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As voted by you, dear patrons, here is the next ongoing biweekly TF story! This one is all setup, but the next instalment will absolutely get the story rolling!

Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

Alien Space Babe, Part 1: The Device

“You’re fucking kidding me. I’m stuck with that nerd?”

“I know. Tough break, honey. He looks like a total loser.”

Chad fumed as he looked at the weaselly kid who was moving his bags into the dorm of the university. He was thin, with rectangular glasses and brown hair that was gelled in a slightly spiky look to the right hand side, giving him the look of a tech geek. True to that stereotype, he wore a smart casual blue button shirt and dark trousers, as if he were about to make an IT report.

“Shit, I bet he’s all into little gamer toys and the like,” he muttered.

Chad Penwick and his girlfriend Kaley were standing at the end of the dormitory corridor, looking on as the kid who Chad was obviously going to have to stay with moved his stuff into Room 314. Kaley sighed heavily at the prospect.

“Quite the change of pace, huh Chad? Sucks that your dumb Dad is forcing this on you. We could have had so much fun living together.”

She curled her fingers around his waist, smiling up at him in a flirty manner before kissing him on his jaw.

“Too bad,” she continued.

“Yeah, it fucking sucks,” Chad said. “I was going to show you a real, real good time when we moved in together.”

“Mmhmm,” she moaned, pressing her B-cup breasts against him. “That would have been nice. You’ll just have to sneak out to me.”

“Well, not like you can sneak in. Not with that dorky looking geek. Probably wouldn’t know a woman if you walked in naked.”

“Please, like I’d show a loser like that a body like mine.”

“That’s right babe, you got standards.”

‘Standards’ was one way to put it. His girlfriend Kaley was indeed quite the beauty. With her long dark hair and ethnically ambiguous olive features, she already had thousands of followers on social media, particularly since the rest of her body was curvy in all the right places. She and Chad had been dating for nearly a year now, and in many ways their pairing felt more a result of their matched attractiveness and alpha male/female personalities, which put them at the top of their social pyramids. Because whereas Kaley was the gorgeous head cheerleader who viciously kept all the other girls in line beneath her, Chad was the very image of a superior jock. He was 6’3 with a strong, manly jawline and tousled black hair that drove the girls wild. He had a muscular figure that dominated at sports. It was no wonder that he was a successful footballer with an eye on a college scholarship that could lead him through life. He had been pushed by his father to succeed at an early age, always striving to outdo the other boys and come out on top, including in his relationships with women. The mere fact that he had Kaley Wakefield was hanging off his arm, the hottest girl on campus, was testament to the fact that his father’s teachings had been a success. Brutal and harsh and demeaning as they had been, he had followed in his father’s footsteps to become the alpha male of the university, and was on his way to football glory, just like his father wanted.

At least, he had been successfully following that plan, until he’d fucked up a little over a month ago. Chad had invited a large group of peers to his off-campus apartment - the one paid for by his dad - and had a drunken frat party with his friends. The police were called when . . . when things went wrong. The damage to the place was extensive, and moreover Chad himself was arrested for reasons he refused to talk to others about. The sight of it had stuck with him . . . but he didn’t dwell on it. Not after his father had pulled the strings necessary to get his son out of being charged by the police, though he was incredibly furious. Chad had been worried he’d even get angry as he had when he was younger and smaller.

Instead, he’d taken away the apartment privileges, and told Chad that he had to take a dorm on-campus, and one that would be randomly assigned to him rather than having to bunk with a mate. It had made Chad miserable, in no small part due to the fact that he’d loved having Kaley over for long makeout sessions and more than a little wild fucking. Now, their ability to have wild, hot sex was severely limited: a deliberate punishment by his father.

“Well, at least it’s only for four months,” she said in the present, clinging to his arm. “Still terrible though. All my followers will be so devastated to hear about it. It’s, like, such a reputation killer.”

Chad raised an eyebrow. Sometimes he didn’t understand Kaley’s obsession with her online presence. But then, his world was on the football field, in front of the other men, out on the town drinking. Reputation was different for women than it was for me, but both of them had to maintain it.

