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By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Al

The explorer ship Tiresias is nearing the end of its voyage when it is suddenly rerouted to check out a strange signal emanating from the surface of one of the moons of Jupiter. Liam Macklin is a young engineer on the ship, which has a complement of only six. But when he is the one to uncover a strange artefact, his life is changed forever. Slowly, as they voyage back to Mars, his body begins to feminise, in order to better house the new alien life that is growing within him . . .

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Part 10: The Waiting Game

She gave her daughters Aeseran names, but ones that would not sound out of place on Earth or Mars: Arlizi (Lizzie) and Noveris (Nova). It seemed a good compromise, particularly since she was still figuring out her own place as an Aeseran. Or half-Aeseran. Or whatever she was. It wasn’t worth thinking too deeply into: in the weeks that followed her main focus was simply on being a mother, which was a role that was at once incredibly natural and incredibly unnatural.

Once the initial joy of the arrival of her daughters had passed, the difficulty of managing two newborns made itself manifest. At first, Luniara was tired and sore, her belly like a deflated balloon and her breasts achingly sore with milk. She had to put covers over her nipples because leakage in zero-g was a genuine risk to the now-exposed electronics of the ship, and it was also important that she keep the children mostly in centri-grav, only occasionally passing them through zero grav in their makeshift carry pouches, because overexposure would affect their bone development. At least, that’s what Katz assumed; he was doing his best to study their alien physiology, including their reactions to their environment. Thankfully, there were no issues yet; they cried and wept and wanted their mother, and required changing (something that Katz and Adam were helpful with, and surprisingly the Captain as well, since Luniara found it quite difficult at first).

But the poor hours of sleep, the constant feedings and changings, not to mention the sheer overwhelming fact that she truly was not only a blue-skinned alien beauty, but a mother no less, took quite a toll on her psyche. Petyr wasn’t always the best of help.

“Getting that stomach back nice and fit there, Luni!” he exclaimed when she had time to relax in the living space away from her daughters. “You could be on the covers of a hot alien magazine soon!”

At this she could only sigh. The annoying thing about having blue skin was that the blue bags under her sleep-deprived eyes were not exactly visible. In fact, something about Aeseran physiology meant she looked damn good and vibrant despite feeling anything but.

“Petyr, can you not be a goddamn horndog for three minutes?”

“What? I thought women liked to be complimented on their looks! Especially their pregnancy recovery!”

“This may surprise you, but I never expected to have to go through a pregnancy recovery. Or to breastfeed.”

“Yes, those do look like they’ve gotten a lot bigger.”

“I will seriously strangle you.”

He chuckled. “I’m allowed to rib you a little. We’re all out here for you, Liam. Luni. Comrade.”

She crossed her arms, which unfortunately only further emphasised her breasts. They were so damn big lately, now that they were making endless supplies of milk for her endlessly hungry daughters.

“That doesn’t mean you get to perv on me, asshole.”

“Yeah, fair enough. I’m going a little stir crazy. I guess we all are, huh?”

She chuckled. “Trust me, no one is going crazier than the girl who used to be a guy who literally has a baby on each tit every two hours.”

“Ha! We’ll, you’ve taken to it well. And we’re not far from the rift. Maybe everything will turn out well after-”

The alarm sounded, and the pair of them winced.

“You just had to damn well say it,” Luni said. “This better just be a test.”


It wasn’t a test. Hardigan’s face was stern and serious, but his eyes betrayed a little bit of panic. Adam was leaning forward, seated next to Luni. It was a comfortable arrangement for the pair of them; she found herself pairing up with him more and more lately, and not just so he could transcribe everything about her new species that she had discovered.

“We’ve been found out,” Hardigan said bluntly.

“Shit,” Petyr said.

“How?” Adam asked.

Luni’s heart beat quicker, and she grabbed Adam’s hand.

“It was my fault,” Katz said, taking off his glasses to clean them awkwardly. “I - I tried getting a message to my family. I thought if I sent it as a tightbeam with a simple garbage message that it wouldn’t be noticed, but . . . I’m sorry.”

Anger coiled up within Luni, anger for the danger he’d put her babies in. But he’d also safely delivered her daughters, Arlizi and Noveris. The latter seemed quite comforted in Katz’ presence as well. And if she had such affection for her daughters already, how powerfully affected would Samwell be from being severed from his family and two teenage daughters, who had been his life for over a decade now.

