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Welcome back folks, your alternate version this time is somewhat less spooky than the regular map, perhaps a 6 on a scale of 1-10. I wanted to make sure that this map would be usable for non-spooky encounters, so a simple swamp to more typical autumnal colors seemed like a solid choice which wouldn't need leaves for the trees. In fact this version is what I started off with, only after I took a second crack at this map did I end up with the regular version (which is definitely higher on the spook-o-meter, maybe a 9, a 10 with ghosts). Sometimes you have to take a step away for a while so you can look at a project with fresh eyes, and I'm glad I did because it fit the job much better. 

I've attached 2 PSDs to this post rather than the normal 1, an Autumn PSD and a Spooky PSD. Normally I would just attach the week's regular map, but I wanted to add both this time and see what you all think. I assume it's better but no one has been asking for this, so I don't really know.

Anyway, let's talk about the map!

1. Hey, sometimes you don't need much for a rough sketch, right? I try not to go into much detail at this step, even if sometimes the finished sketch looks like barely anything at all. In truth, I actually started this map by drawing a number of trees. I wasn't looking forward to it, anytime I have to draw a prop differently it requires some consideration as to how it will mesh, but I try to get the hard parts out of the way early. 

Something I've learned from making maps is that the simpler the design, the more natural it feels. A change in elevation in the woods comes across better than a pathway cut around a mountain in the desert. Cover, elevation, tactical choices, and nice aesthetics are what's important in the end. Honestly I still don't think I've figured it out but I feel like I'm getting closer ;)

2. As I mentioned, I started by drawing the outlines for the trees. I drew a couple, realized they were much too small, then drew a couple more that were doubled in size leaving me with 6 total. After duplicated them once, placing them, then rotating and putting the duplicates far away from the originals I realized I still needed about 3 new trees so as not to make the duplicates too obvious. Since I'm just so lazy however, I instead grabbed branches from the trees I had already drawn and slammed them together (with small adjustments), leaving me with practically almost new ones. Honestly it would have probably been less work to just draw new trees but I get so bored drawing the same thing repeatedly that I couldn't bear to do it. 

All the other outlines are pretty stock beyond that. I didn't draw the grass like I did in last week's Swamp Path in favor for my typical style. It didn't look as good as I had hoped, but that maps got problems for days other than the grass so maybe that's my problem. 

3. I had a hell of a time with the colors, let me tell ya. I spent several hours on the first pass deeply dissatisfied, then out of desperation started toggling layers. The grass ended up with a sickly green and gray palette, which was honestly much spookier than the Autumnal Woods map at the top of this post. With a bit of touching up, toying with mist and rock colors, I came out on top with something quite spooky indeed. I'm looking forward to making bright and colorful maps again, but it seems like I won't get the opportunity next week sadly. 



Eric Kooistra

"Autumn PSD.zip" & "Spooky PSD.zip" aren't available.