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Big one today! Accidentally wrote 6,500 words instead of my usual 3000-4000! Hope you all enjoy:

Morgan the Witch decides to summon her old high school bullies before her, years after she developed her shapeshifting magical powers. Daniel, Caitlyn, Sasha, and Pete are in for a surprise, as she twists their forms in karmic rays, ranging from the more human, to the freakishly alien. Of course, there may be a chance for one of them to return to normal again. But just one.

First Part Here

Previous Part Here

Next Part Here 

Morgan’s Year, Part 5: The Reunion

The warehouse was spacious and private: Eve had seen to that by turning the nosy, bigoted owner into a female border collie and giving the new dog to a nice suburban couple with a male of their own. She sat down on the folding chair and waited. It had been exactly a year, and Morgan never missed an appointment, especially not one she relished so much as this.

She checked her watch, gingerly adjusted a couple of extra seats, and chuckled to herself as she considered the arrangement she had set up for her little meeting. Daniel would sit right next to her rather easily, and with a flick of her wrist she added a layer of hay to the floor on her right to accommodate Caitlyn. Pete had a stool beside Daniel, but for Sasha, she simply left the cold warehouse floor for her. After all, the 'queen bee' of their high school - now queen bee in an altogether more biological way - would need a lot of space.

Morgan sat, checked her watch for the time, and smiled as the last seconds ticked away before they were all reunited.

A flash of white. A series of startled cries.

They were back.

The four transformees were suddenly sitting or standing around her. Morgan regarded them with a smile, and a little surprise. Daniel, now a petite Japanese lady in a stylish kimono, held a swollen pregnant belly in her hands. My, you've been busy Dan, Morgan mused.

Caitlin the cowgirl towered thanks to her bovine lower half. Her breasts were enormous, jutting out from her humanoid chest. She was naked but for a tied shirt that barely contained her massive melons, and her udder swung between her hind legs as she cried out in response to something else. She was looking behind her, afraid of something seemingly about to happen.

Pete the Mothman sat silently upon a stool, his muscular insectoid form regarding the others. Morgan bit her lip. He looked quite handsome. It only took her a second to realise it was the emanation of his breeding pheromones, and she waved a hand to dispel their effect.

Thanks the gods, I don't feel like having kids just yet, especially not little bug babies. Speaking of . . .


Sasha's amplified voice echoed through the warehouse, a wet strain accompanying her alien vocal cords. The others - with the exception of the Mothman Pete - shifted away in horror at the immense alien brood queen, her abdomen rippling with the movement of over a hundred young.

"Morgan . . . you'll pay for thisssss," Sasha moaned, and there was a wet pop as a little yellow grubling the size of a newborn babe erupted from the lips at the end of her thorax and shifted onto her back, where it began suckling.

"Oh my God, what the fuck is that?" Caitlin cried.

Dan cried out something in Japanese, clutching his heavily pregnant stomach protectively.

The Mothman just stared.

Sasha rolled her dark eyes, her large body positioning her humanoid torso at least a story above them. "Who the hell do you think I am, Caitlin you COW!"

"I may currently have the body of a cow, but ohmigod, Sasha, what did she do to you?"

Dan's hand flew to her petite mouth in shock, managing to make the connection.

"She turned me into a fucking monster, you bitch!"

Morgan raised her hand like a teacher, issuing silence. Pete just murmured, the Mothman's inhuman voice a mere muffled. Caitlin crossed her arms beneath her immense breasts and stepped backwards from Sasha, her udder jostling. They each stared daggers at one other.

"I turned her into her worst nightmare," Morgan said. "A big brooding alien preggo. Her slim shape is gone. Her cheerleading is a thing of the past. Her adoring male admirers are far from the kind she would hope, and she is so removed from popular society that she's literally halfway across the galaxy, at least just before I summoned you all here." Morgan stood. "Let me get this meeting started. In case people are confused over who is who and what the rules are, let me introduce your new selves to one another properly. For now Dan, or should I call you Daishi? - I return to you your ability to speak and understand English."

Dan's feminine eyes went wide with understanding.

"Dan here has spent the last year as a Japanese noblewoman in the middle ages. I transformed you this way in order to make you understand how powerless it feels to be a woman being pursued by men who take you to be inferior as a point of fact." She chuckled. "Of course, I didn't expect you would take to the role so readily."

