cried as suddenly she shrunk over a foot in height.

Lisa gasped as the same occurred to her, and then April, and finally Jun. The cries continued around the building, as more and more women were reduced significantly in height. They squealed, and several tried to run, except that they each doubled over as another series of strangely pleasurable pressures came over their bodies.

“H-holy shit!” Lisa cried. “My skin! It’s glowing!”

The others looked at her and screamed a little. She was indeed glowing - the same shade of green as the sky had just a week ago.

“Oh God, me too!” April shouted. She was already crying, unable to stand the pressure, being the nervous one of the group.

Jun held herself together more, and Trish as well, but it was clear the two of them were terrified.

“Is this some chemistry thing April? You have to tell us!” the Chinese-American student demanded, and for once Trish backed her up.

“Think April, are we being poisoned? Are these hallucinations?”

The larger girl squealed as she fell another foot in height. Her belly shrunk slightly, and to their collective shock the glow around her body began to bloom on her body, turning the skin a light lime shade of green.

“Umm, oh fuck oh fuck you guys! Um, I don’t th-think so! I can’t think of any chemical that does this!”

She doubled over as her belly receded again, moaned as the fat shifted to her breasts. They ballooned outwards, becoming large and increasingly green as her new skin colour spread. The others were also experiencing skin changes: Trish was turning a mottled mix of many greens, much like the mottled mix of her tattoos. Lisa was becoming a lush dark green colour to match her darker skin, while Jun had a bright forest green pigmentation.

“Then it m-must be that meteor event!” exclaimed Lisa, thinking of her own understanding of meteorology. “It’s the o-only thing that m-makes sense.”

“It’s mutating us!” Jun added. “That’s what you’re saying? I don’t deserve this! I get perfect grades!”

But it didn’t matter what the mathematician-to-be wanted, she was changing just like the rest of them. They continued to shrink in height, becoming smaller and smaller and getting increasingly lost in their clothes. The only exception was their panties and bras: rather than becoming too small for them, each girl gasped in horror and a strange, instinctive excitement as their hips flared out wider, their asses grew to become incredibly rounded and peachy, and their breasts doubled, then tripled in size.

“OOOHhhhhhhhh! AAaahhhh! MMHHHHhPMMPH!!!

A chorus of moans and groans and cries of mixed pain, fear, and pleasure carried across the building. The dozen and a half women that made up the sorority grappled with their bodies, squirming as their ears elongated to become long and pointy, their noses becoming a bit more pointed as well. Their eyes turned yellow - though some like Lisa and Jun developed dark brown eyes instead, and each of them became slitted, more receptive to colour and dark tones. Their hearing increased, which only enhanced their horrors, now able to experience the auditory sensation of others changing far across the building. They continued to shrink, down and down until they were only three foot tall each. Trish, once the tallest, was now the inverse, standing at only two and a half feet tall. She looked up at her friend in shock, but before she could speak she felt her teeth grind themselves down to points. Her hair turned black, though some such as Lisa and April developed bright red hair instead. Jun ended up completely bald, much to the overly-fastidious woman’s absolute despair.

The changes did not stop. Each tried to run only to double over again. Their bodies became ever more curvier, Apri’s especially. Where once the woman had been quite unattractive, now she was incredibly voluptuous: the fat that hadn’t disappeared went straight to her butt, her hips, her thighs and her boobs, the last of which were each the size of her own head, if not larger. Her hair trailed to the floor, a frizzy orange curtain bounced with each movement.

Jun, on the other hand, was bloated up. She was usually bird-thin and severe, but to her horror she gained weight in her belly and face, though her nonexistent breasts also bloomed into full E-cups, and her ass too. Soon she was a pudgy shortstack, as far from her previous figure as possible.

Trish was tiny, and curvier, and for some reason quite pear-shaped. Her hips were ridiculously wide - not quite to the point of parody, but easily wider than her shoulders. She literally couldn’t move without swinging them from side to side, which had the effect of making her new, very large breasts also wobble. They were not as big as Jun’s, and certainly not as big as April’s, but they were at least Double-Ds, if not DDD’s.

Lastly, there was Lisa. Lisa felt her eye correct, no longer slightly off to one side. To her astonishment she remained the tallest of her friends, standing at a still-tiny three and a half feet tall, and her figure had slimmed considerably. She had an impressive F-cup bust, overloading her strained bra, and an impressively slim waste. She looked in the mirror and saw she had a really cute snaggletooth. At least, she thought it looked cute.

