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Here it is! The second-last part of Bessica. The final epilogue will be posted on the first week of next month. Next week is Lake Otherlife!

Alex is an ordinary university student who wishes to expose the alpha-bitch on campus for the 'cow' she really is. She visits Tila the Wandering Witch to make this happen, but developements - bovine and otherwise - begin to spiral rapidly out of control.

Part 6: Udderly Hopeless

“Thanks Derek,” Jess whispered once the bathroom door was closed behind them. “This . . . isn’t how I was hoping to see you again.”

“It’s my fault as much as Alex’s, I was the one who pushed you to take Tiana’s drink. If I hadn’t . . .”

“I was just so happy that night with you. I wish I could look like I did then for you.”

The two fell into an awkward silence, Jess clacking one of her hooves against the tiled floor of the bathroom. Without meaning to she whimpered slightly, and without another word Derek bent down, reached his hands around two of her udder’s teats, and began to pull down in a left-right fashion, releasing an ungodly quantity of her produce into the bucket in great squirts.

“Ooohhhhh God yesssss,” she moaned, clasping his shoulders with her new, nubby hands. “Ooohhh that feels sooo good, you have no idea mmmmhhhmmnnn.”

Her skin flushed in response to his touch, tingling all over. To her great embarrassment she was becoming wet with arousal, and all eight of her nipples and teats were becoming fully erect. Her tail swished behind her, taking out half the ointments and creams she kept on the shelf next to the sink. She bit her lip to stop any more outbursts, her face twitching at the sheer pleasure of being milked like a dairy cow.

“Everything okay?” Derek asked. He pulled her left teat, and a long stream of milk poured into the bucket, joining the litres that had already left her.

“Mm-hmmmm,” she let slip with a nod. “Don’t you dare stop – oh! – there’s still sooo much in there baby.” Oh god did I just call him baby? When I’m a freak cow being milked by him as a courtesy?

He caressed the pink sack of her udder, marvelling at the sheer warmth radiating out of it.

“It’s so warm,” he commented, “I don’t know how you cope with it.”

“It’s warm when it’s just made in cows,” she replied, rolling her eyes back into her head at a particularly pleasurable pull, “so I guess it is for me. I got so damn overheated this morning when my breasts were full.”

Derek stopped tugging for a moment to her great irritation, and instead gazed up at the jiggling F-cups that jutted from her chest, the lower pair resting on the dome of her belly. “You mean they’re not full now?”

She laughed at that. “Just emptied in fact, before you came up. They were even bigger before.”

“Wow,” he said, returning to milking her. She settled back into the pleasure, which was heightening by the second. She groaned louder, each tug sending electric jolts through her body and setting a fire in her loins. More milk came, more and more, so much so she could swear by the tingling that her body was producing it extra fast just to keep the sensations going. And Derek was so strong and handsome and still looked at her like she was beautiful somehow, and the sight of him down there, running his hands over her privates, even if her udder wasn’t exactly her privates, was thrilling. She sucked through her teeth, her body trembled, her hooves knocking against the tiles. It was all too much. So much pleasure, so much euphoria. She gave into it, let it wash over her, but still the pleasure continued to rise as the final litre of milk gurgled out of her bulging sac. She gripped his shoulders as he pulled, and she tensed as her arousal reached an impossible height. She couldn’t keep it in anymore. She didn’t even try.

“Ooooh yes! Yes! Yes! Oh God yesssssssssss!”

It was a series of orgasms just as intense as the last time she’d been with Derek. In fact, it was somehow even better than that. She stood there, huffing, fur slick with sweat as Derek stood, looking more than a little awkward. She could have mooed right there if she didn’t have better impulse control. So instead she whispered a silent “thankyou” between breaths.

“Um, no problem Jess. Was that a - ?”

No use lying. Not to him. “Yes, it was. Oh god, yes it was Derek. I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry if that was strange for you.”

He claimed it wasn’t, but his face lied. In that moment she had become a freak fully, but the truth of it was that it was hard to care anymore. She’d just discovered the pleasure of a bovine orgasm, and if she couldn’t change back, then at least there was always milking time.

They exited back out of the bathroom to the sight of Alex and Tiana, both gobsmacked.

