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A Commissioned Story

Eric woke first, dazed but feeling wonderful. Something fantastical and marvellous had happened the previous evening, but it was all a blur of sensations and half-remembered sounds. He shifted in his bed, and in response, there came a lovely and very feminine moan to his left, followed by an equally feminine cooing sigh to his right. Eric opened his eyes, and realised that he was not alone in his bed.

On either side of the dorky male, two incredibly beautiful and busty women were pressed up against him, their soft flesh warming him, their legs wrapped around his, their impressive busts squashed against the side of his rib cage. Both smelled of sex, and he had no doubt he did too.

Holy shit, he thought to himself, those women were real? I actually had a threesome with these two hot girls?

They were indeed hot, hot beyond belief. The one to his right was caucasian, with slightly tanned skin and thick brown hair that ran down the length of her back. Her chest was warm and large, two rounded globes that rested on either side of his arm, enveloping it in cleavage. She was familiar, somehow. Something about the thick eyebrows, the defined muscle of her arms, and a faint scar on her shoulder.

The woman to his left was black, her dark skin unblemished and gorgeous, her face pixie-cute. She had frizzy dark hair that shifted and bobbed with her movement, and while she was smaller chested, her thick thighs had captured his leg, and he could see that her ass and hips were from beyond this world.

Holy shit, Eric thought again. This isn’t a dream.

He could feel himself getting hard, as the two sighing, slowly waking girls nestled ever closer to him. The blonde one groaned, lowering her hand slower until it rested on his firm member. It grew harder still. The still-unconscious woman smiled in her sleep, and began to tease it, gently.

"Ahh, oh that's nice," Eric whispered. Both women stirred a little more. The darker woman also placed her hand down there  gently cupping his balls and massaging his stem. God, it felt so damn good. They continued, both purring in self-conscious states, until finally he could not hold back any longer.

"Oh God!" he groaned as he came, the sheets and both girls' hands getting covered in his cum.

That was enough to wake them both.

"What the fuck!?"

"Huh? Where are we? Hang on, the hell!?"

Both flung back the covers, Sean especially, utterly confused at their new forms. Her large breasts wobbled, perfect pink nipples still erect from her semi-conscious arousal. Tyrone was much the same; the number two of the swim team was staring intently at his hands, then his breasts, then his rounded ass.

"What did you do nerd? Fuck, I even sound like some bitch!”

Tyrone, in the meantime, had returned to examining her hand. “Hell naww, is this jizz? The fuck?”

Both looked to Eric, who now felt very naked and very scrutinised upon his bed. It didn’t take long for his intelligent mind to make the connect: a busty brunette with a domineering attitude, and a dark skinned beauty with a toned body and vague sense of uncertainty. He was staring, impossibly, at Sean and Tyrone, now rendered as girls so fit and beautiful they could be the headline cheerleaders for the Varsity team instead of their lead sportsmen.

“Oh my God,” he said, covering himself with the sheet. “Sean? Tyrone?”

The two looked at each other, jaws dropping, then back to him.

“What,” Sean said, teeth grinding, nipples still hard and breasts jiggling as she stepped forward to poke a finger forward, “did. You. Do. To. Us.”

“Yeah man, this is trippy. Are we still on drugs? ‘Cause I won’t lie, this feels pretty weird. I’ve got tits, and an ASS. Holy hell, this thing is huge.”

“Quit looking at your fucking ass Tyrone. This kid’s just turned us into a fucking pair of bimbos. Turn us back NOW Waterboy, or I’ll pound you.”

The meaning of ‘pound’ had taken on a very different light following the previous night’s proceedings, and there was an awkward silence as each was reminded of the all-too-real pleasures they shared. Of being penetrated and sucked upon. Eric was just glad his semi-erection was hidden beneath the blanket.

“Um, I think I have a theory on what might have happened. But, um, you girls - guys! guys, sorry! - you guys should cover up.”

Sean and Tyrone looked down at themselves. The former went bright red.

“Shut your fucking eyes, waterboy.”

