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From the twisted mind of director FoxFaceStories comes this new tale of horror!

Gregory Builder is an old horror director past his prime, with one last project in him, his most ambitious ever. With the help of dark magic, he is able to bring to life a real horror story, one in which his hired cast are physically transformed into classic slasher victim roles, all while a killer is unleashed into reality from the fiction of the script. These transformed and transgendered actors must escape before they are killed - because if you die in this movie, you’re stuck in your new role for life!

Warning: more gory transformations than usual!

First Part

Scene 2: Setting the Scene

The fire wreathed its way around the young actors, causing them to scream and yell and even bark demands that this special effect stop and stop right now, damn it! The only one that wasn’t panicking was Timothy, because he assumed that this was probably just some stunt or amusing prank used to initiate the group into the shoot for the great horror director.

How wrong he would prove to be.

Even as Ruby cried out, trying to leave and banging on the invisible, fiery walls, she felt her skin begin to crawl. Groaning, she clutched her body.

“What are you d-doing to us!? Let us out!”

“Not until the change begins,” the witch-like woman spoke. “Which I imagine it will . . . right about NOW!”

Ruby shuddered, another strange infusion of power coursing through her. A large pentagram burned at her feet, yet like the fire all around her she was only warmed, not burned. Except that was not true: something was being burned away, but it was not her flesh. It was her form.

“NGHHH!!” she grunted, gritting her teeth as the fire began to surge within her, bubbling and boiling and blistering her skin. There was pain, but it was only slight. Instead, there was an almost demonic pleasure to it, as if a terrible threshold had been crossed, or was about to be crossed.

Sonny was also experiencing this same arcane horror. His dark skin blistered and bubbled as much as Ruby’s was. He groaned, punching away at the edges of the dread summoning circle where the points of the burning pentagram met. He could barely even see Gregory Builder and the Witch, but he knew they were there.

“You f-fucking freaks! You were meant to m-make me a star! Not kill me!”

“Not kill you,” came the echo of that dreadful witch's voice. “Simply sculpt you right for the role, dearie.”

Sonny went to say something very vulgar, but he was stopped as his fingers began to shrink and wane, and his overall stature too. He began to compress, though to his shock he saw that Ruby was going the other way, her spine extending with awful snaps and terrible clicks, a cacophony of torture that left her gasping.

“AAIIEEEE!!!” she screamed, the pain rising, the ecstasy of it even more.

Timothy was no longer smiling as he watched these two transform, their flesh pouring and altering like rivers of lava upon their bones. He could feel a heat rising within him as well. Without thinking he took Anna-Lee’s hand. The slightly older and much more cynical woman was without words.

“This is - this is not like the stage!” she cried. “Is this just some special effect! It can’t be - Ohhhhh . . .”

She swayed on her feet as she began to feel hotter and hotter, sweat pouring from her skin. Timothy managed to catch her, but his own skin was starting to melt and pool and shift in a way that would have made the great director David Cronenberg proud.

“Oh God,” he muttered. “It’s - this can’t be right. We’re seeing this, right? We’re - UGH!”

His pudgy stomach pulled in suddenly, dispersing across his figure as if a candle flame had been applied to wax. He writhed, and so did Anna-Lee, and the pair of them clutched one another as the pentagram grew ever brighter, magnifying their changes. A dread chant filled the air, the very fires of hell at their feet, the void of a starless sky above blotting out any other light.

“Save us, damn it!” Anna-Lee screamed, even as her hair gained a wavy quality, even as it burned from its black colour to a surprising platinum blonde look. “I’m just doing this to support my theatre work! You can’t ch-change us!”

“Ah, but we have to!” Builder yelled over the blazing, hellish infernal ritual. “It’s part of my deal. To create the ultimate horror tale, we need the right parts. And we need you to be equally horrified!”

