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A Commission for Kayrne

Sequel to Third Bad Wish. Lenneth is still a male minotaur genie, and Danny is trying to come to terms with being stuck forever making perverted wishes that leave him endlessly transformed. But things get quite heated and weird indeed when Danny wishes he was inside a porn film Lenneth is watching . . .

This is the sequel to Third Bad Wish.

This story is a set in the same universe as the original One Bad Wish. Patrons also have access to One Bad Wish 2. These instalments are then followed by Another Bad Wish & Another Bad Wish 2.

Third Bad Wish 2

Len and Danny’s dynamic was a strange one.

"I wish I could feel a comfortable pair of big tits,” Danny said as he passed a rather well-endowed woman in public.

“As you wish, master” Len replied, clicking his fingers.

In moments Danny was transformed into a large pair of spectacular breasts affixed to an unknowing woman’s chest, who had no idea she’d sported only little A-cups moments before. Danny could only mentally cry out in shock as she stripped off for sex with her boyfriend, and then cry out again in ecstasy at the immense pleasure of the act.

“I wish I could enjoy a nice tropical holiday,” Danny said, days later, human again and coming home tired from work.

“As you wish, master,” Len replied, clicking his fingers.

The next second, Danny was a gorgeous native woman, bare-chested and brown, large black curls running down her back and a raffia skirt around her hips. She had little time to adjust to her new body before a powerful albino man stepped into her hut; Len in a new form, ready to take her. And take her he did.

“I wish I could step into a fantasy world like that,” Danny said, playing his favourite fantasy game that had just been released.

“As you wish, master,” Len replied, clicking his fingers.

Danny blinked, and he was a lithe elf with green skin and antlers and little clothing upon her body. An animal companion ran at her side, and she suddenly had knowledge of the bow. Unfortunately, she was captured by powerful male orcs and was unable to resist their manly scent. Soon she was their prisoner, gleefully using her elven skill of tongue upon their large members.

“I wish I could have a normal day,” Danny said.

A normal day was granted . . . as a sexy housewife submissively serving her husband Len.

“I wish I could go back in time to before this happened.”

Danny got to experience what it was like to be a dinosaur in heat.

“I wish I could start seeing other people.”

One body among many in a large orgy, penetrator and penetrated.

On and on it went, and each time Danny was embarrassed not only by how his wishes were twisted, but by how foolish his wishes were. Even more shameful was, despite the humiliations of his repeated transformations and experiences, how much he came to enjoy each one of them, orgasming in new and exciting ways, overcome by pleasure.


It had all started just a few months ago, when Lenneth and Danny had been given a magic lamp courtesy of a prize college football star Devon Harrison, now a man going professional in sports and making big waves for himself. Neither were quite certain why they had been given the lamp at first, but they were given due warning that they had to be exceedingly careful when they made their wishes, judicious in their wording.

Unfortunately, that wise warning flew out the window the second Danny was overcome with awe at the female genie who appeared by them. She revealed that Devon had once been Denise, and that his famous lucky red underwear he wore to each match was in fact the sentient former human named Connie, who had been friends with Len and Danny once. Shocked, and realising that the genie truly did possess great power, Danny salivated at the notion of what it could do for him. Quickly, he made a wish for his girlfriend Len to become a “sexy genie” who would see him as her master. Infuriated, Len wished that her normally shy boyfriend would be “more adventurous” in sexual pursuits, including the way he made his wishes.

The genie, malicious spirit that she was, could only grin, savouring their unwise wishes. She granted Danny’s wish for Len to become a sexy genie . . . by turning her into a very male minotaur genie with white fur, powerful musculature, and a very large member. All traits that the genie found ‘sexy’. After all, as she reminded him, he hadn’t specified how she would be sexy.

Horrified, things only got worse for Danny, karma for his reckless and selfish wish that would have made his own girlfriend a slave of his will. For Len had become a true genie, and now possessed the power to grant all his wishes. Unfortunately for the young man, her previous wish was in effect now, making it impossible for him not to always wish for adventurous sexy outcomes, or ordinary wishes that were easily interpreted in sexy ways. This allowed for the vengeful new male minotaur to toy with Danny endlessly, first by making him a condom, then a fleshlight, then a stripper, and then so many more things to experience sexual ‘adventure’ with.

And that was only the first week. Danny found that his new status quo was one of constant change, constant new sexual acts, and constantly finding himself less the master than the thing to be toyed with. He could only wonder how much longer it would go on, because if it continued to last even a few more months, he feared he wouldn’t want it to stop . . .


