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Yoshika felt...strange after her resurrection. Not quite herself, yet at the same time more of herself than ever before. She’d felt amazing when she woke up, surrounded by worried friends and family, but Lin Xiulan warned her that her euphoria was likely just a side effect of her rebirth. Her soul was still badly damaged.

It didn’t feel damaged, though. Despite the insistence of her friends that she was still missing parts of her soul, she felt more complete than ever. Her new body was amazing. Yoshika missed having a body for each aspect, but she hadn’t realized just how much she was missing a body for all of her aspects. The spirit avatar was a pale comparison, and she didn’t know how she’d ever made do with it.

Lord Ienaga was unimpressed with her high energy, manic behavior, but she didn’t care. He hadn’t just come back from the dead!

What’s more, Ienaga Yumi was alive, Rika was alive. All that was left was to rescue her master, then lead her army back to the capital and finish what she started. Longyan may have surprised her with his final attack, but it had been a last gasp. There was no way his avatar had come out of that fight unscathed, and she needed to strike while the iron was hot.

The old warlord groaned and rubbed his temple.

“Lady Hayakawa—or Yoshika, or whoever you are now, it’s good to see that you are well, but I don’t appreciate you appearing out of nowhere and trying to undermine my authority over my own troops.”

Kaede looked askance at him and frowned. Their armies were on the march toward Hana’s home prefecture to rescue Master Yumi. She had wasted no time in ordering her troops to move, and Ienaga had been forced to follow suit or be left behind.

“Lord Ienaga, it’s only out of respect for you and my teacher that I have left you in command of them at all. Every moment longer this war lasts is more senseless suffering at the hands of my father and his demonic allies. I will put an end to it, with or without you.”

He grimaced.

“It would be more respectful not to make such threats in the first place, my lady.”

“I do respect you. But I’ve exhausted my patience for the baseless pride of warlords. I haven’t forgotten that it was your own ambition for more power that led to Master Yumi’s traumatic ascension and the exile of your own brother.”

“Which brought about an unprecedented period of peace in our lands. My only shame is that Murayoshi was too cowardly to refine the process further. We could have ushered in a new era of Yamato supremacy and pushed the empire back.”

Kaede shook her head sadly.

“That’s exactly the sort of thinking which has led my father to sacrifice so many of his own people just for a chance at greater power. See the capital for yourself, then tell me whether you still think the ends justify the means.”

The old warlord grumbled irritably.

“You sound just like Yumi.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Jin Hu chose that moment to fall into step with them, offering a cursory bow.

“Pardon the interruption, my lady, but I was hoping to discuss a few matters with you before the upcoming battle.”

“Of course! We have a lot of catching up to do. Pardon me, Lord Ienaga. We can speak more later.”

“Make sure you hold on to that one, Lady Hayakawa. He may be an imperial, but subordinates with his talent and wisdom are one in a thousand.”

Kaede glanced at ‘Jin Hu’ and smirked.

“I wouldn’t dream of selling him so short.”

Lord Ienaga laughed and Jin Hu bowed graciously.

“You both flatter me.”

Ienaga left the two alone, and Yoshika quickly weaved a spell to protect their privacy. Jin Hu gave her an appraising look, stroking his beard in a familiar way. How had she not noticed his identity sooner?

“It’s still quite startling to see you change form so fluidly. Such shapeshifting abilities are rare even among xiantian cultivators.”

Yoshika scoffed.

“You’re one to talk, Master.”

Qin Zhao sighed.

“I had hoped to keep my true identity hidden a while longer.”

“Why all the subterfuge? You could have just told us who you were and we’d have accepted you with open arms.”

“It’s best if my status and whereabouts remain unknown for now. I couldn’t afford to act publicly, but neither could I safely stay removed from current events.”

Yoshika crossed her arms and frowned.

“And you can’t be any more specific than that?”

“I cannot. I would if I were able, but I am bound to secrecy. I can only say that I am acting in the interest of the future of our world—something on which I believe we are aligned.”

