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Hey everyone, this week's map is a bustling maze of cobblestone streets in a somewhat verdant little town, the Town Street (25x25)! Straight from the poll, and suggested a while back in the comments of another town map, this is a nice and simple idea that should prove to be very useful for your more urban campaigns/sessions. My personal homebrew campaign is set almost exclusively in a large city (and often the sewers or tunnels beneath it) so this is one of the rare times that I could actually use one of my own maps (I won't though, I use a gridded dry erase board, haha). I think I would set up an ambush for the players here, perhaps a party member is wanted by the law or someone has put a bounty on a player's head for a slight that went by almost unnoticed; either way I would certainly try to utilize the rooftops to their fullest. 

You might notice that this one looks a little different than my typical urban map. Every time I make a town map I try to improve on the last one as I don't often make these. This time I made a couple substantial stylistic changes that I quite like and I think fit the environment, but it does mean this won't mesh perfectly with my past urban maps. Still, it's lookin' good so I hope you guys like where I'm going with this!

Next week I think I'll be taking a break from the poll's lineup to make a map of my choice. I think I'll do something lush and verdant, maybe an island or a forest map, so make sure to stop on by!

Adepts can find their post here!




This looks great! I'd love an island (or beach!) map next week!


Do you think you will add interiors to the buildings of these town maps? Thanks for another cool map! :)


I hadn’t considered that! That would be an interesting project, going back to an older map and adding interiors. It will be a lot of work, but very possible! I’ll see what I can do

Eric Kooistra

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