It was, unusually, an ordinary day for Len and Danny. The two were at their luxury apartment, one of many thanks to Len's magic. It was technically was only rented out in Danny’s name; Len’s massive minotaur would make waves if he went out in public, and so he tended to only do so when in another form. The two were relaxing on the couch playing video games, and to Danny it almost seemed like a corner had been turned, an equilibrium reached.

“This is nice,” he said, a little hesitantly.”

“It is,” Len replied, brass baritone voice booming. He took up much of the couch, and his mighty hooves were relaxed on top of the coffee table. He wore a brown loincloth and not much else, and he somehow reeked of manliness in ways that sometimes made Danny oddly jealous.

“Yeah, it’s nice,” Danny repeated. “Almost feels like turning a corner, doesn’t it? It’s like . . . kind of how we used to be. Back when we were together.”

Len guffawed, shaking the couch. “What are you talking about Danny, we are still together? You’re my master, remember? This is what you wanted.”

He blushed, feeling awkward. “Well, not exactly as I wanted, is it?”

“Are you saying you don’t like this?” Len gestured to her impressive minotaur frame. “Because after all, you’re the one who did this to me. I just wanted a little more cash so we could retire together, or perhaps living longer and perfect health. But you wanted this.”

“I thought when I said a sexy genie that -”

“That I would be a big-titted bimbo, right? Well, I didn’t want to be either. But I’ve made my peace with it, Danny. I just think you need to make your peace with it too.”

“With . . . with what?”

Len leaned over, easily two feet taller than his once-boyfriend. He cradled Danny’s chin with his hoof-like hands and lifted his gaze up to face the minotaur’s own.

“With the fact,” he intoned slowly, “that maybe you’re coming to like our new relationship.”

“I’m - I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I think we both do. You may not be able to control your wishes, but you certainly get a lot of fun out of them, just like I get a lot of fun out of granting them to you. Inflicting them on you. Well, we both get to enjoy ourselves, don’t we Danny boy?”

Danny was flustered, and didn’t know what to say. The game finished, and he’d lost the bout.

“I win,” Len said meaningfully.

“Uh, yeah, congratulations. Let’s see what’s on TV, huh?”

He grabbed the remote and changed the channel. The first was a sports game; football. To Danny’s surprise, the camera was focused on Devon Harrison playing for the Strikers, launching across the field to score touchdown.

‘And Devon Harrison has clinched the game folks! Yet another magnificent play for the player, and his magnificent Lucky Reds!’

Len chuckled, grabbing a nearby beer and opening it on one of his horns.

“How serendipitous, honey. The very man who made it all possible. I’d call that a sign from the universe.”

Danny changed the channel. “We’re not sports people anyway, at least you weren’t back when you were Lenneth. I’ll find something else.”

The screen landed on a body lotion commercial. In it, the gorgeous form of Joey Heart, world’s richest woman and perhaps its most stunning, was sunbathing on a tropical resort. Her heavy, full breasts were pressed together by her arms as she posed, her fiery red hair spilling down her shoulders. She cooed almost sensually, before looking to the screen.

‘Don’t you want to have skin like mine? Don’t you want to draw your man’s eye like I do? Then try Heart’s Desire, my latest line of body lotion that doubles as a long lasting sunscreen. It’ll make you look like a new woman. A better woman.’

It was genuinely one of the hottest things Danny had ever seen, and it was enough that his dick began to go hard, as the big-titted redhead was practically spilling out of her tight blue bikini.

“Oh f-fuck,” he said, trying to think unsexy thoughts. He knew what would happen next if he got too into it. He peeked to his left, and to his despair saw that Len’s own, much heftier cock, was rising to full attention, lifting the loin cloth to reveal a white member that was far bigger than any ordinary man’s.

“Damn, ever since I got a dick, I really appreciate the look of a woman like that. Don’t you agree, master?”

“I - I do, Len. She does look good.”

“Sort of exactly how you’d like me to look, right?”

Danny couldn’t help himself. He could feel the wish coming. The urge to make it was already rising, he could only hold it off so long.

“Y-yeah, but with d-dark hair, and s-super horny. Like you’re j-just begging for it.”

The minotaur smiled across his large snout.

“Mhhmm, sounds like a porno, which this ad practically is. I could go for a porno right now. Couldn’t you, master?”