Eric tried not to stare too hard at the girls’ gorgeous forms, which they were thankfully covering with fabric around the room. Eric was dismayed to see a set of carefully painted miniatures crash to the ground as Sean ripped a sheet from a table. Tyrone, despite looking somewhat paler than usual and breathing heavily in agitation, made sure to clear away another set of figures before grabbing a sheet. Soon their bodies were wrapped in crude togas, though they did little to concern their fine forms. Eric was tasked with finding their proper clothing, which took some time - it had been a wild, orgy-filled acid trip. Eventually the two sat, using their togas as crude skirts and wearing their oversized tops. Neither of their pants fit anymore; Sean’s were far too big, while Tyrone’s hips were far too wide to squeeze in.

“Talk,” said Sean. “Quick. I want to know what the hell is going on.”

“Yeah,” agreed Tyrone. “This is freak as all hell. I always wondered what it was like to be a girl, but this is crazy man. This better be an accident.”

“It is,” Eric assured, now fully clothed himself. “And I can explain it. I think.”

Sean went to say something cruel to the waterboy. Even in her busty form, unfamiliar breasts bouncing in a braless top, she felt the urgent need to dominate him. To make him smaller - who was now taller than her. But as she went to speak, there was a twisting in her gut, and she doubled over.

“The hell? You okay, Sean? Kid, the fuck is happening to - AHH!”

Tyrone doubled over as well, and the two barely managed to keep on their legs as their bodies altered once more. Muscle piled onto slim arms, and their defined shoulders swelled. Bones cracked as they grew taller, leg and arm hairs sprouting, while a terrible itch in their scalps accompanied the retraction of their long, luscious hairstyles. Sean groaned, voice becoming his regular masculine tone, while Tyrone’s fell to his deeper, brass baritone. Their breasts deflated back into muscled pecs, while their asses became flatter to match their narrowed hips. Finally, both men gasped, as their manhood sprung forth from between their legs.

After just a minute or so of changing, right before Eric’s eyes stood Sean and Tyrone again, as if they had never been a pair of beautiful women at all. Both patted over their forms with excitement, whooping and high-fiving, and Sean especially seemed utterly relieved.

“Thank God, oh thank God. I’ve never been so happy to have a dick,” exclaimed Tyrone. Meanwhile, Sean marched forward to Eric, uncaring as his toga-skirt fell away. He poked a powerful finger right in Eric’s chest.

“What the fuck did you do to us, kid?”


“A gender swapping pill? You’re shitting us.”

“We just turned into women, Sean. And I’m pretty sure Eric fucked us last night.”

Sean sneered at his friend’s flippant comment. “Don’t you ever mention that gay shit to me ever again, you hear?” He turned back to Eric, who cowered a little under his gaze. “Why the fuck would you have a gender swapping pill? You steal it?”

Eric waved his arms in a placating fashion. “No, no, I would never - I . . . I invented it. I told you, I’m good with chemistry. Really good. And I have plenty of free time, plus what I inherited, so I invested in creating my own laboratory."

"That doesn't explain that level of what the fuck, Eric," Tyrone said.

Eric tried to avoid turning red. This part was embarrassing. "I wanted to see if I could make myself better. More popular. So I experimented. Tried different ways of changing myself using different pills I'd made."

Both swimmers glanced over to the nearby cabinet of pills. It was still open and, no longer high, they could read the headings on the boxes:

Muscle Growth Formula

Confidence Booster


Party Animal

“Dude,” Tyrone just said.

“Yeah, that is the saddest thing ever,” Sean said. “Pathetic, really. So, what were these frickin’ gender pills for? You planning to turn all the Varsity swim team to girls and fuck them like you did us?”

He grabbed Eric by the collar.

“N-no! Nothing like that!” His face went bright red. “I just thought . . . maybe if I could be a girl, then . . . well, maybe people would treat me better.”

Again, that silence. Sean dropped him back down and huffed, turning away in disgust. Tyrone’s gaze seemed to linger on Eric.

“Then . . . why didn’t you use ‘em?”

