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Getting Friendzoned

I really thought it was a good plan. All my life I'd been the 'nice guy', the guy the girls turn to when their boyfriends were being distant or they were going through a breakup. I was a shoulder to lean on, but never a romantic interest. Three beautiful girls loved to hang out with me; Amelie, Sasha, and Grace (left, centre left, right - I'll get to centre right with the enormous rack in a moment). They viewed me as their friend, a male ‘who understood’, but I wanted to be more than that. For any of them, really. So, when the Wandering Witch sold me a bottle that she claimed would turn me into ‘the exact person the woman of your desire’s wants’, I was eager to try it. Big mistake.

It turns out Amelie, Sasha, and Grace were all repulsed when I spilled the potion on myself and explained the nature of the magic. “We trusted you, and you turned out to be just another pig,” Amelie said. As the potion began to transform me into a hunk, I realised my mistake. I was transforming back and forth into the perfect man for each of them. This only disgusted the women further, as it revealed I viewed them all as potential conquests. I begged two of them to leave, any two! It was Grace who then declared out loud: "Did you ever think what we really desired was an actual friend? Since you turned out to be just another male pig, I say I want a new female friend."

I watched in horror as Amelie and Sasha exclaimed agreement, and felt my body turn feminine. "She should be short like we are, and good looking!" "And make her super hot for boys!" "And, since he was such a pig, let's give him a huuuuge pair of boobs so she knows what it's like to be seen as a piece of meat."

I was horrified as I looked in the mirror and saw my body changing into a hot brunette, then even worse, as my chest swelled, growing and growing and growing and overflowing my palms until I suddenly had a pair of enormous tits the size of my head weighing heavily from me, wobbling and jiggling with each movement.

“And such a good friend would always be willing to hang out with us!” “And go shopping with us at the mall!” “Yes, and wear revealing bikinis at the beach!”

My clothing shifted, and I was left standing in a tight white single that did nothing to hide my staggering cleavage, and a pair of denim shorts that put my sexy midriff on display. I felt the magic fade from my being, and I knew then that I was stuck like this permanently. For the rest of my life, I would be their enormously busty brunette friend. I had been Friendzoned harder than any man in history. I broke down crying, realising how badly I had screwed up and hurt them, and my new friends surrounded me with comfort and sympathy.

It’s been a good year since I changed from Bryan to Brittany. I won’t say it hasn’t been hard at times, and some parts of my life are weird, but becoming Brittany was the best thing that ever happened to me. Amelie, Sasha, and Grace are the best friends a girl could ask for, and I love going to the beach with them! They’ve really built my confidence as a woman, even if they all still joke about how massively busty they made me. Sasha always complains it means I steal all the cute boys, but what can I say? When my friends don’t want to be hit on, now I can stroll right in with a bright blue bikini top that can barely hold these puppies in, and take the heat. And thanks to my friends’ confidence building, I’ve come to really like being hit on. And more.


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