Danny tried desperately not to be turned on by the possibility, but it was a losing battle and he knew it. The thought of getting Len turned on only made him more turned on as well; what was good for his genie was good for him, which was good for his genie, which was good for him. It was a terrible feedback look of desire spurred forth by his wish-based need to be adventurous in his sexual gratification and reckless with his wishing.

“I c-could.”

The minotaur leaned in close, that familiar scent of a strong male thoroughly turned on invading Danny’s senses.

“Then why don’t you make a wish, master?”

Dany was practically quaking by this point, holding on.

“It’s okay, master. Danny. This is who we are. I want you to embrace it. I know you can. The wishes have made us this way, but trust me, it’s a lot more fun when you give in.”

“Easy f-for you to s-say,” Danny said.

“Don’t lie to me,” Len said, voice low and oddly arousing to Danny’s ears after so many sexual encounters with his transformed girlfriend. “I know you get enjoyment out of it. Admitting it is the first step to fully embracing your new life. Now, shall I grant a wish master?”

Danny couldn’t hold off any longer. He didn’t want to accept Len’s words, but a seed, a kernel of truth, seemed to plant itself in his core, and that was enough to give way to the wish that he was compelled to say.

“I wish,” he said, exhaling as if he’d held in his breath for an hour, “I wish that I could be in that porno, and my two best friends to be there to fuck me while you watch!”

The last part was the curse speaking, and it surprised him. He looked to Len, who was already grinning. With one powerful hoof-hand he reached to grab his throbbing dick, preparing to stroke it, and with the other he brought his fingers together.

“As you wish, master,” he said, and he clicked those fingers, before Danny could say another word.


“Like, Oh Em Gee, I’m having soooo much trouble putting this TV stand together!” Danny said automatically. “It’s, like, too hard. If only I had two strong men who could put their big tough hands to good use here with me.”

It was like reading a script. Danny around, and realised he was in a room not dissimilar in size to the respectable lounge room he’d just left. Only it was different, less upscale, and the lighting was all fluorescent. More than that, the edges of the room were strangely blurry, as if they weren’t actually real. But the most noticeable thing was the fact that one wall didn’t exact at all; it was a giant glass screen, through which Danny could see Len sitting on the couch, slowly stroking his massive bovine dick, staring down at her.

Danny was in the television set.

“Looking good, my master,” Len said, smirking.

Danny looked over himself, and realised as he should have after speaking a moment before that he was now very much a she. She had two immense breasts jutting out from her chest, perfectly contoured, easily F-cups in size, if not larger. They were a match for Joey Heart’s, and the rest of her figure was a match as well, with wide hips, a rounded peachy ass, and a perfectly slim waist and flat stomach. Her legs were long and shapely, and in the mirror surface of the glass, she could see that she had a sexy face with full lips and heavy eyeshadow. True to her earlier comments on the couch, she had long black hair.

And also a deep, deep seated need to fuck. Already her pussy was becoming damp, moistening with need to be penetrated. It was a feeling she had been subjected to before, but never this much. It was an effect enhanced by the skimpy crop top and miniskirt she was wearing, both of which emphasised all her best features, and teased at the tight, skimpy thong she was wearing.

“I’m like, getting so horny waiting for them to arrive!” she declared, the words not her own, but seemingly delivered out of a porn script of her own mental making.

It was at that very moment that there was a heavy knock upon the door to her right. It opened, and two handsome young men who were certainly not carpenters but definitely dressed like them strolled in. They were two of Danny’s closest friends; Marshall and Lee. They looked to the incredibly sexy woman in front of them, and somehow their eyes widened in recognition.

“Holy shit, Danny? Is that really you?” Marshall said.

“And how do I know that’s really you?” Lee asked.

“It’s, like, the magic doing it all.”

“Where are we?”

“In a fake porno! We’re in a television! Look, there’s Len - she’s totally a white minotaur now by the way.”

They stared, astonished at the glass bowl effect. Len was fully erect and making no attempt to hide it; in fact, he was actively beginning to rub his immense girth.

“That’s right, boys, things have changed a little for Dan and me. I felt it was best to give you some mental indication. But that’s not that important. What is important, is that Danny is now the sexiest woman you’ve ever seen, and she’s ready to pleasure you in so, so many ways. She’s practically aching for you two, isn’t that right, master?”

It was. It so was. She cooed, nodded hurriedly in agreement.

