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Hello everyone, by now you should have received an email stating that my Patreon tiers have changed in pricing. I have adjusted each of the tiers upwards by 2 AUD, the equivalent of 1.30 USD or so. A smaller additional charge will be the same of my commissions, which will be 12 USD per 1000 words from now on.

Why have I made this change?

I have long thought about changing the prices of my Patreon tiers, chiefly because while I am incredibly thankful for the support I receive, I am very much aware of two things:

  • Looking at other Patreons and services that provide erotica like my own, my pricing is seemingly much (sometimes very much) cheaper than the average.

  • In my own life, I am having to lean increasingly on my Patreon earnings to get by.

How is this being kept fair for you?

However, I certainly don't want anyone to feel ripped off or like their subscription has been hiked significantly, which I view as a poor practice that would be unfair on you. As such, I deemed that a mere 2 AUD price increase across the tiers would be sufficient. I know it's a minor cost, but I hope that you see that it is just that - minor - and that it will allow me to continue writing for you from a place of financial security as opposed to dealing with rough patches where the writing dims in both quantity and quality.

What does this mean for you?

You are not being charged extra straight away. In fact, according to Patreon guidelines, you have another whole month from your next charge. Only after that next month will the new one come into effect.

What if you want to cancel?

Obviously, I would not want that outcome, haha! But if you feel this new price point is unfair and unjust, or simply beyond your means, I completely understand. I do hope you understand why I have made this choice, and I do believe that you are still getting a massive amount of content at dynamite prices, but I do not blame anyone that would prefer to cancel; that is your choice and I fully accept and support that. I would simply state that you are welcome back at any time, and that I am very thankful for the support you have given me already.

If you have any thoughts or further questions, don't hesitate to put them below. Once again, thanks for supporting my Patreon. I do not intend on raising prices again.


For some reason, some of you are getting emails saying, for instance, that the Deluxe Tier is going from $11 to $17 dollars. It seems that Patreon is putting the first number in your currency (e.g., USD of which 11 is equivalent to 15 dollars here), and the second in AUD. Don't worry, the price increase it not nearly that much. My email below here confirms it:



Thanks for clarification


A couple of bucks is not that big a deal but for me the price has apparently doubled, that seems a bit of a steep hike. Not sure what the exchange rate is between AUD and £ Sterling, but I'm fairly sure it ought to go from, at most £3 to maybe £4.50 ish?

Fox Face

See above for my edit and other comments Greatsage. The price has definitely only gone up 2 AUD, Patreon is just listing mixed currencies annoyingly.