“I’m sorry too, Doc,” she said softly. “You gave up so much for me and my babies. I don’t blame you.”

“Can I blame him?” Petyr said.

“You can, but it won’t solve anything,” the Captain said. “Earth is too far away currently, but Mars is sending ships to intercept us: Interdictors, by the looks of it.”

Petyr whistled. “We’re fucked then. Mega fucked.”

“Not necessarily. We still have a big head start. Also, we’re closing on the rift. If we can boost ourselves we could make it. After that, it’s up to Luniara here.”

All eyes fell to her. She clasped Adam’s hand with great firmness. It was a hell of a lot of responsibility. She realised in that moment that she had wanted to be a trailblazer when she’d been Liam. She’d wanted to be taken seriously, to have true responsibility, and to do something important. Now, she’d gotten what she’d wanted, though she never could have expected her wish to be granted in the form that it had. She looked down at her voluptuous alien body, her stomach much slimmer than it had been, but still occasionally sore.

“I’ll do what I can,” she said. “But I won’t ask you to give up so much. Not again.”

“We’re with you,” Adam said.

“I just want to see the hot alien women,” Petyr added. “There better be more on the other side of this rift.”

She snorted. “No doubt you’ll have some statistical success, Petyr.”

“The Aeserans are also our only chance at some form of protection and renegotiation,” Hardigan said. “I’d advise surrender under normal circumstances, but we all know their original plans through Rotar for our Liam-”

“Luni,” Adam reminded him.

“Yes, our Luni. And call me old-fashioned, but this captain would rather go down with the ship than throw a crewmate overboard. But I’m not giving orders here, this is a negotiation between us. You don’t have to make the decision now, and Luni obviously gets a big say. We’ve all spent time with her little blue ones, and we’ve all got attachments here, and back on world. This isn’t a decision to be made lightly.”

“With respect captain,” Adam said, standing up. “It is. It’s the easiest decision I’ve ever had to make, in fact.”

“Agreed,” Katz said. “I made an oath, and I’ll continue to uphold it. I put everyone in this position, not Luni.”

Everyone turned to Petyr. For a moment, there was an uncertain pause, then he just cracked a charming grin and shrugged.

“What? I already told you my position on things. I wanna see some hot blue babes. Closer to them now than Mars anyway. Full steam ahead, captain.”

Luniara hugged him. She didn’t even care that his hand hovered over her butt a little. The man had given up a lot. He’d earned it.


The Interdictors were closing. They were always going to, being military-class vessels. The Tiresias didn’t bother responding to their tightbeam messages or their general hails, other than to reiterate that Liam/Luni was no threat, and they didn’t want to hand her over. Separately, Luniara and Adam put together a general widebeam broadcast explaining their situation as best as they could. The audience was anyone in the solar system who would listen, and the hope was that at the very least, it would generate sympathy. Luniara found it difficult to do - many takes were required, particularly since Arlizi and Noveris kept acting up or requiring feedings, but as always Adam was by her side, encouraging her. The final message was simply a collection of footage of her and her daughters, some of the changes she had gone through, and snippets of her crew supporting her. Her final message was simple.

“My name was Liam. I now go by Luniara, because I have been greatly changed by this experience. But I am still at my core human. I have gone from a man to a woman to a mother, one who cares deeply for her daughters and just wishes them to be safe. My daughters are no threat. I am no threat. I just want to raise my children and find a place to exist that will accept me. I am a medical marvel. I literally am half-human and half-alien genetically, even if I still see myself as human just like you. There is so much to learn about the Aeseran species and what they have to offer that does not require myself and my daughters to be locked up and experimented on. I beg you, please show us the best of humanity, and not its worst. Please, speak out for us onboard the Tiresias. We need all the help we can get.”

It was a stilted speech, and it was embarrassing to have footage of her breastfeeding, though Adam assured her it would garner sympathy among many women and families. None of it really felt like her as Liam or Luniara. Far too formal and stiff. But perhaps it would at least get their message out, and let people know some form of the truth.

