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By FoxFaceStories

A Combined Story Tier Prompt from Rilby & TG Sorcerer

Abby finds herself the target of her jealous stepmother who hates how happy Abby is with her loving fiance Trent. When Abigail confronts her stepmother over her cruel comments, she finds herself cursed to ‘regret her words, and the words of others.’ Soon, Abigail finds that her body and behaviour is transforming on the basis of what other people nearby say about her. As she tries to take control of the curse, things spiral even more out of control, and Abigail is left wondering if she’ll even be human by the time the curse has run its course.

First Part 

Next Part

Part 2: Bigger Changes

Abigail made her way back to the hotel she was staying at. She was in a panic; every step reminded her of how big her ass was. In truth, it really wasn’t all that ridiculous, but it was certainly noticeable, with enough bounce to it that each step reminded her of the impossible change that had occurred. Her shaking hands fiddled with the keys to the hotel door, but she ended up dropping them. She went to bow down to grab them, only for the most humiliating thing to happen: her pants literally split at the back, ripping open to reveal her panties, which were straining to contain her larger rear.

“Oh my God!” she squeaked, standing back upright immediately and pressing her behind against the door.

She was just in time. At that very moment, a man walked into the hall to get to the adjacent hotel room door. He was in his forties or so, and gave her a kindly smile. “Are those yours?”

“Hmm?” she said, not knowing how to even form words in that moment.

“The keys?”

“Oh, um, yes!”

With a smirk, he bowed down and fetched them, passing them to her. “Always happy to help a beautiful woman in need!” he quipped. “Especially one with such startling blue eyes! Always liked blue eyes on a pretty lady. Especially bright ocean blue ones! Prefer them with blonde hair though. You ever think about making your hair blonde? It would look lovely on you, I’m sure. I’m Henry, by the way.”

“And I have a boyfriend,” she said, quickly getting the key into the lock and shoving herself inside, slamming and locking the door behind her. She didn’t even care if he’d seen her torn pants.

“What a creep!” she said, still trembling a little. But then she started to tremble more, because his words repeated in her mind: You ever think about making your hair blonde? It would look lovely on you . . .

Her scalp started to itch, and her hair felt warm and strange, as if electricity were running through it.

“No! No, no no no, no way!”

Abigail moved quickly to the hotel bathroom, straight for the mirror above the sink, only to watch in horror as her gorgeous, raven-black hair suddenly shifted to a light, borderline platinum blonde. It grew out slightly longer as well, just a little. Enough, she realised, to match the tastes of Henry next door.

“Oh God, oh shit. I’ve been cursed. It’s an actual curse. Clara actually put a real magical curse on me. How did she do that? How is that possible? It can’t be real, but . . .”

But the evidence was right in front of her. Her hair had gone blonde in mere moments. She inspected it up close, and it only made the revelation deeper: her hair hadn’t been dyed blonde, it was now fully blonde, as if that had been her natural hair colour all along. Even the roots were blonde.

“And my ass! Jesus Christ, my ass!”

She removed her torn pants and inspected herself. She really did have a ‘wide load’ now. The kind of ass that some girls dreamed about, a big bubblebutt that men liked to grab. Certainly, Trent wouldn’t mind it, but she’d always loved her elven-like looks, her thin elegance. Now, her most noticeable feature was her rear. She could imagine the catcalls already.

“I’m calling her. I’m putting a stop to this.”

She got out her phone and dialled a number she never imagined she would use for anything except the most dire of emergencies. After just three rings, it picked up, and her stepmother’s mocking voice answered.

“Well, has someone been experiencing some changes?”

Clara couldn’t contain herself: “Fuck. You.”

“Oh, sweetie. That’s much too rude for your loving stepmother.”

“Loving? You freakin’ cursed me! All because you were jealous of my life and how much Trent loves me! How well I’m going in my life! You need to stop this right now, before I go to the police!”

The woman laughed on the other end of the line. “Oh, the police? And tell them what, Abby? That your evil wicked stepmother delivered a curse on you? Is that really a good thing to admit?”

“It can’t hurt to try.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. By now you would have noticed that the curse changes you based on what other people say about you. Now think deeply, since you’re such a smart young woman, what would happen if a police officer hears this story and says the words, ‘I think you’re crazy’?”

Abigail was briefly silent as a chill ran down her spine. “Then . . . I would actually go crazy.”

“Yes you would. Best keep this between us for now. Now, be honest, what changes have you gone through already?”

Humiliation burned through her. “My skin has gone all pale! My hair is now blonde! And thanks to a comment by a kind old man and some horrid ones from a group of teenage boys, I feel this urge to often go out in public, and my ass has gotten huge!”

The woman laughed again, wickedly. “Well, it’ll only get worse. Don’t try to contact me or your father again Abigail, at least until I decide your punishment is over. If you do, I’ll say all sorts of things to change you.”

“You wouldn’t-”

“We both know I would. And whatever changes you do experience before I choose to end your curse - if I ever do choose to end your curse, that is - will be totally permanent, by the way. Forever. Well, that’s not exactly true, but I’ll let you find out that fun bit, ha! But if not, then I hope you like your big ass and blonde hair, because they’re here to stay.”