“Don’t ask,” Jess said. “Let’s just go find the Wandering Witch.”


It took the better part of the day to find her. During that time, both Tiana and Jess had been positively overheated in the back of Alex’s car, rugged up to hide their extremities along with the warmth of new milk coming in. Tiana mooed whenever she became agitated, and both of them had struck up another great hunger, though at least nothing like what had preceded their bouts of changes. Jessica had almost given up hope when Alex took the car down to the old picnic spot under the Wayman bridge on a whim, and lo and behold there was the Wandering Witch’s wagon, covered in trinkets and all sorts of odd sorts and ends. It was closed up, which made sense given that the sun had gone down and the area was empty.

Jess and Tiana got out of the car, desperate for fresh air and freedom. Tiana still remained rugged up, but Jess tore at her clothes, removing her boots and hat and glasses and scarf until she wore nothing else but an oversized maternity nightie over her bras and a thick pair of panties, over which her udder sat. Her tail protruded behind her, and she massaged it where it had developed kinks from the long ride. Derek helped her, which made her blush. He simply smiled, ever the gentleman. Perhaps there was light at the end of the tunnel.

“Reckon she’s home?” Derek asked. Tiana rolled her eyes and rapped her knuckles loudly against the side of the caravan, yelling “wake up witch bitch! We need you to magic us ASAP!”

Alex covered her forehead. The witch had seemed pretty chill, but there was no denying now that the magic was real, and she was capable of using it. So why piss her off Tiana? Is this your cow-brain acting out? Tiana banged on the door a few more times before the hatch opened up on the side of the van and rolled outwards to become a sales window. A very tired-looking woman in a bathrobe put her head out the side, eyes barely open.

“See. The. Sign,” she said, and pointed down to a painted notice that said;


9AM to 5PM Weekdays

10AM to 2PM Saturdays’

“It’s the middle of the darn night, folks,” she continued, “come back tomorrow without saying another word and I may just take your business.”

“I’m sorry Wandering Witch, um, Tila, but this is an emergency,” Alex called. She stepped forward from the darkness of the underpass. “I bought a potion from you the other day – “

“See the other sign dear.”


“We aren’t looking for refunds. We’re looking for something to correct a mistake. I used the potion you gave me, the one about making everyone see Tiana as the cow she is. And well, we wouldn’t be coming to you now if it wasn’t serious. I did something wrong.”

The Wandering Witch seemed to finally achieve a modicum of wakefulness, enough to notice her rude knocker at her door for the first time. She reached a long olive arm out and quickly grabbed Tiana by the snout, wrenching the former cheerleader’s face right, then left, inspecting the doleful eyes and developing horns. She smirked at the enormous bosom the girl had grown, and the small tuft of a tail that seemed to be growing without her knowledge.

“Seems to be working to me, though I’m guessing she didn’t drink much huh?”

“Turn us back bitch!” Tiana yelled, but was quickly muffled by Alex.

“Ignore her, please. She’s just angry that – “

“That you turned her into a human-cow using one of my potions bought expressly for that purpose?”

Alex grinned sheepishly. “Well, yeah. But that’s not the emergency.”

Tila yawned into her hand. “Please kid - Alex wasn’t it? Yeah. Please listen kid, I like you. You were polite when we met and it seemed you were in the right judging from your rival’s disposition here. But I really oughta be sleeping. So either hurry up and get down to it or at least wait till morning. I don’t want to set a precedent here.”

Jessica had spent the minutes of arguing quietly daunted by this strange figure. She wasn’t like the witch she had built up in her head. On the contrary, she just seemed grumpy at losing her sleep. She removed herself from Derek’s arm, which she only just realised had been around her furry shoulders, and stepped forward, her hooves digging slightly in the earth and leaving cloven hoofprints behind her. Her udder and breasts and even bottom jiggled, and the squirming within her belly reached new heights as she approached the magical aura of the woman. Instinctively, and without knowing why, she cradled an arm around her stretched belly, rubbing it slightly as she approached.

I’m the emergency,” she declared, revealing her tremendous mounds. Her long ropey tail wagged behind her.

