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This month, you enjoyed an alternate ending to Nerd Alert, as well as the fresh story Misplaced Revenge.  Now it's time to have a think about what you'd like to see next month for the Deluxe tier, as well as to decide upon our mini-stories! But before you can choose, first you can tell me what you are interested in seeing next month on the following subjects.

NOTE: only 80 words for mini-story proposals now please. Some people are still putting in way too much complexity for what are ultimately meant to be small instalments.

1. Mini-Stories

If you have a topic, story, concept, or specific change you would like to see next month for a mini-story, please comment below or shoot me a message and I'll add it to the poll coming in a couple of days. We still have Sucks to be a Succubus coming this month. Please keep your proposals to 80 words please. I won't consider anything over this word limit!

2. Epilogues/Alt Endings

If you have a story you would like to see an alt ending to, or an epilogue too, please comment below or send me a message. You can even go further and describe what you would like to happen in this alt ending or epilogue. Two options will be chosen!

So, what would you like to see? Remember, can always do another epilogue or alt-ending to a story covered once before. A story can have more than one of these if you really want it and vote!



Minj-story: “Two boyhood friends have a tradition through the years they’ve done since graduating high school: every summer they go up into the mountains alone, make a magical pact, and wrestle. Whoever gets pinned first transforms into a sexy female version of himself immediately, and she submits to and is taken by the victor immediately and for the rest of their vacation.” And any other layers you want to add if it works, like maybe this year one of them just had a nasty break up and it’s much more emotionally charged than normal or whatever, or one of them is getting married and this is their last time(or is it?) or whatever. Couldnt think of any good Brokeback Mountain puns.


Alt ending is same as last week for wholesome family.

Nexus 369

Mini Story: Lucy feels left out of her family due to her being smart in a family that for generations has only had bimbos and jocks her twin Roxy noticing this approaches her family and they come up with a plan to bimbofy Lucy so she doesn't feel left out. Epilogue Queen B: Max has gotten a new girlfriend making Jean incredibly jealous so she decides to turn Max into Maxine using a serum like the one used on her but instead of turning Max into a queen B it turns her into a D.U.F.F.( Designated Ugly Fat Friend) and secret submissive lover of Jean.

Camden Allard

The Polymorph Parisite Alt ending Instead of being turned into a bimbo the Parisite ends up turning George into an Busty Amazonian Goddess