By this point, tears were welling up in the corners of Abigail’s eyes. Her hand shook as she held the phone.

“Clara, please, you can’t do this to me. I - I didn’t mean those things I said. You can have Dad. Please, just leave my life alone.”

“I am leaving it alone, from now on. What happens next is up to you . . . and the people around you, Abby. That’s what you get for throwing your better life in my face. You should have just taken the comments I gave you.”

“Please Clara, I’ll do anything. I mean it. Just take the curse off. I’m begging you!”
Her stepmother sighed. “You still don’t get it, do you? I don’t want to hear from you again, Abigail. Ever. Or for you to see my Clint again. And since this is the only way you can apparently learn that fact, here goes: I love that you have a little pig tail to match that big behind of yours.”

Something pushed out from the end of her spine, just above her big buttocks. It twisted about, gaining a slight feeling. She reached a hand back and felt a small pig’s tail.”

“WHAT!? You bitch! You can’t!”

“Oh, bitch am I? Well, in that case, I also love that you have a pair of dog ears instead of human ones; right on top of your head in fact. Furry and foxy!”

Abby hung up the phone and threw it away, just in case she heard any words or Clara used some kind of magic to keep the line going. But it was too late: her ears burned, pushing upwards and literally moving to the top of her head.

“Ngnhhhhh,” she whined, clutching her head from the discomfort and strangeness. “N-noooo! Ahhhh! You can’t - ahhh!!”

They changed shape, flattening and turning triangular in shape. True to Clara’s words, they gained a red and white fox-like colouring. Fox ears. They were several inches tall and perked up of their own volition. Suddenly, Abigail’s hearing was greatly improved. A train passing in the distance several blocks away caught her auditory attention, and her ears literally swivelled a little towards the direction of that sound.

“Oh God, I’m a f-fucking freak!” she whined. She put her hands up and felt the fur of her ears. It was so soft and oddly relaxing to massage. The material of her ears was thin too, but the hearing so much better. She looked like one of the girls from one of Trent’s animes or mangas; the kitsune with the fox ears. She was just missing some sharp canines and a fox tail.

“Instead, I’ve got a goddamn pig’s tail,” she muttered. “And it’s permanent. Fuck. FUCK! I can’t have these be permanent! I just - I just can’t! I’ll be a freak! I won’t even be able to show up at my own art galleries if I take off, I’ll be a recluse!”

She cried. She let it all out. It took a long time. She sat on the bed, trying to ignore the soft sensation of her own pillowy behind cushioning her, and just let the emotions run from her. It took a long hour before she was ready to try and put some new clothes on. That urge to get outside, to get moving in public, was coming over her again. She tried to fight it, but it was incredibly powerful, and now apparently would always be part of her.

“Need to find a way to beat her,” she said. “Need to find a way to undo the curse. If magic is real, then there must be anti-magic, or something, right? Or another spellcaster? Trent can be a bit of a nerd, he’d know these things.”

She didn’t want him to see her like this, but there was no other choice. She needed to get out of this town anyway. It was big, but there was no telling if she’d run into Clara. She grabbed her phone and sent a long, sad message to her father, telling him that she had an emergency and she had to go home. It wasn’t a lie, though it made her hate Clara all the more. Then she got dressed, using a skirt to conceal her bigger behind as much as possible, and tape to keep her pigtail flat against her lower back. The fox ears were more difficult, so she opted for one of her autumn hats. The weather was too warm for it, but she’d packed it anyway, and now it would help her. Thankfully, her ears didn’t mind being compressed a little.

“Right,” she said, wiping away the last of the tears. “Get back home, talk to Trent, undo my current changes somehow. That’s the plan. You can do this, Abby. There’ll be no more changes.”

But she couldn’t have been more wrong. There were plenty of changes to come, and they would be far more extreme than any she’d yet had.


Abigail was nervous as hell. She had fled back to her hometown and needed to see Trent. Her fiance would know what to do; he’d always been supportive, and was good in a time of crisis. Usually. Well, sometimes he freaked out. But he loved her, and she loved him. He deserved to know about this, and he could help her. She stood outside their shared apartment, trying not to fidget with her backside. Her ridiculous pig’s tail was itchy, taped as it was to her lower back. It was just big enough to leave a small lump, but at least was easier to cover than her ears. Those too were bothering her, and the fact that her hair hung over where her normal human ears would have been.

“You can do this, Abby. Just come clean to him.”

She inserted her key into the lock and opened the door, and was immediately relieved to hear that the shower was going in the bathroom.

“Thank God,” she said, closing the door. It felt a bit odd to be inside. Not uncomfortable, but she was aware that she needed to get back in public at some point, all because of an unintentional side effect of a kind old man’s comments.

She took off her hat, freeing her furry orange fox ears with their white tips. She sighed with relief, stroking them. Their softness was actually kind of nice, and she had a brief image in her mind of Trent stroking the soft fur of them, only to recoil from that thought. With another sigh, she lowered the waistband of her skirt and took off the tape, freeing her pig’s tail. She stretched it out a little, massaging it enough to make it more comfortable.

