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Alex is an ordinary university student who wishes to expose the alpha-bitch on campus for the 'cow' she really is. She visits Tila the Wandering Witch to make this happen, but developements - bovine and otherwise - begin to spiral rapidly out of control.

Bessica, Part 3:

“Yes, oooooh . . . . yessss,” Jessica moaned, “no, don’t stop . . . uurrgh . . . right there. Oh god yes! Right there!”

Derek continued to pound into her, his large member sliding out of her completely just in time to push its girth all the way back in again and again. She lay under him, her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms held against the bed by his. Her large, D-cup breasts bounced up towards her chin and back, wobbling with an almost sensual force, a slight pain accompanying their movements that somehow increased her sexual joy. Her new body was amazing; her skin sensitive to every caress, her nipples sending jolts of pleasure every time Derek ran his fingers over them or sucked upon them. She moved her hips in motion to his, the pleasure growing more and more as he entered her again and again, until finally she could take no more and burst out in a cry. He came with her, shooting his hot seed deep within her until she almost felt as if she was filled up. They lack back together gasping, her boobs trembling with her breath, Derek gasping with sexual release. Without even thinking she crossed her legs and scooched her hips up, trapping any sperm from escaping. She couldn’t think why she did that, she was on birth control after all. It was only that it seemed the right thing to do.

“That . . . ooooohh . . . uuuhhh,” she moaned, the last ripples of orgasm shimmering over her, “that, mmmhm, was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

It was true. This body was built for sex. She hadn’t often gotten laid in the past, not with her plain looks, but there had been boys still willing enough to give her a ride. Those sessions had been uneventful, barely enjoyable, a bored ritual or awkward thrusting with barely a thought to her pleasure, and her own self barely wet before an overeager and very dry hump began. This . . . this had been transcendent, the kind of sex that only existed in the movies.

“S-same,” Derek managed to reply. For all his wit and cool, he seemed as if he had entered his own personal nirvana as well, his hand brushing through her hair lazily. “Wow, Jess, I can barely believe you’re the same person you were a couple of weeks ago. I know it’s you . . . but wow. You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this.”

In that moment she realised she was out of his league. There was a joy in that, a calm knowledge that she had an allure that could drive men wild. It had always been a secret fantasy of hers. She’d never been that anxious over her looks before, but she’d never loved them either. They were a fact of life, something as unchangeable as gravity. Yet here she was now, revelling in what must be a late hormonal spurt, her body catching up after years of schoolgirl taunts and schoolboy smirks. She noticed Derek's wandering eye, above her scalp.

“Your hair, it’s got a skunk stripe through it,” Derek said.

“Huh? What’s that?” Even my voice has changed. It’s still the same me, it just sounds so . . . sensual? Feminine? It was certainly a bit more into the soprano range.

“I said that your hair has a skunk stripe through it. It’s dark all over except on your left, where it’s white.”

She paused at that, and remembered that early morning when she had first noticed it. Could it have gotten bigger?

“Hmm, I didn’t notice this while we were . . . you know . . . but you’ve got two points here. He pressed down on the two points below her breasts where slight bumps were protruding, just smaller than nipples in size.

“Mosquito bites,” she hurriedly said.

“Ah, I was wondering what they were. Oddly symmetrical.”

“I suppose.”

He leaned forward and kissed her passionately. “Sorry, Jess, I won’t focus on that. My mind’s kind of rambling after that mindblowing sex you just gave me. Consider it a compliment.”

Her stomach rumbled, loud enough for both of them to hear.

He smirked. “Hungry?”

A deep emptiness had opened up within her. She nodded hastily. “Famished. Do you have anything to eat?”

Minutes later they were cracking open his pantry at her egging, her robed in a woman’s bathrobe that she suspected he kept at his place purely for the occasional female guest. It was a gesture much appreciated, and she caught his wandering eye more than once checking down the deep cleavage that was bundled up within it. Her stomach ached with the pangs of hunger, the deep rumbling continuing in a comedic fashion that set Derek chuckling.