Dan blushed furiously, hugging her swollen belly as if she could make it go away.

"I had no choice," she whispered in a lilting, melodic voice.

"Holy shit, Dan, that's you?" Caitlin explained, "you got fucking knocked up?"

It could not be possible for little, lithe Dan to turn any more red, and yet she did.

"My twins," she whispered, and yet it echoed around the room.

Pete the Mothman extended a caring arm and patted Dan on her petite shoulder. The woman cried gently, but didn't stop cradling her mound.

Morgan smiled. "How lovely Dan. Or do you prefer Daishi now? I ask because this is the first and only chance each of you will have to return to your old bodies and lives."

"Oh big fucking whoop!" called out Sasha. "I'm giving birth constantly! I've been pregnant this whole time! I'm a fucking alien broodbitch here!"

"Wait your turn," Morgan snapped, but the alien broodmare just groaned - another contraction was building.

"I . . . Daishi is what I'm used to," Dan said, lowering his - her - head.

"Interesting. Anyway, Pete - currently the urban legend The Mothman - has spent his past year inhabiting this role. The creep loved science fiction and horror so much - and preying on women - it was time he experienced it in full."

The Mothman shrugged, stooped over like in a depressed slouch.

"I bet you've left a trail of bulging bellies in your wake, haven't you Pete?" Morgan said with a smile. She turned to Caitlyn. "And you, Caitlyn, any idea why I made you a cowgirl? A real cowgirl?"

Caitlyn stamped a rear hoof upon the hard concrete. "I assume it's because I always called you a fat cow."

Morgan nodded with a smirk. "Correctamundo. Plus you made fun of my 'big cow tits', as you once tastefully referred to my chest. I figured it was a fittingly ironic punishment to leave you with a far larger set of milkers of your own, both on your chest and between your legs. And I can see you're quite . . . productive there."

The collective eyes of the group fell to her chest, where two large dark patches were growing on her tight shirt. Her milk was soaking through.

"Oh no, you are leaking. I am starting to do that too," Daishi said.

"Shut up Dan you preggo freak. Ugghh, oh fuck," Caitlyn complained, trying and failing to obscure her spillage. Milk droplets fell loudly from an increasingly full udder. "This is totally over the top Morgan! I'm so fucking sick of making all this fucking milk!"

"Well, soon will be your chance to change back. Or not, depending on your plea." She turned to Pete, the Mothman. "Pete, I give you back full control of your body. The Mothman is dormant for this meeting, and you now have the capacity to speak."

The Mothman clutched its head, and for the first time since they were all transported, spoke.

"Oh thank God, thank God. Oh thank Jesus fuck. I can speak again. I'm in full control again. Oh God, my own neighbour. Cynthia, I - and everyone else. All those women . . . I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"

"The fuck is the nerd freak talking about? Caitlyn said.

"Wait your turn Caitlyn. Pete, why did I make you the Mothman, a figure who spurs lust in unsuspecting women and leaves them with bulging bellies?"

Sasha's jaw dropped, and her useless legs skittered in shock.

"Wait, wait, wait - fuck, I feel another baby forming, ugh! - are you trying to tell me that king-of-the-nerds Pete Lentis has actually managed to get laid? And looking like that? I guess it is an improvement!"

"At least I can still walk!" Pete yelled back. "You don't exactly look like cheerleader material anymore Sasha!"

"Hey! That's my friend you're talking about, virgin."

Pete stood, and Caitlin trotted forward, bosom wobbling and fists out.


Everyone went silent as Morgan waited.

"You haven't answered my question, Pete."

The Mothman sat back down. "Um, you made me this because of . . . because I spent a lot of time objectifying you, and also you knew I was a big fan of urban legends."

"So I figured, why not turn you into one yourself, and make you a slave to your instincts. Didn't like it too much, did you?"

The dark, tall, muscled form of Pete stooped down like an embarrassed pre-schooler.

"No, I didn't. My sister . . . my neighbour, my childhood friend Cynthia, just then I saw her. I couldn't help myself. I think . . . I think I got her pregnant."

Daishi gasped.

