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Yue and the others ran over to check on her, though Ruiling and her friends kept a respectful distance.

“Are you alright? What happened? I thought we’d lost you for a moment there.”

She smiled at Yue and shook her head.

“So did I. It was close but...I did it.”

Ja Yun looked Yoshika up and down, hesitating.

“You look different...”

Yoshika glanced down at herself, realizing she was still in Heian’s form. It wasn’t exactly the same—she was a bit taller than Heian, and she kept her own face, but everything else from her hair to her eyes and even the clothing she wore was from Heian.

The only trace of Jia and Eui remaining was the single core around which her body was manifested. The two cores had merged completely into something else, and she wasn’t entirely certain what, yet.

“I guess I do. This might take some getting used to.”

Another voice interrupted, a tinny echo from the sword she held.

“Don’t worry, that’s not permanent. Once you’ve replenished your divine essence you’ll be able to reform your true bodies however you like.”

Ja Yun jerked in surprise.

“Was—is that Jianmo?!”

“Aww, she remembers me! Hi there, scaredy-cat!”

Yue regarded the blade archly.

“I thought Jianmo was dead, and the blade’s power sealed by the God-Emperor.”

“Hah! It takes more than that to kill me.”

Yoshika held the sword up, frowning.

“Speaking of reforming bodies, why are you still a sword?”

“Ouch! Straight to the heart! I don’t hate that ruthless nature of yours, darling. I may not be dead, but I am very much diminished. For now, I’m just a regular object spirit with a few million years of catching up to do.”

“You’re not as upset about that as I thought you’d be.”

It wasn’t a question. Yoshika could feel Jianmo through her domain, their feelings as clear as her own. In her haste, she’d shared part of her essence with the sword, and developed a familiar bond in the process.

“Heh, I suppose I’m not. It’s not the change of pace I had in mind, but I seem to have landed in good hands, so I can’t complain too much.”

Ja Yun couldn’t hold herself back any longer, the question bubbling in her mind forcing its way to the surface.

“How did you survive without your core? I thought demons and elementals would die without them.”

“Oh that? I was a spirit long before I was a demon. Once I knew what that dirty old man had in store for me, I cut off my demonic essence and retreated into my shell like a turtle. There’s not a force in heaven or on earth that can destroy my blade.”

Yue blinked.

“You’re remarkably confident about that.”

“I have good reason to be. My master has used me as a weapon to destroy entire worlds stronger than this one. Well, former master. I suppose I have a new one now—how the tables turn, eh? Ahahaha!”

“Right...Yoshika, are you alright? You’ve been uncharacteristically quiet.”

Yoshika sighed.

“I’m fine. Just...trying to process all this. It’s like awakening all over again.”

She could feel Ja Yun and Yue’s concerns—more than just empathy, as something deeper that she couldn’t explain. The storm of thoughts and emotion from before hadn’t gone away—it was part of her now. A source of strength, but also a distraction. A lot of the people she loved were in distress, and there was only so much of her to go around.

Jianmo laughed.

“Our girl here skipped a few rungs on the ladder. She’s not used to being a demigod, so give her a bit of time.”

Yue winced.

“I’m not sure how much time we have.”

Yoshika started.

“Oh right! Zheng Long! How is he? What happened during my tribulation?”

She couldn’t sense the divine judgment in the air anymore, so it must have ended, one way or another. Yue shrugged.

“I’m not sure. His tribulation ended shortly before yours. If it was half as traumatic as yours, I would imagine that he’s either dead or recovering.”

Yoshika closed her eyes and expanded her presence. The once oppressive mana was barely even an obstacle anymore, and she could even feel her domain expanding through her link to Li Meili—albeit very slowly.

She felt Zheng Long’s domain on the other side of the village—Ambition, Fiery Passion, and Strength. It suited him, but it was shallow. Yoshika understood now why xiantian cultivators underwent multiple tribulations. Each time, they would refine their domains, apply the lessons that they had learned, and grow just a little closer to their ideal.

Zheng Long’s domain was weak now, but it had only just formed. Perhaps with enough time, he’d surpass his master, or even Yan De.

Yoshika frowned. She expected him to be meditating to recover his strength—as she planned to—but instead his domain was growing weaker by the moment.