“It is! Oh Gawd, it so is. Marshall, Lee, it’s so friggin’ embarrassing, but I, like, need you both in me. Can’t two strong men like yourselves show a girl a good time?”

And with that, she bent over, adjusting the TV stand she was working on, and flashing them a perfect look down the v-neck of her crop top, where a spectacular line of cleavage drew the eye.

“Oh fuck, that’s sexy,” Marshall said, his shorts becoming strained with a growing erection.

“Hot damn, yeah,” Lee replied, experiencing the same.

Danny felt a further flush of heat, almost like a flush of pride. Despite her desire to be repelled, in fact she was relishing the male attention, and she gyrated her body much like that of a woman in a bad porno, indicating the various parts of the television stand as if it were her primary concern, allowing her to flash her ass at them.

“I’m having sooo much trouble here, do you think you can help me take a load off? Or maybe put a load in me?”

Her very voice oozed sex as much as her voluptuous body. Her nipples throbbed with desire, aching for a man’s firm hands to grope her heavy breasts. She looked back with her full lips.

“I don’t have, like, much money to pay you. But I could pay you in other ways, boys.”

By this point both Marshall and Lee were so erect it was almost painful. Neither had ever imagined being in a situation like this, but a magical compulsion was also upon them to accept it more easily, and to play their ‘part’ with alacrity and eagerness. Both of them shared a quick glance, and both unzipped their shorts, letting their members stick out freely. Danny salivated at the sight, licking her full lips.

“Which shall I take first?” she said sensually, moving towards them in a way that left her hips idling from side to side. Her heavy breasts wobbled with each movement, straining the fabric so that a seam gave.

“Why not both at the same time?” Marshall suggested. “We’re a two man team, after all.”

“Mmmhhmm, I bet you are,” she said. She licked her lips. Internally, Danny wanted to rage, but there was no true anger there, only a deep and powerful lust that drove her forth to embrace her role. She pressed herself against Marshall even as she wiggled her ass at Lee.

“Well, what are you two waiting for? I want to make sure you’re both really, really happy with your payment.”

The two men did not take too long to accept this new situation, helped along by the magic. Danny, who had been straight a mere few minutes ago, was now practically drooling at the sight of their dicks, which were certainly larger than they would have been in the real world.

“Well, we only take certain kinds of payment,” Lee qualified as he grabbed her hips and helped pulled down her skirt and thong.

“Mmhh. Like, what kinds?” she moaned, ripping the buttons apart on Marshall’s shirt and pressing her huge sensitive tits against his chest.

“Well, I like to take you from behind,” Lee said.

“I’m so totally okay with that.”

“And I like getting a tittyfuck while you suck me off,” Marshall added.

A shiver of delight ran down her curvaceous body.

Now you’re talking. But let’s, like, stop talking and get to fucking.”

Both men grinned in amusement at their friend’s state. Danny was about to say another hokey line of dialogue, but she suddenly gasped as Lee entered her, his huge member sliding into her depths expertly and making her moan sweetly. Her voice was soon cut off, however, as Marshall held her against him, and shoved all nine-inches of his cock down her throat. Like in the most ridiculous of pornographic films, she seemed to have no gag reflex. She rolled her eyes, mute with pleasure at being rammed full of dick at both ends, and soon the men were using her body in a see-saw motion, so that at any one point she was being thrust into on one side, and slid out of on the other, back and forth.

Her pleasure was unimaginable, and it was only heightened when she grabbed her massive tits and pressed them against Marshall’s cock, savouring the feeling of his shaft sliding between her sensitive tits, surrounded on all sides by her impressive cleavage. All three of them continued, Danny’s body helpless to their dominating treatment, and Marshall and Lee forced yet eager to take part in this elaborate sex game. All three could see Len masturbating on the couch through the fishbowl lens of the glass wall, and for reasons unclear to Danny it somehow turned her on all the more.

She wanted to scream she was about to come, but instead she could only moan voicelessly, utterly filled at both ends with rigid girth. The moment came even sooner than she’d imagined, and in cumming so hard she brought both her friends to their fruition as well. Marshall and Lee seized up, and their large dicks throbbed in her mouth and pussy. And then she was flooded from both ends, their semen shooting deep into her womb and in great gushes down her throat. She rode it out, relishing the taste of it in her mouth and the feel of it at her lower lips. Their cum seemed to last forever, and she experienced a strong sense of disappointment when it ended.

“Oh damn, that was so good.”