"And last, but certainly judging by her mass not the least, we have you Sasha," Morgan said. Sasha's body squirmed, her immense womb and ovipositor stretched to fullness with the many alien young growing within. "Why Sasha, are you a giant alien bug queen?"

"Please Morgan, you've got to change me back. I hate this life. I hate this body. I hate being pregnant all the time. I hate that I give birth every day and I've got these things always drinking my damn milk I can't stop making. Please let me change back, please! I want to be thin and human again! I don't want to keep making babies for these gross grub people!"

“These ‘gross grub people’, as you so gently put it, are the Thalaxxians, a distant alien race who are travelling to found a new homeworld after their last was tragically destroyed by their expanding sun. It is a long journey near its end, but tragedy has struck; they’ve lost their queen, the prime producer of their kind. And since you didn't answer my question, I'll answer it for you - I turned you into a Thalaxxian broodqueen to take away your prized body you loved so much, and keep you swollen and pregnant and forever in labor so that you would always be what you said I'd one day become: a knocked-up freak whose only prospects were making more babies.

“And now, everyone here gets one chance - just one - to tell everyone why they should be the ones to turn back. Because I'm only going to choose one of you."

A silence fell across the room.

"You - you can't do this!" Caitlyn screeched.

"It's not fair! What if we've all redeemed ourselves!? I need to see if Cynthia is-"

"I should be the one changed back!" Sasha cut in, "Ohmigod, I've spent a whole year birthing these, like, grub things! It's really gross and I hate it!"

"Yeah? Try being a fucking cow! The family I'm staying with view me as nothing more than a milk machine. And right before I came here they were sticking a fucking rod up my cow vagina to get me with fucking calves!"

"Oh god . . . my own best friend when we were kids. And she recognised me. I know she did . . . I know she did. I just, I couldn't resist her. And now I've knocked her up as the Mothman!"

Sasha's immense and gravid alien form shifted, and she grunted as another child began to form within her. Her numerous grublings suckled audibly from her teats, most loudly from her most 'ordinary' two pairs upon her humanoid torso, where two of her larger, more developed young clung and suckled at her green milk. They were the size of perhaps a three year old child each, and Sasha ran her hands over them, indicating the madness which her body subjected herself to.

"How can you even consider anyone else Morgan? I'm sorry, alright? I'm, like, super sorry! Please, I can't spend another second as this giant gross alien preggo. I can't even move! I promise I'll never cheerlead agin!"

Caitlyn reared up on her hind hooves for a moment, her front ones kicking out against Sasha's bloated size. The cheerleader-turned-alien-broodmare yelped, and a grubling was dislodged from her opening out of sheer shock. Dan/Daishi squealed as it landed on the floor next to her.

"Are you kidding Sasha? We used to be friends, but even I knew that Sasha Hastings never apologises to anyone! Even me!"

"Yeah, well try being an alien preggo for a year, it totally, like, changes you! I swear I've changed Morgan, I'll even invite you round for our pool parties. God, I miss swimming. Now I just - OOOHHHH - make babies, like the one I can feel growing against my left side right now."

A squeamish Pete managed to move to the mewling grubling and lift it up to latch against one of Sasha's many teats.

"Um, here you go," he said awkwardly. "God, please don't let anything like this be growing in Cynthia."

Its little legs clung to her bloated skin, and soon it suckled alongside dozens of its kin.

"Ahh," Sasha sighed, "thanks, weirdo. It hurts if I these things don't drink enough of all this stupid milk I make."

Caitlyn  crossed her arms and pouted, her head turned down as if to show off her pointed horns. "Milk? MILK!? You want to talk about milk Sasha? I make fucking gallons of it by the day. Every morning I wake to a full udder and my tits full too, and it aches to even trot - that's right, because I have to trot now - to the milk pumps. And it all goes to pay the stupid farmers I live with. You want to talk about milk? I'm literally a cash cow!"

Sasha roared, her immense form jiggling. "At least you aren't, like, pregnant all the time! I don’t remember what it's like to not have contractions!"

"Or forced to get women pregnant all the time!" Pete said. "At least your transformations only target you! Do you have any idea how many poor women the Mothman has gotten pregnant? Christ, there are suburban moms and yoga trainers who are going to give birth to Mothman kids any day now! I've sent at least three French uni students back to Paris with babies in their bellies! One was having triplets! My fucking elementary school teacher gave birth to mothman baby! And I couldn't do anything to stop it! I couldn’t stop any of it - I couldn’t help myself.”

