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It was six months later Matthew woke to the familiar sensation of a soft set of lips working his semi into a full erection. They were having a harder time of it lately, given how much bigger his former friend had gotten, but his lust for her had only increased as her pregnancy advanced, and just as Sasha had said, her horniness would always match his. Matthew had long accepted this fate, and simply laid back to enjoy the blowjob, until finally his wife mounted him, carefully easing his giant cock into her depths. Her rounded pregnant belly added extra weight to his hips, but he could take it. He stroked her fertile roundness as they thrusted, until finally they came as one. She arced her back in pleasure, her pendulous breasts jiggling, before resting on her expanded stomach. “Oh God I needed that,” she said, “the babies were keeping me up all last night.” She held his hand and planted above her belly button, which had recently pushed outwards. She made a soft whimper as the taut skin rippled in response to a number of kicks and movements within.

“Amazing,” Matthew said, “that’s our children growing inside there.”

“Less amazing when they’re pushing on your bladder. God, I can’t believe I’m stuck as your pregnant bimbo wife. I’ll be back in a second, dude.”

Awkwardly, and with his help, she managed to pull herself off him, nearly stumbling over.  She planted her hands at her sore back, gave a look of frustration, and waddled down the hall to the toilet. Fortunately her morning sickness had finally ended a few months ago, by which time her stomach had already begun to expand bigger and quicker than expected.

When Jessica had first found out she would be stuck as a woman – one that was pregnant with her best friend’s baby at that – she had nearly gone into a catatonic state. It had taken some time for her to calm down and contemplate her fate, one she would be forced to deal with for the rest of her life. In the weeks that followed she looked to other ways to become a man, but slowly, bit by bit, she came to realise that she would be Jessica for life. She would be her friend’s sexy, submissive girlfriend and probably his future wife, and she would carry the child they had made together and birth it. She would cook and clean and be the perfect housewife, and get pregnant over and over again to Matthew much to the envy of all the men who saw her and would want her for themselves.

Some things were convenient, at least. The world now remembered Jessica as always having existed, and no memory of Jesse remained except to her and Matthew, and of course, Sasha. Jessica was nervous visiting her parents, even with Matthew at her side, but they acted as if they’d always known her that way, and to her surprise she found a treasure trove of photos from when she’d apparently been a young girl, leading all the way to when Matthew first asked her on a date. From old diaries she’d never actually written, and photos that had never really been taken, Jessica learned that she was a gawky kid in early high school, late to bloom, but in the end puberty hit her and hit her hard. Her boobs and figure were the talk of the school, and every boy with a libido wanted to ask her out suddenly. Jessica could see that in the high school yearbooks; one year she was flat as a rake, the next she was smuggling melons. And her chest had only become more prominent as an adult to match her very womanly figure.

“We always hoped that you two would get together,” Jessica’s mother said, “Matthew is such a nice boy, and will certainly take good care of you.”

“Well, um, Mum,” Jessica said, blushing furiously and trying to ignore the way her early pregnancy boobs were threatening to spill over her large bra, “Matthew and I have news on that score. I’m, uh, pregnant. He’s the father.”

It had been embarrassing, being pestered with concern by her parents, her mother pulling her apart from the group to ask her how far along she was, was it planned, will he stick by her, etc etc. Jessica was on unfamiliar territory herself, but her sister at least remained supportive and cheerful, making jokes about how she always knew she’d end up ‘in the family way from the way you’re always showing off that big chest of yours.’ It was strange to be the subject of bodily envy from her sister, whose own chest was just average. Strangely, she felt a swell of pride at that.

It wasn’t long after, on a private date with Matthew that both of them were compelled to do every so often, that he proposed. Far from being part of the curse, he had decided to beat it to the punch. She could have said no, but with all that had changed and the fact that her compulsions were going mad pushing her to say yes and fulfil her role as the perfect housewife, she said yes. The wedding was scheduled not too long after, supported by both families. She had only just start to slightly swell at that point, a little earlier than expected, but overall it was a beautiful wedding, at least for observers. Jessica had never felt stranger, marrying the man who had once been her friend when she’d been a man, and knowing that she was carrying his child within her, and would do so more than once. Sasha was her maid-of-honour, something the curse had compelled Jessica to allow, and something Sasha took great glee in. While they would never be as close as they once were, she also didn’t hold hostility to Jessica anymore. As far as she was concerned, her ex-lover had been punished in full, and would simply have to accept her new role, something Sasha was only too happy to aid her with. The offer of babysitting still stood in the not-too-distant future, for those times when Jessica and Matthew would inevitably get to work conceiving their next.

And so Jessica said ‘I do,’ standing as she did in her gorgeous white wedding dress with its open back and tasteful hint of cleavage, and she and her new husband were whisked away to their honeymoon in Hawaii for the next two weeks, where they made love as man and wife. “I guess this is me now, your trophy wife,” she muttered one night, standing in her tight lingerie and beginning to straddle him. “I guess I’ll just have to get used to being this way. I know you won’t find it too difficult.”

Matthew didn’t disagree on that score.

Of course, it was another shock to find she was due with twins, much to Sasha’s continued delight. Jessica groaned when she found out. “Of course twins. Not enough I have to be your submissive sexy wife, I’m also fertile as all fuck. Jesus, how many kids am I gonna get knocked up with?”

Matthew simply cradled her, secretly excited to watch her grow big with his children again and again. “I promise I’ll treat you right,” he whispered in her ear, “I know this wasn’t your choice Jess, but if you have to be my perfect wife, then I’ll be your perfect husband, and I’ll be right by your side when you give birth.”

