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Jessica and Alex's story ends here, but who knows if they will show up again? I had a blast writing this epilogue, and I hope you enjoy it too. For those Premium subscribers, you will soon have the power to vote for my next ongoing TF story.

Alex is an ordinary university student who wishes to expose the alpha-bitch on campus for the 'cow' she really is. She visits Tila the Wandering Witch to make this happen, but developements - bovine and otherwise - begin to spiral rapidly out of control.

Bessica, Part 7: Epilogue

It was getting harder and harder to get up in the morning, so Alex decided to remain in bed just a little longer. Half an hour at the very most. The sunlight streamed in through the farmhouse window, but it was Autumn now, so she welcomed it on her furry skin. It still astonished her, even now, to wake up and realised how so much had changed. How just six months ago she and Jessica (and Tiana, she supposed) had still been human. How one mistake had nearly cost her a dear friend, and how with one hasty decision made out of loyalty and atonement she had then joined her in experience as a transformee. A pressure made itself known in several places of her body, and she grunted. But of course, I downed the whole potion. She only had most of it. The pressure swelled again uncomfortably, and she knew from that moment that a nice restful sleep-in was off the cards. She struggled with her various bloats, pitching her feet – no silly me; hooves – over the edge of the bed, and propped her arms behind her to lift herself up. She made it on the third try, her mammaries jiggling more than she ever thought they could. Or certainly should. Hands on her back for extra support, she made it to the adjacent bathroom, her hooves clip-clopping on the wooden floor. Her breath was a little short these days, and her appearance much changed.

In the mirror facing her was a sight that seemed destined to never become familiar. Like Jessica, she now had four breasts instead of two, and a great pink udder was also hanging between her thighs, swaying back and forth with her movements. She had an impressive pair of black horns, longer and thicker than Jess’. She smiled at that. It made her feel oddly proud at times. Must be a cow thing, she thought, oooh, look at me studs. Mine are bigger than hers, go to me if you want real prime breeding stock gents. Line up and grab me by my big horns and make me your Bessie. Of course, her horns weren’t the only thing larger than her friends now. Just about everything was, courtesy of the full strength of the entire potion. She was positively stacked with twin sets of F-cups, and her udder was the size of a basketball on the best of days. But unlike Jess, who had the classic Holstein fur, Alex’s hair was a rich caramel brown with streaks of white running across at irregular intervals. And of course there was the far bigger difference. Jess still had a human face, whereas she’d developed the full bovine snout complete with big old nostrils and flat teeth. She could even stick her tongue out long enough to lick inside her nose, which she did occasionally on instinct.

She brought out the pumping machine, bending over still just far enough that she could attach the four nozzles to her udder teats. I’ll need help with that in not too long. The machine began rhythmically pumping away, drawing her thick, milky produce out of her in spurts. She leant against the bathroom sink and moaned gently at the sweet sensation of her fullness shrinking. Her upper mammaries still ached, the nipples red and erect and sore, but they would have to wait. She thought back to that single strange decision to drink the potion, to be punished alongside Jess and go through what she had gone through. It had been madness of course, but she had refused any reversion from the Wandering Witch. And so, while the group made preparations to sequester away to the farmhouse to live, Jessica also helped her through the violently pressurised changes. There had been the periods of immense hunger; the longer periods of gorging herself upon anything that could be considered edible; and the short, sharp transitions where her entire body seemed to be hit by pins and needles. She could still almost feel it, the way her bones and her flesh had shifted in an alien fashion, her breasts swelling up like balloons. Like Jess, she had taken on the body of a supermodel for a time, and a heat within her had been insatiable. But then, there were the other changes; her tail exploding out of her back, horns erupting from her forehead, face reforming into a  snout, and of course her new mammaries bulging into existence. But overall her changes had been quicker than Jess’. She had welcomed them, after all. Not because she wanted to live her life as a bipedal cow woman, but because she knew in her heart that after everything she had done that she ought to.

Of course, the transition had been tough, for all of them. Jessica’s parents had cut ties once she revealed her changes to them. Too embarrassing to the family name. It was decided, and this was her wish anyway, that with their wealth they would purchase a rural country home with everything to accommodate them, and pay her a monthly stipend to take care of herself, so long as she didn’t try to contact them. Alex had been furious, but Jess knew her parents well, and had thought this was coming. Alex’s own parents were much more . . . well, not understanding, but accepting. They visited once a week to see how their daughter and her friend were doing, and did all they could to help.