Horrified they were. Ruby screamed as her form grew ever taller, to the point where she was over six feet in height. Her muscles filled out, her attractive form gaining bulk in places it was never meant to be. Her clothing ripped apart as her shoulders creaked wider, as her bones extended, as flesh pulled and pushed, tugging against other flesh. It was maddening, it was agony beyond belief, but always there was the want to change more. Sonny could feel it too: even as his spine compressed down, causing rings of pain to ripples across him, he was awash in a terrible and borderline Satanic masochistic bliss.

“Mhmmm! S-stop it!” he cried, lowering a hand down to his now-fully erect cock, which was still quite large. “S-stop it! It’s m-making me feel-”

“Ohhhhh, mhmm, me too!” Ruby added.

“Aroused?” Anna-Lee said, her chest beginning to expand, her rear as well. Her face was shifting, her very voice taking on a lighter, more shallow quality. “It hurts s-so much, we have to stop it, but it’s t-turning me on! God, it’s t-turning me on!”

“Same!” Timothy added last, trying to fight the temptation to masturbate right then and there, despite the sheer shame of doing so. His figure was shrinking, and only his height remaining the same. His hair grew out, sliding out of his scalp as if it were being stabbed through with thousands of needles, and yet its new red colour and generous lushness pleased some strange instinct endowed upon him. He gasped, voice cracking with the changes, and it meant that his own words sounded feminine in nature. “I c-can’t stop! Mr Builder, I looked up t-to you! You have to s-save us!”

“I’m saving all of us - our entire horror industry!” the mad director claimed. He turn, unseen to the changees, to the witch. “Turn up the juice! We’re getting the best footage of my life with this! Cronenberg, eat your heart out!”

The pentagram gleamed brighter, and the soaring flames pouring into the four victims, erasing their ability to speak as it was sucked into their mouths. Not just there, either; the flames and smoke tunnelled like miniature volcanic hurricanes, swirling into their now poorly-fitting clothing, and entering their lower orifices as well.

“N-NO!” Sonny screamed, grabbing his hard junk. But then the flames entered, and his very manhood began to burn and sizzle away, smoke rising. He cried out, but he would have preferred his screams be those of pain more than anything else. Instead, it was screams of purest ecstasy. 

The same was true of his would-be co-stars. Ruby rubbed her body even as it began to look more like that of a horrific burn victim, albeit one with incredible strength and impressive height. Timothy and Anna-Lee moaned and swayed together, the optimist and the cynical caught in a strange dance that mingled pain and pleasure as if it were one of Gregory Builder’s Hell Summoner creatures, the one with all the nails jutting out from its scalp. Their clothes burned away, shredding to pieces and sundered by flame.

But the changes were only just beginning.

Timothy shuddered as his nipples grew, reforming and reshaping despite the burning skin and sloughing flesh. He gripped them with equally flayed hands, moaning as the flesh behind them pushed forward. Anna-Lee did the same: her own flat chest was pushing forward, just as her waist was burning way thinner, the muscles now visible as they became more athletic. Subcutaneous fat blistered and bubbled, sifting around to give her padding in her rear, upon her now-generous hips. She wailed in a shameful orgasm, and Ruby joined her, only the latter’s voice was now impressively deep. It lowered in registry, accompanied by other horrifying yet delicious changes: the sarcastic work-for-hire actress lost much of her hair, but she gained something else between her legs.

“Nooooo! That’s imp-posibble! What the f-fuck! Oh GOD IT FEELS GOOOOD!”

The witch cackled as, inch by terrible inch, a huge, throbbing, and soon very erect cock slid out from her tunnel, backfilling it entirely. A set of impressive testicles also pushed out, painful from the compression at first, then wonderful. Instantly, the new male began rubbing them, just as Timothy began to caress ‘his’ new equipment. 

“Mhmmm! I’m ch-changing there! I’m b-becoming a woman! Ohhhhh . . .”

She new she moaned in a delightful chorus with Anna-Lee, despite their freakish, nightmarish appearances. Anna-Lee had become even more curvaceous and was still changing. Sonny, on the other hand, was becoming a woman too, but one that was much flatter and more petite, and overall diminutive. He yelled and screamed curses, grunting and groaning and trying to hide how pleasured he was. His penis erupted with a font of his seed from his ministrations regardless, and as if activated by this reluctant pleasure, it too retracted, burning further away as it had been before, until nothing remained. Nothing but a feminine slit that his fingers sunk into without thinking. Her fingers, really. 