“A solid argument,” Morgan admitted, “I may have gone a little far in your particular case Pete. Mind, I’m a witch of punishment, and I occasionally like my punishments to be doled out without discretion. Plus, your instincts gave some children to those deserving of punishments and blessings. But certainly he and Sasha are right, yours is the only transformation that doesn’t come with the burden of new life, Caitlyn.”

The cowgirl placed her hands where her hips would ordinarily be. "Well, I'm sure all of you will be absolutely happy to know that the Cawlton family have decided to get me fucking bred! Like I already said, the only reason this stupid cow body isn't already at work making calves is because Morgan pulled me out of there while they'd jammed an insemination rod what felt like three feet inside of me! And they tell me they plan to keep me calving in order to 'pay my board', the absolute fuckers. And their stupid son can't stop feeling my bloody tits up." Her tail flicked angrily. "Please Morgan, can't you change me back? The Cawltons say that after a first pregnancy a cow's milk production goes up for life. I'm already their best damn producer, and these things already fill up so damn quick!" She lifted her enormous breasts up, which promptly responded each by spraying white streams of milk onto the floor. Caitlyn couldn't help but moo.

"God, so much milk!"

"Yeah?" Sasha yelled, her antennae curling in anger, "you want to talk about milk. Try, like, sweating it bitch! I don't even know why I have these stupid big tits out front when every other part of me is already making milk."

Morgan spluttered, capturing everyone's attention but the traumatised Pete. She recovered.

"I'm sorry Sasha dearest, did you just say you've got no idea why you produce all that lovely milk at your front? Why those bigger Thalaxxians always draw themselves to your chest instead of elsewhere?"

The former buxom blonde gave an expression of confusion upon her green face. Sure enough, there were four larger grublings affixed to her two large pairs of tits, drinking greedily. "N-no?"

Morgan rolled her eyes.

"They're the upper caste brood, you moron. You've been the mother and milk maid to countless Thalaxxians already and you still haven't worked that out? For the coven's sake Sasha, the milk in those two huge pairs of tits on your chest is special; the babies of yours that drink it develop into smarter leader caste members of the hive, like your servants."

Sasha's jaw fell, and she regarded the four parasites drinking hungrily of her milk upon her triple-J cup tits, clutching them closer against her chest.

"The ones that feed me and take away my babies, they're, like, my babies too?"

Morgan grinned. "Some of them sure are, they don't take long to fully grow. And in a year or two you'll experience another feature of the transformative effects of your milk; it makes your babies grow into virile alien studs. Useful for when you need a conga-line impregnation again."

"But that's, like - !"

"Inhuman? Alien bodies, alien philosophies. They do it different.”

“That’s fucking disgusting!”

“For humans, not Thallaxians.”

"You think this is funny?" Pete snapped, coming out of his trauma, "I heard my own old best friend, the girl who grew up right next door to me, fucking orgasm! I felt her hold me while I was inside her!"

His large body rose, his four muscular arms gesticulating in anger.

"I can't be stuck like this! You've got to change me back Sasha, I'll do anything. I'll stop looking at weird porn, I'll never creep on a girl again, I'll give up masturbating. I just need to be human again so I can see if my friend is okay. Please."

"Shut up Pete," the two women said in unison. They continued to ramble and compete over whose bloated, milk-laden body had it worse. Pete stood, muscular insectoid-hybrid body flexing, and the two girls quieted.

"Daniel," Morgan spoke softly, "you've been quiet, why should you be the one to change back?"

The dainty pregnant Asian blushed and cradled her large belly bump, so big on her frame, and held it gently.

"I want to turn back. I do. I want to be a footballer again. Go back to my life and family, but . . ."

There was a long pause.


Dan/Daishi looked up, and Morgan was shocked to see tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't know how or why, but I love my lord husband. I was terrified of getting pregnant, but now . . . I want my babies to be safe."

She breathed heavily, and managed to stand, assuming the stance that all pregnant women do in their third trimester, her hands supporting her back. Her belly was enormous with her twins. She moved to Morgan, a serious look upon her face - discomfort from her full-term babies, perhaps discomfort at being a pregnant woman, but also something else entirely.