The sleep evaporated from the Wandering Witch’s eyes, and she shut the window. For a moment they thought she had left, but she quickly burst out of the caravan door in thick woollen slippers, hair in a tangle. She swept past a protesting Tiana and stood before Jessica, looking her up and down and circling round her like she was some lab experiment gone wrong. Which I basically am, she thought, as her tail flicked out of the Wandering Witch’s hand.
“Amazing,” the witch said, squishing one of Jess’ breasts in her hand, its flesh spilling over it.

“Oof,” Jess complained, and again when the witch pulled at one of her udder’s teats, causing a stream of milk to pour out onto the ground. It wasn’t as sensual as when Derek had done it, but it was a release nonetheless. “Oooh.”

The witch grabbed one of her horns and yanked it closer for inspection.

“Ow! Hey, that hurts.”

“Remarkable. The potion was powered by the feelings of the user; the greater the emotion, the greater the depth of change. It seems your bully there, I forget her name, had a great deal of emotion aimed at her, given how much she has changed from so little. But you, my word, Alex must hold a great deal of feeling towards you for such a change to occur. I didn’t even plan for fur! My dear, you look simply marvellous! A triumph of art!”

Jess grew irritated, and folded her arms into the fleshy space between her two rows of breasts. She was aware of a great squirming within. More milk? More changes? Oh god please no.

“I don’t feel marvelous. I feel like a freak. How can I even go back to school like this? What will my parents think? I need to be human again.”

“Hmm, I suppose so. Look, I’m feeling generous tonight. I want my sleep, but with the exception of the bully over there, you all seem like nice people, so I’m not going to just magic you into rats to make that happen. I’ll tell you what, two hundred fifty bucks.”

“Two-fifty bucks?” screeched Tiana.

“Done,” Jess said. She thrust forward a furry hand with its three thick digits and shook the witch’s own, human version. I can’t believe it. All this worrying, all this fear. It’s going to be okay!

“Card payment is out though,” the woman said, “so it’ll need to be cash.”

The two that were still human rifled through their wallets and came up with only 15 dollars.

“There’s an ATM down the street down west,” the witch said. She began regarding her fingernails, as if that was all that needed saying.

“We’ll be back soon,” Derek said, taking Jess’ hand. For just a moment he seemed to linger.

“Ah, to hell with it,” he said. He stepped forward, clasped the back of her neck with his hands, and kissed her. She could have melted into his arms right there, but he was off with Alex in moments. Jess watched the car go, a smile on her lips, her cheeks flushed and heart racing. She was going to be human again, and Derek was waiting for her!

“Freak,” Tiana said, sneering. “Always knew he was weird. I – ohhh! Mwaaahh!”

She doubled over, cradling her stomach. Come to think of it, Jess thought, her stomach is slightly domed, like mine.

The witch seemed to notice it too, drawing closer. “Is your stomach okay? Are you hungry?”

“I’m fine,” Tiana said. “My stomach just lurches occasionally.”

Tila stepped forward, placed out the palm of her hand. “May I?”

Tiana looked briefly irritated, but nodded with consent, folding her arms over her tremendous bosom and looking away while the witch pressed her open hand over the part of her stomach not covered over by her breasts.

Something shifted in Jess, and she grimaced, lurching forward with the motion of all her mammaries and mounds. Her tail stretched out behind her to compensate, and for the first time she was truly appreciative of this addition to her physiology; it acted as a counterweight, alongside her enlarged bottom, to all the weight that was now in front of her. Not enough to avoid the aches in her shoulders and back, but it lessened them. Still, the witch seemed to see something in her struggle. She turned to Jess. “And you, may I feel?”

“Umm, sure.”

The witch’s hand was soft against her fur, welcome almost. Again, her stomach shifted, its contents squirming uncomfortably from within. Jess clenched her teeth. It occurred to her that her domed belly was a more unusual development than the others in some ways; it didn’t follow her newfound bovine nature. The witch seemed to sense this.

“Oh my,” she said. That was enough to put the fear in Jess.

“What? What is it?”

“It may be nothing. Or, it may be everything. We shall see. I can see your friends returning.”

