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Story Tier Prompt + Commission Bonus for Allornone

It’s been twenty five years since 21-year old Rebecca was unknowingly fed a mutative substance designed to turn her into the ultimate baby-factory, complete with ultra-fertile curves to match. In that time, several of her daughters have displayed fertility traits similar to her own, albeit each with their own twist. Now, on Christmas Eve, they meet together for dinner to check in on one another, and see how their unique hormones have transformed them.

Full story combining all three parts in PDF form below

Good Girl, Part 3: Family Reunion

Becca was excited. It was Christmas Eve, and for the first time in a long time, all her family would be together. Twenty years had passed since she had confronted Mark and come to fully accept her altered life, one of endless pregnancy, birthing, and joyful mothering. Her genetically-altered DNA ensured that in the years to come, she felt compelled to get pregnant over and over, each fertilised egg bringing her incredible joy. And of course, her curvaceous form meant she was always able to birth easily (even orgasmically) and feed her ever-growing brood with her large, lactating breasts. Her parents couldn't understand the change that had come over their daughter, or why she refused to find one man to settle with. But they loved their grandchildren anyway, and while it took time to accept Becca's radically different trajectory, her meteoric rise in the engineering company she worked from home for ensured she became independently wealthy. This was a good thing, as she only continued to birth children into her thirties, and now into her forties as well, even with menopause looming.

And like many woman who become blessed with child, she only increased in fecundity with age. Becca cried tears of joy when she first learned at thirty-nine that she was expecting triplets, and again at forty six when she was expecting a set of quads! It was those four she carried within her now, and she every day she relished the movement of her litter within her, even as now, at five months along, she was saddened by the prospect of menopause.

It was why she was so looking forward to the arrival of her adult daughters and sons, and their own daughters and sons. She had birthed sixty-five children in total, not counting the four currently kicking and squirming within her hyper fertile womb. Dozens were at that very moment running around, playing in their rooms, or being taken care of by the hired care staff. And one was even on her breast - her newest, Eva - and suckling away, while Becca set the last of the utensils at the table. The last table or over a dozen in the banquet hall.

"There, all ready for the largest family reunion the world has ever seen. Isn't that right my darlings?”

She rubbed her round belly, and received a series of bountiful kicks that nearly knocked the wind out of her.

“Oof! I’ll take that as a yes. Now we just have to wait and see who will arrive first.”

Just like that, there was a ding of the bell, and Becca waddled as fast as her pregnant form allowed to the front door, waving off staff who offered to help her.

“No, no, I’ll get it!”

She opened the door, and she beamed at the sight of her firstborn daughter, now twenty-five years in age.

“Joy! It is so wonderful to see you, my daughter.”


They embraced, though their bellies got much in the way.

“My goodness, aren’t we a pair of blimps?” Joy laughed. “Mother, you look fantastic, but you’re so huge!”

“Quads will do that to you,” Becca sighed, though she was still grinning. Even in her mid-forties, with slightly greying hair and crow’s feet in her eyes, she had a wonderfully curvy form. Her H-cup breasts were still immense, and her hips magnificently wide. But her belly dominated her form, even more than usual.

“Well, I guess I know what to look forward to,” Joy said with a gulp, indicating to her own belly. “Not that Steven will mind.”

“How is Steven?”

“Taking care of the farm. Don’t worry, I brought all the grandkids for you to see.”

She stepped aside, revealing a stroller with a cute baby in it, along with three other children standing and looking pleased with themselves. They flocked to their grandmother, until they were given permission to go play with their many aunts and uncles who were around their own age.

Becca gave a flustered, sympathetic look to Joy. It was not without reason; it seemed that her hormonal mutation caused by the serum so long ago had also spread to her children. Thankfully it was not as strong in any of them, and likely would only be a little present in the third generation, but it still affected their lives in uniquely fascinating ways.


When Joy had reached eighteen years of age, it was like a switch had flipped. Her body also grew maternal and curvy, and she felt an unbearable horniness and need to get pregnant. Unlike her mother, she had a greater will in resisting that compulsion, and was also happy to be in a monogamous relationship. She had pushed against her hormonal needs until she met and fell in love with Steven, a successful farmer with a large heart, large property, and a strong desire for a large family. Which was good, because after pushing against her body’s wants for so long, Joy had now gone all in on the babymaking, and was making up for lost time. More than once she’d told Steven:

“I was thinking twenty, twenty-five kids, max. If that is okay by you?”