“Wow, have you eaten at all today? There’s no way you suddenly got that figure by not eating, right? I mean, you were a stick before!”

“Ughhh, sorry,” she moaned, clutching her belly. This was worse than in the morning, or in the previous nights. “I don’t know what’s come over me, but I’m starving.”

“Well, I haven’t got much,” he said, indicating to the pantry, “but you’re welcome to what’s there, especially after what I must repeat was mind-blowing sex.”

She practically pushed past him to take up his offer. He was right, there wasn’t much here, but given the pains of her stomach she didn’t much care. She tore open a stick of butter and began chewing down on it, much to Derek’s horror. She opened a bag of chips and stuffed them down her face, emptied a bucket of ice cream. She turned her attention to biscuits, dry noodles, bread, milk, eggs, cereal and fruits and salads. One by one she devoured them in a zombie-like fashion, with no greater thought or judgement beyond filling the black pit in her stomach that seemed incapable of being pleased. Finally, when the pantry was nearly entirely empty of food, the hunger pains faded, and a sense of fullness washed over her. Derek simply stood back, amazed at her eating-fest and how much she had devoured in scant minutes.

“Woah,” he said, “that was crazy. I’ve never seen anyone eat like that in my life.”

Her cheeks flushed red. Oh my God, what’s happening to me?

The thought was eclipsed as soon as it came into being; she was becoming hungry again, only not for food anymore. She pressed her body against his, felt her large chest squished against his muscular one, and felt down for his member, running her fingers down its length. God, how she wanted him! How she needed him in her! It was as if nothing else mattered but ending the emptiness between her legs and within her, in getting him in her.

“Ready for round two?” she asked, “because I need you in me. I need you to cum in me, baby.”

She felt his dick rise to attention in her grip, and she smiled. Tonight was going to be a good night.

It was also to be her last night as a human.


In the darkness together they lay, her perfectly content in his arms. That was, until a slow pressure began across her figure. Jessica ignored it, continuing to snuggle him. But the pressure still mounted, an ache setting into her breasts, and into the top of her forehead. Twinges of pain accompanied the mosquito bites below her nipples, and the skin that had become slightly reddish above her crotch was beginning to itch like a rash. To make matters worse, her body heat was increasing, her skin getting flushed, as if her hormones were suddenly going wild. Jessica didn’t know it, but her brief period as a busty supermodel was about to be over. Her period of heat had ended after her several couplings with Derek, and now the magic in her body turned to further changing her genetic structure to become more bovine. Finally it was too much to bear, and she got up slowly from the bed, breathing heavily, and made her way to the bathroom downstairs.

“Eeeuuuurrrggh,” she moaned as the pressure increased. She turned on the light, shut the door, and looked at her perfect reflection. No, not perfect anymore: her skin was flushed, her chest soaked in a fine sheen of sweat. She cringed at a pulsing, pushing sensation within her.

What is happening to me?

It increased, causing her to cringe and clutch her waist, tensing for several long seconds. Finally, when it seemed she could take no more pressure from within, the changes began. She watched in horror as the twin bites beneath her breasts began to push outwards, the skin rising into two erect points that looked more and more like a second set of nipples. The flesh behind them pushed outwards, heaving, rising.

“Uuuggghhh - What the fuck? Nnnggghhn . . .” she gasped.

She pressed her hand firm against the flesh, but still it expanded, pressing against them. Pain erupted from the tip of her forehead as the skin broke, and the rash above her crotch began to redden further, the skin becoming mottled and pressing outwards slightly, four points in particular becoming noticeable.

“Nnnn-oh-nnoooo!” she moaned, but the pressure was too much. It was slightly painful, but also almost arousing, and her body became flushed and coated in sweat. The pressure peaked, and Jessica strained, her eyes clenched shut and muscles taut. “Nnngggghnnnnn! Eeuuunngghnn . . .”

Her breasts heaved up towards her chin, pressure mounting within, almost as if they were being filled with something.  She groaned, massaged them, cupped them. Her nipples were painfully erect.