Eric looked forlornly at the container labelled Gender Bender on the floor.

“It didn’t work. I was going to throw them away, actually. Nothing happened when I took them. I have no idea why it worked for you guys but not me.”

Sean gave a dark chuckle. “Maybe it takes a real man to work with. Maybe the pill thought you were already a girl, beanpole.”

Tyrone shot his friend a look. “Sean, why you gotta be like this man?”

“I’m sorry, are you forgetting this little turd just have fucking sex with us?”

Tyrone stood up, raising his hands. “I know, man, shit’s weird. But . . . c’mon, we were all tripping. All three of us. That party shit of his, that was good, man. And, let’s not lie, I’m pretty sure we were super into it.”

Sean gave his friend a dark look, and stepped closer. For a moment, it almost looked like violence was about to occur. Tyrone seemed a little surprised, but held his ground.

“Okay, okay dude, chill out. I’m just saying, I don’t think it was Eric’s fault. I mean, it wasn’t him that grabbed the pills, was it?”

But Sean was refusing to continue that conversation. “Just tell us if this shit is permanent, water boy. Like, it’s not going to happen again. Ever.”

Eric gulped. “I’d need my equipment to make sure, just a blood sample should suffice. But . . . no. I doubt it. It should have any lasting change, only prolonged treatment could -”

“Good. Grab your chem lab shit and grab a sample from us both. Next time I see you at the pool, you give me my water, you nod if there are no problems, and shake your head if there are. The only scenario in which you ever get to speak to me again is if there’s a problem. Otherwise, this NEVER happened, you understand?”

He seemed to be speaking to all three in the room, perhaps most of all himself.

“Yeah,” Eric said, “I understand.”

“Good. Tyrone, let’s get the hell out of here. You can forget the parties, kid.”

Sean grabbed his jacket and stormed back upstairs. Moments later, the door slammed. Tyrone, however, lingered a little, looking a lot more introspective than his friend.

“Man,” he finally said, “that shit was wild. Glad it’s over, but . . . that was something. Hey, is that Adrax the Annihilator?”

Eric was momentarily confused by the swimmer’s statement. He turned to see that Tyrone was indicating to the shelf of comics on the wall, along with a series of games.

“Oh, uh, yeah. It’s nerdy shit.”

Tyrone grinned, but Eric was shocked to see it was a genuine smile, not a mocking sneer the sight would get from Sean. “Oh man, I love Adrax the Annihilator. Best member of the Justice Force by far.”

“No way, man, Javan is way cooler. He’s got a harpoon that fires blackholes!”

Tyrone shook his head, becoming more animated.

“Javan is overrated, dude. All edgy and shit. Adrax has got the whole backstory with being a servant of the empire and everything. He’s got the arc.”

Eric found himself engrossed. “You’ve read Servants of the Empire?”

“Duh, like three or four times man. I just don’t tell the others because . . .” he trailed off, aware of the implication that Eric had already reached: nerdy shit. “Anyway man, I gotta go. Thanks for the trip . . . gonna take a while to process everything else. But, well, yeah, anyway.”

He got up, awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, and left. Eric sighed heavily, alone once more. He was no longer a virgin - in fact, he was pretty sure his acid pill must have functioned like an aphrodisiac with the stamina he’d had in his remembrances. But . . . it had occurred in the strangest possible way, and destroyed any dreams he’d had of finally making connections and being ‘in’ with the popular guys. He began to pack away his cabinet once more.

For just a moment, he thought about throwing away the Gender Bender pills, but decided against it, for reasons he wasn’t quite sure of yet. Instead, he grabbed the vials of blood samples he’d taken from Sean and Tyrone, and set to work examining the results.


Over the next three days, things developed back into a steady rhythm approaching normality. Eric was back to being the waterboy and poolboy both, ignored or simply tolerated by the elite swimming team. Sean avoided him in particular; following the blood test, he’d received a nod of affirmation from Eric - their blood work was good, the feminine experience was just a one-time thing - and had since ignored him, even relaying demands through other teammates just so they didn’t have to talk.