“Yeah, don’t post any of this shit online, okay? I don’t need anyone else know I’m stuck with this dweeb.”

“Of course not babe,” she said, kissing him deeply before pulling back. “You just show that little shit who’s the real man in that room, and he won’t be a bother. It might even be fun. You know, like old times for you.”

He thought back to his high school days. The incident with the rocks. The locker room. The way the kid had cried.

“Yeah, maybe so. Put him in his place, huh?”

“Exactly. And then after four months, when we move back in together, I’ll fuck your brains out after we show the whole club scene just how top of the social class we are.”

“Now that sounds good, hot stuff.”

He looked and gave a weary sigh as the scrawny-looking nerd re-entered the dorm. Others were moving in, and it was expected he would do so soon.

“I gotta go Kaley. Talk to me later?”

“You know it, Chad. You can tell me all about what a loser your new roommate is.”


Derek Mayes was surprised to see who his new roommate was. It was the start of the year’s semester, and everyone was moving into their new accommodations. He’d expected to get another random allocation, as he often did, but what he hadn’t expected was Chad freakin’ Penwick, star of the local football team and the swim team. As an introverted nerd with niche interests, he’d never even expected to interact with someone so far up the social pyramid, let alone be rooming with him! He looked up at the hulking, athletic man, so different to his own lanky figure, and gave an awkward hello.

“Uh, hey there. I guess we’re roomies, huh?”

The other man grunted, barely acknowledging him.

“You’re Chad Penwick, right?”

“Yeah, kid.”

Derek frowned. “Um, do you want me to help you with any of that?”

He motioned at the heavy luggage and weights that Chad was carrying. The annoyed jock got a funny idea in his head. “Sure, why not? Take this one for me.”

He easily hefted a bag that contained numerous training weights. Derek grabbed it . . . only to immediately be pulled down to the floor by the heavy weight. He helped a little, falling backwards.

“Whoops!” Chad said, half-chuckling. “I guess you can’t help me.”

Derek blushed a deep red with embarrassment, tensing as he felt his wrist. It wasn’t sprained, but it definitely hurt. Chad stepped past him casually and chucked his stuff in the corner.

“I call top bunk, kid.”

Derek narrowed his eyes. “The name’s Derek. Derek Mayes.

Chad turned, sized him up and down. “Fine, Derek then.” He looked around the room, and at what Derek had already set up. True enough, there were a number of gaming figurines and posters for science fiction nonsense already set up on part of the room. On the shelf allocated for one of the roomies, he had placed a number of books. They had titles like The Truth is Out There, and Evidence for ExtraTerrestrial Life, and Theories Concerning Parallel Evolution. All stuff that was beyond Chad, and made him weirded out just by seeing them.

“What is this nerd shit?” he practically spat.

Derek stood, and fell into the classic trap of geeks being invited to humiliate themselves everywhere: he took the bait.

“Oh, this? Well, I’ve always been fascinated by aliens. Like, humans are alone in the universe as far as we can tell, but if you trace the universe’s origins back, we’re looking at billions upon billions of years. So naturally another civilisation should have arisen before us, right? And if we consider their technological development as anything analogous to our own, then they would have interstellar travel by now, theoretically. So why haven’t we met aliens yet? Well, this is known as Fermi’s Paradox, and there are a number of interesting proposals put forth on how alien life could exist, but remains hidden and silently observing us, because that way-”

Chad put up his large, muscular arms. “Okay, that’s enough. I was making an insult, not asking to hear about your weird alien kinks or whatever.”

Derek didn’t even know what to say. It was almost so insulting that his brain didn’t even register it as such for a moment.

“Okay,” he said. “Fine. I’ll take this half, you take that half - is that how we’re doing it?”

“More like you get that corner, dweeb.”


Chad looked at the other fellow again. He’d called him kid, but they were clearly the same age: around twenty two or so. Still, despite looking like a scrawny weakling who wouldn’t last five minutes inside a gym, he had to admit the guy had stones. That was twice he’d stood up to Chad, and he wasn’t backing down again.

“Whatever,” the footballer said. “I’m not going to be long here anyway. Keep your weird alien fetish stuff in the corner, and we won’t have a problem.”