She ran for his hut, not bothering to explain to the others, who followed behind her anyway. Yoshika swept her presence across the village and even as far out beyond the walls as she could manage, but there was no sign of Xiao Chong.

“Damn it! I should have been more careful!”

Not even Sukarto was able to keep pace with Yoshika, and she was the first to arrive at Zheng Long’s hut, where she was met by a grisly sight.

Yu Xiang, Fang Guang, and Han Yu all lay dead or injured, a deathly green Miasma leaking from their injuries. In the center of the hut, Xiao Chong sat with her claws buried deep in Zheng Long’s neck. He was still alive, but his injuries were severe—both from the tribulation and from whatever he’d suffered in his struggle against Xiao Chong.

The demoness’ power was far beyond what it had been before. Though she hadn’t undergone a tribulation, she was feeding from Zheng Long’s domain, drawing what little divine essence he had into her core.

Xiao Chong grinned up at Yoshika.

“Oh, hi boss! Love the new look! I’ll deal with you in a second, just let me finish up here.”

A cold fury descended over Yoshika, but she restrained herself, keeping her voice as level as she could as she spoke.

“Xiao Chong, these people are under my protection.”

“Uh huh? You probably should have done a better job of that.”

“Do you really think I’m going to let you get away with this a second time? Why, after the generosity I’ve given you, would you throw everything away like this?”

Xiao Chong withdrew her claws from Zheng Long’s neck and tossed him aside. He was still alive, for the moment, but fading fast. She chuckled and shook her head.

“You should have learned your lesson the first time. What did you expect from me? I’m a demon! What part of that do you not understand? If you’re stupid enough to give me charity, then I’ll take it without hesitation, but I won’t give anything back unless you pry it out of my cold, dead hands!”

Yoshika grimaced. She had underestimated Xiao Chong. There was still a spark of whoever she had once been within her, and it was that spark Yoshika had placed her faith in. But it backfired, not because it was too weak, but because it was too strong. Xiao Chong’s behavior didn’t make sense for a demon, but Yoshika could understand her perfectly now.

For better or worse.

“A demon would understand that I’m their best chance for survival and wouldn’t jeopardize that. As convenient as it may be for you to hide behind your nature, to blame it and me for your faults, it’s not the demon that acts out—but the human within you.”

“Bullshit! Look at me! There’s nothing human left and you know it! You and pretty-boy here were going to kill me the moment I was no longer useful.”

“Do you really think I would have allowed that?”

Xiao Chong scowled.

“It doesn’t matter anymore! You’re weak after your ascension, like he was. And now that I have his power, you and your friends can’t stop me. Once I eat your souls, I can take my time conquering this place and mastering the power of the Sovereign’s Tear until not even Master Longyan can stop me.”

Jianmo’s voice echoed in Yoshika’s mind.

“She’s not wrong, and the longer this conversation goes on, the more time she has to finish absorbing that kid’s soul. If you’ve got a plan to deal with her, you’d better do it fast because I don’t think you can take her in a fight.”

Jianmo was right, but it didn't matter. If Yoshika fled now, Xiao Chong would be free to finish absorbing whatever was left of Zheng Long and the others, then there wouldn't be enough time for her to recover before the demon chased her down. Whatever else happened, they were going to fight, and Yoshika was going to lose.

Instead of worrying about a fight she couldn't win, Yoshika focused on something else. A different kind of battle. She didn't see a monster to be put down, but a young woman losing the fight for her own soul. Perhaps Yoshika could tip the balance.

"I'm not going to let you do that, Xiao Chong, but that doesn't mean we have to fight."

The demoness laughed incredulously.

“Are you kidding me?! After all this you still want to let me go? Just how fucking weak-willed are you?”

Yoshika had to restrain another wave of anger, taking a deep breath to stay calm.

“I never said that I was going to forgive you, Xiao Chong. Your actions here will have dire consequences one way or another. I’m only trying to determine whether whatever’s left of you afterwards will be worth saving.”

“Tsk, big words, but I can sense your power now. You might look fine on the outside, but you’re hanging on by a thread. If you had any chance against me, I’d already be dead.”

“If force is the only kind of battle you understand, Xiao Chong, then that thread is more than enough to defeat you.”