For Eric, it was a demeaning existence. He’d come so close with the development of his acid trip pill, but neither man seemed interested in pursuing it. It probably reminded them of what had happened, and he couldn’t blame them for avoiding the subject. Occasionally, he saw Tyrone give him a glance. For some reason, he’d always viewed the dark-skinned athlete similar to his white counterpart; a total meathead who got all the ladies and didn’t have much in the way of higher thought processes. But that wasn’t true at all, and Eric could see the difference just in the way Tyrone occasionally made a small waving motion across the pool to acknowledge him, or said “hey, thanks for the work today, man” when he was the last to leave. And even in just the fact that he was the only member of the team now that called him Eric.

And that might have been the end of the three boys’ tales, if that was the simple truth from Eric’s perspective. He hadn’t gained any further confidence since losing his virginity, and in many ways, a lot of other anxieties plagued him now. But what he was feeling was eclipsed by what Sean and Tyrone were secretly going through:

The night after he turned, Sean spent more time than usual flexing his athlete’s muscles in the mirror. He was confident, arrogant even, but there was a tinge of anxiety he didn’t want to confront; not just the fear that he might turn into a woman again, but the remembrances of how much he had actually enjoyed getting fucked as a woman. To shake the feelings, he decided to hit the clubs, and find a nice one-night stand to reaffirm his alphamale status.

It went well; a hot blonde was quite taken with his slick brown hair and classically square jaw, and she’d always wanted to bed an athlete, which suited him just fine. But even as he thrust into her that night, her crying out in ecstasy as his big cock filled her moist depths, he couldn’t shake the memories.

How good it felt to have big sensitive nipples to be fondles.

How wonderful it felt to be penetrated, instead of being the penetrator.

How addictive it was to have multiple, powerful orgasms roll through his body like a storm, electric pulses of pleasure tingling over his form in a way the male body could never replicate. How it felt to gasp and wail freely, legs parted, and to receive rather than have to always give. God, it had felt good.

He finished in the girl. Of course he did. He was goddamned Sean Basten, he always came, and the girls always came with him. And she was a total babe. But it had taken longer than usual, and the thoughts - those lovely thoughts of being the caressed rather than the caressor - had played a part in that fulfilment.

Ordinarily, he’d have stayed the night, but instead, this time, he opted to go home, despite the woman wanting another round. He’d already forgotten her name. She was just some chick. He just hoped rumours wouldn’t spread that he was lacking in performance.

When he arrived home, he looked in the mirror once more, and cupped his mighty pecs.

“The fuck is wrong with me,” he muttered, shaking the thoughts free. He made his way to bed, intent on purging these strange feelings from his mind.

He would fail. Big time.


Tyrone’s experience wasn’t as dramatic, but was just as transformative. The handsome man was between girlfriends, and while he wasn’t as big a ladies’ man as Sean, Tyrone Johnson was never unlucky. He was still grappling with the weirdness of that night, but another element was also troubling him. He’d left behind so many of his interests and hobbies - his love of comics, gaming, nerdy tabletop gaming - that he had begun viewing as embarrassing once he became a star athlete. A lot of that influence had been Sean and some of the other swimmers. It was, as Sean called it often, “virgin nerd shit.” But something about chatting with Eric had been refreshing, like opening a door to a time when he wasn’t having to be so performative.

On the way home, he picked up an Adrax the Annihilator comic and placed it on his shelf. He couldn’t say why, but it felt nice.

Much like Sean, that night Tyrone began to remember more clearly the events of his feminised experiences. The feeling of having a hard dick inside him, of having sensitive breasts, long frizzy hair, and wide hips that were perfect for loving. He’d come harder that night than any other in his life, and the feeling of a pair of firm hands on his soft, rounded ass had driven him wild.

Was that always how it felt to be a woman during good sex? Did they just have it that much better? And more than that, was it just the trip or did he actually feel more . . . free, when he was in that body?