For just a moment, Morgan readied her hands for a spell as Dan/Daishi waddled awkwardly toward her, then lowered them, as the now-much shorter former footballer wrapped Morgan in a tearful hug.

"I'm sorry, Morgan. I'm so, so sorry. I should never have said the things I said about you. About any woman. It's taken a year of living as one with almost no rights to understand how stupid I was. I'm sorry."

Morgan could feel the gentle pushes of her former bully's babies pressing against the walls of her womb. It didn't happen often, but she found herself genuinely moved, and wiped away a tear of her own.

"Thank you Daniel, or is it Daishi now? It will be Daniel again soon regardless. While the others have squabbled, you are the only one I actually believe has changed. And so, I will give you back the life you desire."

"WHAT!?" screamed Sasha and Caitlyn. The latter was so agitated that her breasts squirted twin streams of milk, and her scream turned to a moo.

"Sorry everyone, but Daniel here is the only one to have redeemed himself in my mind. And so . . ."

She clicked her fingers. There was a purple flash, and suddenly parts of Daishi began to contract as others expanded. Her swollen belly smoothed flat while muscles bulged. Her olive skin turned white, eyes widened and became blue, and muscles grew from her slim frame while her hair retracted, becoming blonde.

She groaned in her high, melodic voice, but it soon dropped to a masculine grunt as she - or rather he - clutched at a change between her legs.

"That'll be that famous Daniel Smitherton cock all the girls went wild over. Happy to see it again?"

Finally Daniel stood again, his 6'1 height returned, his fit athletic frame, his raw masculinity in all its glory. His kimono shifted to jeans and a shirt to complete the look.

"Wow," he exhaled, admiring his form.

"No fair!" shouted the others, but Daniel didn't seem to hear them.

"I can have my life back Morgan? Really?"

Tears welled in his eyes, and he ran his hands over his form. His fingers lingered over his taut, six-pack abs, where moments ago his babies were nestled in his womb.

"Man, feels weird to be a guy again. Even weirder to not be pregnant."

"I'll bet," Morgan replied.

"Yeah . . . wow. So I'm Daniel again. I can go back to my life?"

"Till death do you part from it. Daishi will be just a bad memory."

He nodded. "Yeah, just a memory."

"The door to your old life is just behind you."

Daniel looked at it, then to his stomach. He stood, awaited on baited breath by the mutated crowd, and walked slowly, almost reluctantly, to the door. He opened it, and hesitated at the threshold. Morgan waited.

"What, what will happen to my babies?" he whispered. The question echoed across the room. Once more, his fingers traced an arch over a pregnant belly that was no longer there.

"It will be as if they never existed, because Daishi will have never existed. Your babies won't have died Daniel."

"It sounds like they would have. Sounds like splitting hairs."

"Maybe it is. But that's how it is Daniel. Enjoy your old life, and treasure the lessons you learned as Daishi."

But Daniel didn't move.

"What . . . what if I was to stay as Daishi?"

Morgan raised an eyebrow, curious. "Really? Why would you want that?"

Daniel's brow creased, and he blushed.

"Like, oh my god," Sasha said, "Star of the field Daniel Smitherton totally misses being preggers with twins! We used to go out! You're so hot and you want to be a preggers Japanese girl again? What's wrong with you?"

"I doubt you have the empathy to ever understand Sasha," Morgan snapped.

"She's right. I don't want to lose my babies."

"Are you sure Daniel? Because there's no coming back if you do decide to return to being Daishi. No take backs. If you regret your choice you won't be able to change it, and I can't promise it will be the easiest life. You may love your twins, but childbirth will be without any anaesthetic, and I can't promise that you will be a simple mother of two; reliable contraception doesn't exist in that time and place, and your husband may give you quite a brood to mother over. You may have a round belly more often than not for the next decade or two."

Danuel gulped, clearly conflicted.

"I . . . I know. It's a stupid decision. It makes no sense. And knowing that if I do do it, that I'll be agreeing to be a woman for the rest of my life, even let him have fuck me and knock me up more times . . . it's stupid."

His hand clenched a fist over his stomach.