“Void said something similar. We’re getting sick of all the cloak and dagger nonsense. We feel like we’ve been jerked around as a tool for higher powers since the moment we first set foot in the academy.”

Elder Qin bowed apologetically.

“I understand your frustration, but I believe that you will soon be foremost among those with the power to choose the fate of this world.”

Eui raised an eyebrow at her spiritual mentor.

“Come to think of it, didn’t you once tell me that my ill fate would bring Jia to ruin? Neither of us would be here today if we didn’t have each other.”

He smiled and shook his head.

“I cannot read fate or tell the future, Lady An. Nobody could have known that Yoshika would become what you are today. My prediction was based on your self-destructive nature and poor fortune, and I must ask—just how many times have you or one of your aspects experienced death or something akin to it?”

Yoshika averted her eyes and pouted.

“Okay, point taken.”

“Actually, that brings me to an important matter. We have a significant advantage in the upcoming battle, since the enemy won’t be expecting the sudden diversion of our main forces. However, the reason they won’t be expecting it is because it is, frankly speaking, a complete strategic blunder. How are you planning to proceed after Ienaga Yumi has been rescued?”

Kaede shrugged.

“We’ll break through the enemy lines by force. We know that there’s nothing behind them, so let them chase us all the way to the capital.”

Qin Zhao rubbed his temple and sighed.

“Lady Hayakawa, I fear that you have been unduly influenced by Lee Jia’s reckless nature. Of course, that was already the plan, but after this operation we will no longer be strategically positioned to do so.”

“I know that. The terrain around Shoda is mostly flatlands, which leaves us open to attack from all sides, and the forts leading further south will be much fresher than the ones that you’ve already been laying siege to.”

“And do you have a way to overcome those obstacles?”

She nodded.

“Me. I’ll take to the field myself if I have to. I meant what I said—this war won’t last a single second longer than absolutely necessary. The demons still have Murayoshi and Forge, not to mention countless innocent civilians. I’m not letting anyone or anything get in the way of saving them.”

“I should remind you that your recent injuries were caused by precisely that reckless disregard for your own safety. Your goals are noble, but if you destroy yourself in the pursuit of them, it will all be for naught.”

Jia put her hands on her hips and scowled.

“And if I let everything I care about crumble around me while I sequester myself away to gather strength, then what would be the point? I’d be just like your stupid emperor.”

Elder Qin’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Take care when speaking of my illustrious ancestor. I will forgive this transgression, since you do not know what it is you are saying, but your ignorance will not excuse you a second time.”

Yoshika bowed.

“I’m sorry. I’m obviously missing something, but I trust you to enlighten me when and if you are able.”

“Good. Now, I believe that we should keep your return a secret. Our enemies are powerful and dangerous, and the value of surprise cannot be understated. Given your injuries, I also believe it would be prudent to allow you time to recover.”

“But we need to force our way through the enemy lines.”

Qin Zhao sighed.

“Indeed, my lady. Leave that unreasonable request to me. I’ll continue my role as your loyal and capable advisor a while longer. It’s been centuries since I faced such a challenge.”

Kaede blinked.

“Are you saying I’m the most demanding person you’ve worked for in over a hundred years?”

He put his hands together and bowed.

“I would never dream of selling you so short, my lady.”


Jiaguo’s forces smashed through Lord Shoda’s unprepared defenses and quickly overran the territory. It was almost a waste that Ienaga had diverted as well, but it would be better to concentrate their strength in the long run. The battle to break through to the capital would be much harder, and they’d need all the strength they could muster, especially if they held Yoshika in reserve.

They moved through the province practically unimpeded before occupying Kasai’s hometown and setting up camp.

With Hana’s guidance, they found her family home, and while Yoshika was eager to see Master Yumi, she joined Lord Ienaga in respectfully visiting the humble estate and presenting themselves as guests.

An elderly couple answered the door—both mortals to Yoshika’s surprise. Hana’s father looked them up and down before sighing.

“Dare I ask which side you happen to be representing?”

Ienaga barked out a sharp laugh.

