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By FoxFaceStories

Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!

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Part 3: An Extra Pair

An hour later and the two of them were naked together on his bed, Dan fondling her big tits. Ivy's nipples were almost painfully erect, and her passage was slick with her juices. 

"Oohhhh that feels soooo goood," Ivy moaned as Dan fondled her breasts. They were sore and achy, but also incredibly aroused as he massaged them.

"I can't believe how big you've gotten Ivy."

She moaned as he fingered her depths.

"I know . . . I don't know why - mmhmmm - it just happened!"

She shuddered as he began to remove her panties. "I don't care how it happened. I just like it."

He began positioning his hard member between her legs, and she instinctively widened her thighs to provide him access. She moaned as he entered her, unbelieving how wet her body already was.

"Ohhhhh God," Ivy moaned. Her swollen nethers took in his girth as Dan continued to suck and stroke her plump breasts. He began to thrust, gently and slowly at first and then faster and harder. Ivy's nipples hardened with arousal, but she could also feel those two other points stiffen. Her eyes went wide. What on earth had just happened? But she was immediately overloaded with the pleasurable sensation of Dan withdrawing nearly his entire length out before pushing it all the way back in, and the concern died away, lost among the ecstasy.

"Fuck you feel good Ivy," Dan panted. They were both close to orgasm by this point, when he stopped mid-thrust. Ivy couldn't help but moan in frustration, bouncing her hips to continue experiencing that wanton need.

"Wait, wait, Jesus wait, Ivy, I'm about to come, I need to know if you're on the pill!"

Ivy nearly choked. How could she have been so stupid? She had never had sex without making the guy wear a condom before, and she always took the pill. She'd taken the pill this morning, but she was always extra-cautious. She knew she should stop and make him put one on, but the burning need in her loins was beyond anything she had felt. She needed him to come. She needed to come, in a way she had never felt before. The pill would be enough, wouldn't it?

"Yes, I'm on the pill," she grumbled, "can you get back to fucking me now?"

He kissed her, and she kissed him back.

"Okay babe, you don't have to ask me twice."

He thrust again, and she moaned, holding her large D-cup breasts in her forearms as they wobbled on her chest. The ecstasy was becoming too great. She was on the verge of orgasm.

"Daniel, I'm - aaahh - about to - oooohh - cum!"

And then it hit her. She arched her back, her legs wrapping around her waist as orgasm after orgasm rolled through her. Moments later Daniel grunted in release, and she felt his hot seed flood into her. They lay together, panting for some time in the post-coital glow.

"That was . . . pretty amazing Ivy. You've got a great pair of tits."

She smirked, trying to ignore the strange rumbling in her stomach. Dan chuckled.

"Don't tell me you're hungry again?"

"No, I - Ooohhh!"

She clutched her stomach, feeling it beginning to churn. The points on her head ached.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been bitten by a mosquito here or something."

His fingers brushed the two knots growing below her fattened breasts, and once more she felt them stiffen in response. Almost like . . .

She gasped, and rolled Dan off her as she stood and covered her changing torso. Her loins had begun to go numb in the aftermath of sex, still leaking his issue down her thigh.

"S-sorry, I have to go home," she declared.

Dan looked concerned. "Is everything alright? I didn't mean to comment on your body."

"No, no, you were great," she said, and found that she meant it. That burning need had subsided, even if she was alarmed at her own lack of insistence that he wear a condom. "I just . . . need to go. Feeling a little tired, sorry."

It was true, Ivy, who was normally quite cheery and full of energy, had started to look a little tired. The changes, the eating, the stress over her body, it was beginning to get to her, and Daniel could see it.

"Sure, okay, I'll drive you back. Did you want to take a shower first or something?"

Dan raised a hand and caressed her naked shoulder. She nearly whimpered as those strange knots below her breasts hardened yet again. She pushed away from him.

"No, now. Sorry Dan, this was wonderful. It was just very . . . fast I guess."