"But I have to. I have to be a good mother to my babies. The ones I've come to love as they've grown inside me, and my babies yet to come. I want to stay as Daishi. Please, change me back, send me back to my lord husband, before I can change my mind again."

Morgan smiled, and it was a genuine, well-meaning smile.

"By the coven Daniel, you have changed so much more than I had imagined. Very well, Danie - Daishi, I return your form and your children to you."

She waved her hand, and much quicker than last time Daishi's firm reverted, long shining black hair extending, skin taking on a yellowed tone once more, form slimming, face remade to be demure and beautiful. Daishi regarded her body with a smile, hugging it as two small breasts grew in and her clothing turned back into a kimono. A gurgle started in her belly. Daishi gasped with delight in her soft melodic voice as her stomach slowly expanded, expanded, expanded, her middle filling out until she was positively overfull once more with twin babies. Her chest filled in a little more softly, ready to feed the children that could arrive any day now.

"My little ones," she said, holding them, "thank you Morgan. Thank you so much."

"Thank you Daishi, for proving that you can change. Because of you, another member of this group may be turned back."

Sasha, already grunting due to the jostling litters in her belly, suddenly gasped in interest. Caitlyn was trying to ignore the immense build up of her milk, but she trotted forward in excitement. Only Pete remained where he was, still ashamed.

Morgan turned to regard them, holding up a single 'stop' motion before facing Daishi again.

"But first Daishi, I will grant you a magical boon to aid you in your new life." She waved her hands, and Daishi gasped as magic enveloped her briefly. "From now on Daishi, you will be blessed with perfect health, as will all of your children. You and they will live long natural lives, and your bodies will heal from many injuries easily. You will suffer no complications in your pregnancies or births, and even in your old age your body will retain much of its youth and beauty."

Daishi looked overwhelmed. She bowed in the traditional Japanese style.

"Thank you," she said, her lilting accent returning, "Morgan-san."

It was a genuine smile, full of a mother's joy, and still a little of a former footballer's slight embarrassment at taking on a housewife's fate. She looked to the others in the room, her gaze lingering on Sasha, Daniel's former girlfriend.

"It's not fair," she whined. "We used to worry about you getting me pregnant.

Daishi gave a sad look. "We have both changed so much Sasha. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you come to love your many babies as much as I love mine."

"You used to pick on me," Pete said, "and call me a girl. Say I was into guys. Man, the way some things work out."

Daishi rubbed her immense belly, looking down to where she could no longer see her toes once more.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I hope your friend will be okay, Pete. I will pray for all of you. Goodbye."

Morgan waved a hand, and Daniel-turned-Daishi dissipated into another place, to another time, leaving only the audible squirming of Sasha's womb and the dripping of Caitlyn's breast and udder milk to echo across the warehouse.

"He-he didn't decide to be normal again!" Caitlyn exclaimed, her overly-buxom chest wobbling with each excited gesture, "that means one of us can still change back!"

"Yes! Yes she's right! Morgan, I've suffered so much like this, you should change me back!"

"No, me!"


"Oh shut up," Morgan said. She clicked her fingers. "Here, enjoy it while I make my decision."

There was a collection of gasps and groans as forms shifted and shrank and turned humanoid. Sasha's immense alien girth deflated like a balloon, and she groaned in pain, shock, and discomfort as her dozens of spawn poofed out of existence, and her rubbery green skin contracted in, her four arms melding to become two, four spindly legs fusing also.

Caitlyn's cow half contracted, reducing to two lithe legs, while her milky bosom drained its excess milk in impressive spurts, accompanied by her cries. Her horns retracted, and ears lost their fur and took on human shape.

Pete groaned as he lost his wings, his additional arms, and his impressive musculature. His overly-large penis withdrew, becoming average-sized once more.

Each of them stood, back in ordinary clothing: Sasha in a cheerleading uniform hugging her hourglass buxom blonde person, Caitlyn in heels and high fashion blouse and pants, Pete in jeans and a button shirt. They regarded themselves and each other with amazement.

“YES!” Sasha screamed, twirling about and feeling her slim body and slim stomach. She celebrated with a cartwheel, executed to perfection, and bounced on her feet. “Oh I’d missed this body. I thought I’d never get to be like this again!”

Pete was relieved, looking over himself in awe. “Finally . . .”