She continued to grow with child, still forced to wear gorgeous and revealing outfits, especially since her already ample assets swelled to accommodate her milk. She wore tight dresses that emphasised her pregnant bulge, and on those nights she saw Sasha she couldn’t help but blush deeply with how womanly and pregnant she had become in front of her ex-girlfriend. Matthew had always found pregnant women alluring, and so he doted on her, caressed her, rubbed her belly almost as much as she instinctively did, and of course even as she grew he continued to have sex with her. “What’s to worry about I guess,” she said as he began stroking her nipples one night, and fingering her wet crotch, “I’m already pregnant, there’s not much more harm you can do.”

In the end, she gave birth. Jessica went into labour a week after her due date, and suffered the agony of contractions and indignity of a natural birth – another precondition of the curse. After sixteen hours of experiencing the painful pressure, finally she was fully dilated and encouraged to push. Matthew clasped her hand the whole time, whispering encouragements in her ear, all while she blushed with humiliation at having gone from a virile male to an incredibly pregnant mother pushing her first children through her vagina. She moaned, cried, clenched her teeth and spread her legs, and finally she felt something large and alive slip from her canal. It was a boy, her first, and he was swaddled and placed before her. Her hormones were too powerful; she began to cry, and after another fit of birthing the second came not too long after, also a boy. The afterbirth followed, and Matthew cut the cords, and the two of them bonded over the children they never imagined in their wildest moments they ever thought they’d share.

Jessica had been frightened of breastfeeding, but found the compulsions too strong, and eventually succumbed to feeding her children, just as she occasionally was compelled to feed her natural produce to her husband during pregnant sex. A nice side effect of the curse was that her body returned to normal – well, normal for a woman as naturally busty, curvaceous and horny as she was – in a relatively short time. Her vagina healed as if there was no damage, which she suspected was just so Matthew could have sex with her again as soon as possible. They constantly went at it like rabbits these days, she didn’t bother even trying to hold back on the compulsions.

That was Jessica’s life from now on. She would never be a man again, and she was destined to always act the role of Matthew’s perfect woman; feeding him, cleaning for him, and of course mating with him. She continued to flaunt her assets in public and private, wearing sexy clothing and revealing outfits, and everyone took her to be exactly what she was; a bombshell trophy wife madly devoted to her husband. Both during her pregnancy and afterwards, she had slowly stopped trying to fight the compulsions, finding instead that if she gave in willingly she could at least put her own individual spin on them; choose a sexy red dress rather than be forced to wear something randomly alluring; wake up early to give Matthew a blow job and encourage him to fuck her from behind instead of being compelled to do so at an appointed time and perhaps ride cowgirl instead. She increasingly got to use her own cute nicknames for her husband, or clean in a particular way, or feed her children before she was pushed to do so. It was in some ways more liberating than simply fighting. As she explained to Matthew: “If I have to be your submissive dream bimbo, then goddamn it, I’m going to put my own touch on it.”

Even Sasha was impressed. “Who knew that turning you into such a slut would make you such a loyal and stylish woman. You know Jessica, I hope you come to see being a woman as a blessing one day, rather than a curse. Because frankly, I think you’re much better off.”

And while she might never fully think that way, Jessica had finally accepted her fate, her husband, and her twin boys Robert and Jesse. The last she had asked be named in remembrance of her past life, and Matthew had agreed. And so their life continued, with Jessica the young mum still catching the eye of every man with her low-cut tops and bare midriff. She became pregnant again, just six months after her first birth, and the two of them laughed in frustration and reignation when it was revealed she was having twins again. Matt had long since given up trying to pretend he had reservations about his best friend becoming his bimbo wife, and now simply allowed himself to openly enjoy every part of her: gazing at the constant jiggle of her large tits; smacking her fine bottom every time she walked past on her swaying hips; holding her head as she sucked on his big hard cock each morning until he blew a load down her throat; and most of all, her screams of reluctant joy as he shot his seed deep inside her fertile womb. Something about getting his former male friend pregnant just made him so damn turned on, especially knowing she couldn’t fight it. He knew that he would be getting her knocked up as often as humanly possible. In the years that passed they continued to mate and breed, mate and breed, Jessica pushing child after child from her womb, eventually with a willing joy.

The day the former male realised she too had come to enjoy being a woman came five years after her transformation, when she passed Sasha in the street by sheer coincidence. Despite every attempt to avoid her gaze, Jessica was simply too full of life with yet another set of kicking twins in their sixth month to not be noticed, and moreover a gaggle of five other children followed her in procession. And yet, even as Sasha smirked at Jessica's overly-full chest, endlessly full of milk these past five years, and her large rounded abdomen, so perfect at creating life, Jessica herself found herself filled with a well of feminine self-worth she didn't know she had. She walked right by, head held high, bust out, both hands over her swollen belly. Her children must have sensed some change, and it was little Jesse - appropriately enough - who asked who that was. She simply smiled as a little one kicked inside her.

"No one dear, just an old friend. Now let's get back to Daddy, shall we?"

From that day, Jessica accepted her new life. She would always be a little frustrated at times, more than a little embarrassed, and certainly irritated at some of her compulsions (the need to show off her ample goods). But a pride was there also, in her body, in her love for her children, and even love for her husband. It made her strange new life of sensual dresses, French Maid acts, gorgeously filled-out bikinis, and demure submissiveness tolerable. True, she had to suffer male attention, had to deal with birth and breastfeeding and living the life of a dutiful trophy wife, even as she cared for her ever-growing brood. But she came to not mind the downsides too much, and even enjoy some of the male stares, after a time. Certainly, the compulsion to please her former friend turned husband never managed to abate. She had become, after all, Matthew’s perfect woman.


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