“Holy fuck girl, you really wanted that TV assembled,” Lee said, parrotting the ‘script’ that was playing out their roles.

There was a tremendous roar from beyond the glass wall, and it was accompanied by yet more ejaculation, this time from Len. The minotaur made both amped-up men look like nerdy boys with the amount of issue he poured forth openly.

“Holy shit, and you’ve had sex with him?”

Danny sighed, heavy breasts rising and falling.

“Many times. Many, many times.”

“Damn, you’re like his sex doll.”

Len’s breathing steadied as the last of his orgasm finished. The three stood expectantly, freed for now from the porno plot, and wondering what would happen next. It took a few minutes before Len was ready to speak again.

“That . . . that was a very good porno, master,” he boomed, voice echoing around their little unreal set.

“Yeah, it was,” Danny said automatically. She quickly put a hand to her mouth. She hadn’t meant to say that, but it hadn’t been magically compelled. At all. It was spoken as a genuine reply. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as Marshall and Lee regarded her, still a little confused.

“So, from what I can gather, Len is now a genie who’s a minotaur, and you’re the master who can’t help but make weird sexy wishes? How the fuck did that happen?”

“And how the fuck do we know it?” Lee contributed.

Danny sighed, unaware of how much it made her bosom swell before the two virile friends who’d just fucked her. “It’s all insane, but it’s true. And you know it because it made it easier for . . . this, to happen.”

She gestured to the set around them.

Marshall whistled. “So you really are a sex doll, now?”

She chuckled lightly. “Geez, I wish I was a sex doll. Oh, fuck!”

Len’s looming face smirked on the other side of the screen. He had, Danny knew, an astonishingly fast refractory period, really only dependent on the magic that powered her, and Danny’s own ridiculous wishes. Both of them knew what was coming.

“As you wish, master.”

A click of the hoof fingers, and everything changed.


Danny could see. That was good. But she could not move, and her skin felt all strange, though roughly similarly proportioned.

“Holy hell, no way,” came a voice. It was Lee, though Danny couldn’t see him just yet. A ceiling was still above her, and there was just the trace of the glass indicating she was still in the television, but she was in a different room now. The bedroom, judging from the intimate lighting and the plush feeling of a king-size bed beneath her.

Holy crap, I’m an actual sex doll, she thought.

“Holy shit, she’s an actual sex doll!” Lee said, mirroring her thoughts. His face came into view over her, followed by Marshall’s. “And her hair is red, and her face different! It’s so realistic.”

He poked it several times, and she wanted to complain, but was literally incapable of movement. And yet still, there was that deep insatiable need to be filled. But where before it had felt like a biological urge, now it was as if it was her entire purpose for being. Which, she thought with a little humour, I suppose it is.

“Oh my God,” Marshall said, eyes flickering with recognition, “I know who this is. She’s like a super accurate model of Joey Heart. Look, she’s got that sexy beauty spot and freckles and everything.”

“You’re right. Damn, is it just me, or are you getting turned on by the sight of her?”

“It’s not just you. I know this is crazy, but I feel like accepting it, ya know?”

Oh please do. Please just hurry up and accept the insanity that is my life. That way you can hurry up and fuck me like a good dolly!

It was yet another thought that surprised Danny, but there was a flash of joyous danger in it. To be so helpless, so utterly submissive, it gave her a thrill.

“Don’t be shy,” Len’s voice carried across, the minotaur already beginning himself back to hardness, “she wants it. Danny wants it. She just has to admit it to herself. And the magic will ensure your bodies want it too.”

It did. Both men were straining at their pants a second time, amazed at how ready they were.

“Fuck, whose taking her first?”

“Rock, paper, scissors?”

“You’re on!”

Lee won the bout, and so he climbed on top of Danny swiftly, pulling her modular legs apart.

“Sorry Danny, I really really need this! I can only hope that Len is right! This is so crazy, but you’re also such a fucking sexy doll right now!”

He groped her artificial tits, and somehow Danny felt the pleasure radiate through herself. It was true, she realised. She did want it. She had been fighting it for so long - but she was meant to fight it, wasn’t she?

The thought was interrupted by Lee’s entrance into her. She was unable to gasp. Unable to move, unable to do anything as he entered her. He slid in deep, her inert body helpless to his advances, and loving it all the more for that helplessness. Her inanimate opening squeezed hard against his cock, milking it for all it was worth, and in just a short couple of minutes he released, flooding her realistic recreation of Joey Heart with his seed.