“I won’t be here all the time either,” Derek said, already beginning to move his stuff. He’d just stood up to Chad freakin’ Penwick, but his hands were shaking, and his breath came quick. He felt anxious all of a sudden, and decided the best way to defuse it was to move his stuff as he was told. Asked. He thought of it as being asked, to save his pride.

“Why, going to a UFO convention?” Chad mocked.

Derek sighed. “Not exactly. Going to a UFO finding. At least, a claimed one. I know I won’t find anything, but it’s fascinating to try, and it’s a cool hobby.”

“Yeah, real cool alright. Just super popular.”

Derek bit his tongue. He didn’t want to get beaten up: that was a recipe for disaster. He knew that Chad had a reputation, particularly from the incident back at his high school. Nerds like him knew to stay clear. Instead he simply moved his things in silence, and the two didn’t talk for the rest of the day.


In the following week, Chad continued to put up with Derek. He found the man’s nerdy obsessions irritating. How could he be so passionate? Passion had always irritated him, particularly when it manifested physically, like someone bouncing a little with enthusiasm or grinning madly at something exciting in their field of interest. Chad had never felt that way, not even about football. His dad, of course, loved football, and so he’d followed in his dad’s footsteps just like he’d been told. But to see others get passionate about stupid weak shit like aliens and science fiction books and chess boards just drove him up the wall.

As such, the two barely spoke but for the occasional demand of Chad for Derek to get out of his way. He often told him to clear out when Kaley came over, and the two made out on Derek’s bed just to annoy him. The geeky young man wanted to say something, but truthfully he couldn’t do so in the presence of the alpha cheerleader. Not only was she utterly gorgeous, but she intimidated him, and when she was around Chad was even harsher, more jock-ish and cruel. He repeatedly made comments about what a “weird loser” Derek was, and mocked his interest in aliens.

The two became quite relieved when Derek went on his trip to a UFO site across the country. It was over in New Mexico, a far distance from their own state, and certainly a location famous for its UFO sightings and such. While he was gone, Chad used the time to invite Kaley over even more than usual, and the two had vastly pleasurable sex that drove each other wild.

“This is gonna be sooooo good to talk about on my socials,” she said with a grin. “Reunited and it feels to good! The two hottest, bossest people on campus are finally back together again. I’m going to be cheering you on again. You are on the football team, right?”

Chad grimaced. He’d actually not signed up, but knew that he had to.

“I’m signing up this weekend. Trust me Kaley, you think I’m the top dog now, just wait till you see me out on that field.”

“Mhmm, good. Because I only date winners, Chad. And I know you’re a winner, unlike that dumb roommate of yours.”

Chad chuckled. “He’s anything but dumb. Maths whiz or something, straight As in science.”

“Despite being an alien weirdo?”

“Yeah. Seriously, he’s like a fucking genius or something.”

Kaley sneered. “I can’t stand eggheads. Think they know everything.”

“That’s exactly what he’s like. Keeps talking about stuff I don’t give a shit about.”

“Well, maybe if you lean on him, he can improve your own science scores.”

Chad remembered that incident. The one from high school. The locker.

“No . . . I think I’ll not push things. Dad’ll shut off the tap for good if I fuck up again.”

“I thought your Dad beat the shit out of all the nerds in his day?”

Chad shrugged. “Yeah, he did. But I’m still not gonna risk it. Besides, he’s away in New Mexico now. Maybe I’ll just demand he do my work when he gets back and threaten him. Make it so there’s no evidence.”

She grinned. “Now who’s the smart one?”


When Derek returned, giddy at his discovery, he was shocked to find Chad waiting with a smile on his face in the dorm room. He entered, and Chad only grinned wider.

“Shut the door, freak,” he said.

Derek closed the door cautiously. “Derek, remember.”

“Whatever. Did you have fun on your nerd trip to find alien space babes?”

“No, that wasn’t the trip’s purpose. But yes, I did have a lot of luck, in fact-”

“Good, because now that your little virgin project is over, I want your help. My science marks are flagging, and frankly I’m too busy being a fucking superstar to deal with all of that. So I’ve decided there’s a way we can finally get along.” He narrowed his eyes, and Derek felt nervous in the face of the expression. “You’re going to do it all for me.”