“More than okay love,” he always said, rubbing her full belly, “you know I love having you this way, and our kids bring us so much joy.”

And then she would jokingly punch him for the bad pun.


Joy had to move into the hall by that point, because another family was approaching. She settled into the house she had been brought up in, greeting all her younger sisters and brothers who were still being raised there.

Next came Timothy, along with four women around him, each beautiful and several looking rather full with child. Becca could only smirk. Timothy and his twin Holly had always been a rambunctious pair, and true to their twin nature, she was behind him and his harem, pushing a double-seat stroller and advising several of her older children to keep up.

“Tim! Holly! Oh, I’m so glad you could come!”

Timothy embraced his mother, followed by Holly.

“Jesus Mom, you’re huge!” Tim said, and it got an awkward laughter. “Don’t worry girls, I promise I won’t get you that big.”

“What a thing to say to your mother, Tim. How are you Holly?”

“I’m doing fucking awesome Mom. Belly hug?”


They snuggled against one another, bellies touching, and it gave time for Becca to whisper her question. “This new pregnancy . . . Harry’s?”

Holly giggled. “Um, yeah. Hope you don’t mind. I know he’s responsible for a few of my little siblings, but he was really into me.”

Becca just chuckled. “It’s okay. Weird, honey, but okay. Weirdness runs in our family, and I couldn’t blame my daughter for inheriting my own genetic code.” She leaned back, breathing a little heavily. “But Timothy, you haven’t introduced me to your girlfriend . . . s? Girlfriends?”

He nodded with a grin, before gesturing to the four women in turn: one a pale but busty brunette who looked to be seven months or so along, then to a black-skinned beauty who was verging on due, then a lithe Asian model whose bump was no later than four months, perhaps less, and finally to a woman of Indian heritage with impressively wide hips, and a flat stomach.

“Mom, meet Jenny, Monique, Yin, and Vee. Jenny, Monique, Yin, and Vee, meet my Mom. She’s sorta the reason you’re all pregnant.”

Becca gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes as she invited them in.

“I think you’ve made some of those choice too, Tim.”:

“Hey, they asked me too! It’s not like with Kade.”

“Well, you be civil with Kade when he arrives.” She turned to the women, who seemed fascinated by her immensely gravid belly. It was a look of longing she understood well. “Very excited to meet you all. I can’t wait to hear about all my little grandchildren yet to come.”

“Oh, by the way, Vee isn’t pregnant yet.”

“Running out of juice, brother?” Holly jested.

“Hardly,” he replied to his twin, helping take one of her babies. “I’m going to be the father to quite a little collection, in fact, if these lovely ladies have anything to say about it. Besides, you’re one to talk: you’ll have to pop out a lot more than just one every nine months to keep up with me.”

She gave him a light punch on the arm in response.

Tim played at being in pain, before turning to his girlfriend. “We’re just taking things slow, aren’t we Vee?”

She smiled. “Yes, but I think I will want a baby soon. Your brother has certainly proven he can do it.”

Holly laughed. “Oh, he’s proven it alright. How nice it must to be compelled to make babies from the male end. All the fun, and none of the pushing a whole human being out between your legs.

Tim tapped his sister’s belly. “You seem to be doing alright. This is what, your sixth, dear twin sister?”

“Fifth, you bastard. And you’re damn well right I’m doing alright. Just like Mom, I’m doing it all on my own.”

The group got to chatting, Holly coming over to give welcome to the three women unused to the insanity of the household, and Becca held and hugged all her grandchildren by way of Holly.


The twins had always been close, and still were. They loved to play pranks on one another, and had a lot of silly in-jokes and ribbings they gave back and forth. When their unique reproductive mutations came to the fore, this habit of back-and-forth only increased, even as they got used to their new lives.

Tim, being male, at least did not have to worry about getting knocked up. On the other hand, women had to way not to get knocked up. After a one-night stand that ended in a positive pregnancy test with his first serious girlfriend, doctors were astounded; his sperm had literally caused his girlfriend to ovulate, despite her being outside that time of her cycle and on birth control. Timothy had a sort of super sperm that could bypass all measures to prevent pregnancy, even infertility. He was privately wealthy already, just from being paid to give infertile women the chance to experience motherhood.