But it had taken them a long time to come to terms with the fact that their beautiful daughter was stuck this way, and even longer to absorb that she had actually made that choice herself. It was a good set up really. Derek worked the farm alongside them, and they contributed copious amounts of milk they made daily which made a tidy profit, all things considered. Enough so that they had become secure. But it wasn’t enough for Tiana, who still craved human civilisation. She wasn’t among friends or among the crowd, as she had been as a beauty bitch and cheerleader. She had managed to seek out a travelling circus with its own display of human freaks and apply for a position, which was eagerly accepted. It wasn’t cheerleading, but from her e-mails she seemed to have taken to it. She had her audience and her role to play, and had quickly established herself in the pecking order, even snapping up a goat-footed man as a boytoy and surrogate father for her son. She kept in touch often, to the point where Alex no longer considered her an enemy. How could she? They were the only ones of their new species on the planet, she wasn’t about to cast out a third of their lot. Besides, it was good to keep in touch simply because of the shared experience they’d all had. They had a connection, all three of them, and Tiana had changed in spirit too. Enough so that she even briefly returned to the farm for Jessica’s wedding. That had been a fun affair, even if the only people present had been the four of them and Alex’s parents. Jessica had looked oddly beautiful in her white gown, custom-made by Alex to contour to her features and show them off.
“If you’ve got them, flaunt them,” Jess had joked, “and I’ve certainly got a lot of them.”

Alex reattached the pumping machine’s suckers, this time to her four breasts. Once again the sensation was divine. She’d been storing up more and more produce lately, and the time was soon coming where she’d have to save it for nature’s intended use. The squirming in her womb started up, her large stomach pressing outwards slightly in several places and briefly taking away her breath.

“Oof, woken up have we, little ones? It’s okay, mama is here.” She gently rubbed her domed belly until the kicking subsided. Yes, she’d gotten pregnant. Quite pregnant in fact. Really fucking pregnant, she reflected, gazing at the mirror reflection of her enormous six month belly. Her lower pair of breasts sat on them like a shelf. She had certainly underestimated the effects of being in heat during her changes. Jess had tried to communicate this, but the mind is addled while the body is being transformed, and she had foolishly assumed she could resist getting knocked up since she knew in advance what her body would be wanting and where the risks were. Instead, she’d gotten so horny and desperate one night that she’d slipped out from under guard and gone to the nearest nightclub where a handsome man in his early-thirties had taken her back to his place and pounded her so hard and long she still got a little wet thinking about the encounter. It was only after she made it back in the morning to two very cross and confused friends, one who was living evidence of the consequences she was facing, that she realised how much she’d been operating on cow-brain.

So here she was, a big pregnant cow babe – as she liked to call herself – and settling into be a big cow mama babe in just a few months. Her pregnancy was much slower than Jessica’s, probably due to her taking in the full potion, but then that too had apparently made her even more fertile. Even when she’d drunk the potion in that one stupid, glorious moment that still made her swell with pride – on top of the general swellings caused by milk, pregnancy and cow curse – she’d never considered that she’d be dropping a litter of calves nine months down the line.

Life does surprise us, she thought as she detached the milk pump.


“Morning Moo,” Jessica said as Alex waddled her way into the living room. Her children, identical to their mother except for the lack udders in the boys and undeveloped breasts in the girls, were half-asleep on their mother’s chest, each attached to a large nipple and suckling away. She was reading a book while they did, idly relaxed. Tiana, as the most human of the three of them, had been lucky enough to give birth to just one boy. Jessica had been more fertile, and was initially horrified to learn that she was carrying quadruplets, though she had come to love and accept her twin boys and twin girls.

“Morning Bessica,” Alex said, dropping down onto the couch opposite her a little too quickly, which set her bosoms wriggling and her udder slapping painfully into her thighs. Her pregnant womb sat down upon her udder, squishing it. She remembered how overburdened her friend had been when she was nearing her due date; sweating, flushed, constantly lactating and dealing with squirming children inside of her. Alex shuddered to think that she was already at that point with another three months to go.

“That’s not fair, there’s no good cow name for Alex,” her friend replied with a mock pout.

Alex ran a thick black finger down her snout. She missed pouting.

“How did you sleep?”