Like Sean, he pushed the questions from his mind, but was unable to stop lingering on them. He took to bed early, bypassing his usual late-night workout. He slipped beneath the covers and thought of that strange, trippy, pleasurable experience, and found himself becoming hard as iron between his legs. After thirty seconds, the feeling had not gone away, and so he eased gently into the thoughts, beginning to tease himself. Masturbation was an occasional thing all guys did, but whereas he would masturbate to beauty, often busty, women, he found himself instead stroking his large penis to thoughts of being ravished and penetrated like a woman. As a woman.

And not just by any man either. He thought of Eric’s face, above his, his body thrusting into her. And he came.

Immediately afterwards, Tyrone came to his senses.

“The fuck? Jesus, I must still have some of that pill stuff in my, goddamnit.”

He washed his hands, took a shower, changed the sheets, and pointedly refused to think on what he’d just jacked off to.

But the dreams came anyway.


These were not isolated experiences. Over the three days of Eric’s malaise, both men regularly revisited the memories and needs of that night, the sensations of being a woman in lust. Each night particularly, both men masturbated to feelings of womanhood, and Sean was increasingly finding sex with other women unsatisfactory, a part of him desiring he was in their position. The pill was in the forefront of his mind - more than any acid trip, it was the Gender Bender drug that had gained his addiction, and Tyrone’s, and like a junkie to a fix, he fought the urge to take it again.

During training, Eric couldn’t help but notice that the two swimmers alternated between distraction during training with their teammates, and a borderline ferocious approach to their sport, as if they were venting external frustration. Sean continued his hostility, but there was almost a slight derangement to it. When a beautiful woman flirted with him, his eyes focused on her impressive cleavage. She giggled, taking pride in her attention-grabbing goods, but she had no way of knowing that Sean, in fact, was trying to surprise his feelings of jealousy. His tits, he remembered, had been even more impressive.

The situation for both men was quickly becoming intolerable. They were becoming stressed, overworked, and their teammates noticed their irritable natures and failing progress as the days wore on. In the end, each man made a decision on his own. Neither, of course, had told the other the feelings they’d been having, for fear they were alone. So it was that Sean and Tyrone, four days after their change, put on thick hoodies and made their way secretly to Eric’s place.

They needed one more hit.


Eric was surprised when someone knocked upon his door at 8pm. He rose, rising from his lab to see who was at the door. He was shocked to see that it was Tyrone, wearing a hoodie and looking more than a little sheepish.

“Uh, hi Tyrone.”

“Oh, hey Eric. Um, can I come in a moment?”

“Is it about the pill? Because I’m still so sorry about that - I promise everything looks good! There shouldn’t be any changes.”

“I haven’t changed.”

“That’s great!”

Tyrone shuffled awkwardly. “But . . . can I still come in?”

“Oh, yes, of course, sorry.”

Eric let him in, still unsure of what to say or how to respond. Tyrone scratched the back of his head, as Eric increasingly realised was his habit.

“So, man, that shit four nights ago was wild, wasn’t it?”

“Feels like it was only last night.”

“You’ve got no idea, dude. Bet you didn’t think you’d lose your virginity to Tyrone Jognson and Sean Basten, right?”

Eric chuckled lightly, cheeks blushing. “Yeah . . . I certainly didn’t. Look, I’m sorry about -”

“I’m not actually looking for sorries or anything,” Tyrone said. “Look, that pill of yours, the Gender Bender, did you throw it out?”

Eric hesitated. “No,” he admitted. “I will though. I should have flushed it down the - “

“DON’T! I mean, please don’t, dude. Not yet.”

Eric was alarmed, and even more so when he saw the nervousness and discomfort on Tyrone’s features. He wasn’t sure what to say, but both were disturbed as the doorbell rang again. It was Sean, also in a hoodie, also looking desperate. He wasn’t as pleasant.

“Where are those fucking pills, dude? Tell me you didn’t throw them out!?”

He had grabbed Eric’s collar and pushed him inside, slamming the door behind them. But before he could go any further, he looked to see Tyrone standing there.