Of course, Tim had his own biological wants as well. He wasn’t compelled as much as his siblings, but he still had a strong fetish for pregnant women, and for keeping them that way. And so it was that he managed to find a number of women willing to become full with his seed, and this little harem of his were his casual girlfriends, enjoying his company and how his powers made them feel special. He liked them all in turn, especially since he had a large bed they all slept together on, belly to belly. But it was only when he met Vee that he felt like he was truly in love. Not monogamous - she understood his needs - but they connected in such a way that wanted to actually take his time with her. Especially since Vee was clearly falling for him, and indicated that she liked the idea of becoming pregnant several times, if not more, to his sperm. Of course, she would have to compete with Monique, who wanted a few as well. But he could handle them both.

Holly, on the other hand, likewise inherited her mother’s need to reproduce. It was not as strong as Becca, or even as strong as Joy’s, but like her mother, she didn’t feel any need to be in a relationship with a man. She enjoyed the act of sex a lot, and as indicated by their conversation, sometimes ended up sleeping with the same man her mother had, sometimes even just days before. The fact that more than any of her daughters, she had inherited her mother’s very ample bosom didn’t hurt. She simply wanted to make more kids, and the ripe nature of her belly was proof of that. The fact that she was very curvy helped, something that occasionally made Joy a little jealous, despite having a husband that dearly loved her. She’d stated more than once that she wanted twins.

“Twins from a twin! Imagine that!”

Becca had started to suspect that Tim and Holly were actually competing to see who could make a pair of twins first. They always had been a bit immature and prone to excessive fun, but at least they were happy and successful; Holly had started a ‘Single Life Mommy’ channel and it had become quite lucrative for her.


Next was Pam, arriving ten minutes later while Holly amused herself by revealing all of her brother’s most embarrassing secrets to his girlfriends. Vee was cackling, and Monique was already finding herself fitting in.

“Hey Mom, it’s great to see you. You remember Jasmine?”

Becca gave her daughter-in-law a hug. For once, her belly was the only rounded one in the hug, and so it was an easier effort. Jasmine was a slim young woman with olive skin and curly dark hair. She had an easy smile, and Becca was glad her daughter had found someone so down-to-earth and beautiful, inside and out.

“It’s so great to see you both, truly. Thanks for coming across the interstate for this. It’s been too long since the wedding, and I doubt Tim even remembers it.”

Pam blew her off with a gesture. “Please Mom, all your kids in one place? We weren’t going to miss this. Besides, I want everyone who couldn’t make it to meet my new wife.”

“And the little one . . .”

Pam grinned, rubbing her small but present dome of a stomach. “Another surrogacy. Don’t worry, Mom! We’ll give you a cute little grandchild one day. In fact, Jasmine wants to carry it with my egg. But for now, surrogacy helps fulfil the family craving, all while keeping us afloat, isn’t that right babe?”

Jasmine knelt and kissed her wife’s belly. “Plus, it brings good luck,” she said, chuckling.

“Well, then - ohhh, these little kickers! - well, then I’m the luckiest woman alive, I guess.”

“Hey, you got a big house and a big wallet, right?”

“You’re not wrong,” Becca replied to her daughter. “And an even bigger belly!”

They all laughed at that, and they stepped inside, greeting Holly who was showing pictures of their newest nursery to the others, while Tim slipped down the hall with Vee in tow, both of them looking a little too happy.

Perhaps yet another grandchild will be conceived this very night, Becca wondered.


Pam had known she was into girls when she was fourteen and at the cinemas with her mom, and she hadn’t been able to pry her eyes off the body of the main actress. When her instinct to make babies kicked in, she was thankful that it only ran on a ‘slow burn’, but it was nevertheless present. Like her mom, Pam could fall pregnant at any time, with just a drop of sperm. It caused her some grief in her early adult years, as she wanted to find a girl she liked, and didn’t have any real aspirations of becoming a mother for a while. While her older sisters embraced their preggo lifestyles, she tried to find ways around it.

