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Hi folks! This week's map is the Village Drawbridge (35x25), a brand new urban map! I know many of you demand more urban stuff, so I'll see if I can put together a few more in the coming weeks. Sorry for hyping the upcoming Poll up just to keep delaying it, but I feel like the time is right to pad out my city and village map library just a bit before I move on. If you have thoughts on what specific city/village locations I should make, let me know in the comments!

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here.

Also, you might have noticed that I've reduced the amount of maps I make each month to 3, rather than my usual 4. Since I have my Patreon set up to charge my Patrons for each map I post, rather than a flat monthly rate, your money is still going as far as before- so don't worry about that! The reason behind this is that my wife and I are expecting our first child in December and I've been trying to prepare by making a backlog of maps for me to post when the time comes. This is so I can take some time off while still releasing new maps, with the intention of giving you all a reason to stick around until I come back fully. 

Anyway, I'm not much for words, and I know you're here for cool maps and not to listen to my life story, so just know that I truly appreciate your support- your patronage has changed my life and has helped make it financially possible for us to comfortably start a family, even in these interesting times. You all have my deepest thanks!




Fantastic work as always. Congratulations on the baby!


I'm not picky about maps, it would be nice to have whatever town/village maps encompass an entire town and be modular. A hodgepodge of key locations is nice as well

Patrick Fowlow

I'd like a grungy town/ small village square to go with your squalid Inn

Eric Ullman

Getting caught up here and just read this post. I fully support your altered release schedule, and I wish you and your wife all the best for your growing family! ❤️