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Hello everyone, a genuine thanks once again for supporting my Patreon! This is what I have on the books for July, alongside some surprises that no doubt come along the way:

Public Access:

  • The next two parts of Becoming Kalanri
  • A nice 5k TG story called The Clownfish Gene
  • A larger multi-part animal tf called Going Grey
  • An ongoing TG story called See How You Like It

Patrons Only:

  • Lake Otherlife, Parts 4 & 5
  • Bessica, Parts 3 & 4
  • Cluck's Ticking, Part 2
  • Employee of the Month, Part 2
  • An unspecified story tier prompt 
  • A new story tier prompt (once I open the slot in a few days)
  • A new ongoing story that's been commissioned - I can tell you it involves very fun TF and TG elements!
  • Four new mini-stories (one for each week)


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