It dawned on Jessica what the witch might have been feeling for. It would explain several other things too; her domed belly, the nausea, the squirming within, that night with Derek. She cringed; it even explained the intense amount of milk production her breasts and udder were producing, even right at this moment. It was a terrifying thought, and one she brushed quickly aside. She couldn’t entertain it now, not when she was so close to being human again.

Derek and Alex emerged from the car with the money and practically sprinted over to Tila, the witch. Alex thrust forward the note, alongside several others given as an earnest bribe to do all she could. She pushed those away.

“I’ve named my price, now we shall see if I retain even that.”

“Thank you,” Alex said, “please, just bring my Jess back.”

“How do we get her back to human form?” Derek asked.

“And me!”

“And Tiana too.”

The witch gave a soft smile. “You will not have to do anything. Just stand back outside the circle I create here. Stepping inside may get . . . complicated. I discovered that with an unreasonable patron last year who came to overturn another’s spell that made her devoted to a man she couldn’t stand.  Now there’s five of her, all linked in mind, though at least they are free. So don’t get any closer.”

She reached into her bathrobe and removed a large vial. She uncorked it, and walked slowly around in a circle, around Jess and Tiana, her own feet on the outside, sprinkling the contents on the earth beneath their feet. Once the circle was complete, she stepped further back.

“Just a moment,” she said, and she stepped back into her caravan. Alex took this time to approach Jess, making sure to keep the line of the circle between them.

“It won’t be long now Jess till you’re you again. I’m so, so sorry for everything I’ve done.” She glanced to make sure Tiana wasn’t listening. “At least to you. I didn’t mean for this to happen, but I’ll do everything I can, even if it takes me my whole life, to make it up to you.”

Jess’ tail instinctively curled around the waist of her best friend, and her friend didn’t fight it. “Alex, whatever happens next, I want you to know that I forgive you. You’ll always be my best friend.”

They both fought the urge to cuddle. Jess turned to Derek, who was waiting in the sidelines. “Derek, I just wanted to thank you too. Even now, when I’m . . . this, you make me feel wanted.”

Derek smiled. “You’re one of a kind, Jess.”

The cowgirl looked down at her pairs of engorged mammaries, her white and black Holstein fur covering them with the exception of the fat, throbbing nipples. Her udder pulsated between her legs, hot and full. Her hooves dug into the earth, and her horns protruded, unseen and unfelt but known at all times, above her forehead.

“Well,” she chuckled, “you certainly aren’t wrong there.” She drew serious. “I’m a bit worried about something actually. I only just realised it may be a possibility while you guys were gone. Maybe I was in denial, I don’t know. But it might make this go badly.”

Alex nearly stepped forward over the line, but hesitated. Worry was all over her face. “What is it Jess?” she asked.

Derek looked just forlorn. It was him she turned to. “Derek, there’s something you should know. That night, when we . . . together. I know it’s crazy, but I may be – ”

She was cut off by the return of the Wandering Witch, and all attention turned to the woman as she descended down towards the mystic circle, a fresh potion in her hands. Alex recognised it as the same looking liquid and container as the cow spell she had taken. Tila placed the potion just before the circle line, along with several other odds and ends she’d plucked from within her living space. Then she called for absolute silence.

She began to chant, but not in any language that Alex or Jess or anyone else could recognise. It was alien and ancient, the clipped words seeming beyond the tongue of any mere mortal, the guttural harshness of it seeming to emanate not just from the witch but all around them as her voice echoed across the underpass. A chorus of ethereal refrains joined hers as lit two candles, and burned upon them two small wax figures in the broad shape of human beings. Then, she drew her hands around the potion and held it upwards towards the sky, her voice growing ever higher, far greater than could seem possible, the ghostly echoes of her voice trembling through the air. There was an energy around all of them, they could feel it. Alex nearly screamed at the sight of a transparent figure floating at the edge of her peripherals. From the looks on the others’ eyes it seems they’d also seen it, and many others. Tila’s pitch grew and grew, until finally a great electric light seemed to envelop the circle, blinding all those outside of it to what was happening within. Shapes changed, dark shadows swirled within, and the witch’s eyes lit up bright and electric blue, as if communing with the other side. The hum increased until it seemed nearly to burst their eardrums. Then, as if it had never happened at all, it fell away, the brightness ceasing without any transition. Smoke burned at the edges of the circle, enough to obscure the changes within. Those moments seemed to Alex to be the longest in her life. The smoke cleared, and she could have cried.