The alien sensations left them, all of them, and in the silence that followed they each took stock of their changes.

“H-holy shit,” April said, looking over herself. “We’re all - we’ve turned into fucking goblins!”

Her voice was much more raspy and high-pitched. All of their voices were now, especially Jun’s, much to the bossy girl’s annoyance.

“No, that’s impossible!” snapped Jun.

“But we have,” Lisa said. “We’re tiny! We’re literally all in our bras and panties because we’re so tiny, and we can barely fit in these!”

They all looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Somewhere in another room, another transformed woman cried. Their long ears raised up to hear her, and it was a strange feeling.

“Oh God, we’re all goblin girls,” April said in her worried voice. “The meteor storm has turned us into frickin’ goblins!”

Trish had been silent. Her long ears, long enough to rest on her shoulders when they drooped, suddenly picked up as she heard the alpha males partying next door.

“Um, guys,” she said, as a warmth settled in her incredibly wide hips, and her nipples began to throb with need. “Do you hear that?”

All their long ears pricked up, and then each of them felt that strange arousal.

“Fuck,” Trish rasped, grappling with a very new feeling for the asexual woman. “I think - I think whatever changed us has made me really, really fucking horny for the boys in Kappa Kappa Theta.”

None of them said a word, all of them just hearing the deep, sexy baritones of the partying boys. Those boys with their big, long hard dicks and strong muscles. Several of the new goblin girls swooned. Despite her sense of propriety and manners, Jun licked her lips. April adjusted her bustline. Lisa breathed heavily, trying to keep control of herself.

But Trish most of all found herself utterly intoxicated. It was like a switch had been flipped, and now she wanted - no, needed - some hard cock right up inside her.

All of them did.

They’d been transformed, somehow, into a pack of very, very horny goblin girls.


The news media was all over them: the sorority of girls who had somehow been transformed into busty, curvy goblins. All of them had exaggerated proportions, some of which would even put porn stars to shame. They were each ashamed of their bodies; their green skin, their incredibly long ears, their high-pitched and raspy voices, and their voluptuous shapes that gave new meaning to the description - as one football star put it when he catcalled them - ‘hot little short stack ladies.’ Evidently, the strange weather event had some interdimensional - perhaps even magical - properties that caused the change. They weren’t the only ones affected: several individuals in Kenya had become centaurs, and another few in the north of Australia had become orcs. There were other changes worldwide, but exceedingly few people were actually altered, and to their knowledge they were the only ones in America to have experienced this fantasy change, leaving them at the mercy of the twenty four hour news cycle.

Jun was bothered by cameras as she tried to find new clothing to fit her bulging green body, and harassed by questions from rude people.

April experienced catcalls and requests for sex from complete strangers as she walked home, and even a few paparazzi sneaking pics at her gigantic bust.

Trish was whistled at, her attempts to discuss law and policy in class difficult due to all the strange stares at her wide, green hips.

Lisa couldn’t cross the campus without random people taking photos of her, or making annoying jokes about being the first ‘goblin aeroplane engineer.’

It was all embarrassing and frustrating, and made worse by the fact that beyond all these distractions, their bodies were continually horny, Trish’s most of all. They couldn’t keep their eyes off the sexy hunky men on campus, but each of them did their best to stop themselves from acting on their new instincts, or from letting the media know. They each had a fire burning within them, but they rallied against it, all the girls in the sorority did. Well, the ones that didn’t have boyfriends, which was most at least.

Soon, the media focus died down. Some girls gave long interviews to the press, but as they adjusted to their shorter heights, their new all-meat diets (an annoyance for the usually vegetarian Trish), their enhanced hearing and their ridiculous bustlines and curves, the furor of the public interest died down. They still got looks on campus, still had to deal with comments about their bodies constantly, whereas once they had been ignored. And they still had to deal with getting entirely new wardrobes, none of which could conceal their curves. But at least, as much as they were stuck as little green goblin women, some sense of normality returned. They all tried to throw themselves deep into study, regaining a semblance of structure in their lives as they renewed their goals of keeping things as much the way they were as possible.

But still the ever growing goblin lust burned within them, and they were soon fighting a losing battle.


It started with just a few of the girls. Hayley, who was studying to be an accountant, ended up letting herself get fucked by a few of the football stars when she went for a run near the track.

“I was just overwhelmed,” she told the others. “My aching green pussy needed their big manly cocks inside it! I ended up sucking one of them off while the other rammed me from behind. And. It. Was. Amazing. I fucked them all. Twice!”

