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As voted on by you, Deluxe Tier Patrons! Enjoy!

By FoxFaceStories

What if Todd brought the book to Will just after reading it looking for help instead of leaving? When Will reads from it as well and starts becoming Todd's fantasy woman too, they both become increasingly desperate to stop the changes, hoping another passage in the book will reverse them. Instead it only makes them worse.

An Alternative Ending to Nerd Alert (Bully to Hot Nerdy Girl TFTG)

Alternative Ending - Nerd Alert 

Todd looked over the texts in the archive room. It was a sealed off area that apparently they needed special permission to access or something; he hadn’t really paid attention. All he knew was that some of these old books were apparently the genuine article and really several hundred years old and in need of special care and all that, yada yada, blah blah. Far from being exciting, all of them looked pretty damn boring to him. As he was reaching for a dusty old tome in the archive, Todd noticed one that was hidden behind the shelf, planted against the wall and wedged against the frame. In the shadowy recess of the area, he could easily have missed it: hell, unless viewing it at the specific angle he was seeing it from, anyone could have missed it. He didn’t give two shits about poetry, especially love poetry, but he couldn’t help but be a bit intrigued as to what this lost book could be. Reached forward and balancing himself, he used his superior strength to pull the shelf forward a little and quickly catch the text. It wasn’t huge, but it did feel leathery and ancient. He pulled it back and had a look at it.

“Huh, The Ancient Recipes of Love. Jesus, it’s caked in dust. This thing’s been lost for decades, I’d say. I bet that William Heart would cream in his pants just to have a look at it.”

He grinned to himself. So why let William have a look at all? Far better to have a read himself and get his own fingerprints all over it, just for bragging rights over the dweeb. He hated how Will was always looking at him out of the corner of his eyes, obviously looking down on him for not being as smart. Well, why not tear a few pages out, just to see the little bitch cry?

“That’ll do it,” he said, chuckling. He opened the book, dust flying everywhere for a moment. He flicked through several poetic ‘recipes’, musing at their ridiculousness. There was Recipe for Love Divine, Recipe of Forbidden Pleasure, Recipe of Heart’s Desire. He halted at one that had a peculiar illustration of a half-man, half-woman. 

Recipe of Perfect Physical Compatibility,” he read. “The fuck is this shit?”

He read on, oddly fascinated.

“I wish I could be my partner’s love

No just in form but heart and mind.

So that I could fit them like a glove

And he true affection and joy could find

Let me now transform my soul

To sate my partner’s amorous lust,

And come to please their spirit whole,

Forever, in permanent binding trust.”

“Well that was stupid,” he said. “I can’t believe I just read my first bit of poet-wha!?”

The words were lifting off of the page. They were actually, literally turning into golden light and lifting off the page. They swirled around Todd like a miniature hurricane, and the man yelped like a dog, jumping out of the seat he’d taken and trying to scatter the words. But instead they floated down upon his skin, melting into it, feeling strangely warm, like little tingles of pure energy.

“What the hell!? What the fuck is this!? Stop! Goddamn it, someone help me!”

No one came. They should have. But his voice was muffled by the golden light. He threw the book across the room in a panic, sending it behind the archive rack again by pure accident, and the light vanished. Taking his cue, he ran out of the archive room, opening the door only to slam it shut, nearly breaking it with his strength. Every eye in view turned his way in the library, including William’s.

“Um, are you okay, Todd?”

Todd swallowed. He felt like an idiot. It had just been the dust, right? The dust beneath the bright light of the archive room bulb. He’d let himself be freaked out for no reason.

“Yeah, whatever. I just found this weird fucking book is all. It’s got dumb poems in it and stuff. Seriously full of dust too.”

“Can I have a look?”

Todd threw it at him forcefully, causing William chest pain as it collided against him. “Have at it, nerd.”

The book fell from Will’s chest to the table, opening to the same page Todd had just read. A small ominous spike went down his spine, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

“A recipe of perfect compatibility?” William said, reading over it. 

