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From the twisted mind of director FoxFaceStories comes this new tale of horror!

Gregory Builder is an old horror director past his prime, with one last project in him, his most ambitious ever. With the help of dark magic, he is able to bring to life a real horror story, one in which his hired cast are physically transformed into classic slasher victim roles, all while a killer is unleashed into reality from the fiction of the script. These transformed and transgendered actors must escape before they are killed - because if you die in this movie, you’re stuck in your new role for life!

First Part

Previous Part

Scene 3: The Party

Scarlet continued to scream, the new busty scream queen clutching the sides of her head in a melodramatic fashion as the monster rose into being. The figure was humanoid, male, and at least six-foot-three in height, if not taller. He was built too, with a wide set frame beneath his decomposing trench coat. He wore a 1940’s style hat, one that was fraying along the edges, but his face was obscured by a featureless white mask with only eye slits upon it, the kind you might see at a discount masquerade ball or cheap Halloween store. At the edges it sunk into his flesh, as if fused with his skin, which was rotted and gangrenous. He wore thick gloves and heavy boots, but as he stepped forward, lumbering like a titan, his coat parted briefly, revealing a rib cage with bits of meat clinging to it, as if frozen in a state of decay.

Scarlet screamed again.

“What the hell is that?” Taylor said, still getting used to being a beautiful woman, let alone the rest of this insanity.

“It appears to be some kind of undead creature, likely born of voodoo practices connected to the witch!” Sabrina said. The nerdy black girl blinked behind her glasses, realising what she just said. “Um, how the hell did I figure that out?”

“Because you play the part of the comic relief nerd now,” her light-skinned peer said, stepping back in fear at the malevolent being in front of them. “Just like I’m the - the plucky girl, I guess. And Scarlet is our scream queen.”

Scarlet screamed again, annoyed at her own compulsions.

“And Rodney here has gone from a leading lady to the handsome and brave leading man.”

“I sure as shit don’t feel brave right now!” the new man exclaimed, shifting backwards.

All were prepared to break out and run, but the tall monster stopped, holding steady. Worms and insects crawled in and out of the flaps in his clothing where time had rotted them away. The director clapped his hands, standing beside Lukas - at a respectable distance - and looking more happy than he’d ever been in his life.

“My wonderful leading men and leading ladies, allow me to introduce you to what we in the show biz call ‘the heavy,’ our main antagonist role that will be giving you your run for fame, money, and your lives. Meet Lukas Voss! Born in nineteen thirty nine as the son of Dutch immigrants, Lukas always struggled to get along with others. There was something wrong with him, always too forceful and violent when he played with other children. Some . . . disappeared, but no one ever found evidence it was little, shy Lukas. When his parents passed away, more questions were raised, but by that point Lukas had already moved, taking to the road and hunting his victims along the highway. By day, he was a simple, shy, almost wordless merchant. But by night, he donned his white mask and hunted those he wanted to punish, namely the young, the beautiful, the happy, the extraverted, the sexually-active; all those who embodied the very qualities he could never have!

“This is all still being storyboarded. We might workshop it a little. Maybe add a psych ward into his past, cast a modern Donald Pleasance type. Or perhaps he died in an industrial fire set by the parents of his victims. Oooh, perhaps a deranged mother? She could be the surprise villain of the prequel, if another director dares make a masterpiece to rival this one, ha! Regardless, all that matters is that tonight, Lukas Voss is going to hunt you down across these dark woods. You have no choice but to try to work together to escape him, and play your roles while you’re at it. I’ve hidden cameras and crew all across the woods, and they’ll capture footage of your attempts. Of course, if he catches you . . .”

Lukas reached behind his back, and retrieved . . . a chainsaw.

“Well, let’s just say that this slasher film will get bloody.”

Taylor swallowed. Rodney grit his teeth. Sabrina bit her lip.

Scarlet screamed, which even through the horror managed to elicit some annoyance from everyone. Thankfully, Builder just chuckled and put up his hands in a calming gesture.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, you won’t actually die, at least not fully. Though I suppose it is still death, in a sense. Of a sort. In terms of ‘saying goodbye to your old life for good’ sort of way,’ if you know what I mean.”

“We clearly don’t!” Rodney said, squeezing his fists tight. He was more muscled than ever, and male to boot, which meant testosterone was coursing through him, eager almost enough to fight the titan lurking before them.