The other girls gasped, and Jun looked affronted.

“How dare you!” she said. “You’re breaking the vows of Beta Nu! Just because we’re goblins now doesn’t mean we can act like them!”

“I couldn’t help myself!” the woman cried. “I was so fucking horny Jun. You’ve got to believe me!”

She wasn’t the only one. Jun was judgemental as ever, but her command over them wavered as more and more of them succumbed to their lusts. Several even dared to bring their new or old boyfriends into the sorority itself to have their brains fucked out, which galled the girls who were clinging on to control over their inhibitions.

“This is disgusting!” Jun declared, with the news that yet another one of their sisters had fallen to her cravings: Maria was a good Catholic girl with a passion for teaching, and now she’d banged three different guys in a single night.

“It’s worrying,” Trish corrected. They had gathered around the living room area at night, each of them having tried to study during the day but instead nipped off to their respective rooms to masturbate furiously. “What if - what if we’re next. I feel such a fucking need, you guys. I never needed to have sex before. I was asexual. Now, all I can think about sometimes is boys, boys, boys. I can’t keep focus on my law degree!”

“I know what you mean,” Lisa said, as she placed a tray of brownies on the table for them to eat. “They’re so tall, so cute! I just want to sink my goblin teeth into them! The only thing stopping me from getting them to cum all over my green skin is cooking and baking. I feel like I’m going crazy.”

“Me too,” added April, miserably. “Everyone is always talking about me now! They won’t stop - the boys keep taunting me to do . . . to give them blowjobs! And titty jobs!”

“Because of those monsters on your chest,” Jun sniped, but it was clearly from a place of jealousy. The former slim girl hated her new pudgy look, and her new ravenous appetite.

“We have to fight it,” Lisa said in her raspy goblin voice. “We may be small, and green, and we have these ridiculous porn star bodies that are barely three feet tall for some of us,” - she eyed Trish’s tiny stature in particular as she said this), “but we have to keep our dignity.”

“Easy for you to say!” Trish said. I’m soooooo fucking horny all the time. I’m having fucking dreams of getting big and pregnant with human-goblin babies!”

April gulped. She’d been having the same. All of them had been having sexy dreams of fucking and breeding. After all, goblins were known for their breeding. Even people who weren’t nerds knew that, and these girls were nerds, April especially.

It was at that very moment that the sounds of laughter and partying echoed into the building. Many of the girls, the four of them included, moved to the windows, having to climb up on stools due to their now short heights to see clearly. Trish climbed over Jun, annoying the latter.

“Oh my God, there’s a party. Kappa Kappa Theta. Holy shit, there’s lights everywhere you guys. I think half the college is there. Fuck, there’s so much alcohol.”

“And a lot of guys too,” April added.

“H-how many guys?” Lisa asked.

“A lot, I bet,” Jun responded, holding up Trish. She couldn’t see, but even the severest member of their group was licking her lips at the thought of so many hot alpha males all in one place.

“Those big jock boys,” Trish said, unbelieving how much she wanted them.

“And their big, long, hard cocks,” Lisa added.

“God, I want to climb them and rub my titties in their faces,” April said.

The rest looked at her, shocked at how openly she’d said it.

“What? It’s how I feel. I can’t fight these stupid goblin urges.”

“Me either!” Trish groaned, rubbing her wide hips, hand trailing down between her thighs. “I need to fuck them. I need to breed.”

“We all do,” Lisa said.

Jun groaned. “N-no! We have to fight it! We mustn't be weak! Isn’t that right, everyone?”

She turned, Trish still climbed on her little green shoulders, but to her shock, the rest of the room was suddenly empty. All the other goblin girls were gone. Trish spun on Jun’s head and gasped.

“Motherfuckers! They’re all headed for the party!”

The four sexy, busty, and deeply fertile goblin girls hesitated a moment. They each exchanged glances, waiting for one of them to break. Jun was trying to hold firm, but Trish was aching more than all the rest together to feel a big human dick inside her. Lisa too felt that urge, and moreover the need to take care of them. To service men just as she used to service her sisters by cooking and cleaning for them. April was wanton with lust, her large breasts aching to be squeezed.

And Jun . . . Jun’s own defences were falling apart. The almond-eyed goblin grasped her pudgy body, and in truth wanted men to grab her love handles and make her theirs.

“Fuck,” she whispered.