Alex rubbed her stomach, settling her young again. “So-so. There’s no comfortable position anymore. If I sleep on my back, my tail get cramped and there’s too much weight on me. On my stomach’s out of the question. On the side is what pregnant women are supposed to do, but most pregnant women don’t have boobs so big that its feels like one rockmelon squishing down on another at night. And I’ve got no idea where to put my legs so I don’t press down on my udder.”

Jess rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. I can remember the same thing. I found it best to go on my side but have a support pillow for the boobs, as well as one between my legs. That way your chests don’t get too sore and your legs don't press on your udder at 3am. Also it has the benefit of keeping one of your hooves in the air so you aren’t wrecking sheets every couple of days.”

“Wow, I wish I’d thought of that.”

“You would’ve, I was just the pioneer. To a lot of things actually.” She gestured at her very inhuman children. “Ow, no biting. Be gentle. Their teeth are starting to come in.”

“Are you happy about that?”

“Sorta. I’ll miss breastfeeding. And Derek keeps asking for another.”

Alex shifted in surprise. “Another? Is he serious? You have four!”

“That’s what I told him. I said ‘if you want to go through nine months of having to deal with a litter of calves growing inside of you, restricting your movements and making you nauseous, be my guest.’ But truth be told, I’m thinking about it. I’m a cowgirl now, y’know? Both of us are. We don’t have to live with human expectations or other women’s ideas of feminism. And my body tells me I could stand with being bred a little more. Plus, he’s learned to be really good. Makes a bovine gal feel blessed in bed.”

“Jeez, yuck, you took to this more than I thought. Maybe you should be thanking me.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Still, much as I already love these little gremlins inside of me, I can’t say I love being pregnant. All the hormones, the occasional mooing. And I swear I’m making gallons by the hour now Jess. I can already feel myself filling up with milk again and I only just got pumped half an hour ago.”

Jessica laughed, enough to startle her children who she quickly reattached to the appropriate nipples. She raised her hooves up and rested them on the drinks table, placed her three-digit hands behind her, resting them in the curves of her horns. While both of their figures were thicker now that they were cowgirls, Alex couldn’t help but feel jealous of the slim stomach her friend now possessed, particularly as her own was so grotesquely swollen with child. Mammaries restrained properly, Jess had even shown she could run track again, much to her delight, though she still winced at all the jiggling. Alex had no such luck until the distant future.

“What are you giggling about?” Alex asked.

“Oh, just the fact you have no right to complain. I mean, you literally drank the entire potion just so you could be like this.”

Alex crossed her arms awkwardly over her bosoms. “Yeah, well, I was making a grand gesture. Atoning and all that by sharing in your fate.”

“And its occasional delights. I heard your moaning from down here while you were getting pumped.”

“Not my fault. I’ve gotta take the pleasure when it comes. I can’t believe how pregnant I am Jess, I’m huge! I get winded just walking down the stairs. I feel like a . . . “

“Go on, say it.” Jess was grinning.

“Like a cow. God, I’m such a cow. I outgrew my bras again.”

“I noticed. Just ditch them like I did. We’ve got fur Alex, that’s our clothing.” Indeed, Jess had stopped wearing clothing altogether towards the end of her pregnancy, purely because she was already so flushed and hot she didn’t want to deal with the discomfort of clothes. Afterwards she had never bothered putting it on again. She only dressed up now for special occasions, like her wedding, or sporting a custom-made dress for Derek to rip off in the passions of night, when their moans and groans echoed through the house much to Alex’s chagrin.

“No way Jess, I’ve got too much dignity to abandon my humanity that completely, no offence intended.”

A smirk. “Well, Miss Dignity, your udder is dripping on the carpet. Again.”

“Oh shit.” She stuffed it back inside the elastic waistband of her skirt where it would only get her clothing damp. Deep down she suspected it wouldn’t be long until she swore off clothing like her friend. Just the feeling of fabric on her fur was uncomfortable, especially in the warmer days, which was every day now with her heated mammaries and overfull womb.

“Just admit it,” Jess said, “you took that potion because you couldn’t stand that for once I had the bigger assets.” She patted her large chest for good measure, briefly disrupting her son, Paul.

Alex groaned, and only partly because one of her babies decided this was the perfect time to kick down low, inadvertently causing her udder to spurt a long stream of milk down her thigh. Jess noticed it and gave a sympathetic smile. She had experienced that many times, and knew Alex would too, probably even more so.

“Oh, don’t even mention that. I’d do anything to be even just a little bit smaller. I feel completely overwhelmed. I mean, have you ever even seen anyone, anyone at all, be as pregnant as I am?”