Taylor was also befuddled, but she could feel some kind of twist coming. It was Sabrina, naturally, that put two and two together, something she never would have done as the brute Sonny.

“Oh. My. God. No. You can’t do that! This isn’t me! You can’t leave me as some nerd chick!”

Scarlet looked to her, hands on her wide hips. But only for a second; she was too terrified of the creature to let it out of her sight. “Like, what do you mean?”

Taylor realised in that instant, and it chilled her to the core as much as the undead Lukas in front of her. “Oh, that’s not good.”

“What is it? Somebody tell me!” Rodney demanded.

Sabrina explained. “If Lukas here kills us before the filming is over, then - then we’re stuck like this. That’s what the director is referring to. We’re going to be stuck in our bodies for life! I’m going to be this nerdy Sabrina with all these ridiculous science and math facts in my head! I’ll never be a tall, muscled man again. I’ll be a girl!”

“Got it in one!” Builder declared. “I’d never actually let an actor on my production come to harm, but the witch told me there had to be stakes, and this is what we agreed on. So, if you get chainsawed or macheted or killed in some ridiculous fashion by Lukas here, then that’s the breaks; you still get massive success as an actor and a nice big payment and probably a lucrative career; just not in the body or gender you expected! Fun, huh?”

No one agreed. In fact, Scarlet was busy clutching her tremendous bust in fury. She fumed, practically shaking, setting off jiggles across her new, revealing outfit.

And then, naturally, she screamed.

“Oh God, this is going to be a nightmare,” Rodney said.

Taylor cleared her throat. She was not used to her new voice, or her rather attractive and slim physique. “What are the rules? How do we get out of this?”

“It’s simple, we’re going to let you go. The magic will compel you to play your roles to a certain extent: Taylor the quick-witted, snarky girl; Rodney the brute-force alpha male; Sabrina the fragile genius; and Scarlet the sex appeal and scream queen who can always sense danger coming.”

Scarlet managed not to scream this time, but she did frown. It was utterly humiliating to go from a professional stage actress and well-educated woman to a busty bimbo type! It didn’t help that a small part of her was even proud of her new body, even among all the horror.

“But you will have the chance to make choices of your own,” Builder continued. “But you must stay as in character as possible for the film to be made. Only when I have enough footage, scares, and fantastic kills on camera, will I be able to cut this into my masterpiece.”

“Fantastic k-kills!?” Sabrina squeaked, her masculine bravery having fled her for now.

It was the witch that answered this one, giggling as she talked. “Oh yes, you will not be the only ones to be changed, dear ones. You are just the main event. I thank the rest of the extras today for their sacrifice; I hope they enjoy their new lives, because many of them will be establishing ‘kills,’ so to speak.”

At this, a ripple passed through the crowd of confused attendants, extras, camera assistants, and many more.

“Oh, sorry, did I forget to mention this?” Builder asked them. “I really do thank you for the all the work you’ve done, but my lovely Witch is the only assistant I actually need from now on. Everything else is automated or dancing to her magical tune.

“S-sir, are you serious?” one asked.

“Screw this! I’m getting out of here!”

“I knew that extra paycheck wouldn’t be worth it!”

Taylor’s mind raced. There was an opportunity here. If she could rally the crowd, perhaps they could overpower the witch and force her to change them back. All she had to do was make a rousing speech just like her character would, and-

The witch clapped her hands together, and a dread silence fell that snuffed out all speech and sound. She gestured to the director, who smirked up at Lukas, then at the group, then at the crowd of extras and assistants who were already trying to make a move to get out of there.

“Lights, camera, action.”

The witch clapped her hands again, and everything was darkness.


It was a wild party out in the Cursemire Woods. It was Rodney’s idea, of course. The man had never met a party he couldn’t throw, especially not one as taboo and crazy as this. Lots of fellow college peers had warned him against throwing a big shindig in the Cursemire Woods, but Rodney didn’t care, and neither, apparently, did most of the campus who had been invited along. There were dozens of them present, ranging from the highly attractive and popular all the way to the nerds and losers dweebs who had managed to find their way, but were constantly stuck in the outer circle. Lights and kegs had been arranged, along with mattresses, seats, and, for those wanting some more tantalising experiences, tents for the lovers and users, or both. 