And then, just as fast as it had come, the pressure ebbed away, slowly coiling out of her. She relaxed, still huffing and puffing in response to whatever it was that had come over her, and opened her eyes. And covered her mouth before she could scream.

There, below her generous chest that was now approximately a Double-D cup – if not an E-cup - sat a second pair of breasts. Small, A-cups at most, but unmistakably breasts, with nipples and all. She brushed her hand across her lower-left breast and felt the nipple harden in response to her touch. They were sensitive. They were real. How could they be real? People didn’t just grow extra breasts! She flung her hands to her head in frustration and fear, and yelped at the pain as they hit something solid and a little sharp. She searched for what they were, and began to cry as she saw them in the mirror as well. Two small white horns were protruding from the top of her forehead, only a couple of centimetres long for the moment, but real and solid. She touched them, tried to pull them off, but she only succeeded in hurting the still-sensitive skin that had ruptured to make room for them. They must’ve been attached to her skull. Her mind raced to think what might have caused this. Was it some genetic disorder? A random mutation? Did she eat something she wasn’t supposed to? She couldn’t think of anything to explain this, except that it was happening to her. She was a freak. A four-breasted, horned freak.

She reached for the bathrobe that Derek had let her wear, covered herself up and combed her nascent horns over with her hair, hair that was even more dark than it had been before. It was bordering on black, except for on her left side where a wide streak that made up about a quarter of her hair was now pure snow white. It was a development that scared her. The extra breasts, the horns, and now the black and white hair; it brought to mind the image of a dairy cow out in a field somewhere. She prayed that her bodily changes had ended, but was too scared to be confident on that. She didn’t even want to think about what the mottled, reddish skin above her crotch might become.

“Jess? Are you alright?” She nearly jumped. It was Derek, naked and standing at the entrance of the bathroom. “I heard something moaning? Are you alright?”

“Fine,” she muttered, pulling the bathrobe further round her body. He obviously hadn’t seen her changed appearance, and she had no desire for him to find out.

“You don’t look fine, you look sick in fact,” he said. “My God, Jess, you’re sweating up a storm, and your skin’s all flushed. You really shouldn’t have eaten that much.”

“Yeah,” she said. She needed to get out. Find Alex. Alex would know what to do. “You’re right. I need to go. I’m heading home now.”

He reached out and grabbed her arm as she passed, and she recoiled at his touch. “Wait, wait, you mean right now? Why don’t you stay? I’ve got some painkillers and stomach pills in the cabinet. I’ll lay you out in the bed and get you some water.”

“No thanks,” she said, pulling away, “I’ll just head home.”

She made her way to his front door.

“Well, at least let me drop you home.”

“N-No! I’ll walk. Need the fresh air.”

“It’s three in the morning Jess! And you haven’t even got your clothes.”

“I’ll come back for them!” she called as she stepped outside. “I’ll bring you your bathroom. Thanks for the sex!”

She took off into the night, tears building in her eyes as she clung the bathrobe tight. Her bosom wobbled and trembled with every step, pulling painfully at her shoulders. Worse, she could feel her low pair of breasts, small as they were, jiggling slightly as well. She continued to press at her hair, checking it over and over again to make sure the horns were covered, until she made it back to her place off-campus. There she fell onto the bed, her hands pressed against her second chest, and fell quickly to sleep, hoping it was all just a dream.


She dreamt that night. It was a good dream. In it, she was as drop-dead gorgeous as she’d ever been, able to have any man – or woman – that she could want. She partied all night, and was the envy of all her friends, even Alex, who was the average one now in their pairing. Finally, she dreamt she had slept again with Derek, only instead of her body changing the way it had, she had become pregnant with his child. Her stomach had grown slowly, their child developing within, and finally she had given birth, and wept with joy at the beautiful human child they had created together.

She woke up full of nausea, and barely made it to the toilet bowl before she threw up. She knelt there, emptying the contents of her stomach into the bowl, a faint feeling washing over her and dispersing while she clutched her belly.