That was, until she learned about the possibility of surrogacy. It was legal in the next state over, and provided she passed all the health checks and signed up, she could bring loving couples who couldn’t conceive their own child a lot of joy and happiness, and she could satisfy that damn urgent itch to procreate, as well as making good money. It was actually at the surrogacy centre that she met her future wife: Jasmine. She was a front desk worker who continued to meet Pam, and the two found they had a lot in common; they even both got into their business due to their interest in maternity and pregnancy, even if Pam’s was more hands-on. And so, as Pam’s belly grew for the first time, her breasts along with it, so did their love. Their wedding was beautiful; Pam was full-term with her third baby, her enormous stomach rounding out the wedding dress, her blonde-pixie cut styled in a cute fashion. Her breasts bobbed with each step, and while the first dance was slow and careful given her size, Jasmine certainly appreciated how her new wife’s large boobs jostled with each movement.

It turns out, Jasmine had come to rather like her wife’s pregnancies, especially since, like Becca, Pam got quite horny in her second and third trimester. Now on her third surrogacy, the pregnant lesbian was proud of her life, and she loved receiving the occasional photo of children she had birthed, loved and cared for by thankful parents.


Another ring at the door, and Becca waddled to it. All this excitement at the family reunion was making the little ones bulge and shift in her gargantuan belly. It brought a rush of excitement to her; even now, as a middle-aged woman, she still found herself shivering with excitement at being filled up with babies.

“I’m going to miss having you all inside me,” she said, rubbing her taut, still-perfectly smooth dome. One good thing about being genetically altered against her will, she mused, was that as a byproduct her skin always looked amazing. She still looked her age, but a very attractive, impressively fertile woman of her age, particularly in her current black dress which showed plenty of cleavage. Mind, with cleavage like hers, it was almost impossible not to. Her breasts wobbled heavily, looking as if they were about to spill out, as she answered the door.

On the other side was her twenty-one year old daughter, Grace. She looked as cute and lovely as ever, with long brown hair that was perfectly straight, and a penchant for flower-patterned dresses. Her cheeks were cherubic, and she had cute little dimples as her face broadened into a smile. More notably, her belly was swollen with child - just one for now, but who knew what lay in Grace’s future.

“Mom! Oh my God, you’re huge!”

Becca laughed. “So I’m told!”

“Is it triplets, again? I don’t know how you do it.”

Becca blushed, but continued to grin as she turned to the side, showing off her profile. “Quadruplets actually, and trust me, I know. I can feel all their little toes when they kick me, and there’s four babies’ worth pushing down on my bladder.”

Grace embraced her mother, her much still-respectable five-month belly looking like a pimple against her mother’s gargantuan dome.

“It’s so good to see you, what a wonderful idea this was.”

“How is work, honey?”

“It’s going well, though the kids were a nightmare today. That’s what I get for giving them candy canes. I’m lucky I didn’t tear my hair out! Thankfully, my wonderful Hank came and helped out.”

Becca raised an eyebrow, and folded her arms beneath her breasts. They practically disappeared beneath the soft flesh, sandwiched between boobs and belly.

“Hank, huh? Don’t tell me you’ve found a nice man to date, Grace?”

Grace blushed.

“I knew it!” her mother declared. “You were never like me, or Holly for that matter, when it came to men. Too interested in other boys at a young age. Tell me, what’s he like?”

“Well Mom, why don’t you ask him yourself?”

She stepped to the side, and waved two figures over. An incredibly handsome man with an impressively athletic figure and square-jawed face approached. He loomed over Grace, and his eyebrows raised at Becca, though he politely stopped and extended a hand.

“Hello, Mrs-”

“Becca, please!” she said, and embraced the man, who was quite a bit taller than her. She was glad she’d already had a male friend take care of her needs a few hours ago, or her nipples might have become hard as iron in the presence of this man. She looked him up and down.

“Well done, Grace,” she said, and the man chuckled.

“And this,” he said, pushing a young toddler forward, “is my son Edgar.”

Becca tried and failed to kneel down, so instead she used the doorframe to lower herself.

“It is lovely to meet you, Edgar! Welcome to our house.”

“You’ve got a big belly!” he said, pointing.

“Yep, I do.”

“We met at daycare,” Grace explained, rubbing her belly as her boyfriend returned to her side. “His son goes there, and we got to talking, and we just . . . hit it off. I didn’t expect to actually get pregnant! I thought I got off scott free from the ‘talent pool.’

Becca grinned smugly. “I guess not, love.”