Her voice was now whiny, high-pitched, with an almost nerdy cadence to it. Metal filled her mouth, giving a sharp sting. It was a new set of braces. A pair of glasses melted into existence over her eyes, adjusting them immediately.

“I won’t b-become some f-fucking nerd girl!” cried the new nerd girl. Her breasts were small but not too modest, and her figure was still lovely even if much more lithe, like that of a short gymnast. Of course, much of her skin was missing, but that problem was soon being taken care of; as each of their bodies settled, their surfaces began to knit back together again, the searing burns giving away to the sweet, delicious pain of renewal. Timothy tried to control his/her breathing as her skin formed without blemish, fine and beautiful and with no hairs other than above her new vagina and upon her head; long now, falling down to her shoulders. 

“Holy moly,” Timothy said in her new voice. It sounded surprisingly confident, almost full of authority. The kind of woman who could take charge in a given situation, which was very unlike who she was meant to be. “I’m a woman. I’m a woman.”

“I’m not!” Sonny exclaimed, despite now being short - perhaps five foot three at most - and cute as hell, complete with braces and glasses and a curly loose afro. “I refuse to be this! I’m a leading man, for fuck’s sake!”

“Shut up, you moron!” Ruby spat, unused to his new, very deep voice. He had become a tall, six foot one footballer type, still with his olive skin and gorgeous dark hair, though that was shorter now. He looked like he would have been if he had a superstar brother. “We’ve got bigger things to be worried about!”

“That’s right!” Anna-Lee added. She folded her arms over her breasts - the same breasts which were now very quite large, the last of her skin reforming. “I look like a stupid dumb blonde bimbo and even sound like one too with this Southern twang in my voice, but there’s an actual factual witch out there that warrants much bigger concern!”

“Exactly,” came the witch’s voice as the flames began to fade. “Let’s make you nice and presentable for me, shall we. This film is rated R, but it’s not a porno either. Have some clothes to fit your delectable new figures, my dearies.”

Surging up from the ground came ribbons of fire. They wrapped around their naked bodies, searing them slightly, only for the wounds once more to heal over near-instantaneously. Over the top of their newly-reformed flesh was proper fitting clothing for the new ‘characters’ they had been ‘kindly bestowed’ with by the witch and Builder. The last vestigial remains of the wall of fire fell, and in the calm that followed the stars emerged back into the sky, and the utterly bewildered and horrified camera crew and wider production team were just as silent.

“What. The. Fuck. Was. That!?” a woman asked from the crowd.

Builder clasped his hands together. “That was the magic of the original witch,” he declared with a feisty grin on his aged face. “She has made our cast into the perfect stars for our horror-filled flick! The Final Cut is of such importance as my magnum opus, my final work, that only dark blood-magic from the most evil and demonic sources for me can attain the lofty goals I aim for! Behold, our new cast!”

“Fuck you!” Sonny spat, looking more petulant than intimidating giving her new female nerdy form.

“Yeah, fuck you!” Ruby added, sounding actually intimidating, given how much of a football linebacker he appeared to be now. “Turn us back or I’ll crush your fucking skull with these new muscles!”

“I demand to talk to my agent!” Anna-Lee said, though her voice sounded far more sultry and haughty than cynical and intelligent. Her shoulders shook as she talked, making her large breasts jiggle too. “This is a breach of work conditions!”

Only Timothy seemed to recognise the true stakes. The woman held a few strands of her red hair and gazed at it, eyes wide.

“We can’t do anything,” she said, seeing the witch’s cruel gaze. “Or all that burning will become real, won’t it? Like, actually painful.”

The witch nodded, and Builder stepped before her.

“Don’t worry, you just have to play your parts and things will turn out well! Behold, your new characters!”