“Euuurgghh,” she moaned, her hand rising higher, until it stopped on an unnatural bulge. She leaned back and bit her lip, nearly ready to cry. So it hadn’t been a dream. The changes had really happened. She was a four-breasted, horned freak. She kneaded her aching new breasts, trying to rub their soreness away, and moaned at the sensations before recoiling. What was she doing? She wouldn’t acknowledge these – these things! She had to get Alex. Alex would know what to do. Jessica tried calling her to no response, and left a text message and a recording. As she waited, her stomach began to grumble, but she was adamant she would ignore its calling and prevent any more changes.

But still her stomach grumbled and began to ache, the emptiness of it pulling at her and straining her patience. Finally, after an hour, she gave in, reasoning that she had to eat sometime, and could just have a couple of slices of toast. Maybe three slices. Four, to make it an even figure.

However, to her horror and excitement, once she began she couldn’t stop herself. She was positively ravenous, even worse than before, devouring anything that could be edible, from butter to cake mix to lemon rinds. She stuffed her face, filling the void that only seemed to grow within her as she ate, until when she was sweaty and puffing and exhausted and so goddamn full she finally collapsed on her couch, wincing as she breathed. She felt like if she ate a single bite more she might explode. Jessica clenched her eyes shut, straining at the sheer fullness of how she felt, at the increasingly tender sensation of her breasts – all four of them – and the points about her forehead. She laid there, massaging away the pressure in her breasts and at the skin below her belly button. Even a point at the top of her buttocks was aching, a tender pain beginning to sprout.

Worse, the feeling of fullness and pressure didn’t go away this time, it only diminished. When she sat up after what seemed like another full hour, her whole body still felt pressurised, just as it had before her last two changes. But nothing occurred, and somehow the waiting and uncertainty made it all the worse. She checked her phone and saw that she had a number of messages from Alex:

‘R U OK?’

‘Everything alright hun?’

‘On campus atm. Come see me at lunch by the gym?’

Jessica checked her watch. It was 11:45 now. Shit. She needed to meet Jess before – heaven forbid – another change started. She quickly rinsed her body in the shower and wiped away the rivers of sweat, and then put on a heavy woollen sweater to cover her new developments, and a hat to hide her horns. She was out the door, glancing left and right, checking for anyone suspecting her changes, and made her way to the spot outside the gymnasium where she and Alex often hung out. All the way, her new developments jiggled, reminding her of what she’d become.


The pressure had increased slightly by the time Jessica reached the side of the gym. She was flushed and sweaty again. The magical changes on her body had altered her DNA significantly, but the outward, more obvious changes were already beginning. These were intensified by a new development within her body following her tryst with Derek, one that was not magical, but was accommodated by the Wandering Witch’s magic and increased the speed of its effects. A human birth control pill, after all, was only designed to work on humans.

“Jesus, Jessica, you look terrible,” Alex said as she approached.

Please don’t let her be able to see my extra . . . breasts through this sweater, not yet, Jessica thought.

“Alex, I’ve been – oh! – going through some changes . . . recently,” she said. The pressure within her was starting to build. She prayed it wasn’t another round of changes coming. Unconsciously she pressed a hand down to her lower left breast and began to massage it, stimulating further growth.

“I’ll say,” Alex replied, checking her over. Alex was actually starting to feel a little jealous of her figure, though her concern shone through more. “Are you sure you aren’t overdoing it?”

Her stomach grumbled, the pressure increasing, pulsating deep within her. A line of sweat dribbled down her forehead. “Nnnggnn, you . . . you have no idea Alex. C-can we go somewhere private?”

Alex cocked her head to one side. “Umm, sure, I guess. This isn’t private enough?”

The pressure grew. “Nnngh, no. No, it’s not.”

“Well, where do you suggest?”

The pressure subsided for a moment, giving Jessica some time to think. “My place. My room. I – I don’t think I feel comfortable showing you anywhere else.”



“Well, I’ve got my Ethics lecture in fifteen minutes, do you mind if I come over once the day is done? Is it an emergency?”