Grace had not, in fact, escaped Becca’s genetically altered lineage. What had occurred, instead, was that she inherited a strong nurturing instinct. She loved babies and toddlers and childcare, and when she was young, her interests flitted between approaching all the boys to play, and being fascinated by babies, pretending to have her own in the form of a doll. It gave her a lot of joy, and Becca saw no harm in it, but expected her to develop a breeder’s instincts by that alone.

And yet, even as Joy came to adulthood and got hit by the breeder’s instinct, hard, and began popping out babies as soon as she found her husband, never stopping since, nothing happened with Grace. But then, she was not an adult yet. Holly came to adulthood, and she was like a less-addicted version of her own mother in condition, needing to get knocked up endlessly, but having no need of a male partner. And Pam too, despite her lesbianism, wanted to make babies, even if she didn’t necessarily want to keep them.

But Grace did not. Instead, her need to take care of children, to love them and play with them and make time for them, only increased. No desire manifested to get pregnant; she was not opposed to it, but she felt no true need. So it was little surprise when she gained a job at a nearby childcare centre, able to work with young children on a constant basis.

It was there that she met Hank, a single father of his little boy Edgar, a little boy who had become quite attached to Grace, enough to occasionally call her ‘Mom.’ Hank decided to stay later one night and introduce himself, and the two hit it off over their shared parenting styles, even if Grace was not a parent. It turned out they had similar interests in movies, sports, and even went to the same school earlier in life. And, of course, both were quite attractive; Grace had an ample pair of C-cup breasts and her mother’s wide hips. It didn’t take long for a first date to be established, followed by a one night stand that very same night. They were passionate, and while Grace had no biological need to become pregnant, she was certainly still capable of it.

And so, to her embarrassment and simultaneous joy, she found herself expecting. When she told Hank, he was overjoyed, as they had only gotten closer over the preceding two months. But it didn’t stop her from giving an eye-rolling chuckle.

“Just wait till Mom finds out. And Holly. And Joy. And oh God, Tim. They’ll all say the same thing. ‘Told you that you couldn’t escape it!’”


Becca, thankfully, bit her tongue as she led them in, Edgar in his father’s arms, though Holly and Joy did rush in their waddling way to their sister, eager to hear the details of that growing baby bump.

“Just one for now!” she declared, laughing at their probing questions.

It was a few minutes later that Theresa popped her head around the corner, and the siblings all cheered at her appearance.

“Where have you been hiding?” Tim said, returning to his harem with Vee looking a little red-faced and flushed. “I was starting to think you’d moved out!”

“I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if I did. Our little brothers and sisters help me as much as I help them! Hey Holly, hey Joy, you both look so glowing. And - oh my - Grace too!” The three pregnant women thanked her; Joy in her tasteful winter dress, and Holly in her far more revealing tight top that pushed her heavy cleavage up. And of course, Grace in her flowery dress. But when it came to cleavage, none could rival Theresa. She entered the hall where food was being served out, and people happily snacking away, and her boobs seemed to arrive several minutes before her. They were gargantuan in size, and even with her immense J-cup maternity bra with extra padding, her large nipples still managed to poke through the material of her sweat. Her cleavage was pushed up to her collar bone, and swelled with every breath. As always, she carries a couple of pumping bottles on her hip, for when she needed to ‘relieve’ herself.

“All down, all asleep,” she said to her mother, and Becca smiled.

“As always, you are so good with them Theresa. Now go out there, have fun. Everyone’s been dying to see you!”

“Though don’t get too close!” Timothy called, “or you’ll drown us in milk!”

“Someone slap him before these knockers do!” Theresa called back with a laugh. Vee did the honours.


Theresa had escaped her mother’s mutated need to become a mother, but another aspect of breeding and nursing children became far more dominant. As she entered puberty, Theresa and the rest of her family was a little shocked at just how quickly her breasts grew in. Every year of development they surged forth, growing and growing and growing, and generally greatly embarrassing her. Theresa, unlike many of her siblings, had always been shy, and preferred the life of an introvert. But she was the not-so-proud owner of a pair of Double-Ds when she turned fifteen, an EE cup at sixteen, mammoth F-cups at seventeen, and HH-cups at eighteen. They jutted out from her chest, constantly jostling and bobbing, and causing her back thankfully little pain due to her altered genetics. Still, the rest of her was quite petite, and between that and her straight dark hair often over one eye, she never looked confident about her overly-buxom body.

And that was before she started lactating.