Xiao Chong rolled her eyes and lunged forward. She was fast—faster than Yoshika would have been able to follow before her ascension, even with Absolute Awareness. She blocked the first blow with her sword, then twisted out of the way of a follow-up attack from Xiao Chong’s flailing tentacles.

In the space between Yoshika’s movements, Xiao Chong struck out with her claws, taking advantage of a tiny opening. Her movements were more refined, now, as though she’d gained the benefits of years of martial practice in just a few days. Techniques stolen from Zheng Long’s soul.

The blow stuck true, Xiao Chong’s claws sinking into Yoshika’s flesh and infecting her with toxic qi. Yoshika staggered backwards, clutching at the wound. It took everything she had to stem the spread of Xiao Chong’s Miasma essence.

The demon threw her head back and laughed.

“Is that it?! After all that talk, you didn’t even make it through the first exchange!”

Yoshika let out a wet, shuddering sigh.

“I told you, this fight doesn’t matter. I asked you once before, Xiao Chong, but what was your original name?”

Xiao Chong’s eyes glowed bright green as she snarled furiously at Yoshika.

“I didn’t have one! I have always been Xiao Chong! That girl died the moment I was born!”

“No, she didn’t. She’s still in there—you’re still in there. That’s what gives you strength—what sets you above demons like the ones that came with you.”

“Shut up! She was weak! She deserved everything that happened to her!”

Yoshika chuckled weakly.

“Is that why you’re still punishing her? Why you keep hurting yourself like this?”

“I said SHUT. UP!

Xiao Chong thrust forward with her claws, striking Yoshika in the heart and lifting her off the ground. She heard the panicked cries of her friends behind her, just catching up. Yoshika coughed up a mouthful of blood, grabbing Xiao Chong’s wrist where it was buried in her chest and reaching out for her face with her other hand.

She couldn't give up yet. She had to protect her friends. Had to stay alive to find the tear. Needed to return to her family. But she wouldn't be able to do any of that if she didn't save the lost soul in front of her before it was too late.

Yoshika held Xiao Chong’s cheek. That mask of porcelain, with cracks running down it like tears. The girl she had once been was crying out for help, and Yoshika needed to know.

“What was your name?”

Xiao Chong stared back into Yoshika’s eyes, her hard expression breaking into one of confusion and incomprehension.

“That’s not—it doesn’t matter! Why do you keep asking?!”

“Because no matter what you’ve done, you don’t deserve to have who you are taken away from you. You’re not just your core, you’re not just your instincts, you’re not just a demon, Xiao Chong. You are still a person, and that makes you stronger than you can ever know.”

“I—I’m not...you’re—”

Xiao Chong hesitated for another second, then shook her head and hardened her expression once more.

“You’re wrong, Yoshika. I’m not like you. That girl you’re betting on, she’s not like you either—she’s weak, and she died. I know I’m weaker than you, which is why I had to do this.”

She drew the shortsword Yoshika had given her from within her cloak of ooze.

“I suppose I can make one exception to what I said about giving things back, though. Here—”

Xiao Chong thrust the sword into Yoshika’s abdomen, the Miasma essence surging into her dantian and disrupting the core within. Yoshika coughed up another mouthful of black blood, and Xiao Chong threw her to the ground, staring down at her contemptuously.

“Maybe in another life, we could have been friends.”


Yoshika struggled to breathe, desperately trying to fight back against the infectious qi ravaging her from within. But she had to know.

“Your name...”

Xiao Chong scoffed and shook her head.

“I don’t remember.”


Skydda Dragontooth

How come eating zheng Long's soul gave her combat knowledge when none of the other souls she has eaten gave any?


It's a matter of quantity vs. quality. Zheng Long is easily the most powerful soul she's consumed. She was also being more methodical about it, slowly incorporating his power rather than just devouring it. She's managed to learn some lessons from her defeats, just not the right ones lol


Stupidity has a price but why must other ppl pay for Yoshikas hubris? She is a bigger threat to ppl’s safety then most of the other monsters. Inaction is a action too and she enabled this massacre. Her self justification is disgusting. It is like a cop who let a serial killer running around bc he could change and the cop isn’t the one who kills.