It didn’t stop the Interdictors, though. They kept on coming, and it was a slow advance. However fast they were, their closing in was a progress measured in weeks, not days. But within a certain range they could launch missiles, if that indeed became their resort. Hardigan wasn’t convinced, but Luniara had more than a few frightful dreams that left her in tears, and it took the calm of breastfeeding her twins to bring her back down. Petyr jokes around a lot to keep her spirits up, even distracting her deliberately by hitting on her in his own way. He knew that anger kept spirits up much more than fear. Katz did his best too, and the Captain was stalwart in the mission. But everyday had a rising tension, even as Luniara did her engineering magic to push the ship to its limits. She could at least fit in the tubes again. In fact, her body had recovered marvellously well, to the point where it was clear that Aeseran physiology had aided her greatly. Her stomach had only the barest pooch, and no stretch marks. Her breasts were still full, albeit full, in the milk-productionn sense. She’d even let her hair grow out further, so that it now had to be tied in a ponytail or it floated ethereally around her in zero-grav. It felt rather nice to be a full woman without a gigantic pregnant belly sticking out in front of her.

Though a small part of her almost missed it. Dreamed of it, even.


They were a single week out from the coordinates of the rift when it all became too much. Luniara had kept to herself and her daughters. They were already showing signs of personality; Arlizi was giggling and gurgling, and much rougher than her sister Noveris, who appeared to deeply contemplate any makeshift toy she was given. They must have sensed their mother’s anxiety, for they wanted her presence more often than usual. Katz called it a ‘wonder month’. It didn’t feel too wondrous. Needy, maybe. But when they had their sleeps - which were longer now they were several months old - she felt so terribly alone. The crew were so loyal to her, but she felt more distant from them than ever. Responsible. Nervous. Anxious. Fearful.

“Goddamn it,” she said, tears flowing again. “Stupid female hormones. Goddamn post-pregnancy bullshit. God, almost make me want to get knocked up again just so I can get that second trimester high again.”

Someone tapped on the hatch and she wiped away her tears and put her top back on. She didn’t bother about the bra. Who cares if her nipples made themselves known for a bit? Only Petyr would really care, and he was harmless. As for the fact that she was in just her black panties, with her bare blue thighs on display, well, she could put up with that too.

“C-come in,” she said. 

The hatch opened, and Adam appeared. He paused, his handsome smile briefly frozen as he realised what a state of undress she was in.

“Oh, uh, sorry Luni. I can come back or-”

“Nah, come on in, man. I’m just in my underwear and having stupid private cry. I’m only missing some ice cream and I’d be a damn stereotype. What’s up?”

“I just thought I'd come see how you're doing. Y’know, what with several interdictors heading our way and a big sci-fi space rift to open, on top of the whole ‘turned into an alien mom’ thing. I imagine it's a bit on your plate.”

“Just a bit, yeah,” she said. She swallowed down a pained sob. “Fuck, I just feel so responsible for this.”

“Hey, you never could have known about the glyph.”

“But you're all out here, risking your lives for me and my babies.”

“By choice,” he said. He sat down beside her, and after a moment's hesitation placed his hand on her shoulder. “We all want to be here Luni. I want to be here.”

She managed a smile, leaning against him slightly. “You know, you're the only one who actually calls me Luni or Luniara every time, without needing to be corrected. Why is that?”

“I guess it's because you were always the girl in our group.”

She elbowed him. “C'mon! I'm serious.”

“Well, I'd say it's because it's who you are now. I look at you and I don't see Liam Macklin anymore. I see Luni.”

She kissed him. She couldn't help it. Her stupid female hormones, and probably some dumb alien mating ones as well, were already in overdrive. Adam's presence was too intimate, his body too attractive, his words too sweet. She pulled back to see his surprised expression.

“Shit. Fuck. Sorry. I don't know why I did-”

He took her face in his hands and kissed her back, his lips upon her blue ones, locking perfectly. This time the kiss was longer, more passionate. When they both pulled back she was breathing heavily.

“Holy shit,” she said.

“Sorry also,” he said sheepishly. “I've been wanting to do that for a while now, but I wasn't sure if you were interested. I thought you were.”

“I am,” she said, kissing him again. “What gave it away?”

He grinned, running his hands down her sides. “You liked my muscles. I've been wearing a lot of tank tops to test my theory.”