Dan shrugged, a little confused. 

"I'll go start the car."

Ivy gave an awkward goodbye to Daniel, trying to ensure he knew she enjoyed his company. As soon as he was gone, she fled to the bathroom. Ivy's parents were out of the country for the next several months, which meant at least in her home she didn't need to hide her changes. She removed her clothing, cringing at the soreness in her growing breasts. Already they looked bigger than they had that morning, plumper and higher on her chest. She lifted one and marvelled at its weight. No wonder her back was getting sore when she had been wearing her too-small bras.

Nearly hidden beneath her boobs were those knots. Ivy shuddered at the sight of them; they had visibly grown, now pointed outward at least two centimetres or more, and with a circular patch of bumpy pink skin around them. It was impossible to deny now. They looked like nipples.

She felt at one with her fingers, and a twinge of soreness but also shock of arousal coursed through her. The knot stiffened, followed by the other. All her nipples became hardened. All four of them.

“It’s not possible. It can’t be. It can’t.”

By the time she reached her bed she had started repeating it in a mad mantra. It took her an hour to fall asleep, and only slightly less than that to enter the stage of denial.


Ivy woke late on Sunday feeling disoriented, hungry, heavy and nauseous. She groaned in discomfort as she rose, until the heavy sensation of plump breasts on her chest brought back memories of last night: her new D-cup bustline, sex with Daniel, her new set of nipples. A cold bead of sweat ran down her forehead as the horror of what had happened sunk in, but she didn't even have time to process it as a new wave of nausea, more powerful and more distinct than the ones that had accompanied her previous growth spurts, sent her reeling. She ran to the bathroom, feeling even heavier-set than the day before. She just managed to make it to the toilet in time before she began to heave up the contents of her stomach.

"Uggghh, oh God," she moaned, before throwing up a second time. She clutched her stomach as it heaved out the remains of last night's dinner. For a distracted moment, she could have sworn she felt the pressure in her belly give way to actually growth.

She cleaned herself up and had a shower, increasingly concerned over her body. Her breasts had definitely grown while she slept, and when she tried to put on one of her new tops her stomach was too pudgy to fit properly. Ivy wiped tears from her eyes. She felt bloated, sick, tired, and increasingly strained by these changes, and now she appeared to have grown a second set of nipples! 

She tested various shirts, but her fattened nipples on her overdeveloped chest were increasingly erect, and her new 'additions' followed suit. The only way she could hide her new changes were by wearing incredibly loose garments that only made her look baggy, or by taping over her lower nipples so that they didn't show up against her shirt. She opted for the latter, wincing as she did. She had never heard of something like this happening before. Her doctor's appointment was only five days away, but what if she searched online for her symptoms? She opted to do that as she ate breakfast, tasking herself with only eating an appropriate amount and not giving into her bouts of hunger.

Ivy immediately failed, so great was her hunger. She continued to feel her extra nipples, astonished and sickened by her strange developments. What had happened to her? Why had it happened? Was it the result of some strange new mutant strain of flu or something? She tried not to think about the two bumps on her forehead, deftly hidden beneath her hair. But she couldn’t ignore the hefty weight of her fattened chest, the way her plump breasts jutted out from her upper torso and weighed noticeably on her back. Sitting in her D-cup bras they were quickly becoming a . . . tight fit. They had grown, and she needed new bras. And perhaps, she considered miserably, some even bigger sizes just in case.

Making sure no one saw her taped new . . . additions, Ivy travelled to the clothing store. Looking in the mirror, she was astonished. Her breasts, which were only continuing to ache sorely, were easily DDs, perfect in every way were it not for how they looked too large for her small frame. She couldn’t figure out why she was developing so much, and especially at the age of twenty. It was mortifying! And she couldn’t help but notice she was sweating more too, a light sheen of it adorning her plump chest as if tired from the sheer aching effort of growing. She shyly purchased several new sizes, confusing the woman at the counter. She traded in her ‘old’ D-cups, purchased only the day before, for new DDs and even some E-cups. She didn’t even want to consider the possibility that they might grow larger, but had to be prepared just in case.