“Yeah, it’s some weird Shakespeare bullshit or something.”

“Don’t know Shakespeare,” he replied. “The bard knew romance, alright.”

“Sure, and what does a cute nerd like you know about such things?”

William seemingly didn’t notice the wording Todd had used, which made him glad. What the fuck had he just said? Why was he calling William ‘cute’? What the hell was that about? He bit his lip, sticking around instead of going to lunch, though he couldn’t say why. Instead, he stood there scratching his suddenly itchy hair as he waited for William to finish reading.

“Well, it’s certainly an interesting ‘recipe’,” William said. “Or a poem. It sounds like it’s a pretend ‘spell’ to turn oneself into the perfect lover of another, perhaps the nearest person present.”

There was an awkward silence, during which Todd fumed. “Dude, you are so fucked in the head. That is the grossest thing I have ever - woah!”

William saw it too. Just as before, motes of light were erupting from the page, the recipe disintegrating from the tome all over again. It hadn’t been Todd’s imagination after all, and he was almost literally spellbound as much as William was as the glowing motes swirled around William, descending upon the small nerd and coating his skin with glowing light.

“Hey! What’s this?” Will cried. “Is this some kind of prank or something?”

Someone several aisles over shushed them, and William caught himself. They were still in the library, but his greater attention was on whatever the hell was happening to him. The words from the page drifted all about, the recipe becoming part of him, as it had for Todd.

“Shit,” the bully said. “It’s just like what happened to me! All the light - I wasn’t going crazy! It thome therious thit!”

He clasped his hands over his mouth, shocked that he’d suddenly developed a strange lisp, and that his voice was cracking higher. He almost ignored the strange tension in his spine and limbs. That was, until William looked up at him as the light finally began to dissipate, and his eyes flung wide open.

“Um, Todd-”

“Don’t talk to me, nerd! Thomething’s going on!”

“I know! You’re shrinking!”

Todd gasped. He was shrinking, getting shorter and shorter as his pressurised vertebrae became far more noticeable.

“What the fuck!? What the fuck!? Thith can’t be happening!”

But it was. His limbs shortened, and his body hair began to retract. To Todd’s horror, he was soon shorter than the nerd he’d made fun of for so long, and the rest of him was slowly changing too; for one, his thighs began to thicken, and his nipples throb.

“Ohhhhhh, dude. It was the book! The book’s done thomething to meee! Fucking undo it already, you fucking hot nerd!”

This time William heard the words. He had no idea what to think, because right before his eyes his dreaded bully was transforming. His face was becoming softer, his hair growing out longer, and now his hips getting wider as well. His clothing was changing with him too; getting better fitting and tighter, his shorts rearranging to become a pleated skirt. 

“Bratheth!? I’ve got fucking bratheth!?” Todd cried, feeling the metallic dental work appear over his teeth. A set of glasses manifested into existence even as his big nose became button cute, his lips full and rather pouty.

William was so taken in by the sight that he almost didn’t notice the beginning of changes to himself. It began, unlike Todd, with his hair. His scalp was itching slightly, then a lot, and suddenly his hair was growing out longer and longer, becoming blonder and blonder. Todd was too preoccupied with his slowly swelling chest to see what was happening to his former victim, but William realised in short order when he turned and saw his changing reflection in the archive room’s reflective window. His height was likewise growing, his features becoming softer, and his hips were soon widening, as if his own transformation was racing to catch up to Todd’s.

“Nghhhh! Oh God,” he said. “No, that’s not possible. It violates every principle of reality that, like, exists and stuff!”

He blinked, realising the blundering sentence he had just said. Why had he just spoken like a damn valley girl? His jaw dropped at the realisation even as it cracked and reformed to give him a heart-shaped face: he was becoming a bimbo type. It was evident from the way his lips were blowing up to become a perfect set of what Todd would have called DSLs - Dick Sucking Lips - and his expression taking on a naive yet sexy look.

“Todd! The book, I think by reading it we’ve, like, starting a process where we totes become each other’s perfect woman or whatever.”