Seemingly overnight, not long after she turned nineteen, Theresa began complaining of soreness in her boobs. Timothy made fun, naturally, though Pam was always kind to her. Certainly, Theresa was worried she had breast-pregnancy or something; who knew how strange her mother’s legacy could be? In fact, it was far more mundane. She was making milk. An incredibly large amount of milk. Within just a month, her areola and nipples had doubled in size, and she was incapable of holding her boobs in anything other than custom-ordered bras that had to be shipped from overseas. Her massive melons were constantly full and leaking, and it brought her both immense pleasure and embarrassment that she needed to leak herself three or more times daily. Worse, a lot of the boys at college were even more fascinated with her, and tried to take peeks at her ‘miking sessions.’

These days, Theresa lives with Becca at the family home. She doesn’t have children, and has only just begun working up the courage to ask a man from a nearby game store out, but she does have a biological urge and need to feed babies with her endlessly milky breasts. Becca was more than thankful for her daughter’s gift, even though she feels for her, as she has birthed too many children to keep feeding, and Theresa’s milk is loaded with enough natural vitamins to keep them healthy beyond most normal babies. She’s even begun selling it, due to the sheer excess, and it doesn’t look like she’ll ever be free of her incredibly productive glands, so she might as well make a profit from it. Little does she know, but Pam has also visited the same game store as Theresa’s potential boyfriend, and overheard a conversation that indicated the man would very, very much like to have a nice big drink from her as well.


Each family embraced Thereas, though given the sheer size of her stacked rack, they barely reached her when hugging. Timothy’s harem seemed pretty astonished, and Monique even a little jealous, when she introduced herself to them.

“And if you ever need a break from your babies, I’m happy to nurse them,” she said, a little embarrassed, but still willing to offer. “It’s sort of what I do, now.”

“I’ll take you up on that!” Joy called, and they shared a polite laugh.

They were almost present, and Becca did a headcount. Indeed, all of her children who had moved away were present. Various of her teenagers were starting to appear at the table, some more indignant or rebellious or mopey than others. She just smiled; she’d raised enough teenagers to know it was just a stage. There was Phillip and Lara and Mickey and Don and Rachael and Kaleb and Beatrice and so on. There was just one missing. The last of those who had moved out.

And that’s when the knock on the door arrived through the noise. The entire household, barring those under twelve - which to be fair was a lot - fell silent. They all knew who it was, and the awkwardness that could follow.

“Do you think he brought both?” Tim said.

Another punch from Holly. “Next one is at your dick.”

“No fair. I can’t punch you because you’re pregnant. Besides, isn’t it his dick that got him in trouble?”

“Shush now,” Becca said, and she waddled over to the door. “Don’t anyone embarrass him. We should all be proud he’s stepping up.”

“Thank you, Mom,” Grace said. She’d always been close to Kade.

Becca opened the door, and there was Kade, looking for all the world like an ordinary man twenty years of age, with tousled brown hair and an awkward grin.

And beside him was the most pregnant girl Becca had ever seen, including herself.


Kade had always been a little impulsive. As a child, he liked to play with other kids' toys and occasionally broke them by accident, only to deny it. He wasn’t malicious in any way, he simply lacked impulse control, and while Becca had tried to instil it in him, sometimes not every lesson takes. Some people just need to learn from their mistakes. Only, as Kade discovered, most people who make mistakes aren’t the child of a woman who was genetically experimented upon to become a superbreeder. So when Kade accidentally knocked up his first girlfriend during careless intercourse, it turned out to be a much bigger pregnancy than expected. Not that Kade knew at the time; the two had already broken up for unrelated reasons by the time she found out, and was dating a new girl; Polly.

Who he also knocked up without realising it.

It was only when Lizzie got back into contact with Kade, furious and confused about being suddenly pregnant, that he realised he too had super-sperm like his brother Timothy, though thankfully without the compulsion to use it. What his sperm did do, though, was make it practically impossible to do away with the developing life within. Lizzie was maddened by the fact that every time she tried to approach the abortion clinic, she was overcome with nausea and needed to get away, and she was incapable of swallowing the abortion pill either: she could only gag and feel the need to throw it away.

“You’ve got me super pregnant, you idiot!” she yelled. “I’m only th-three months along and I’m so f-fucking h-huge!”