“Stupid pig’s ass,” she muttered. “God, how to even tell him?”

She would need to soon, because suddenly Trent called out over the sounds of the shower: “Abby? Honey, is that you?”

Abigail gulped. “Yes, it’s me, sweetie!”

“I thought you weren’t coming back for a couple of days?”

“I . . . had to come home. I couldn’t put up with Clara. And I needed to see you, badly. Really, really badly, Trent.”

There was a chuckle from the bathroom. The door was half open, and she caught a glimpse of his naked body as he turned off the shower and began to towel himself.

“Hmmm, so it’s that kind of evening for us to look forward to, huh? Sounds saucy.”

“Oh, I - I didn’t mean it like that, Trent. Um.”

But she knew Trent: when he was in the mood, he was in the mood, and his thoughts were clearly trapped there as he continued to talk from the bathroom.

“Well, even if you didn’t, we can always take what happened off your mind with a little fun. I won’t lie honey, I’ve been missing touching those big, beautiful breasts of yours.”

Abigail’s eyes went wide. Trent always enjoyed a bit of hyperbole when it came to dirty talk, and that included the way he acted as if her body parts were more curvaceous than they were. She felt a pressure grow within her chest, subtle but certain.

She stuttered: “They’re n-not that big, Trent. Only little. I like them that way!”

“Nonsense! They’re lovely and big from my perspective. They’ve got that bounce. And I know they’re super, super sensitive, right? They make you moan just from a little touch, right?”

The pressure spiked. Abigail bit her lip, trying to suppress a moan and failing.

“That’s right, sexy,” he said, opening the bathroom door and stepping into the main room with just a towel around his waist. “You know I love your big, hot, sensitive - woah! I love the blonde hair! Goes well with how pale your skin is lately, no offence. It’s a great look. Is this the surprise? Uh, but what’s up with your ears?”

Abigail’s hands flung up to her pointy fox ears. She had been ready to tell him, but now that he had said those words she had forgotten all about her ears! She groaned, feeling the pressure expand in her chest; the flesh there rose, plumpening up. Her nipples stood on end, as if incredibly aroused.

“Ohhhhh,” she moaned, stepping back. “Don’t say anything, p-please! You can’t talk about my b-body!”

Trent grinned. “Is this some sort of game, love? You know I love a hot kitsune. Aww, you’re dressing up for me! And you look hot too. I can’t quite tell how, but something about you is changed.”

He stepped closer, and she halted. She exhaled, her arousal heightening as her breasts throbbed and grew. They were so flat before, but now they surged forth, pushing out against her shirt to become modest B’s, then full C’s, and then what had to be easily larger D-cups or even DD-cups. They were rounded, heavier, and wobbling, straining uncomfortably against her bra. Worse of all, her nipples pressed against the cups, sliding against the inside as her mammaries expanded, and it brought her feelings of horniness she couldn’t have imagined. She realised Trent’s words had cursed her with a secondary effect; her boobs were now massively sensitive.

“Ohhhhhh,” she moaned, gripping her chest and rubbing it. “It’s - they’re b-bigger!”

“What’s bigger?” Trent asked, starting to get confused. “Abby, you’re acting a bit funny. Is this a sex thing or not?”

She trembled as her breasts grew a little just one last time. It made her moan, and the moan was deeply sensual as well. And then, needing to show home what was happening, she pulled at her shirt, taking it and her bra off and tossing them aside. Her boobs were massive from her own view, though they were probably ‘merely’ just large now. They wobbled, freed from their confinement, and hung a little bit lower, though they were incredibly pert, really. Trent’s eyes went wide.

“S-something’s happening to m-me, Trent!” she whined, cupping her bigger breasts and fondling her nipples. The sensitivity was insane, and it made her pussy become as wet as a river in mere moments.

“Holy shit. Are those real? There’s no way you’d ever get a boob job, or that it could happen that fast.”

“It’s m-magic! A curse! The fox ears, too! I need your help, honey. P-please!”

She looked down, and for all of his genuine concern, Abigail could also see that his pants were tenting in a big way. He hadn’t seen her pig’s tail yet, but he’d likely noted her larger ass by this point. She really did look like one of his manga characters, the ones that were always drawn quite . . . voluptuously. It made her libido strengthen further, and her brain switched priorities.

“How can I help?” Trent asked. “Jesus, what do we do?”
She practically launched herself at him, making him drop the towel so she could feel his manhood against her stomach, and then somewhere else. She pressed her full chest upon his skin, and the sensations were worthy of miniature orgasms alone.

“First, I need you to f-fuck me,” she begged. “I can’t help it. I need it.”

“But how did your tits?”

She grabbed his hands and placed them on her chest forcefully. She looked up at her handsome, wonderful fiance, who could be so astute and yet so absurdly clueless sometimes.

“I’ll explain everything, my love. But first, I need you to squeeze these new big tits of mine and fuck my brains out. NOW!”

From the look on his face, she knew he would oblige. 

To Be Continued . . .



This is getting good!