Marshall practically pushed Lee out of the way to get at her. Her flipped her around so that she was face down on the bed, and the larger of Danny’s two friends went hard. He aggressively pumped, pulling at her arms as he did so. She wanted to cry out, wanted to grab the sheets of the bed and moan into them, but once more she could do nothing, totally submissive. It made her strange, artificial orgasms all the sweeter.

When she turned back, both men were panting, and she let out a howl of pleasure.


She groped at her breasts, playing with her nipples, still half-basking in the orgasm of being inanimate. The two friends looked at her with awe, and she gave them a sweet look in return.

“Oh God, that was crazy, and so, so good. I wish you could feel what’s it’s like to be penetrated.”

Another loud guffaw that shook the television set. Len stood, still masturbating, working up to the largest burst of pleasure yet. Each step was positively thunderous.

“Your wish, master, is my command!”

He clicked his fingers.


Danny knew instantly what he or she was. It was a form he had been before, and he relished it now, and the implications of what it would mean. He was inanimate again, but now hard and long and rubbery, with a base that was already yearning to be gripped by a human hand. He was at that very moment, and somehow he could tell it was Marshall’s hand.

Only it was a much more feminine hand than before.

“Holy shit, we’re chicks! Oh my God, I’m a hot chick!”

“Me too Marshie! I’m a hot Asian girl! I’m meant to be an Asian guy!”

“Oohhh, and I’m so turned on!”

Danny couldn’t see, but he could imagine. Marshall and Lee were both fairly handsome men. They would certainly make a pair of cute chicks, and thanks to his last wish and Len’s particular way of interpreting it, they were now hot and bothered enough to crave penetration, and Danny would be there to provide it.

“I - I’ve got a dildo! It’s a big black damned dildo!”

“Give it here!”

“No! I need it!”

Len’s voice boomed. “Let me help aid Danny’s wish for you both.”

Danny’s form shifted, and he felt himself buzz with bliss as another rubbery part of himself extended to form a second length of dildo out the opposite side from the base. He was now a two-person dildo, intended for all sorts of fun with partners.

Holy shit, I’m going to penetrate them both at once. And - and I want that!

It was a revelation, and one that only crystallised further as both new women grabbed him, pressing themselves together and beginning to make out. It would make a hot porno, but even better to be in the middle of it, as they worked to slide both halves of Danny into their tight pussies. Both gasped at the feeling of being penetrated, and Danny was simply along for the ride as they bucked their hips against one another.

“Danny, you feel amazing!”

“Holy shit, this is how girls have it all the time?”

“I know! How can it be all bad, Dan?”

It’s not, he thought, and realised it was the truth. Len had been telling the truth. As bizarre and strange and totally submissive as his new life was, it truly was fun. Humiliating, yet, but that was part of the fun too; to be dominated by Len’s minotaur genie might, and be helpless to his sexual appetite.

I - I think I can get used to this! I think I can!

It was a beautiful thought, a powerful epiphany, and it came at the exact moment both women clutched each other. They trembled in orgams, and Danny experienced both their pleasures together, their wet passages clamped down upon his inanimate length.

God, Len, thank you! Thank you for this! I can’t wait to tell you this is what I want!

It would be another ten minutes before Danny got the chance. Len howled as he finally expended himself, unbelievably turned on by the sexy lesbian porn playing out before him on the screen. The minotaur genie roared, and for all their shock at suddenly being women, both Lee and Marshall looked with astonishment at the animalistic display.

Danny, for his or her part, simply felt a thrill of anticipation. It took several more minutes before Len clicked his fingers again, and all three friends were suddenly back to normal, in their regular male bodies, sitting in the lounge. They were no longer in the television, and were it not for the shared nature of their experience, it might have well have looked as if it never happened.

“Wow,” Marshall said.

“Yeah,” Lee added.

They turned to Len, who huffed. “Life has definitely changed. But I hope you two got some enjoyment out of it.”

They both nodded eagerly, still absorbing it all. Len turned to face Danny, looking down at his former boyfriend on the couch.

“And you, Danny. Did you enjoy it?”

Danny was silent for a moment, and then he turned to look Len straight in the eye. He broke into a genuine grin.

“You know what Len, you were right. I did. In fact, I wish I could do it again.”

Len leaned in close, satisfied at his partner’s words.

“As you wish,” he said, drawing his fingers together, “master.”

The End


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