Derek waited a moment, to see if it was a joke.

“No. No way. I’m busy as it is.”

“Not so busy you couldn’t go hunting for alien pussy or whatever.”

“Alien wreckage! And I’ll have you know I might have found something!”

He had promised himself he wouldn’t reveal it to anyone without studying it first, but his anger and frustration at his jock roommate reached its peak. Being demanded to do a bully’s homework? It was so cliche it was cruel. It was humiliating. It was a deliberately painful cliche. And so he reached his hand into the backpack he was carrying and pulled out a silvery device that was rough and broken around the edges. It had a strange, almost rippled surface to its shiny metal, and several buttons and displays were on top with odd symbols all over them.

“What the fuck is that?” Chad said. “And what the hell has it got to do with you doing my homework for me?”

Derek looked from the tech, which was just larger than his hand, and back to Chad.

“It’s . . . I think it might be extraterrestrial in origin.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“No! I’m serious! I discovered it in a crate, and it looked to be beeping slightly, though it’s stopped now. I haven’t touched it much - I want to research it carefully before I do anything careless, but -”

Chad swiped it out of his hands and examined it. Derek’s heart stopped a moment, and then he surged forth to take it from the jock. The larger man just pulled his hand away, still examining it with a smirk on his face.

“Looks fake.”

“Give that back!”

“No seriously, it looks fake. What nerd bullshit are you feeding me, Derek? Just for this, I think I’ll make you do my maths assessments too. How does that sound?”

“I’m serious Chad, give that back! I discovered it! It’s mine!”

Derek felt panicked, his system coursing with adrenaline and fear as he saw his greatest finds in this muscled moron’s hands. He leapt up to take it, and Chad pulled it away, laughing. He leapt again, and he was shoved backwards.

“Woah! Nice push, for a little girl.”

“Just give it back.”

“Do my work for me, and maybe I’ll consider it.”

“I mean it Chad!”

Another infuriating laugh. Chad could hardly take the nerd seriously. And that’s when, to the complete surprise of both parties, Derek balled his hand into a fist and shot it directly at Chad’s face.

The jock had little time to realise before he was smacked right in the nose. He fell back more out of shock than anything else, and his hand shot back, slamming against the wall and damaging the device. Derek yelled out.


But the metal crumpled all the same. The lights on its surface rapidly turned on, flashing green and purple. Chad stumbled, gaining purchase on his knee and foot respectively. Anger swelled in him. How dare this little geek strike him? Chad fucking Penwick? He balled his own fist, and was about to strike back, when he saw the fear in the other man’s eyes.

But the fear wasn’t direct at him. It was directed at the flashing object still held in Chad’s other hand.

‘#$^&*%^ @#$^%#$^ @%$#$#$%^ $^’

A series of alien sounds that were impossible to even pronounce echoed out of the little metal shell. Chad held it up to his face in confusion.

“What the-”

But then he was suddenly bathed in green light. It washed over him like a ray, as if he were being scanned - it certainly looked that way from Derek’s perspective. It hovered rapidly over him twice, and then flashed red. A low, horrid shriek emitted from the metal.

“The hell is this, Derek?”

“I think you’ve angered it, or not passed a test or something.”

“Yeah, sure. And I bet that -”

The light turned bright, narrowing until it looked like a bright laser firing directly into Chad’s forehead, above and between his eyes. He was suddenly overwhelmed with heat and power, and it felt like some strange energy was pouring into him. It lasted only seconds, but during that time he was unable to move, only able to widen his eyes in shock.

And then it was over, and the metal device clattered to the floor out of his hands. The two men were completely silent for what felt like minutes, and Chad’s heart raced with adrenaline, the feeling of heat and odd energy still coursing through his body before it finally died away.

“Derek, what the hell just happened?”

The other man’s jaw was dropped. The device appeared partly ruined, and all sign of what it had done was gone.

“I have no idea,” he said. “But it didn’t sound good.”

To Be Continued . . .


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