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Thought it would be fun to follow up on a previous changed character . . .

Full Cowgirl

Alex was once an ordinary human woman, barely out of her teenage years and studying to become a psychologist at university. It was only when she accidentally spiked her best friend Jessica’s drink with a transformative potion meant for their shared bully that things changed. Horrified at having partly altered her friend’s appearance in a more bovine direction, Alex made the decision to follow suit to atone. Of course, Alice drank the full transformative potion, so her changes became much more drastic.

“I didn’t realise I would change so much. Four massive tits the size of my head, a full udder. Not to mention horns, Holstein fur, a tail and hooves, the works! It was a lot to take in that I was now practically half-cow, and would be for the rest of my life.”

That was five years ago. Since then, Alex has gone into heat and produced a set of octuplet calves, and is currently pregnant with her second litter, this lot to a minotaur boyfriend who was similarly once human. Despite the sheer size of her belly and udder, she is in fact only four months along. To her utter shock and her friend Jessica’s delight, Alice is pregnant with decuplets; ten little anthro-cow babies growing inside of her. This, frustratingly, has driven her already prodigious milk production into overdrive.

“Yes, it’s – Uuughhn! – it’s super embarrassing. Giving birth to eight babies was crazy enough the first time, but to find out I’ve gone another ten on the way? Ten! I’m just lucky my Kurt is so supportive, though sometimes I start to think he actually likes having me blow up with all these cow-babies.”

Still, as her fellow cow-girl likes to remind her, this is the life Alex chose when she drank the full potion. No take-backs. And that means getting used to the fact that her body is constantly filling with milk, constantly overburdened with massive mammaries, her skin covered in thick Holstein fur, and her backside expanded to accommodate her hooves legs and thick cow’s tail. And, of course, the fact that as much as she enjoys regular sex, she has to be careful with her body’s hyper fecundity.

“Family dinners are always a little awkward. My parents still love me dearly, but I don’t know if they’ll ever get used to how I look these days, especially poor Dad. It’s hard for him to see his only daughter like this, especially since he can’t help but awkwardly stare at my two rows of boobs or udder when he thinks I’m not looking. I don’t blame him; my boobs tent out anything I wear, and my udder is always obvious. Not to mention I can’t help but moo when I get a little overburdened. It’s a lot for them to take in, but they love my babies, even if they think getting pregnant a second time is madness. I agree with them on that. My brother is a lot more cool with it; he just finds it all fascinating, and our dynamic of ribbing one another hasn’t changed, just the kind of ribs. Let’s just say he has a lot more material to work with now, especially when I ask for someone’s help off the couch.”

But while it has been a hard journey for Alex, she and Jessica remain the best of friends, and she claims she wouldn’t have it any other way, even with the endless milk production.

“I wouldn’t change for the world. As much as this body is a total embarrassment, my children are magical and it kept my friendship with Jessica going. I’m a cowgirl for life, and if that means having to put up with some backpain and the awkwardness of all these mounds, so be it. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go milk myself. Again."


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