Caitlyn, however, maintained a dark look. “Is this permanent?”

Morgan laughed, and it echoed across the warehouse. “Of course not! Now I get to choose which one of you to stay this way. I just figure it would be fun to remind you all what you've been missing."

"God it feels good not to have an udder full of milk. My boobs are not stupidly over-sized."

"And I have, like, no babies moving around inside me all the time. I can't go back Morgan! Please, I can't go back!"

Pete was quieter than the others too. "I have full control again. Even when you gave me my voice back I could still feel the Mothman trying to take over."

Morgan folded her arms, looking smug. "I'm glad you're all enjoying it. My, my Sasha, you look pretty comfy without a hundred little Thalaxxians nursing at you."

Sasha smiled uncertainly, unsure of what to make of the comment. Unlike the other two who stood still to take stock of being human once more, the former cheerleader sexpot couldn't help but move back and forth, bouncing on her heels and delighting in how comparatively weightless she was.

"I can't stand this," Caitlyn spat, "I already know you're not going to fucking choose me Morgan. You hate me. Why make me suffer being human again if you're just going to grow a massive milk bag between my legs again."

"I'm not lying Caitlyn. I'm genuinely deliberating here."

The girl fumed, silently hoping but outwardly defeatist.

"Ohhh I love it so much!" Sasha exclaimed, "I always had the best bod but I never knew how lucky I was. Thank you Morgan!"

"Don't presume you've won either Sasha. Pete is still in the running."

"What, that weird nerd with the strange fetishes?"

Morgan gave a bloodcurdling grin. "I'm a weird nerd with freaky fetishes too. Or have you not noticed how many of my changes involve people getting knocked up? Now, to determine who gets to stay as you are, all you have to do is tell me what you plan on doing if you remain human. That's it. I'll judge the most worthy."

Silence reigned in the room.

"Well, um . . ." Sasha started, "I'll be a lot nicer, for sure Morgan. Also, I'll do better in my life choices! Um . . ."

She trailed off into uncertainty.

"Yeah, real impressive Sasha."

"Shut up Caitlyn! I'm trying to think."

Caitlyn chuckled. "Well I know exactly what I'll be Morgan. A lawyer. A damn good one too." She ran her fingers through her hair, adjusting herself to be more confident. "I won't waste my life being a bully bimbo like you Sasha. I'll make something of myself."

"You'll be making calves is what!"

"Says the girl who's pushed out over a thousand fucking grubs!"

"You bitch! You used to be my friend!"

"None of your friends actually liked you Sasha. We just wanted your popularity."

"Like you could get it!"

"No wonder Morgan made you a giant preggo alien. You're a complete slut Sasha, no matter which galaxy you're in!"

"You wanna go, bitch?"

The two women continued their verbal catfight while Morgan turned to the meek Pete. "While those two are at each other's throats, what would you do Pete, if you were to remain human for the rest of your life?"

Pete was silent for a while, looking everywhere but Morgan’s face.

"I think . . . it doesn't matter as much what I do, so much as who I am. I've got to be a better person for my family, and stop blaming others for my insecurities. Stop venting online. And I've got to do whatever I can to redeem myself for what the Mothman - what I - did to my friend. To Cynthia."

Morgan extended a hand, and Pete flinched, until he realised it was extended to shake his. The two fighting girls paused their combat to look on in horror as he tentatively took Morgan’s hand, and the two shook it.

"It's decided then Pete. You get to stay human. Which means, after just five minutes of enjoying human comforts again, it's time to change these two back."

Magic leapt from her fingers and arced straight into Sasha's stomach. It gurgled horribly, the buxom blonde groaning as her skin turned green. Slowly, Saha's pretty human body began to expand, puffing out and gaining extra limbs and many bloated milk ducts.


"Too late Sasha, this is your punishment for being such a horrible bully. You're going to spend the rest of your life pushing out little Thalaxxian grubs as their broodmother and feeding them from all those fat teats and productive glands you have. And given that Thalaxxian broodmothers live for over five hundred years, you have literally lifetimes to get used to your new, better fitting role.”

Sasha blanched, her bloated, grub-filled form wobbling beneath her. “No! Please don’t leave me like this! I don’t want to stay like this, all I do is give birth everyday, even when I’m asleep! It never ends, it just goes on and on and - ooohhh UGHH!"