Jessica was just about to say yes, that this was in fact the biggest emergency of her life. But she wanted Alex to be level-headed when she saw her, to have no distractions and be able to assess things clearly. It was almost funny, really. Jessica had always been the strong one, the shoulder for Alex to cry on, the one who put up a front of not giving a shit what anyone thought. Now it was she who needed help, a shoulder to cry on, someone to tell them what to do in a crisis like this. Her lower breasts twinged, the skin below her belly button becoming more and more itchy. She cringed against the feelings, against the soreness where her . . . horns were located.

“Okay,” she breathed, concentrating on pushing the alien sensations away. “Tonight, then.”

“Tonight,” affirmed Alex. “By the way, I heard you and Derek went out last night?”

“Oh, ah, yeah.”

“Nice land, girl. Was he good?”

The memories of last night came to her; the sheer pleasure of him within her, followed by the immense hunger she felt. She was like a creature possessed, her body craving him, needing him. What had come over her?

“Yeah,” she said, “he was good. It was . . . good.”

Alex frowned. “Well, we don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to.”

The two continued chatting about things that were completely off-topic, and that Jessica had little current interest in. All the time the pressure increased, then decreased, her arousal growing and fading as the strange feelings washed over her. She had eaten again this morning, and was afraid her changes were not over.


She had just enough time to pick up a couple of sets of new bras at the lingerie store on the way home. She had spent far too much, but quickly found a snug fit for her Double-Ds, and grabbed several larger sizes in case her bustline became further endowed. She had nearly finished her walk home when the pressure became unbearable and a pulsing feeling began to crawl over and behind her skin. Worse, she was beginning to feel nauseous again. She took up speed, running.

“Ow, ow, ow!”

Her large breasts slapped against her, bouncing in a bra which was failing to contain them. Worse, they were pushing down on her lower breasts, which were still smaller, but incredibly sensitive and sore. She abandoned any sense of dignity and held her large upper breasts in her palms to reduce the pain as she ran. They filled her hands, overflowing them, and she cooed at the arousing sensation her touch brought about, her enlarged nipples pushing outwards. She could feel her other pair of nipples doing the same.

“Nice hooters!” a catcaller shouted from a passing car. “If I had a rack like that I’d never stop touching them babe!”

She hurried ahead, ignoring him. Her nausea rose, and she pushed in through the front of her home and was on her knees in seconds, throwing up again into the toilet. She doubled over as soon as she had rinsed her mouth, the pressure and arousal increasing to a tipping point once again.

“N-nooo,” she panted, “not again – nnngghhhnn!”

But despite her greatest wishes, the changes began to sweep over her.  She stared, looking horrified in the mirror, bent slightly over the sink as her breasts began to bulge further outwards, that same liquid sensation pooling within them. She struggled with her sweater and pulled it off, and after a moment’s indecision, took off her track pants too, so that all that remained was her struggling bra and panties. Sweat pooled on her forehead and she grit her teeth, planting her hands firmly over her breasts to halt their advance. But it was all too much, and a jolt of quivering pleasure and pain ran through her, causing her to arc her back in response. Her bra snapped open and her enlarged breasts wobbled out.

They’re so . . . so big. And they’re still growing!

Her nipples were painfully erect, all four of them. As she arched her back she could feel the lower pair growing in response to the upper ones, growing, growing, and for just a merest moment she found herself wishing them to do so, desiring them to grow as big as the upper pair so at least they would not be so cramped and squashed beneath her upper ones.

The twinges of pain in her forehead increased, and she pulled back her hair that was now thick with sweat.  She clenched her eyes as the horns at the top of her forehead pushed further and further outwards, the skin around them breaking and pushing slightly upwards.