She made a run for it, throwing Trish off her shoulders as she dashed out of the building and towards the party.

“What the fuck, Jun!?” Lisa rasped. “C’mon! She’s going to steal all the guys!”

The goblin girls screeched, each of them running after Jun, their large breasts wobbling, their round asses shaking, their little feet scamparing as they pelted as fast as they could to Kappa Kappa Theta.

“Oh God, I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Lisa exclaimed.

“I know, I know!” April replied.  I’m so nervous! But I need to be fucked! I need it so bad!”

Trish groaned, somehow keeping up with her taller sorority sisters. She was driven by a need more powerful than the rest put together, the former asexual now a little short stack green woman filled of lust.


They sprinted towards the lights, chasing Jun, who herself was blushing red as she gave into her urges. The laughter of hotshot jocks and college boys were getting louder and louder as they got closer and closer. Other goblin girls were there, and the four girls burst into the fraternity building, a series of moans and sensual groans were already echoing through the building.

“WE NEED SOMEONE TO FUCK US!” Jun screamed at the top of her high-pitched lungs.

A number of tall, hunky jocks looked down at her, April, Trish, and Lisa, and as the girls presented their large bosoms and curvaceous bodies, they could see each of the guys beginning to get a very hard erection.

Jun licked her lips.

Kappa Kappa Theta didn’t know what was about to hit them.


The men of the fraternity stared in awe at the assembled goblin girls that had just entered. All four of their goblin girl leaders were breathing heavily, overcome with lust, their bodies curvy in different places. The men had joked about fucking them, much to the girls’ earlier chagrin, but now it was obvious to anyone that they all smelled of lust. Of women in overpowering, animalistic heat.

Trish, the former asexual activist, had become the most horny of all them. Her ridiculously wide hips practically ached to be held by a man, and as the tallest-to-smallest of the sorority, she had an unbearable instinct to prove herself.

Jun still battled her instincts: the loud noise of the party irritated her as it always had, and the dirty habits around her made her frustrations swell. But her pudgy new goblin body with its big E-cup breasts needed to be dirty in an altogether different way, no matter how much of a mess she made.

Lisa, now the tallest at three and a half feet, grinned at the assembled boys, who stared at the goblin girls with shock and wonder. Her large F-cups bounced in her dress, and she pulled aside the top a little to reveal further cleavage. She wanted to mother these wonderful boys, fuck them delirious and then take care of them afterwards.

Lastly, April entered, the most voluptuous of the group. Her figure was a parody of womanhood, the kind of figure she had dreamed about having all her life, albeit now in sexy short goblin form. Her curtain of orange hair trailed behind her, lending further power to the renewed fire in her loins.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe I just said that!” Jun spoke.

“You’re meant to be the most responsible one!” Lisa said.

“You followed straight after me!” Jun replied.

“Because I’m as turned on as you!”

No one is as turned on as me,” Trish replied. “I’ve gone from asexual to a fucking nympho! I need a man to cum in me. I need to be knocked up so fucking bad. I need half-goblin babies in me as fast as I can make them with a man!”

April breathed heavily. Of all the male eyes upon them, and the ranks or other goblin girls behind her, she had the most attention. With her perfect curves, her shortstack height that was still tall enough to be enticing, and her long, vibrant hair, she was simultaneously cute, sexy, fuckable, and almost ethereal.

“We have to do this,” she said. “I don’t care if you all have hesitations. I finally have a body that men like, and if that means being a goblin, then I’m going to fuck their brains out as a goblin.”

The other three looked at her in awe. April was usually so nervous, never standing up to herself. But now that she finally had positive attention, she exuding a determination she’d never showed before.

“Well, thank goodness for that!” Jun cried. “Because as much as I don’t want this, I NEED IT SO BAD. WHO’S GOING TO FUCK US?”

“Yeah, I need you to knock this goblin girl up!” Trish declared.

“I’ll take real good care of you, I’ll even give you amazing blowjobs!” Lisa called, her snaggletooth gleaming.

“And I’ll let you suck my big, beautiful green tits!” April declared.

“We all will!” another goblin girl said from the back.

The men were silent for a moment, still staring. And then the roar of approval went off like the Fourth of July, the boys of Kappa Kappa Theta and beyond cheering and whooping and hollering. They catcalled the girls, and far from being annoyed as they would have been in the past, they revelled in it. Even Jun, who hated such behaviour most of all, couldn’t help but grin from incredibly long ear to incredibly long ear.

“I’ll take the one with the big tits!”