Todd was panicking. He wanted to call out for help, but his own embarrassment and humiliation over his situation made such a move impossible. Besides, it would require him to leave William, and for some reason that just seemed all wrong at that point. His soft legs gained stockings with a Tetris pattern, and his shoes altered, becoming bright and colourful and most certainly female footwear, with little cartoon images on them.

“That doethn’t make thenthe! I like big buthty bimbos with huge boobth!”

It was at that point that the pressure began. William groaned, trying to contain the sensations in his chest but unable to stop it. His nipples throbbed and expanded even as his pectorals rose like a pair of souffles, becoming soft and rounded and increasingly large.

“Ohhhhhhh,” he moaned, voiced going high and female. “I’m g-growing a big pair of ripe boobies! Mhhmmm!!

It was wrong. It was terrible. It was also ecstasy. The nerd’s mind evacuated its brilliance, dropping double-digits of IQ points as his body increasingly took on busty proportions. His breasts raced past full C’s to ripe D’s and then beyond until they settled at what he instinctively knew were massive F-cups, each nearly the size of his own head. His top changed, altering to become a tube top that was highly inappropriate for a library setting but showed off his cleavage wonderfully. His stomach slimmed just as Todd’s had just done, leaving him with a gorgeous midriff.

Like, this is soooo not fair! I don’t want to, like, not be a nerd anymore! I don’t want to be Wendy!”

“And I don’t want to be a nerdy Tabitha!” Todd cried.

Both of them halted, looking at one another. Their changes were almost complete by this point: Todd was sitting on five feet, perhaps 4’11, and now had long curly hair and thick glasses and an absolutely adorable face. His bust was impressively large, even if it wasn’t as large as William’s, but his hips were dynamite, wide and showing off a great ass in his tight skirt. His shirt had a nerdy mathematical theorem on it, and his teeth were ever-so-slightly buck-toothed, only adding to the cuteness.

But the physical changes, disturbing as they were - particularly as William gained long shapely legs shown off by his short denims - were only magnified by the mental ones. The two changing men were not thinking of themselves as female; Todd as Tabitha, and William as Wendy. Worse, they were even thinking of themselves as female now, despite one final change left to.

A final change that unfurled at that very moment.

“Nghh . . . n-no!” Tabitha cried. “Thith ithn’t what I want! It’s like a bad epithode of Thtar Trek or thomething! You can’t t-turned me into a w-woman - ahhh!”

Wendy’s IQ dropped further. Now, when she got nervous, she actively giggled. She did so then, trying not to laugh in her anxiety, which set her colossal tits wobbling in her tight top. “I’m sorry! It’s, like, making me supes nervous! I’m becoming a total busty blonde bimbo just like you want me, Tabbie! And now I’m getting a total pussy!”

She moaned in a long, sensual manner, enough that the people away from the archives room were clearly becoming annoyed at whatever was happening over the library study aisle. But she didn’t care about that, and neither did Tabitha. Both could only whimper as the strange, reluctant pleasure of their final feminisation occurred. Their penises withdrew back into their bodies, evaporating between their legs and leaving a lovely thigh gap for Wendy. Moments later their tunnels opened, blooming into vulvas within their new panties. It gave them both a fit of ecstasy, and the couple couldn’t help but stagger towards one another, clutching their former foe as they rode out the bliss of the final change.

“Ohhhhh, Tabbie!” Wendy cried, feeling the new nerd’s face being suffocated in her breasts.

“W-Wendy!” Tabitha responded, feeling strangely safe. 

They had, in many ways, switched places thanks to the spell. Now the nerd was the popular girl. She knew instinctively that she was now the star cheerleader in this new life and utterly loved for her looks by the boys, even if she was a total lesbian. And Tabitha knew that she was an utter nerd and geek, obsessed with science fiction and traditional hand-drawn animation and all things space and fantasy. Knowledge poured into her, while her understanding of sports and her love of such things fell away.

“Oh God,” she groaned. “I’m a total nerd. A lithping nerd!”