“Hey Sean.”

“You too?”

The man nodded. “Yeah. Bad.”

“Me too. Fuck!” He dropped Eric to the floor. “I need that pill again man. Just once. Just once. I didn’t get to appreciate it before. I can’t get what it was like out of my damn mind, it’s a fucking nightmare. Just one night as a full woman, and then that’s it.”

It was an alarming declaration, but by this point Sean was desperate. He needed the pill again. He needed to be a woman again. To be a busty brunette hottie with ample bust and hourglass figure. He needed to be lusted after, to be feminine and beautiful. To be in another skin that gave him so much pleasure. More than any drug.

Eric was astonished. “Tyrone, you feel this?”

“Fuck man, yeah I do. It’s like I’m gonna explode if I can’t be a woman again. Like Sean said, just for a bit. I just need to be in that skin, you know, without the acid trip. Just appreciate it. Just the once. Can you do that, Eric?”

The waterboy nodded.

“Then lead the way, waterboy,” Sean snapped. He was already imagining the feeling of bouncing breasts and soft curves. It was nearly making him salivate. Tyrone was doing a better job of holding up, but was having to hide his erection just at the thought of having a pussy between his legs again. Thankfully, Eric was so surprised by this turn of events that he didn’t notice. They descended once more into the basement that Sean had sworn he’d never visit again, and the brilliant lab student opened the cabinet containing the pills. He’d barely managed to point at the right pill box when Sean seized it immediately, took not just one pill but two, and swallowed them straight away.

“Don’t be greedy, man,” Tyrone grunted, taking one for himself and downing it as well. He breathed easier, knowing at least that the chemical was in his system. For a moment they simply waited.

“This better work this better work,” Sean repeated in almost a whisper. “Grab us some water, waterboy.”

“His name is Eric, Sean.”

The two exchanged a look. “Fine. Grab us water, Eric.”

He did, and by the time he returned both men were parched, sweating. Their impatience had reached a peak, but the pill was taking effect.

“OOOOHHHHHH, I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this,” Sean gasped, “I can FEEEEEL it!”

“M-me t-too,” Tyrone managed, “My dick man, it’s going up inside meEEEEEEEE!”

They both clutched their bodies as the changes began, Eric watching in amazement, mentally taking in this moment. Both men unbuckled their belts as their hips cracked wider, Tyrone’s thighs filling out sexily, her ass rounding out in a way that stretched her briefs to their limits. Sean literally moaned almost in orgasm as her brunette hair came in.

“C’mon, where are my tits? I want my freaking tits already!”

She didn’t have to wait long. With a joyous cry, she fell back onto a nearby couch as her shirt began to tent out, drawing tight over two particular features that rose like pastries. Tyrone’s bust had already developed, and her own reaction was similarly erotic when her pussy finished developing, the feminine folds resting in place while a life-giving womb grew into place within her.

“This - this is the shit I wanted,” Tyrone gasped, voice now sultry.

“Yes, yes, big tits, fuck I love feeling them grow in,” Sean cried. She was cradling her large breasts so that a line of cleavage emerged from the top of her shirt. As her changes finished, she now looked like a perfect centrefold pinup model; a buxom brunette with ‘come get me’ eyes, sharp cheekbones, a playful smirk, and a body that wouldn’t quit. Tyrone looked just as beautiful, but remained standing, simply basking in the glory of her returned female form, both hands on her wide hips, moving to gently cup her bounteous backside.

“Mmhmmmhm, that’s a good, good ass,” she moaned.

Eric was utterly silent, but was unable to hide the incredible erection tenting his pants. “Um, sorry, you’re just - you guys look so . . .”

“Hot as fuck,” Sean said. She was already examining herself in the mirror. “Holy shit Ty, I’m fucking stacked. Your boobs have got nothing on mine. Stephanie Carol doesn’t have tits this big, and she’s fucking stacked. God, they feel good. And heavy.”