“I want to grab the one with the huge ass by the cheeks and never let go!”

“I’ll knock you up! I’ll knock you up with twins if you don’t ask my name!”

“I like pudgy girls! Give me Jun in June, thank you very much! I’ll teach her to not be so stuck up when I stick my dick in her!”

“Sorry Connie, I know we’re having fun, but you only get to fuck a girl like Lisa . . . well, never. I’ll take the blowjobs, sugartits!”

The comments kept coming. They should have felt degrading and humiliating to the transformed sorority girls, but their overwhelmingly horny minds lapped them up, and soon the goblin girls were running through the party, seeking out hot, hunky jocks to fuck their brains out.

Jun was immediately in the arms of a hot footballer named Devin. She’d hated him, unable to stand his partying ways and anti-intellectualism, particularly as a high achiever herself. Now though, she couldn’t stop staring at his manly jaw and washboard abs, or thinking about how amazing his big dick was.

“Holy shit, it’s Jun! Who’d have thought a holier-than-thou girl like you would be at a party like this, or be the one to beg a guy like me to fuck her?”

She blushed, feeling utterly humiliated, but not so humiliated that she didn’t crave his cum inside her.

“P-please Devin! I’ll t-take it all back! I need you to fuck me. It’s the goblin transformation - it’s made me so h-horny! It’s not f-fair, but I want your cock in me!”

He chuckled, lifting her up with ease, causing her to shiver in excitement.

“You’re lucky I like sexy pudgy girls, particularly ones with big fat tits like yours.”

And with that, he began to openly grope her. She groaned in satisfaction, particularly as he pulled back the strap of her dress and began to suck her nipple. The real pleasure came when he ran his hands over her pudgy belly, which had become an almost erogenous zone of pleasure.

“OOohhhhh f-f-fuuuuuck!”

“That’s dirty talk for you Jun,” he laughed.

She was lost in pleasure though, unable to respond or fight her new instincts. Instead, she reached out helplessly to undo his belt buckle. He had to pull her closer, and in moments she was undoing it. Her vulva was wet with anticipation, her nipples tensing. The party was already getting wild, but it took off when the crowd around them cheered as she took him inside her right on the sofa. He lifted her up and down, again and again, as she gave in to her instincts. Like Trish, she felt an overpowering urge to breed.

April in the meantime was dancing like a maniac, surrounded by men and even some women who were admiring her bouncing curves. The music beat loudly, and for once she was able to let loose like she’d already wanted. Her sister was even present, just out the corner of her eye. She had always been more popular, with her perfect body and outgoing personality, but now she was the one at the centre of attention, and she never wanted to give it up. She didn’t care that she was a short green goblin with huge ears and a ludicrous need to be mated over and over. Right at that moment all she wanted to do was make her potential lovers compete.

“Who’s going to be the one to make me cum the most?” she dared, even as she shook her enormous, head-sized tits.


“No, me! I actually know how to show a girl a good time!”

“I’ll win! I’ve got stamina for days, and if those reports about the goblins are true, you guys are gonna need a shorter refractory period.”

There was a general laugh as they competed, and soon a circle existed around April as she continued to dance and press her chest against the hips of the boys, fluttering her eyes suggestively as she often saw her sister doing. She saw that very sister huff and stomp away, her boyfriend entranced by April.

“You!” she declared. “I want it to be you!”

There was another huge roar as the drunken boyfriend of Sasha stepped forward, cheered on by his friends. His cock was clearly straining in his pants, and it made April hungry for it.

“Fuck it!” she yelled. “You as well! I’m so horny I want to be taken from both ends! You guys can form a line on whichever side you want!”

The astonished men clapped and whooped, unbelieving that the former April was now this sexy shortstack. They were drunken and aroused enough to actually go ahead, and soon April was moaning incoherently in pleasure as her tight pussy was invaded by a procession of huge, hardened cocks, all while she blew on hard cocks at the other end. She rolled her eyes back in pleasure with each splattering of cum into her womb, and just as much when she swallowed that cum down her throat.

Trish, meanwhile, was hungry for cock, but only in one place. Even as Jun let Devin fuck her from behind against the coffee table, the crowd clapping and laughing at the spectacle, and April pleasing a seemingly endless line of men and even a few women with her mouth, she herself only needed cum in one place. The former asexual’s horniness was beyond that of any other transformed girl in the sorority, and more than that, she had baby fever beyond any woman on earth. She didn’t just want to get pregnant, she needed it. She was itching to get pregnant, jumping her tiny little boy up and down as she begged to be fucked.