Her alien abdomen pulsed, and Sasha clenched her features as her body once more forced her to push one of her many spawn into the world.

“Oh God,” whispered Pete loudly.

"S-see?" Sasha panted. She bit her lip as the alien grub found its way onto her abdomen and clung there, like a spider hatchling. She knew by now that it would soon lap away at her sweat, which secreted a milky substance to keep them fed.

Morgan simply gave a smug grin in response.

"Sorry Sasha, but it would be irresponsible for me to leave all your beautiful little spawn without their big bug mummy. They literally won't survive without you and all that life-giving milk sludge you secrete. So it's time to send you and your adorable grub babies back to where you belong now, so you can keep building your new colony. Ta-ta!"


The look on Sasha's face was one of equal parts agony, shock, and distraction as her body forced her to birth another of her many spawning young, even as a bright light began to envelope her. She reached out with her slime-coated alien fingers, but it was too late. She was gone in a flash.

Caitlyn whimpered, trying to run away, but instead falling backwards as a massive protuberance ripped out the back of her pants, steadily gaining mass.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Please Pete, give up your spot for me - Nnngghhh!"

Two bovine legs grew from the mass as her shoes exploded off to reveal hooves. Her breasts ripped free from her shirt, swelling, and once more horns and cow ears developed. A heavy udder descended, accompanied by a bellowing "MOOOO!" from the girl.

"Sorry Caitlyn," Morgan said, "you'll be a prize heifer for life now. Best learn to enjoy it."

"You bitch!" the cowgirl cried, "you fucking monster bitch! Turn me back you weird little freak, NOW!"

Morgan just guffawed, strutting forward to face a clearly frightened Caitlyn and held her forefinger and thumb together in the cowgirl's face. She trotted backwards automatically, a look of fright on her features.

"No . . ."

Morgan smiled. "Oohhh yes. I was happy to leave you to live out a sad little existence as a half-human heifer Caitlyn, but you seem to have learned nothing from your experience, so I'll dial up the punishment a little."

"N-no! Please Morgan, I'm sorry, I-"

Morgan snapped her fingers, and magic lanced from them to cover Caitlyn.

"Too late heifer! If you're going to complain I'm just going to bless you with some more changes; namely, an upping of your already prodigious milk production . . ."

Caitlyn groaned as her breasts surged forth even further, dipping even lower under gravity near her navel. Her long dark nipples lengthened and grew. Her udder swelled, forcing her hind legs further apart.

". . . and since you were no big fan of the prospect of calving, and in fairness to Sasha's own pregnant punishment, I think it would be a good educational experience to up your fertility by an order of magnitude. When you go into heat, you'll soon find it unbearable not to be pregnant. And you'll want it straight from the source too; a nice big bull cock to cum inside you. None of this 'insemination rod' crap. You'll love getting mounted, no matter how much you hate it."

Caitlyn looked as if she wanted to die. Her udder gurgled, milk production already ramping up, but rather than make a final plea, she lowered her horns, and began to charge.


She disappeared before she made contact, back to her fate on the farm. Even Morgan looked surprised. She took a moment to comport herself before turning to Pete, still in human form.

"Well, congratulations are in order Pete, you're the default winner of today's proceedings. Have you learned your lesson?"

Pete shook visibly, terrified of saying the wrong thing. Morgan smirked, and continued speaking.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to change you back Pete. But given you didn't exactly earn your reward, I'm attaching some strings to your newfound freedom."

Pete gulped. "Strings?"

She advanced close enough that her own impressive chest pressed against his. She was shorter than Pete, but seemed so much taller in that moment. She tousled her dark hair and smiled, her equally dark eyes full of mischief.

"Just a few," she giggled. "After all the care you've shown to your friend Cynthia, how could I not aid the pair of you. The pair of you."

Pete had no time to ponder the meaning of her words. With the flick of a wrist she teleported him away.

To Be Concluded . . .



Morgan is a character who is both intriguing and who (I think) one wouldn't want to meet, or at least run afoul of!

Fox Face

Yeah, she's not the best. She clearly likes karmic retribution, but at the same time enjoys making the changes over the top and even letting bystanders get caught up in the chaos.