“A really cute, sexy nerd,” Wendy found herself replying, pulling back a little so that Tabitha’s face was right before her breasts. “Like, I can’t help but feel totally into you now.”

“It’th the rethipe. It’s made us perfect for each other, Wendy. We have to undo it.”

“Um, like, I don’t know. What would that do? Can we even try it? It seems tots hard.”

“We have to, before it’th too late. I’m getting these f-freakin’ compulthions to make out with you! Quickly!”

Wendy grabbed the tome and flipped it open. Her muddled mind was trying to make sense of the old timey writing. She used to know all these words, but now it was harder to discern. She found a block of writing that looked appropriate and quickly tried to read it.

“Okay, um, like, let’s give this a shot:

Let connection bloom between two souls,

That cannot be a-apart. They will join together, 

Like, all the time. Sorry, I mean, through all time.

And know one another’s heart. Their lust will, like

Expand beyond mortal ken. What’s ken? 

They will always have the stamina required, 

And always play their parts.”

Once again, the magic cascaded from the books, motes of it expanding around the room and blooming all around them. It descended like a shower of glitter, melting into their forms. Tabitha instantly realised something was wrong. The poem had been wrong, but she had briefly lapsed into her old mind and assumed that the nerd could do it. But she was the nerd now, and Wendy the much dumber, showier individual. The blue-eyed blonde bimbo grinned, beaming.

“Um, I think I, like, totally did it!”

“I don’t think tho,” Tabitha said, feeling a stronger pull than before. “I think - oh God - I think you just activated a lust spell.”

“A what? Ohhhhh, why am I suddenly f-feeling so f-fucking horny?”

“M-me too.”

They both were, and if the wording was accurate, that lust wouldn’t go away either, not until they addressed it. And even then, it would come again and again and again, because they would always have the ‘stamina’ and ‘lust’ for one another. Tabitha felt her nipples ache to be touched, and her pussy was on fire with need. She assumed Wendy was the same, because she was already fondling her own tits and moaning. Heads were peeking around the corner now, finally seeing the two women.

“Oh, it’s Tabitha and Wendy,” someone said. “Should’ve known. They just can’t help themselves.”

“Next they’ll lock themselves away in the reading closet for ‘private study.’”

The mere suggestion made them both want it. The former nerd and former bully were so high on arousal at this point that they might have stripped naked and fucked each other’s new lesbian forms right on the reading table. But the closet sounded better. Wendy’s male mind within tried to rally against these feelings, but failed completely. 

“We should, like, totes go and fuck. I really want my Tabbie!”

Tabitha had just a little more willpower. She refused to be stuck as a nerdy lisping woman with a short stature and curvaceous body, let alone a lesbian stuck in a relationship with the former William. She managed to touch the tome, reaching out to open it and try and reverse the spell. But then her hand pulled away, and she realised at the same time why: the second spell made it so that they would always play their ‘role.’ Their part. Their assigned new personality. And for the new Tabitha, there was no universe in which she would try to change back, or give up Wendy. 

The former bully’s head turned automatically, looking up at her statuesque stunner of a girlfriend. She grinned, despite her inner desire not to.

“That’th a really thmart idea, Wendy. I really, really want you.”

Wendy beamed, giggling. “I told you I can be, like, super smart! Now let’s get in that closet so I can totes show you how fucking wet you make me.”

The two girls held hands and practically skipped to the reading closet, already looking forward to making out and then going much, much further. They had turned into each other’s dream girl, and now thanks to the second spell, there was no turning back. They would play their roles regardless of what their inner minds wanted, automatically giving in to the need to fuck and date and hang out and sleep in together, and generally act like the loving lesbian pair that the world now took them to be; a cute nerd and a hot busty blonde.

As they began to take each other’s clothes off, suck on each other's tits, and feel one another’s bodies in the closet, they both realised there was no way of getting back to their former lives. They were along for the ride now, Todd and William beholden entirely to Tabitha and Wendy’s wants and desires. And they’d just have to get used to it.

The End


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