“Please, I need to get pregnant!”

“Can you knock me up? I’ll do anything if you cum inside me?”

“I want your babies? Will you give me loads of babies?”

Some turned her away, others were shocked or sober enough to realise what a dangerous idea it was. But she hit more targets than she expected. She didn’t care if they were popular or not, tall or not, handsome or not, athletic or not: all that mattered was that they were virile men in the prime of their life, with semen ready to pour into her womb.

“I c-can’t believe this!” she cried as she rode a man in one of the private bedrooms of the fraternity. “I used to be a f-fucking asexual! Oohhhhh!”

The man who was fucking her - she couldn’t remember his name, all that mattered was that he had cum in his balls - groaned as he thrust again and again.

“Well, I’m glad you turned into a hot goblin girl then! Because these fucking hips were made for breeding, sexy!”

The words made her orgasm a little just from hearing them.

“Yeah? I’m your - Nnghhh! - good little breeder, huh? You want to show me what a sexy man you are by putting lots of little half-goblin babies in my belly?”

Another thrust, another bout of ecstasy. She couldn’t imagine how she’d ever been heterosexual before, when being pumped full of cock felt this good for her pussy.

“Oh yeah! Get you big and p-pregnant!” the man said as she bounced up and down on his cock. “I fucking love pregnant women, especially tattooed ones like you. They’re real sexy.”

“MMmhmm,” she moaned, as the moment drew nearer. “I can’t wait. You better knock me up again and again and again, baby!”

“I w-will! I p-promise! I - ooohhhhhh!”

Trish was filled with the most luxurious, pleasurable sensation of all: the feeling of a man ejaculating inside her, his seed travelling up into her overly fertile uterus. She didn’t know the full physiology of goblins, or if she was unique among them, but something told her she could carry more than one man’s babies at a time, provided the impregnations were close enough together. She squealed as she orgasmed, but as soon as it passed she leapt off the man’s dick, gasping a little, and moved to find another man.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“I need to get knocked up by someone else, too! Don’t worry, I’ll be back to get more babies from you, promise! Find me as soon as you’re ready to cum in me again!”

Then she was off in search of more boys willing to breed her like a good goblin broodmare.

Lastly of the main four girls, there was Lisa. She had found several men who found her snaggletooth adorable, and her F-cup chest magnetic to ogle. While she didn’t have the full curves of April, or the wide breedable hips of Trish, she did have the personality that made her lovers feel well taken care of. She had that mothering manner that turned a subsection of the guys on, particularly since her fat dark green nipples had started dripping milk not too soon after she arrived.

“Mmmhm, that’s right baby, you drink from your sexy goblin mama,” she said, as a man fed from her breast. She could see another man she recognised as Harry further away, licking his lips as he saw her. He was in her aerospace engineering course, and had even helped on some of her fundraising events. “You want to suckle from mama too?” she asked. “Come on over. There’s plenty of sweet milk to enjoy, and when you’ve had your fill, you can fill me up with your cock as thanks.”

As expected given her nature, she’d managed to find a corner of the Fraternity on the second floor where things were a little quieter. She’d still drunk a few - all of the goblin girls had sans Trish - but she was only a little tipsy. More than anything she wanted to be surrounding by some hot men willing to have sex with her, but willing to do so passionately, lovingly, caringly, and she in turn could feed them and give them blowjobs as thanks afterwards.

She had just done exactly that with the man on her left tit, but after he drank her sweet milk for some time, she lifted Harry’s face up to hers to kiss her.

“God, you’re so small now Lisa. And so sexy.”

“You saw me on the news, huh?” she said demurely.

“Everyone did. I couldn’t stop looking at you. All of you - but especially you. It’s so crazy.”

“Why don’t I show you real crazy by making you fuck me pregnant?”

He raised an eyebrow. “What the - can that even happen between you and people since that weird comet event?”

She shrugged, even though something in her biology said it was so.

“Who knows, but I want it. I know you want me Harry, just like that other guy did. I’ll give you the best blowjob of your life and a wonderful massage if you just take my little goblin bod up to the bedroom and cum inside me. How about that?”

He could hardly say no. Perhaps if he wasn’t amped up by the party, and a little drunk, and intoxicated by her looks and her offer and her milk, he would have said no. Instead he was all over her just a minute late, bouncing her off his deck while she came over and over again.