On the way home she couldn’t help herself; she stopped to get a large serving of fast food. When the young woman at the serving counter made an encouraging comment on ‘I bet the kid will like that, huh?’ Ivy gave her a strange look.

“What do you mean, kids?”

The woman turned red. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I just assumed, with your stomach . . . and your chest . . . and all this food . . .” she trailed off into silence. Ivy took the tray, red with fury and shame herself.

“I’m not pregnant, I’ll have you know,” she said venomously. “I’ve just . . . I’ve just put on some weight recently.” She glanced down at her growing curves. Her stomach already seemed noticeably bigger than it had been that morning. It was straining against the jeans button. She took the food and left while the woman poured apologies, but even as she walked home she couldn’t resist gorging herself upon the chips and greased chicken.

By the time she went to bed Ivy felt overcome by her changing body, but had managed to convince herself that the . . . things below her breasts could not be nipples. They couldn’t be. They just couldn’t be. It was too much to think otherwise. She slept on her side - her stomach was too bloated and full to feel comfortable, and did her best not to scratch either her nethers or her scalp. The area just below her armpits were also becoming a bit itchy and pressured in the afternoon, but she told herself that come Friday’s appointment everything would be alright. 


The next day on campus, every eye was on Ivy. She once-slim girl was the image of discomfort in her tight clothing and straining bust. Her large DD bust line swelled up and down with each breath, her cleavage creeping up to her clavicle as she breathed heavily. Her skin was warm, flushed, and she had a sheen of sweat on her she couldn’t clear away. Even as the first lecture began she couldn’t stop herself eating. She had brought chewing gum, chocolate, biscuit snacks and a host of other sugary and savoury sweets to fill her ever hungering stomach. It was the final week of semester, and once it was over she could stop appearing in public until whatever was happening to her was solved. But it was a struggle. She kept scratching at her forehead, and trying to ignore the awful feeling of her loins swollen grotesquely in her pants, or the strange bumps below her breasts. Several times she had to leave to adjust her uniform, but nothing was ever good enough: it was just simply too tight

Not too long after, it happened. 

She was taking notes from the professor, trying to avoid the gazes of others in the class and her own bloated middle, when she stretched her back. There was an enormous feeling of strain as the fabric of her clothing struggled to contain her, and then . . . POP! PLIP!

A button burst from her uniform and rocketed across the room, followed by another. Her breasts sagged forward, no longer so tightly constrained by her uniform, and all eyes turned to her heaving chest. She left in a hurry, and managed to walk right into Delia.

"Jesus Ivy, watch where your big tits are going!"

Ivy stared at her rival. Why did it have to be her she ran into? Her breasts were so damn sore, her lower 'developments' trying to become erect. She must have looked like a mess.

"Get out of my way Delia, I don't feel well."

"I'd say, you look terrible Ivy. I know Daniel must be taken with your big tits but I wonder how he feels about your huge stomach."

"She looks like she's been knocked up," Delia's friend Stacy pitched in.

"Yeah, it's the only way to explain those huge tits she grew overnight," Maddie said. "She was flat as a board and now she looks like she has cow udders on her chest."

Ivy's eyes went wide, and she instinctively clutched her stomach out of fear. Delia looked equally surprised.

"No, really? Are you preggers? You bitch slut!"

She swiped at Ivy, who yelped as Delia's hand struck one of the sore bumps on her forehead painfully. 

"What the -", Delia said, nursing her hand, but Ivy was gone. "That whore. She better not be preggers with Dan's baby. Why didn't the serum work?"

Maddie sighed. "Aww, it didn't work?" I was hoping to see her grow a big insect butt."


Daniel was a bit overcome when Ivy broke the news to him that she might be pregnant. 

"A-are you sure?" he asked, "it's only been two days."

