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Roxie ‘the Boxing Kangaroo’ put her hands together above her head, stretching out and feeling fantastic after a powerful workout. These days her body had so much energy, and she was all-too happy to let it out. The kangaroo woman knew that others in the gym were trying not to stare at her. With her bright yellow fur, big marsupial ears and long tail, she certainly stood out. Not to mention that on top of her powerful musculature, her body had some quite exaggerated curves. She didn’t mind. In fact, the boxing star quite enjoyed the fact that her body drew the attention it did. You couldn’t be crowd-shy when you were a boxing star, and especially not when you were affected by the Transformation Wave.

It was funny, really. Despite the Transformation Wave from space that swept over earth only affecting a little over 20 million people, Roxie actually knew a number of others that were affected, and had met several more since. And of all those changed, it seems she was the only sheila perfectly happy with her new bod. Of course, she understand why the local shoe store manager becoming half-chicken and laying over a dozen oversized eggs every day would be more than a little annoyed at her new life, and the mail man becoming part-dog was a bit of a cosmic joke, but so many of them had interesting new features and strengths that they were afraid to embrace. Not Roxie. She had always been sporty and competitive, but now that she was Roo Roxie, she had boundless reserves of strength and excitement.

It had been a shock, of course, to suddenly be growing yellow fur, feeling a strong tail growing out her backside, a snout developing on her face. Her thighs had enlarged and widened, and her bust had . . . well, when Roxie hopped from excitement or simply to travel faster these days, a lot of men stopped to watch something else bounce too. But it only took a week for her to love her changes, and immediately apply her increased strength to boxing, which she has since excelled at.

Best of all, while some still treat her with trepidation, the Transformation Wave has not hurt her dating or sex life at all. In fact, it seems there are a flood of men falling over themselves to have a change with a tough, buff, roo-woman. And that’s just fine by her. Because one thing a lot of Transformed have in common is an animalistic need to mate. So, between boxing bouts, Roxie intends to mate often and repeatedly, and love every second of it.


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