As he spoke and introduced them, each felt a strange mental change coming over them. The gift of a new name that overrode their own self-identity, and a sense of how their character was meant to be.

“Timothy has become Taylor, our attractive, stalwart, and resourceful female star! With her red hair and stylish sense of dress, she’ll be able to fight the monster, out-think it, and maybe even escape it!”

Taylor looked at herself. She was attractive. She had a good, athletic figure, with breasts that were perhaps C-cups in size, contained within a smart blouse. She was wearing skinny jeans that emphasised her lovely legs, and in the mirror that Builder held up for emphasis, she was startled by her smart beauty and sharp, intelligent eyes and cheekbones.

“Ruby is now Rodney, our buff protector of the group! He isn’t the smartest, and can be quite the stereotypical jock, but he knows how to handle a weapon and can go toe to toe with almost any force. Almost any, at least!”

Indeed, Rodney now had a football insignia on his white singlet, and wore track pants that were dark in colour. His hair was styled and handsome, but not so styled that he gave the sense of having done it himself; movie magic right there. He flexed the muscles of his hands as he stared at his reflection. He looked like the kind of man he’d like to sleep with, if he were still a woman.

“Naturally, Sonny had to become Sabrina, the nerdy best friend to Taylor! She is short, weak, thought of course still pretty. She’ll have some funny one liners with that sharp wit, but even sharper is her intellect, which she’ll need to take on an implacable beast!”

“But - but,” mumbled Sabrina in her tinny voice. She was dressed in denim overalls over a bright pink shirt that had some kind of physics pun on it, something about noble gases entering a bar that she didn’t quite understand . . . yet. Her face in the mirror was cute as hell. Not beautiful or sexy, but the kind of cute that some guys went gaga for. It was disturbing.

“And lastly, but not least - at least not in terms of bodies - is our luscious sex appeal. Anna-Lee has become Scarlet, the gorgeous scream queen who loves to show off her body as much as her sexy voice. I broke the alliteration for the name just for this: the new name suits you. Scarlet can seduce and party with the best of them, but she better hope that her sex appeal will call others to protect her . . . such as Rodney.”

The new Scarlet was shocked. She had long, wavy platinum hair and perfect smokey makeup on. Her lips were luscious, her eyelashes long, her gaze alluring. More than that, her body was embarrassingly, humiliatingly, a total bombshell of a package. She had large breasts that were easily E-cups, if not larger, looking over twice as big as Taylor’s respectable pair, and generous hips and a curvy ass. It was anathema to the usually snobby woman, especially given that her body was barely contained within a hot red dress that showed off plenty of cleavage, and lots of thigh with its left leg slit. 

“This is crazy,” she said. “This is just - crazy!”

“Crazy, yes!” Builder said. “But all horror is about insanity, when it comes down to it. And you’re all about to have your sanity tested, out here in the woods. Our entire production team will be following you - remember everyone, you’re on the line for this production too! - as you try to evade the hunt of a very real and deeply abominable monster. You see, we have just one part left to cast before we begin and set you loose, ready to be followed and filmed for the greatest horror flick ever made. My lovely new and transformed cast, please meet the Heavy of this film.”

He gestured back to the witch, who was already incanting a spell. The entire production team, terrified as they were, made room for her ministrations, not wanting to be burned or dragged to hell or whatever this woman was capable of. She spoke in a guttural, cruel, and forgotten ancient language as a pit of tar tore open in the ground, and echoes of screams erupted from the widening pit. Builder’s eyes gleamed as he gestured to this unholy ceremony.

“Ladies and gentlemen, cast and crew, get ready for scene one. Start filming, and capture from all angles, for we now witness the arrival of the monster, the slasher, at the heart of The Final Cut.”

Something began to emerge from the pit of tar. Something large, and terrible, and shaped like a human without ever being one. Something wearing a dread mask.

“I give you our next scene: the arrival of . . . LUKAS!”

Appropriately enough, a woman screamed. Scarlet was astonished to realise it was her, making her debut cry just in time to witness a demon in human flesh rise before them.

To Be Continued . . .


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