"I-I worried, that's all," she said. "I threw up yesterday. Like . . . morning sickness."

He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Is that why your boobs have . . ?"

He let the implication regarding her enlarged bust hang in the air.

"I don't know. They started getting bigger before then."

Daniel stepped closer and extended a hand to privately massage one of her swollen breasts. "They definitely look bigger now."

Ivy suppressed a moan. "Please Dan, we need to sort this out. I've been putting on weight recently and I'm getting scared."

He dropped his hand. "Fine, I'll go and get you the pregnancy test since you don't have a car. But even if you are pregnant, I know enough to see that that stomach," he pointed at her distended belly, which can gone from slightly pudgy to firmly into chubby territory, "could not have grown in a day."

Again Ivy was mortified. And had no idea what to do when Dan left. He returned twenty agonising minutes later with four different pregnancy tests, handing them silently over to the red-faced girl. She took them into the bathroom, and tried to ignore her reddened womanhood, swollen and bulging out inhumanely, as she peed on all four.

Another twenty minutes passed, and despite all the weirdness of what was going on with her, she breathed a heavy sigh of relief as they all came up negative. Daniel too.

"I can't do this - us - right now Daniel. I'm sorry. Things are just weird. I've been putting on a lot of weight and I need to sort it out."

Daniel looked concerned, but she could tell the pregnancy scare had rattled him.

"Sure, yeah, okay Ivy," he said, "I hope you get okay. You still look good. Um, I hope to see you round. I hope that we can get together again some time. I do really like you, I promise I do.”

He shut the door as he left.

"DAMMIT!!!" Ivy screamed once he had driven away. She clutched her head in annoyance and scratched her head in irritation, when suddenly:


It felt as if the skin had torn away, like something had burst from a pustule atop her head. She felt with her hand at something nub-like hidden in her hair, and then groaned as a tight pressure started in her stomach and continued to rise up into her chest area. 


And then, impossibly yet undeniably, she felt her stomach grow outward several centimetres, her hands spreading slightly further apart as they held her burgeoning belly. Her breasts bulged in her bra, the pale orbs creeping over the cups like muffins rising over their tray. And the pressure behind the knots increased too. She clenched her teeth as she felt the flesh below her breasts soften and expand l, gasping for relief from the internal pressure. Finally her discomfort subsided, and she laid on the ground, panting heavily and soaked in her own sweat, painfully aroused. She rose with some difficulty, her centre of gravity even more top heavy than before, and moved awkwardly to inspect herself in the mirror.

"No. No. No no no no no NO!"

There was no denying it now. Her body had just changed. The woman in the mirror was undeniably Ivy Hartridge, but altered as if through a funhouse mirror, or science fiction experiment. Her breasts sat full and pert and increasingly plump on her chest. They almost looked as if they had gone up another cup size. But far more noticeable were the pink knots below them, which now sat proudly on two fleshy lumps protruding outwards. Two small, very real breasts, situated below her upper ones. No bigger than A-cups, but there all the same. Her large D-cups rested on top of them, largely hiding her lower pair from view. But they were. They were real.

"Extra breasts . . . I don't understand, why is this happening to me!?"

She almost failed to notice the bumps on her head until she felt one of them twitch. Her eyes scanned up. There, extending like little pink nubs from her head, were what could only be described as a pair of small insect antennae. They were short, no longer than four or five centimetres at most, and half that thick, but they moved in her hair, twitching and revolving on some deep sockets just above her skull. She reached a shaking hand up to grasp one, and the moment she did there was a flood of pain as she tried to rip it out, like an electric shock right into her skull. There was no doubt they were a part of her. Somehow they had grown from her head. 

Extra breasts. New antennae. An engorged vulva, and an increasingly round stomach. She wasn’t pregnant, at least it didn’t seem to be that way. So what the hell was happening to her?

There was no way any of this could be real. And yet there it all was. 

She fainted.

To Be Continued . . .


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