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Hello wonderful patrons! I hope you have all had a magnificent Easter or weekend in general. Before I get started with this month's content, I thought I'd get something off my mind that's been floating around there for a while. As some of you have remarked to me when taking commissions, I don't really do a great deal of advertisement for my Patreon. I don't use Discord, I don't use Twitter, or have an FB page. I mainly advertise through Deviantart, as well as posting on TG fiction websites and very occasionally on FurAffinity. I'm very appreciative of the support you all give me, but I thought it might be good to know what you think on this matter - are there places I should advertise more on?

Basically, what I'm asking you is - where did you first hear of my content? Are there places on the Internet I'm unaware of or simply haven't taken advantage of that I should start putting my content previews and free stories on?

If you have some ideas, feel free to reply below, or message me privately if you'd prefer. I want to have a general sense of where people are hearing of my stuff the most, and what platforms I might be able to have more of a presence on!

Also, I'm thinking of running another Q&A. It's been almost two years since the last one, I think, so if you're interested in asking me questions and me answering them, feel free to reply below as well and I'll get it organised!

Thanks again everyone!

EDIT: Also, would people be interested in a Discord of some kind? I'd have to look into it, but would that be a good way for awareness of my content to spread further? As you might be able to tell, I'm not the most forum savvy person haha.


Mr. Watt

Docs lab as well. The broodmothery bug mommy stuff is what dragged me here. The good writing and flow of content that mostly appeals to me kept me coming back. (Also the alien fake asari three parter and the epilogue. Specifically that it was a finished story and that the epilogue was paid rather than some artists who give a clipping from in the middle. I very much prefer whole sample stories with more on patreon like you do.)

Camden Allard

Like many others here I found you on Tgstorytime also I would love another q&a