“Fuck yeah, Rodney!” David called as the music raged and the party lights shone through the eerie clearing of the first. “This party is the bomb! Freaky in all the best ways!”

“Hell yeah it is!” Rodney replied, grinning.

“Man, have a look at that Scarlet. God, I’d love to have a go on those colossal tits. She’s the head cheerleader, you know?”

Rodney nodded, grinning as he watched her dance along so many others. She was, appropriately enough, in a tight red dress with a low cut and thigh slits, all the best to show off her ample curves. 

“I’d love to get head from her, if you know what I mean,” Rodney said, moving over to the dance ‘floor’ in the centre of the clearing. He shoved a few losers out of the way and began to dance nearby. She smirked at his muscles, and drew closer as well.

“Like, what a great party, Rodney!” she exclaimed, thrusting her chest out in a suggestive manner. “This has gotta be top five!”

“Indeed,” he said, “particularly since you’re here, Scarlet. Out of everyone, I’d most hoped you would come. You look really fucking sexy, by the way.”

She drank down some half-spilled beer from her red cup and threw it into the forest, placing her arms over his strong shoulders.

“Mhmm, I feel sexy. Really sexy, in fact.”

They locked eyes, dancing against one another. The compulsions were strong, and they couldn’t quite remember how they’d gotten here, just that the witch had clapped her hands. But all of a sudden they were at the opening scene, the classic party about to be interrupted, and their bodies were running on autopilot.

“Damn right,” Rodney said, holding her as they swayed to the music. “You know, I might stay near you all night. You’ll need someone to protect you, just in case.”

“From what?” she asked, triggering the necessary cinematic exposition.

A sudden chill wind blew through the party, and the music dulled as Rodney talked. Several party goers gathered around - rather coincidentally, really - as he began to explain the story.

“Well, it all goes back to Lukas Voss, the crazy and silent killer who used to operate around here. He hated young people, hated party goers, hated fun-loving people because his mind was warped and twisted. He dressed like a gentleman but wore a white mask, and he always killed those he saw as better than him . . . especially the pretty ladies he could never have.”

Scarlett shivered, clutching herself. Gossip spread throughout the crowd.

“But - but Lukas Voss died!” a high-pitched voice whined. The crowd spread to reveal that it was a short black woman who had spoken, with thick glasses, braces, science-themed clothing, and a general nerdy look to her. She was, however, pretty damn cute. A sort of ‘Hollywood nerd’, really. Rodney and Scarlet recognised her immediately. She was meant to be Sonny, before all this insanity with the witch and the hell portal went down. And she looked pretty damn uncomfortable in her skin, too. Well, that, and still damn cute.

“He lives again!” Rodney said. “When he was killed by the families of his victims, they dumped his body in the swamps of this very wood. But this place was an ancient burial ground site, and the foulness of his spirit mingled with the energy there and stuff. So now he’s become an undead killer, hunting for people to punish, like all of you right here!”

Scarlet screamed. 

“I don’t believe that,” Sabrina continued. “I don’t believe in anything that can’t be scientifically evaluated. Right Taylor?”

It was Taylor’s turn to enter the scene. The light seemed to funnel around her, as if to indicate to the crowd that this was a Very Important Character. Several people parted as she pushed through to stand alongside Sabrina.

“Oh, hey Taylor,” a man said nearby. Probably used to be a female cameraman or something, she supposed. 

“Hey, Arnold. No, I’m not interested.”


“Look, I don’t know Sabrina,” she said. “I heard some pretty funny stories about this place from my father. Strange voices in the night. Movements. Animals turning up, having been ripped open in violent ways. People disappearing.”

The build was there, and she’d delivered it with surprising drama. It was odd; she knew she was supposed to be Timothy, and the continual absence of a dick and presence of some rather lovely breasts against her tight top were only reminders of how weird things were, but she was oddly proud of how she’d delivered her lines. Builder had been right; she was forced to play a role, but she could make a choice. She’d chosen to fucking nail her dialogue.

Rodney smirked. “Exactly! The monster that is Lukas Voss may come this very night. So . . . we should party like there’s no tomorrow, because there might just not be! Party, and enjoy some naughty tent time with some sexy people!”

He clasped Scarlet on the butt by surprise.

Scarlet screamed. She really didn’t enjoy that particular compulsion.