The figures within had not changed one bit.

Jess was crestfallen, and yet beyond her misery there was almost a resignation. She suspected she would have felt even worse if the witch had not made her cryptic comments on her condition. Her young squirmed within her enlarged womb as if on cue. She winced, wondering how she had ever managed to ignore all the signs even in all the insanity.

So that’s it, she thought to herself, I’m a cowgirl for life. Stuck producing milk for the rest of my days. And that will be a lot of milk. She patted her udder, felt the warm milk sloshing around within her. This is me now.

She was brought out of her own daze by Tiana screaming and mooing.

“Mwaaaah! Mwaah! Why didn’t I change? Why the fuck didn’t I change? Mwaaaooooohh! Mooo! I want to be human. I’ve got a life!”

Derek looked aghast. He looked to the Wandering Witch for an explanation. “What happened? Why didn’t they change back?”

Tila, to her credit, seemed appropriately disappointed as well. She gave a warm smile and approached the group, picking up the potion along the way. Alex hugged Jess tight, whispering apology after apology. Jess just felt as if she were still in a dream.

“The reversion spell doesn’t work under several conditions,” the witch explained, holding up the potion formula, “one of which occurs if the spell or potion it’s trying to reverse is locked. A locked spell can’t be undone, no matter what.”

“Please don’t tell me that’s the case here,” Alex whimpered.

“I had my suspicions before,” the witch said, “but I didn’t want to say anything just in case. Here is your money back Alex, I only take money for when my magic works.” She passed the notes back into the girl’s shaking hand. “A curse or spell can become locked by several ways; if it meets certain conditions, if too much time elapses, if the spell has rules and the subject breaks them, if there’s already been a failed reversion. But the real biggie is that magic can’t end a life.”

“But it didn’t!” Tiana whined, grabbing her enormous breasts in her hands and gesturing to her very-much-alive status. “We’re still here.”

The witch sighed. “Both of you, you have my condolences, and my congratulations. My condolences for being stuck like you are for the rest of your lives. And my congratulations . . . for being with child. Both of you.”

Tiana gasped, clutching her stomach. Jess just rubbed hers.

“Pregnant,” Alex whispered, “with what? With whose?”

“With mine,” Derek said. “It is, isn’t it?”

Jess turned, her large breasts bobbing in their bras and tail swishing behind her. Her udder was gurgling again, leaking droplets of her prodigious dairy onto the ground. She nodded slowly, tears slipping down her cheeks. “I didn’t know until a moment ago, before we tried to change back. Even then I wasn’t sure.”

Derek stepped forward hesitantly, reaching out a hand. He placed it beneath his would-be girlfriend’s second pair of breasts, caressing her swollen stomach gently, feeling the silky smoothness of her fur. “I’ll support you Jess, no matter what.”

Tiana cried in the background, and even Alex felt sorry for her in that instant. The former alpha bitch’s dreams of a future were doomed; she was now a freak for life. Even her tail had come out of hiding, though it was less developed than Jessica’s.

“This is me now Alex,” Jess said, her voice flat, “this is what I’m going to be for the rest of my life. A furry lactating cow woman with a cow kid.”

For a moment Alex just stood there, trying to comfort her comfortless friend. Then it hit her. It was grand, it was stupid, it was pointles. And yet it would be everything. She shied away from the thought immediately. It was ridiculous to even consider. But then she took a look at her bloated, bovine friend, and her swelling stomach.

The thought swung back.

“Ah, fuck it,” she said. She swiped the potion from the Wandering Witch’s hand, to the magic woman’s shock. “Besties forever, right?”

“Wait, Alex no!” Jess called.

But there was no time to do anything else, because right at that moment, her friend downed the entire formula in one great daring gulp, before dropping the vial. The rest of the group gaped at her, but Alex just gave a manic smile.

“Let’s both be cowgirls, then,” she said.

To Be Concluded . . .


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