“Yeah, even I was never that big, and I remember being pretty fucking big. Sandra Sands might be the closest challenger, but I still think you take it mommy.”

“Sandra Sands?”

“I’ll show you in a minute, but we can actually find out right now if you want.” She reached next to her, struggling to keep her babies attached to her chests, and scooped up an envelope.

“This came for you from the ultrasound clinic. I know you rushed out of there before we could see the results, but the clinic was kind enough to email them. If you’re feeling up to it now, well, care to do the honours?”

Alex snatched it from her hand, from one three-fingered grip to another. “I said it when I swilled that potion and I’ll say it again, fuck it. They’ve been kicking up a storm and now I want to know how many to blame.” She ripped open the envelope, and Jess gave a little excited clap. She’d been wanting to know how many unofficial nieces and nephews she’d be able to play aunt to for a long time now. “Yeah cowgirl!” she cheered, and Alex groaned again from the encouragement within and without. She gazed at the information on the short little docket. Stared, blinked, stared again. Read it over, checked the back, pressed her leathery black thumb over the number displayed to make sure there wasn’t a mistake.

“What? What is it Alex? How many?”

Alex slowly drew her gaze up to meet her friend’s. She had a thousand-yard stare, her left hand absently soothing her prodigious number of young, which she now had the answer for. She almost wished she didn’t know.

“Oh God, Alex, is there a problem with them? Are they healthy?”

“Perfectly,” she replied with a hollow voice. “Every last one.”

“So how many?”


“Did you just say eight?”

Alex blinked, snapped out of the hypnosis her mind seemed to have waltzed into for recovery. She stared again at the paper. “Eight,” she repeated. “I’m carrying eight. Four girls, four boys. Eight.”

“Alex, this is wonderful!”

“I’m going to get so huge. I think I’m already bigger than you. I’ll be in labour for half a year!”

Jess raised an eyebrow. “Feeding time will be perfect though. You’ve got eight teats Alex, and soon you’ll have eight kids. One feeder for each mouth.”

Alex rested her head in her hands. “Oh fuck me.”

“That’s what got you into this situation.”

“Eight. I thought five at the most, a little bigger than you. I’d dared to hope for three.”

“I guess this makes you an octomom, technically. Once again you just had to beat me.”

Alex raised her head again, curled up the lip of her snout. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Jess nodded eagerly. “Just a little. Oh what am I kidding, this is awesome. I was hoping you’d have a big litter. It’ll make this place a lot livelier. And when they’re older, some of our kids might even start dating and have little calves of our own!”

“It scares me how optimistic you are about this. You don’t have to be the one to carry them.”

“Well, you did start this whole thing in the first place, turning us both into cowgirls, so I think I win this one.”

“And that means I – neeeuurrghhh oooh!” A large spurt of milk erupted from her lower breasts, spurting down onto the table. “Ooooh my goodness, no wonder my body’s obsessed with making so much milk. I’ll need gallons.”

“And gallons you will make. Heck, I’m still making them just to keep up with these chubby little cutie-pies.”

“Seriously though Jess, will I be a good mum?”

For the first time that morning her friend became serious. “Alex, you literally turned yourself bovine just so your friend wouldn’t be alone. You are batshit crazy, but you are gonna be an awesome mum.”

Alex smiled. She cradled her bloated womb, imagining all her little calves packed up against one another, waiting to be born one after the next into the world.

“Octomum, here I am,” she said with a  giggle.

“Plus, you’re gonna be one heck of a cowmama milf.”

Alex snorted through her large bovine nostrils, and her tongue absent-mindedly licked the left one clean. “Yeah, right, good luck trying to find someone interested in a woman with eight kids already, let alone one with an udder and four tits.”

“Please, guys go nuts for a gal with four tits. Just ask Derek. Things will work out. We’ll land you a nice man, sis. It’s actually what I’ve been wanting to show you.” She placed her little babies, still sleeping, into their respective cribs and moved around to Jess’ side, snatching up the laptop as she went. Alex envied her movement, and knew their disparity would only increase as she grew more and more fecund in coming months. Jess sat down beside her, and her tail flicked the laptop open.

“Show off,” Alex grumbled, but her attention quickly turned to the incredibly pregnant woman on the screen. She was human, unlike them, but her petite figure was struggling against the enormity of her pregnant belly, which rounded out like a boulder in front of her. Her breasts were comparatively tiny. From the little information screen beside the picture, it seemed she was carrying quads.