They had blinked, and it was suddenly a later scene. The autopilot had continued, because things had changed considerably. For one, Sabrina was tossing and turning dramatically in her tent. This was partly genuine; she was trying to sleep her way out of this, hoping it was a bizarre nightmare and she’d be Sonny again. Taylor was reading a book containing legends of Lukas Voss, all while getting text messages from that cute boy Jared who wanted to make out by the lake. She smirked to herself, considering it. Well, the real her wasn’t, but she got the feeling such an important scene was necessary to progress the scene.

But the real focus was on Scarlet and Rodney, who were lying down on the forest floor away from the party, making out beneath the light of the moon.

“Oh God, what the hell are we doing?” Scarlet managed. She already had her top off and her heavy tits out, and the formerly female Rodney was playing with them and trying - and failing - not to love it.

“We’re having s-sex,” he said, laying back as she spread her thighs over him and chucked her dress aside. She was only in her panties now, and her form was luscious beneath the full moon.

“Ohhhhh, but we sh-shouldn’t!” she moaned. “I’m, like, not meant to be that kind of girl!”

“And I’m not meant to be that kind of guy!” he said. “Or any guy at all. Shit, my dick is hard. I’ve got a frickin’ dick and it’s hard. At least we can talk properly again.”
 Scarlett moaned as he pawed at her massive tits. They were far too sensitive, and it made her whimper, gyrating against his hardness with reluctant joy.

“Ohhhhh, but f-for how long? Mhmmm, this is t-too weird. These tits are t-too sensitive, and my body far t-too curvy!”

“And this dick is - ahhh - way too interested in all of that! We have to find a way to escape!”

“I know! But I can’t - I’m, like, so much dumber now, and -”

A twig snapped.

“What was that?”

They stopped making out, but only for a moment. The pleasure and desire was too much, as were the compulsions. She pressed his head against her breasts.

“Nevermind, I thought I heard something. It was just a squirrel or something, I bet.”

“Yeah, exactly. Now let me feel those tits, babe. I mean - shit, sorry. I can’t stop saying this atrocious dialogue.”

“M-me either, sexy stud. Let’s fuck right here in the forest. I want you bad, and-”

There was another sound.

“I really heard something that time, Rodney?”

“It was probably just Andrew. He said he’d go check out a sound earlier in case it was a bear.”
 “Oh, right. Where were we?”

Rodney was once more lost in the wonderful sensations of being a strong, masculine, big-dicked man with a voluptuous woman humping her body against him. She played with his belt, undoing it, desperately desiring his cock despite every instinct of hers trying to rail against her aching needs. But her dignity was gone, and that was the point; they were the stereotypical dumb lovers in the woods, which only meant-

Another twig snapped, and Rodney got up, pushing Scarlet gently off of him.

“For fuck’s sake, Andrew! I’m trying to score here! Stop freaking us out!”

A dark shadow stepped forward. It was huge, well over six feet. Far too big to be Andrew.

“Get the suit off!” Rodney called, though he shared a terrified look with Scarlet. The real them beneath the compulsions knew who this was.

“Fuck, it’s, like, him!” Scarlet declared, jumping the gun.

“It can’t be,” Rodney said, who knew it would be. “It’s just Andrew. Show us your face, dude!”

The shadow threw something. It rolled down the hill into their clearing, landing at their feet. It was the handsome, now-bloodied face of Andrew, attached to a head that was very much not attached to its body.

Scarlet screamed, and it was half-genuine this time.

“What the fuck!?” Rodney cried.

The head sighed. “How do you think I feel? I guess I’m stuck as a man when this finishes. That’s what I get for being a fucking coffee assistant. Goddamn it!”

Scarlet screamed, and, perhaps a little aggressively, kicked the living head away.

“It’s him! It’s Lukas Voss! We have to run!”

Rodney needed no time to make that decision. His limbs were suddenly his own again, as were Scarlet’s. He grabbed her hand and raced back towards the party. He needed to get the newly female Taylor and Sabrina. They were the main cast, and if they were to survive this, they were going to need each other.

He looked back, the music in the air beginning to strike the same chord of fear over and over again. Lukas Voss was advancing.

And if the slasher villain had his way, they’d never get back to their original bodies.

To Be Continued . . .



When the head talked, I lost it! This is so much fun!