“Hah! I like your spirit, Sir Kasai. I am Lord Ienaga Tsuyoshi, joined by Lady Hayakawa Kaede. May we impose upon your hospitality?”

The old man practically deflated with relief.

“Ah, thank the kami. I am Kasai Hiroki, and this is my wife Keiko. Please, come inside.”

He led them inside, heading directly for a bedroom where Kaede could already sense Master Yumi’s presence. Her aura was distressingly weak, but Kaede restrained herself.

“You seem unusually pleased to be visited by an occupying force.”

Kasai Hiroki snorted.

“You would be too, if you were harboring the nation’s most wanted. Besides, we’ve never really been loyalists. Did you ever hear about how Hanako became champion?”

Kaede grinned.

“Shoda’s youngest tried to court her, insisting that she marry him should he win the regional tournament.”

Hana’s mother covered her mouth and giggled.

“Then she went and won the whole thing—defeated Shoda’s boy herself in the finals! We’re not even a martial family—Hanako was just attending the local dojo as a hobby. Who would have imagined that it would one day lead to us nursing a national hero under our own roof?”

Kaede could see where Hana got her whimsical attitude from. Her parents were surprisingly casual about everything, considering the enormous risk they were taking by helping.

The couple led them to the bedroom, where Ienaga Yumi lay unconscious and drenched in sweat, a visible patch of blood staining all the way through the sheets covering her. Harada Jun and Ishihara Nao flanked her, doing their best to take care of her.

Kasai Keiko cupped her cheek and frowned.

“The boys have been working around the clock, but no matter how they clean that wound it never seems to close. I’m amazed she’s still alive, but I suppose that’s what separates legends like her from us regular folk.”

Lord Ienaga rushed to her side, taking her hand.

“Yumi! Thank the kami you’re alive. Can you hear me?”

Master Yumi blinked her eyes open weakly and looked up at her father.

“F-father? I’m...surprised you came.”

He grimaced and bowed his head.

“I’m ashamed that you think so little of me, but I deserve your scorn. Regardless of my past errors, I’ve never stopped caring about you, Yumi. You may never forgive me for the things I’ve done, but know that until the day this old bag of bones fails me, I’ll always be there for you, my daughter.”

She smiled weakly.

“Thank you...”

Her eyes scanned the room before settling on Kaede and going wide with shock.

“Wha—! How...?”

Eui strode forward and rolled up her sleeves.

“Worry about me later—right now I need to see to this wound. What happened to the crystal we gave you?”

Yumi blinked slowly.

“Gone... Used too much power in the battle. Barely escaped. Wouldn’t have made it without these two.”

She weakly gestured to Harada and Ishihara, who bowed graciously. Harada smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

“We felt pretty bad after Takeda sent us back. Felt like fate that we’d run into Master Ienaga after that.”

Ishihara nodded.

“We couldn’t think of anywhere else to bring her, but helping her escape seemed like the least we could do.”

Eui began carefully undressing Yumi’s bandages, not looking up from her work as she responded.

“You did great. And watching her around the clock was the right call—she might owe you her life.”

Circulating the life-giving essence of Wood within herself, Eui placed her hands over the weeping wound in Yumi’s side and focused her energy on stopping the bleeding. It fought against her efforts as Yumi’s own essence tried to tear her body apart from within.

Lord Ienaga frowned miserably at the sight of his daughter’s struggles.

“I don’t understand—why isn’t she able to heal? An injury like that would have barely slowed her down even before her ascension.”

“Tsk, the wound was caused by a kamikiri blade. We did what we could to heal it at the time, but Master Yumi didn’t listen when we told her not to channel her power.”

Yumi smiled weakly.

“Sorry... Saw an opening to strike. Didn’t think...I’d live to regret it.”

“Honestly! And you yell at us for not thinking before we act.”

“I know...my own...”

Eui rolled her eyes.

“Stop talking, you’re gonna make it worse.”

They settled in for a long night as Eui stubbornly channeled a constant stream of power through her Tranquility of the Verdant Marsh technique. All she could do was force Yumi’s body to exhaust itself of ki so that her body’s natural regeneration could take over without any intervention from her soul.