Indeed she was; she appeared as if she was closer to seven or even eight months along, and her breasts had easily doubled in size, if not more. It made Polly worried; she was present too, and quickly realised that she too had been experiencing nausea and sore boobs. That very afternoon, a test confirmed she was pregnant by Kade.

Incredibly pregnant, as it would turn out. Kade’s sperm had the power to knock up a woman with far, far more babies than was natural. As Lizzie and Polly’s bellies expanded rapidly, it became quickly clear that they were knocked up not with a single baby, and not with mere twins or triplets either, but far more than that. An entire litter kicked and squirmed in their bellies, and Lizzie was infuriated at her situation, while Polly was far more outright embarrassed, but did not blame her boyfriend.

He had finally learned from experience, but it was Lizzie and Polly who would be bearing the discomfort and fullness from it, and have to mother many children.


“Mum, everyone, I’d like you to meet Polly, my girlfriend.”

A cute girl with long red hair and a smattering of freckles stepped through the doorway, aided by Kade. Her belly was unbelievably huge, and even in her extra large shirt, her bloated breasts and rounded form stretched the material, showing her popped-out belly button. Her round dome was twice the size of a beachball, and trembled with the movement of their many babies within. The poor thing looked positively overcome, and the stares she received only made her more self-conscious. She knew now Becca’s reputation, and those of her kids, but stepping in, it was clear she was larger than any of them, and she was only nineteen years old!

“My goodness,” Becca said, leaning to hug her. “It is so good to finally meet you Polly. Please, let us help you to a seat. You must be exhausted.

“Th-thankyou,” she managed, sweating a little, “just v-very f-full right now. They’re - ahhh - very away. L-lots of movement.”

“You must be just about due!”

Kade cringed, feeling quite guilty, and Polly turned a magnificent shade of red as she settled into a seat. She looked like a pimple compared to the size of her distended womb.

“Only s-six months, n-now. Still three to - oohhh - g-go.”

Tim grinned, and Holly glared at him before he could make a joke. It was Joy that approached, smiling warmly.

“How many are you blessed with, dear?”

Polly was clearly not sure what to make of the word ‘blessed.’ This entire situation had been thrust upon her - or rather, thrusted into her.

“S-s-seven,” she stammered, gasping as they squirmed again. “K-Kade’s been taking g-good care of me.”

“I should hope he would,” Pam said, eyes wide.

Tim’s harem were staring intently, and a couple were clearing looking a little worried at their boyfriend while he tried to whisper that he was certainly not capable of being that virile. Holly was holding back a joke. No one wanted to be the one to drive Kade away, now that he’d returned.

“So,” Becca said diplomatically, “will Lizzie be joining us?”

Kade shook his head. “I don’t think he wants much to do with me until after she gives birth. She’s two months away, and she’s pregnant with six.”

“I w-won,” Polly said, rubbing her stomach. She smiled awkwardly.

And it was that little comment, just slightly smug, that broke the tension.

“Ha! You’ll fit right in here!” Tim declared, laughing.

Pam sat down by her. “Oh honey, you have no idea how perfect a family you now have to help you out.”

“Not to mention you’ve set the record! That makes you basically an authority here!” Holly said.

“Don’t worry, it happens to even the most careful of us!” declared Grace.

Becca smiled as her various children introduced themselves, chatting to the overburdened Polly, who was starting to look a little relieved. She massaged her constantly shifting belly, sometimes gasping or grunting, her womb clearly overburdened, but the welcoming company that saw her not as a freak but instead a blessing was already turning her around. Kade too was opening up, and his elder and younger siblings were glad to see him returned.

Becca smiled. Her entire family together, and so many of them with kids of their own and many more on the way. She couldn’t wait to meet them all, and all the others to come, especially Polly’s, as the poor girl would certainly need help, becoming a mother to over a half-dozen at such a young age. But who knew, maybe she’d come around and break the record a second time. Pregnancy, Becca knew, had its own way of being addictive.

For now, she simply raised a glass, holding the family’s attention. All hundred plus of them, nearly all once contained within her womb, at some point or another. Her wonderful quads kicked within her, and she smiled, looking forward to the day she could meet them, and hopefully manage to sneak in just a couple of little siblings for them. For now though, she had this.

“Cheers everyone, to a Merry Christmas Eve, and all the wonderful family to celebrate it with!”

The End


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