“Bastard! Ugh, this is embarrassing.”

She ran her hands over him, feeling his muscles. Her nipples stiffened, her tunnel became moist and needy.

“We could always stop.”

“Too late! I'm s-so goddamn horny. All these hormones. I want you. Fuck, I want you so bad.”

“I want you too, Luni.”

The babies were sleeping in the adjacent chamber, and hopefully would remain sleeping. Luniara pulled her top off, freeing her large, milk-filled breasts as Adam similarly removed his shirt. When he took off his pants she admired the hardness in his crotch. It was a damn strange thing to be turned on by a dick, but here she was and she wasn't stopping now. She runned it through his underwear, causing him to grunt. He in turn squeezed her large breasts, causing milk to dribble from them.

“Ooohhh, that f-feels good. I'm - ahhh - so damn f-full.”

“I can help with that.”

She whimpered as he positioned her on the ward bed, leaned over her, and began to drink from her. It was deeply pleasurable, and gave a sense of instant relief, especially as he massaged one breast while feeding from the other, then switched sides to even her out nicely.

“F-fuck. Such relief! Mhmmm!”

She instinctively shifted her bottom, spreading her legs. She lowered a blue hand to pull away her panties, tugging at his underwear with the other. She bit her lip as his dick was freed - it was bigger than she thought it would be - and it made her moan sensually.

“You like me like this, don’t you?” she moaned as he continued to play with big tits and caress her form. “You like my blue skin.”

“It’s hot as hell,” Adam breathed. He kissed her again, felt her pointy ears. “I’m going where no man has ever gone before.”

She giggled. “Get in line, dude. Now hurry up and get inside me before I regret it. I’m so fucking wet. I need you so damn bad.”

He obliged, and she helped guide him in with an almost eerie instinct, as if she knew what she was doing. Her eyes widened as he pressed against her passage, the one that had so recently pushed two children out of it. But she was tight and wet again, healed unnaturally quick, and her muscles clamped down upon him, desperate to milk him. Adam began to thrust, working in and out of her, picking up spread. She held on for dear life, her heavy bosom trembling with each thrust, particularly once she began to buck her hips to match his rhythm. She’d never felt anything like this, but she’d certainly dreamed of it more than once, and with Adam no less.

The reality was far better.

“Ohhhhhh, f-fuck!” she cried. “You’re s-so big!”

“I can slow dow-”

“Faster! I need you to go f-faster! I’m going to f-fucking cum, dude! I need this! Don’t stop!”

He didn’t, picking up speed again. He caressed her perfect breasts, groping and squeezing them and nuzzling at her neck. She was so damn close she could practically taste the coming orgasm. Everything in her hormones, in her strange blue alien body told her to mate with this man. To have him cum inside her. She needed it more than anything, a release from the anxiety and fear, an embrace of life itself. Adam lowered his head to drink from her again and his tongue on her large blue nipple finally pushed her over the edge.

“Ohhhhh, yes! YES! YESSSSS!!!”

She scratched his back with her surprisingly long nails as she came, thrashing and wailing in orgasm. It hit her in several waves, each overlapping the next, and far better than the male equivalent which was one and done. But Adam clearly enjoyed his part, because he grunted heavily.

“Ohhh, Luni! Aghh!!”

His bear-like sounds were music to her ears. His body tightened powerfully, almost protectively around hers, and suddenly a warmth entered her at the same time as his long cock throbbed in her passage. Stream after stream of his seed pumped into her, right up to her waiting womb. She shivered in delight, unbelieving what she had done but regretting none of it. They panted together, kissing lovingly, embracing even as pumped several more times. It was only when the post-coital bliss was fading that he slowly pulled out, an act that made her gasp. 

“Ohhhhh, that was . . . that was something else, man.”

“It sounded like you liked it, Luni.”

“Mh-hmm,” she breathed, almost catatonic. “I - shit!”

She looked up, pushing Adam off of the medical ward bed. He fell to the ground but recovered quickly.

“What the hell was that - Petyr!?”

The tall, blond man was at the hatch, eyes wide in shock. He must have just entered, but there had been no mistaking a naked Adam thrusting into the gorgeous alien woman beneath him.

“Just my fucking luck,” Petyr said casually. “Of course he gets the girl.”

To Be Continued . . .


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