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Welcome back folks, for the 5th poll! Notice that you may vote on as many options as you want, so vote for everything you're interested in seeing made into a real map. This one will end next week so be sure to get your vote in soon, and after that  I'll start making the most voted-for maps, from top to bottom, though only the half that performed the best. This way I can avoid making maps that less than half of you want to see!

As always, most of the entries on this poll were suggested by patrons, so feel free to send me your suggestions anytime you want- I note them all down and pick the ones I think would make for the best maps on the next poll!



I love your work and what I'd really like to see is more short dungeon buildings like the Mage Tower you did a while back, please. My players absolutely loved that one. I made a story about a green dragon deciding to attack the wizard who lived in the tower and make the tower its roost.


I could really use a viking mead hall in my current campaign.


So many good options here.


Fantastic! I love the options!


Would love to see some more volcanic and jungle options to see you flex your artistic muscles! Maybe a volcanic or sulfuric hot springs?

Fabien de Serres

With the upcoming “Descent into Avernus” coming, I would suggest a hellish map, maybe?


Currently I’m running Dungeon of the Mad Mage so I love any underground maps I can get to add to the fun!

Dee Kay

An animal graveyard filled with the bones at the bottom of a cliff. Plenty of places to hide, or live, within the field. Perhaps have a mist that clings the ground creating space where the spirits of animals and hunters can be raised.


Man there are so many creative choices I would love to see happen!

Ryan M

Great options. Love your maps. Personally, I'd love to see more maps that fit an Asian theme - shrine and rock garden, tea house with a pond and cherry trees in bloom, a desecrated (or not) shrine deep in a bamboo forest. And even with some of your regular maps, maybe change up the tree shape/style even now and then for more foliage variety like Japanese maple or conifer or bamboo. Keep up the great work!


I see that your work is mainly fantasy, but I'm GMing Starfinder (square 5 foot grid), so any maps that would fit sci-fi as well as fantasy are of interest. Beyond the obvious high tech environments, Starfinder takes place long after the world of Pathfinder, so there are still lots of ancient ruins to be explored. For example, ruins of an arcane (elven) mountain top observatory. Also, outdoor scenes of a mushroom jungle encounter areas (also good for fairy realms), rocky desert areas that can be asteroid surfaces, and organic style dungeons would also fulfill the needs of the various insectoid races.


I like making them too! I added the Temple Garden and Mountainside Dungeon as steps in that direction- interesting and short environments that you can build a solid adventure around. I’m glad your group liked the Mage’s Tower, I have somewhat mixed feelings about it in hindsight but I won’t ever feel good about my maps unless it’s 30x30 and nothing but rocky ledges and grass, haha.


I like that! I think a Nordic-themed tavern/inn would be perfect for a sequel to my Cozy Inn map- I’ll take note of that one.


I’ve tried volcanic option in the past, but few people voted for them! Jungle maps however I haven’t polled much, though I should probably make an effort to add a few next time- lots of people have told me that Jungle Ruins is one of their favorites, but part of that might be because it’s free, haha.


Hmm, maybe a particularly grim volcanic setting would fit the bill? One of the players I GM plays a forge priest of Dispater so I’ve done a lot of reading into DnD’s Nine Hells, it might be cool to put some of what I’ve picked up into a map


I used to dread making cave maps, but recently I’ve found them to be pretty interesting to make! I added a couple underground maps this time, I’m hoping they do well (because I voted for them too)

Marianne Rogers

I'm Apprentice-level and it's not letting me check any of the boxes.


This was posted on the 24th so I assume polling is over by now.


Yeah this poll is closed I believe :)


have you considered doing effects such as a map size snow or rain transparent layer that can be placed on top of your other maps?


I have a rain effect that’s essentially that, some lighting effect changes plus a rain texture, but the maps usually require a little more love than that to really work. I also have something similar for snow, but that really needs lots of additional fixes depending on the map. I’ll see about putting something together, but the results might not be what you hope


Two weeks late to the party but I'd love to see more "interior" city maps. Warehouses, small villas, a secret pit fighting ring, etc. My inspiration is Waterdeep: lots of adventures happen here, but fighting in the street can be problematic.