“OOohhhhhh . . . uuuhggggghhnnngghgh.” She moaned at the changes, her hands caressing every part of her body. An intense pressure took up residence in her belly and began to push lightly outwards. Something pushed out from above her bottom, something hard and bony. The rash in her pubic area continued to swell, the four little spots on it pushing outwards further, straining forwards as the rest of the skin began to bulge downwards. The feelings were overwhelming, far more powerful than her initial sweep of changes at Derek’s. Even her toes were changing somehow, the feeling inside of them deadening and their composition changing. She strained to see what was happening down there, but her bosoms had become far too tremendous, wriggling with every movement and taking up most of her view downwards.

“Mmmmnnnnhhh – why i-is this h-happening to meee-nnngghhhhh!”

The pressure reached its peak, and she orgasmed with it, her nipples straining and releasing spurts of white substance at the mirror. “Oh, oh, ah, ah yesss!” she called, “YESSSSS,” and for just a moment she welcomed the changes, until she realised what she was doing and bit her lip in frustration.

The pleasure and pressure and twinges of pain cascaded over her in waves, and she could feel her skin still pulling and stretching in certain places, her bones shifting slightly, small tufts of coarse growths pushing out of her skin. She panted and panted, collapsing onto the floor and breathing heavily, her enormous pairs of tits bobbing with her breaths. They were so much bigger now, so much fuller and heavier. Heat radiated from them, and it hit her that she had actually lactated from all four of breasts. She reached a finger down, shivered when it came into contact with a nipple, and pulled.

“Uuuhhh,” she moaned as she felt an instant squirt of release from her upper-left breast. A quick test of the remaining three showed this was no fluke; her two pairs of tits were producing milk, and fairly large qualities too. She felt like she was going to vomit. For a long time she simply crouched by the sink, not daring to stand up and see her new form in the mirror. What new changes would there be? Had her horns gotten bigger? After the horror of her lactation, and experience that had been as relieving and arousing as it was repulsive, she didn’t dare touch any other part of her, for fear of what she might discover. But over a number of minutes, her curiosity became too much to bear, and her hesitations melted away. She stood slowly, faced the mirror, and opened her eyes. And gasped.

So much about her had changed that she wondered if she was even human any more. Her horns had thrust up out of her hair, out of hiding, bone-white and sleek, curving slightly inwards to be about two inches above her skull. Her breasts were enormous, her top pair at least triple-Ds in size, jiggling with the slightest movement, and the lower ones catching up, a busty C-cup at least. She lifted up one of her upper breasts and felt it fill her palm. The lower breasts were still pressed on from above, sore beneath the weight, but they had come out of hiding, and no shirt would obscure the odd second set of lumps she’d developed. But worst of all was the skin above her pubic area, which was no longer a mottled red-pink, but had bulged outwards and sagged slightly lower, four teats clearly visible, about an inch each in length.

“An udder!?” she cried, “I’m growing a fucking udder?”

She pressed into it with a finger, and immediately winced at its soreness. It pulsated, the skin less sensitive than other areas for now, but a pressure throbbed from within it. She knew it must still be growing. How big would it get? How much worse would it all get? The toes of her feet had gone hard, and her big toe and the one next to it appeared to have fused. Her ears were also spotted with white hairs at their tips, and looking longer and flabbier than they used to be.

For now she could hide it. Hide it all. Wear a hat, wear a thick jacket, stuff her . . . udder, in her pants. She could at least pretend to be human, even if she could tell from looking that she had put on body mass. She wasn’t fat, not anywhere near it, but her curves were rounder, her buttocks larger, her waist thicker, though she still retained an hourglass figure.

Yes, this is salvageable. I can manage this.

That thought extinguished as soon as she twisted around, and nearly retched at what she saw growing out from the base of her spine. It was small for what it was obviously becoming, short enough to maybe hide, at only two or three inches long. But it was there nonetheless. A tube of flesh protruding outwards and downwards from her spine, a light coat of white hair covering it from the base. She twisted it, and unconsciously it wiggled from side to side slightly, giving an alien and unfamiliar sensation. An udder, horns, lactating breasts and now a freakin’ tail. It was like whatever was changing her was turning her into some sicko’s idea of a literal cowgirl.

“Oh God,” Jessica managed, taking it all in. “What the hell do I do?”

To Be Continued . . .


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