The party continued to rage into the night. All the goblin girls found either partners or mates or entire orgies to take part in. Kappa Kappa Theta was known for its wild parties, but even by their usual crazy standards, this night was something else. The women of Beta Nu were helpless in any attempt to fight their new goblinoid instincts. They needed to be groped, squeezed, fucked, and bred. The women of the party were shocked at the behaviour of the girls of Beta Nu, but most of the men were more than satisfied, and quite a few girlfriends became exes as the appeal of busty shortstack women with green skin and high libidos was too much to resist.

The party went long into the night, and the sounds of goblin-breeding sex carried across the campus.


That night was the ignition point for everything that came after for the transformed girls. When they woke in the morning, many of them already finding male partners to deal with their latent horniness, it became obvious that this was their new lives, and they were never going back. The freak event that had changed them had left them as total nymphomaniacs, their raspy voices having a sultry quality, their short nature making them unbelievably cute to a whole legion of men who loved to dominate women who were so much smaller.

Jun had fought the hardest, but in the end she had to give in too. The sex was too good, and her logical mind told her that the statistical probability of escaping this fate was practically nil. April was simply ecstatic to be so wanted, and desired to have as much sex as possible in her new life. She was small and no longer human, true, and her long red hair and pointy green ears and raspy voice were all a little new to her still, but evidently a lot of guys were well into that, and if not, then her big green tits were more than enough to bring her the pleasure she’d always wanted. Trish couldn’t believe how much she’d changed: she still felt like herself, just an incredibly horny, baby-crazed version of herself. She was certain she was pregnant, but already planning on more sex just to be sure. She was daydreaming of a huge round belly and milky tits. Lisa, on the other hand, had changed the least. She had simply changed her maternal focus to the interested men around her, and was already baking them brownies and serving breakfast up for them, using a stool to reach the counters. She’d be extra good to them, and give them a blowjob each. She had the lips for it, though she had to be careful with her cute little snaggletooth.

In the weeks that followed, the reputation of the goblin girls swelled to near mythical proportions. Beta Nu turned from a serious, academic sorority to a wild animal house of partying and sex. All of the transformed girls were hungry for cock, though more than a few female students got their pleasure there as well: some of the goblins had turned bisexual, or retained some of their original lesbian orientation, even if the urge to be bred by a man remained the strongest one of all. Each of them became resigned to their new lives, then accepting, then ultimately embracing, though some like April were much faster in their love of being a hot, sex-addicted goblin girl than most. And as the months passed, and many of them began feeling nauseous and tired and with tits that were getting even bigger, it became very clear that the breeding instincts they had for the hunky boys on campus had paid off.

Not that being pregnant stopped any of them from having an insanely high libido.

In fact, just about all of them only became more lustful, much the amusement and pleasure of the boys on campus.

Epilogue: Twenty Two Years Later

Jun groaned as she rolled out of bed. She’d just been fucked wonderfully by a college fratboy whose name she had forgotten. She huffed as she lifted herself: she’d put on a bit of a weight in the last two decades, though not enough to be obese. She still had her cute pudge, just a little more so. Her tits, on the other hand, were much larger: a consequence of the many, many goblin pregnancies she’d had. The former mathematics major calculated the current status of her own unborn goblin baby. It kicked and squirmed around in her stomach, making her tense a little. Given her tiny little size, she looked all the rounder and more bloated in her third trimester. She rubbed her belly to soothe her latest little one.

“Mhm. Pregnant again. Twenty two years and I can still barely believe what that freak event did to us. I was meant to be a mathematician, but now I’m - oohhhhhh - now I’m a damn broodmare.”

She sighed again, and hopped off the bed, carefully given her short stature. Still, she cradled her belly lovingly as she awkwardly hopped down the stairs of the sorority one at a time. After all, she did indeed love her children, all sixteen of them and counting. It was just that she sometimes dreamed of what her life would have been like if she were a lot taller and a lot more human and a lot less pregnant all the time. But she was a sexy, pudgy goblin now, and goblins were breeders.

“OOhh! F-fuck! OHhhh G-God! H-here it comes!”

Jun smirked as she stuck her head into Trish’s door. She too had stayed on at the sorority, they all had. These days it was more of a breeding ground for goblins, one that had been extended several times. Looking at Trish, it was easy to see why: the tiny little goblin girl was all belly, her enormous pregnant dome practically equal in size to the rest of her, and incredibly active.

“In labor again, are we?” Jun asked.

Trish gave her a little grin, completely flustered.