“This is Sandra Sands,” Jess announced. “We got to talking after I remembered something you said about your first meeting with Tila. Ring any bells?”

“I do remember. Her husband had gotten some fertility drug from the witch, hoping to get kids out of her since she didn’t want any. I think I recall the man giving her nine drops, which means she’ll be pregnant . . .”

“Again and again for nine years total. Which could even be ten or eleven pregnancies if the potion makes her get knocked up right away again. Yeah, I got in touch with her while I was recovering from giving birth. Turns out she’s been wondering why she keeps getting hit with pregnancy cravings. It was odd the first time when she was having triplets, but she swore off any more only to be obsessed with getting with child the day after she birthed her first lot. So we got to talking, and I eventually let her see a picture of me, and we formed a bit of an alliance.”

It was all going very fast for Alex, particularly after the stunning news she’d just had. It was a lot of information to absorb for someone as heavily pregnant as her.

“What’s this all about Jess?”

Her friend grinned, patted Alex’s pregnant form with a giddy condescension. “In a moment, in a moment. Don’t rush me. Basically, she managed to work out what had happened thanks to our side of the story, and has since divorced Mr Sands. Turns out he didn’t stop to consider what the potion actually does; it makes her crave becoming pregnant and upped her fertility so high her body can get pregnant day one after birth and it’ll be a miracle if she ever has less than twins. But they don’t have to come from Mr Sands, see? They just have to be from someone.”

It dawned on Alex. “Loopholes. She found a way to get a part of her life back.”

“Exactly. She’s resigned to the knowledge now that she’s still got seven years of this to go. She’ll probably end up with about forty kids or so. But as we talked, we came to the conclusion that there’s more of us out there, so we made this.”

She clicked open a new tab, taking her to a side called Freakmeet.com. Jess was listed as an admin under the username BovineBessica. She informed Alex that Sandra was the other admin of the site, under the username BabyMama. And below, there were several other users, each with a profile pic, usually just a standard emoji or imported image. But then Jess opened another tab, typed in a complicated password, and cracked open the gallery, which she assured was for member eyes only and ruthlessly kept secure by some of the more tech-minded members. But Alex was listening at that point. She ignored the sensation of milk being produced in her mammaries, of the strain of her back, even her tail wriggling in excitement. She leaned forward as far as her preggo body would allow her, and stared at the images. There was a lizard man, his skin covered in scaled and a large tail trailing behind him; A modern day medusa, her lower half a long naga-like snake tail, her slitted eyes staring at the view with an expression of excitement and joy, while her wriggling mass of snake hair was frozen in mid-blur. They framed her head, rearing up. The girl was almost cute. She couldn’t have been older than eighteen. Others were shown to her; a chicken lady who laid eggs each morning, a seahorse man who lived in an aquarium and was soon to give birth. A man and woman looked normal in their separate pictures, until Jess informed her that they were the same person, a day apart, doomed to change to the other each midnight. One woman seemed to be a genie of sorts, able to grant wishes but longing to be a man again. There was even the woman Tila had referred to; the buxom babe who was now five separate versions of herself, each still devoted hopelessly to the same nerd who had cursed her.

“They’re all like us Alex, some more than others. This is our safe space where we can talk to each other, and maybe even meet some or catch up as a whole group one day. And who knows how many more there are, whose lives have been changed by a bad wish or government experiment or failed science project and so on. You tell me you can’t land a man, I tell you there’s someone out there exactly like you.”

Alex smiled, overtaken by the gesture and the commitment by her friend. “Jess, you’re an amazing friend.” They hugged, their various breasts and udders mushing up against one another, a feeling both were long used to, just as they were at the usual hair exchange that occurred when days later they would find brown hair or Holstein hair sitting on their fur.

Just at that point, Alex’s phone buzzed with a text.

Mum: Morning hun. I made jam and cream scones and picked up some groceries for you. How are my grandkids? Found out how many yet? Dad and I are hoping for twins.

She showed her friend the text, and both of them erupted into laughter, so much so that Alex lactated even more on the floor and set her babies into fits that had her mooing and moaning, mooing and moaning and rubbing her poor womb.

“Are you gonna tell her the truth?”

“Yeah,” Alex replied, “gotta rip off the bandaid. Say ‘ah fuck it’ and do something stupid, right?”

“Yeah. Cow sisters forever.”

“Damn right.” She began typing the message back.

Mum, have I got news for you.

The End


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