Tyrone pushed Sean out of the way so she could see her new form. “You can keep those huge tits Sean, look at these hips. Mhmmhm, these are some baby-makers, man! Latishe Haverock looks like a beanpole compared to these. And this hair - holy shit, look at it bounce.” She jumped excitedly, and her frizzy hair did indeed bounce around her shoulders. Eric was more focused on the way her ass and chest - the latter of which still sizeably busty by any means - bounced also.

“God, it’s like waking up,” Sean said. “I’m really hot too. Damn hot. Fuck, what do I do now?”

Tyrone beamed. For all of Sean’s enthusiasm, she seemed more comfortable in this new skin than Sean, who had simply felt the overwhelming need to adopt it, but was now a bit lost. The dark-skinned girl grabbed her white counterpart by the shoulders.

“Whatever you want, girl,” and chuckled. It made Sean give a devious grin.

Unbeknownst to the other two in the room, the mix of two pills rather than one was making Sean’s feminine urges twice as powerful. Images of being pounded by hot men, of spreading her legs wide and enjoying the penetration, of having her huge tits fondled and sucked on was already causing her to become moist.

“I’m going out. I’ve got stuff to do. Like I said, this is just this one time. I’m going to properly enjoy it, rather than in this nerd dungeon.”

“You’ll need a bra. And some clothes,” Tyrone said.

“Fuck, you’re right. Nerd here won’t have anything. My sister! June will have stuff that fits me. She hasn’t got tits like mine, but I can make do and take one of mom’s bras or something.”

Eric startled. “You’re going?”

She chuckled. “What, hoping for a rebound, nerd? I’m not gay, I’m not having sex. I just . . . needed this or whatever. Who doesn’t want to be a chick for a few hours, right? I’ll swing back to stay the night so leave the door unlocked, and when we turn back in the morning, THEN I’m done, got it?”

“Uh, sure.”

“Then seeya, Eric. Thanks for the pill. Don’t let it go to your head.”

Already she was mincing up the steps, her perfect pert ass swaying hypnotically with her hips, outlined against the pajama pants she’d brought to accommodate it. The door slammed moments later, and Sean was let loose upon the town. She refused to let Tyrone and especially Eric know how utterly horny she had become, how much her brain was thinking of all sorts of things to let a hot stud do to her body.

It wasn't going to happen of course. That was all just desire, and she was still a dude down deep, she knew it. She was just going to go clubbing as a girl, maybe enjoy getting hit on. She could humiliate some of the other teammates! Maybe tease them a little. But that would be all. They’d sure love her bit, sensitive tits though. She bit her thumb as she thought of a set of lips on them, and shuddered at the thought.

No sex. No sex. Just dancing and clubbing and enjoying being a girl for a little bit.

Definitely no sex.


“So, you’re a woman,” Eric said.

Tyrone giggled, gesturing to her fine form. “You think?”

“You look good. Amazing. Seriously.”

“You know, I find it hard to buy you haven’t found a woman yet, Eric.”

He found it hard not to stare at her body as she sat next to him.

“Why is that?”

She twirled a bit of frizzy hair. It was clear that Tyrone loved her new hair. “Well, I just think you lack confidence, dude. I mean, you managed to please two women on your first try. And maybe it’s my lack of experience being a woman, but I was pretty satisfied.”

Eric looked her in the eyes. “Really? I thought it was just the trip . . .”

Again, that sultry laughter. “Oh, no no no. That was gooood. I can confirm that dude. You got all up in there, man. Sean liked it too, but he wouldn’t admit it.”

“Seems there’s a lot he doesn’t admit.”

Tyrone regarded him. The kid was actually pretty cute, but maybe that was her raging hormones talking. A beanpole, yes, but he had a nice face, a bit of muscle on him, and he had a kind affability. A passion that he was embarrassed of, but was certainly there.

“You’re not wrong. Sean’s my best friend but man, dude would trash his car before he admitted emotional attachment to it. I think he has his own shit to work out.”

“And what about you? You wanted the pill.”