Of course, normally that would have killed her, since that same ki was the only thing sustaining her after losing so much blood, but Eui didn’t leave it at that. She shooed the others out of the room and continued healing Yumi through the night, forcing her body to continue functioning until she’d finally reached a point of stability.

By the time it was finished, dawn had nearly broken and Eui was feeling physically, mentally, and spiritually drained. If she hadn’t been feeling the fragility of her newly restored soul before, she certainly did after that. Qin Zhao was right—she needed more time to recover or Yu Meiren would shatter her like a porcelain doll.

Still, as exhausted as she was, it was all worth it to see Master Yumi breathing normally under her own power.

Eui wiped the sweat from her brow and let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s done. I don’t have another mana crystal to give you, and even if I did...the wound goes deep on a level that I can’t even describe. You remember that I told you that you’d have to slowly repair your soul before you could start cultivating again?”

Yumi nodded.

“Yes, because otherwise my own ki will reopen the wound, right?”

“Exactly. Well because it’s been so long and you didn’t follow our instructions, your spiritual body has...scarred over, for lack of a better term. You’ll heal eventually but it’s going to take a long time. A really long time.”

Her master furrowed her brows and looked down at the freshly bandaged wound.

“How long?”

Eui shrugged.

“Impossible to tell. Years, maybe even decades. It’s going to take a lot of very intense meditation and it’s going to hurt the entire time. Your physical body can’t fully recover until your soul does first.”

“I see. I suppose it’s a fitting retirement for a soldier like myself. But Yoshika, I don’t understand something. This injury leaves me incapacitated and vulnerable for years, but you...I saw you die. There was nothing left—your domain was just gone. How can you be here, alive and seemingly unharmed?”

Yoshika looked away and frowned, startling Yumi with her sudden transformation.

“I...don’t know that I am. Or what I am. You’re right, you did see me die. Some tiny piece of me managed to fight its way back from the Void, but I can barely remember any of that. Whatever that tiny piece was, it wasn’t really me anymore.”

Yumi gave her a concerned look.

“What happened?”

“The others, back home. They got together and tried to heal me. I felt their hope and despair, heard their prayers, and through them I was able to find myself again. Or something closely resembling myself.”

“You don’t think you’re really you?”

Meili hugged her arms around herself and shuddered. She’d been trying not to think about it, but Master Yumi was one of the only people in the world who might be able to understand how she felt.

“I don’t know. Was I really resurrected? Or was I just...rebuilt? Am I nothing more than a living avatar that thinks she’s Yoshika? I don’t know if there’s a difference, or how to tell, but the thought of it terrifies me. I don’t know if I can go through that again.”

Master Yumi sat up and wrapped her arms around Yoshika in a warm and gentle embrace.

“It doesn’t matter. Whatever form you take—whatever body you inhabit—you are Yoshika. After a hundred years, it was you who inspired me to accept that I’m not just an imposter wearing the face of Ienaga Yumi. So what if you were rebuilt from the parts of yourself that you left in other people’s hearts? That’s not a curse, but a blessing. Carry that blessing with pride.”

Yoshika returned her master’s hug.

“Thank you. I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that. Ancestors, I’m so glad you survived—I was worried sick.”

They separated and Yumi gave her a tired smile.

“It wasn’t without cost. Yu Meiren was weakened after the fight, but she was still more than prepared to finish me off.”

Jia’s eyebrows creased with worry.

“How did you get away?”

“I had to leave behind the artifact you gifted me. That alone wasn’t enough to give me an opening to escape but...”

She looked away in shame.

“Jianmo distracted her. They took human form and wielded the Blade of Eightfold Possibilities against Meiren. I was able to escape, but I don’t know what became of them.”


Pride mystic artificer

So their master is an avatar of the emperor right, like he perfectly fits it especially if his name was the name the emporer used in his mortal lif, double so as avatars can be less powerful than their creators


Yay~ Yumi will live~