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Do you think it's ok to mix color and b/w pictures in a set? I believe it's ok as long as you can clearly see, that the overall look is similar.

The problem is, that not many pictures look same good in color and b/w. Usually I make the decision already during the shoot and set the camera to color or b/w to have a clear view on how the pictures might look like.

This set of beautiful Veronica was different. I like colors and b/w in the same way. That's why I decided to mix this little set and swtich between b/w and color.

Model: Veronica - IG: @veronica_gemini_
Location: Loft Studio Cologne
Location: Loft Studio CologneLo;:L



Manfred Baumeister

I switch pretty often, esp. if I'm doing a series - then in a lot of cases not every picture works with the same color look. Would be interesting to hear the view of you other folks ...


Not only the fact, that not all pictures fit into the color look. I think sometims a mixed series is even stronger. I remember a Vogue editorial which switched perfectly between color and b/w. That absolutely convinced me, that it works. But not for every series ;)


I also switch from Color to BW in the same set, but don't really like to combine the color ones with the BW ones when showing the pictures. But that is mostly my problem, as i shoot more contrasty BW than color. When the BW picture is "airy" or if the color one is contraty, then i feel it could all fit together. In the first 3 picture there isn't much contrast difference between the pictures.


Very good point Mihai. I usually decide upfront as well, if a picture/set is going to be BW or color. The fact, that my BW pictures are more contrasty as well is one of the reasons for it. Also I prefer a much cleaner and easier composition with clear differences between highlights and shadows when shooting BW. So I can't really say, that mixing color and BW is a planned option. It's rather that I feel that this might be the more interesting option while editing.