Tyrone looked down at her breasts. They were easily a nice C-cup, maybe even D’s. She cupped them in her hands, uncaring how Eric reacted. In fact, it amused her that he had developed a raging boner in his pants. “Yeah, your acid pill may have been non-addictive, but holy shit I’ve never wanted anything so much as this again. That pill of yours is dangerous, man. Sean is actually hitting the fucking town as a woman, can you believe it? What would he look like in a cocktail dress?”

“I’m trying really hard not to.”

Tyrone laughed, and shoved Eric lightly. The move was unexpected, as Eric fell backwards on the couch, and she half-fell, half-deliberately shifted to move on top of him. His hard member was straining in his pants, and her beautiful face, with those perfect dark eyes and wide, massive grin, was directly over his.

“I can feel that,” she said, teasing. “Tell me, who would look hotter in a cocktail dress, ‘Seany’ or me?”

“Oh god, you can’t just say that. This is too much.”

But ‘Ty’ wasn’t letting go. She had Eric pinned, and she lowered herself so that her breasts were against his chest. “Go on. Make a decision.”

“Uh, well, Sean is beautiful as a woman and all. But . . . I mean, you look stunning. Jaw-dropping, even. And . . .”

She was beaming now. “And?”

“And your ass is fucking amazing.”

“You think?”


Tyrone’s hormones were raging, but something had changed beyond that. Crystal clear, she felt something genuine in the air. A comfort in this state that she didn’t feel as a man. A joy in being the tease, yes, in having this lust. But more than that, much like during her trip, there was a sense of a true self to her, in the here and now.

“Well, if my ass is so good, why don’t you put your hands there and cop a feel?”

Eric’s jaw dropped. “You’re teasing me.”

“Oh, I am absolutely teasing you, Eric. But I still want you to. Like Sean said, we’re just changing for a day. So why not have a little fun.” She pressed herself even closer to the man, and brought her plump lips right to his ear. “Let Sean hit the club. Maybe that’s fun. But right now in this room I saw Warjavelin minis, a Rune Lord poster, and a collection of Justice Star Comics. Sean always made fun of that shit, but being here reminds me of how much I absolutely love this nerdy shit.”

She rose up, still clamping Eric with her thick thighs.

“That’s right!” she declared. “I, Tyrone Johnson, am a closet nerd.”

“I knew it,” Eric said. He could feel his dick riding hard between her thighs.

Tyrone lowered herself once more. “So, what do you say, Eric. Why don’t we have a nerdy night in. You. Me. This couch. That bed. Maybe me against that desk over there so you can see my ass while we go at it. Then, when we’re tired, let’s cuddle up and watch Justice Star: The Movie. I haven’t seen it in forever.” She lowered a soft hand to his belt buckle.

“So, what do you say?”


Sean didn’t return that night. Instead, ‘Shauna’ hit the clubs, showing off her fine form in a slightly-too small dress that revealed all her luscious curves. The effects of two pills heightened her libido, and she found herself dancing, flirting, and even enjoying the stares and gropes of men, many of whom she recognised. While ‘Tina’ and Eric made love, her squealing in passion as he mounted her, Shauna found herself going home with an attractive man whose hands were so wonderfully wandering.

Both girls fell to sleep nestled against a male body, utterly fulfilled for the night and utterly spent. Shauna cooed, unbelieving at what she had done but failing to regret it, as she serves as the middle spoon. Her man’s hands rested over her large bosom, and the moment was so quietly erotic that she dreamed of sex as well. As a woman, of course.

Tina and Eric curled up in his bed, and true to what she had said, watched Justice Star until they both were so tired they fell to sleep with the TV still on. In the middle of the night Tina woke, having to go to the bathroom. She returned, gazed at the room around her, and felt safe and welcome. All the things she had felt the need to discard as a man lay around her, but now this strange, wonderful man had brought them back. She turned off the TV, nestled in against Eric, and placed a light kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Sorry I gotta change back in the morning.”

She lay back in peace, more peace than she had known in some time.

It would be that next morning, when Sean returned in a panic, that the peace would shatter.

To Be Concluded . . .


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