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Hello again, everyone! This map is the Underdark Spiral (30x30), an interesting name for what's essentially a cave with a pit. Even so, small maps like these can make for dramatic encounters if they're properly set up, especially since circular layouts like this can make the players think that they're walking into a boss fight. Also, I think it might make the fight a little more interesting if you got your players to head down to the center of the map before trickling the enemies in through the only entrance, eventually followed up by a bigger baddie. Making your players take the defense on a straightforward map like this would certainly be a fun tactical twist, right?

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Kenneth James

Hi this is great, but any chance you have any arctic maps in the works? I’m running a long arctic adventure and am starved for arctic maps.

Nijaansh DND

Hey Neutral Party, I've seen some negative comments on few of your other posts and I just wanted to say that you can happily ignore them. I love your work you've been putting out and excited for more! Also, is there a place we can go to suggest maps? Would love a ruined city / spectral city type deal.


That's very nice of you, thank you very much! I try not to let that sort of thing get to me, it's just the way of the internet. Also, feel free to comment your suggestions on any post- I take note of all of them and add them to a list for later reference.


Thanks! Arctic maps are another theme that I've noticed you don't see a lot of online, I've got a few ideas also but let me know if there's anything specific you have in mind.