“D-don’t I know it! It feels s-so uncomfortable Jun, but s-so good! I c-can’t wait f-for the next one already! NNgghh!!”

If Jun had birthed a platoon of little goblinoid babies in her years since the change, then Trish had birthed an entire army. She was constantly gravid, and had never been not pregnant longer than a month: as soon as she gave birth she was instantly overcome with a deep-seated urge to breed more goblin babies into the world. The fact that she always, always had twins, triplets, and even quadruplets from time to time was a testament to that fact. She had over sixty children, and was constantly breastfeeding them, aided by her oldest daughters and a number of staff. She loved being pregnant, and having sex while pregnant, and she even made a lot of money livestreaming her enormous pregnant dome to those with a kink for pregnant goblin girls. She breathed heavily again, feeling the intimately familiar sensation of contraction and dilation.

“Oohhhhh, I c-can’t wait to m-meet you, little ones. Isn’t that right, g-girls?”

Her eldest daughters, all surrounding her, nodded approval. Most of them were pregnant themselves, having inherited much of their mother’s breeding instincts. She even had two daughters-in-law - human women who towered over her but were themselves quite pregnant with goblin young, courtesy of her sons.

“Well, best of luck then,” Jun said, leaving the room. She followed the wonderful scent of baked goods to the ground floor, to find April and Lisa at the table. Numerous little goblin children ran about, some of whom were Jun’s, and she shouted at them to watch out.

“Hey now! I may be a bit over forty years years old now, but this goblin mama is still getting pregnant! Watch where you’re stepping!”

April and Lisa chuckled at their friend. Even after so many years, Jun hadn’t lost her severe demeanour. Even during her frequent sex, she bossed her much taller partners around.

“Need some brownies?” Lisa asked, waddling over. She too was pregnant - all of them were, in fact, though April was only just starting to show.

“Please,” Jun said, “I’m craving them. This little baby won’t stop moving.”

Lisa grinned. “Ooh! I can’t wait to meet them! Or mine! We might go into labor together again!”

Jun straightened her green back. “Please, not that again. Though at least you could help out during feeding.”

She raised an eyebrow at Lisa’s breasts, which were enormous and constantly leaking in their custom-made maternity bra. Her friend grinned, her snaggletooth still there and still cute.

“I’d be honoured. You know I have to be milked constantly anyway.”

“Yes, we all heard it last night,” April laughed.

“Well, at least I’m big in the tits instead of in the belly - well, I am, but not as much as Trish.”

“She’s in labor, by the way,” Jun said.

They all rolled their eyes. “Again!”

“Wanna bet on how quickly she gets knocked up?” April said.

“Maybe she’ll hit menopause soon,” Jun said flatly. “I’d welcome it. Seventeen kids if I count this one - more than I ever expected.”

But April just came over, her busty, voluptuous body still perfect after all these years, and put an arm around her friend.

“Oh please, Jun, we know you love it.”

“Because I can’t help it.”

“We’re goblins,” Lisa pitched in, serving up the brownies lovingly, even as she fed one of her babies from her bountiful breast. “It’s in our nature! We breed like rabbits! So why not embrace it! Trish certainly has! And so has April.”

Jun slumped. “April got the most gorgeous body out of all of us. And a taller one. But I guess you’ve got a point. Besides, we’re definitely aging slower than humans. Who would have thought, huh? Most people think goblins age quickly.”

“See?” April said. “There’s upsides! And I’m off to experience one.”

She kissed Jun lightly on the cheek as she grabbed her purse.

“Out for another night of fucking?” Jun asked.

“Of course! I want my wet green pussy to get filled up before my belly blows up! You two have a great day now.”

She moved out the door, off to enjoy her life as a hot sexy goblin girl, and saying a brief goodbye to her babies. They were in good hands: Lisa was always a willing caretaker, after all. Jun just chuckled, rubbing her belly again, and then moving to check on her kids. She knew her own oldest daughters and sons would be about, helping look after them, but she wanted to drop in as well.

From the floor above, she heard Trish scream out in mixed pain and pleasure as her newest babies entered the world. It made Jun feel closer to her own children as she asked them each how they were going, and what they wanted to do today. She may not have been a mathematician, she supposed, but she was a goblin matriarch, alongside the rest of her three friends. The tribal leaders of an ever growing goblin family. After all, as she and her friends had well discovered in the long years since their change, and since their sorority became a goblin breeding house, their species were all about family.

The End


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